2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

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By the way, Good morning and Happy 4th everyone. Yesterday I couldn't finish watching JB's closing after his outburst at JA because I had things to do. So I watched it on WFTV online (they had 14 parts up). At the end part 12, JB ended his argument, and JP took a short break before Mason spoke. Then the beginning of part 13 has JP recessing for the night. They cut out Mason's whole part on WFTV.com. lol. I did want to watch it, though. Anyone have another link for it?

Thanks in advance!

Here is yesterday's playlist for a WS member who has been recording and uploading the trial on her YT channel. You should be able to find CM's closing there.

Good Morning everyone-I really wished the jury could have seen JB trying to subtract Casey's birthday yesterday-I believe they would have not only laughed,but said to themselves,this man can not even do simple subtraction,but yet he wants us to believe everything he is saying is true!!-LOL
Plenty of women don't see the gynecologist as a teen. I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the criteria for going is typically after a woman becomes sexually active or if problems arise w/ reproductive system. It doesn't shock me that ICA didn't go. For all we know she was lying to her mom about being sexually active at all. Since CA bought everything else hook, line & sinker (or buried her head in the sand)....its plausible.

I had always heard 16-18, or when you become sexually active, whichever comes first, but I googled it just to be sure... I was shocked! Apparently the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommends the first visit to be between 13-15. I can't think of anyone I knew growing up that went at that age. I was 16 or so when I had my first visit, as were most of my girl friends at that time.

I caught it. He said it wasn't one of the charges she's being accused of. :crazy:

EXACTLY! And then like BritsKate said upthread.. he went right back to why there was no body in the trunk. :banghead:
But, but.... shouldn't the part of how Caylee got into the woods be a rock solid part of their defense? At this point all I'm getting from the DT is that ICA is guilty of lying and even that really isn't her fault because of abuse!

Well, see, according to Baez, he did the jurors a big favour by answering all their questions. He said he didn't have to but he knew the jurors wanted to know the truth. What he doesn't realize is the truth is according to Casey who he claims is a lying "*advertiser censored*". :crazy:

I wonder if JB actually caught himself (or purposely meant to insinuate) yesterday when he all but conceded that ICA "improperly disposed of a body" during his closing arguments. Did anybody else catch that?

ETA: Sorry BritsKate I posted this before I read your previous post :waitasec:

I did not catch that. I was not glued to the TV yesterday as I would of like to have been. What did JB say?
Good Morning everyone-I really wished the jury could have seen JB trying to subtract Casey's birthday yesterday-I believe they would have not only laughed,but said to themselves,this man can not even do simple subtraction,but yet he wants us to believe everything he is saying is true!!-LOL

Judge Perry had a good laugh.
The GYN talk is to me soooo silly. Since ICA was sexually active, she knew the possibility of getting pregnant and I am confident she is/was aware of the pregnancy tests in every drug store. As a woman, mother, and nurse CA should have had the talk with her daughter many years before. I think CA knew she was pregnant and after the first initial shock, was looking forward to a baby in the house.

GYN, gas cans, and George, George, and George - oh yes, what a great and loving mother ICA is = JB's theme.

I think Linda will again use the where is Caylee and what ICA was doing during those 31 days, and tick off everything that the state has proven as a reminder to the jury. If JA does also speak, he can once again go through the experts testimony that they may be confused about. I hope they keep it short and to the point at the same time - and end with some cute pics of Caylee. Oh yes, forgot to mention, George is not on trial because all of the evidence points to the realy guilty person.

I am DYING for one of these! I would eat these by the dozen if my husband was blind. LOL That way I could blow up without a care in the world. It feels like I've been on a diet as long as I can remember. sigh~ I looooooooove sweet breads.
It seems to me that the defense keeps trying to make hay out of two common-sense issues and I'm not sure the prosecution has sufficiently addressed them:

1) Casey being taken to the gynecologist. Yes, she was obviously pregnant. She denied being pregnant and the family went along with her lie, as they always did. But Baez's suggestion that they were "hiding" sexual molestation because they hadn't taken her into the gynecologist for routine care as a teenager is absurd. My Mom never took me to see a gynecologist and the only reason I took one of my three teenagers is because she told me she was sexually active and wanted birth control. I don't think we're unusual. Yet they've painted it as neglect.

2) The duct tape. Perhaps I've missed testimony about where this duct tape was stored but to listen to the defense, George must have it in under lock and key. My husband has several rolls of duct tape in the garage and both myself and my children go out there and borrow them from time to time. This notion that only George controls the duct tape and Casey wouldn't have access to it is laughable.

Perhaps they've done it and I've missed it but the commentators keep repeating the "George's duct tape" mantra over and over again as if it were true. I would sure love to hear JA or LDB just say, "George's rare duct tape was in the garage and the whole family had easy access to it, including Casey."

I agree with you on both of these issues. My Mother didn't take me to a GYN either. I went to the Family Doctor for everything. Even Pap Smears until after my first Son and then started going to a specialist or GYN. Even now my primary Doctor does Pap Smears. Sorry to get graphic! I think JB is grasping at straws. ICA had to have seen a Doctor, she didn't give birth at home.

The duck tape could have been in the garage with the garbage bags and laundry bags. That's another issue I don't understand with JB. Why is he hammering on the duck tape issue, like you are saying did GA have it under lock and key? doubt it, if everyone used it. Hopefully the jurors will think like us and Linda will explain today.

JB is desperate.

The only thing I"m worried about that Mike Brooks on INSESSION keeps mentioning is why didn't GA call the police after he picked up ICA's car at the tow yard since it smelled like decomp. I understand why, but Mike Brooks and a lot of people don't and think he should have called police. I know GA is totally innocent of any wrong doing. JMO
Baez in OS said Kronk was the body snatcher. He never said where he found Caylee's body and where he kept her for 4 months. In closing, he changed that theory to Kronk finding Caylee's remains in the woods, putting a marker so when the reward money was posted, he would know exactly where to find her body. He wants the jury to believe Kronk contaminated the scene and therefore everything that was found at the scene should be discarded as evidence.

He never said how George got Caylee's body into the woods but pointed out that there was no dirt or soil on any of Casey's shoes and that LE only focused on Casey and not George. Accusing LE of tunnel vision.

He went on to say that George didn't kill Caylee but he was part of the cover up.

I believe there is evidence that George was at work on the 16th.

It's the everybody but Casey defense. Including Caylee is guilty of climbing up the ladder and drowning herself. It's sickening.

I hope the pros put the focus back where it belongs today.

This is yet another example of where Baez contradicts himself. In one moment he claims that LE never investigated George. I'm specifically remembering when JB got up in a huff after Kronk's coworker mentioned Casey's "close to home" comment saying that George also made the comment but no one paid attention to him. But then JB claims that George was being investigated, that George refused to be fingerprinted, and that the reason George wanted to commit suicide was because the "walls were closing in on him" with the investigation. So which is it? :waitasec:
Judge Perry had a good laugh.

I can hear JP-How did this man become a lawyer and note to self..tell JB don't even consider becoming a math teacher when your career is over after this trail!!!-LOL
I had always heard 16-18, or when you become sexually active, whichever comes first, but I googled it just to be sure... I was shocked! Apparently the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommends the first visit to be between 13-15. I can't think of anyone I knew growing up that went at that age. I was 16 or so when I had my first visit, as were most of my girl friends at that time.


I have 4 grown up girls. They did not got to the gyn until they were 18. 13-15 is young. I know kids are sexually active so maybe that is why SOME go at that age. Other than that reason or a medical one, I do not think there is a need to bring them at that young age for an initial gyn checkup.imo
I had always heard 16-18, or when you become sexually active, whichever comes first, but I googled it just to be sure... I was shocked! Apparently the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommends the first visit to be between 13-15. I can't think of anyone I knew growing up that went at that age. I was 16 or so when I had my first visit, as were most of my girl friends at that time.


That probably is because many "little" girls and I say little are actually starting their periods at 10 years old which was unheard of in my day.
Something that has always bothered me about the duct tape is this: I think that Casey used the duct tape on Caylee at the house that afternoon. I don't think whatever she did, that she did away from the house. The reason I think this is because I seriously doubt Casey would have taken that roll of duct tape and then later returned it and put it back. She would have just tossed it somewhere.

That probably is because many "little" girls and I say little are actually starting their periods at 10 years old which was unheard of in my day.

I blame KFC. :crazy:
I had always heard 16-18, or when you become sexually active, whichever comes first, but I googled it just to be sure... I was shocked! Apparently the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommends the first visit to be between 13-15. I can't think of anyone I knew growing up that went at that age. I was 16 or so when I had my first visit, as were most of my girl friends at that time.


Wow! My mom dragged me to the gyn at 13, but she's a nurse and obsessed with health. The dentist was her favorite place to take me.

I don't believe I ever mentioned it to any of my friends at the time, but then again I was mortified at even having to go! I always thought my mom was just odd, but perhaps its more common???
I did not catch that. I was not glued to the TV yesterday as I would of like to have been. What did JB say?

He actually SAD THE WORDS - improper disposal (I didn't find a transcript of the exact wording yet)- then went right on to explain why there was no dead body in the trunk. I dunno what he expected the jurors would think as to how poor Caylee got in the woods to begin with then... JB never offered an explanation for that.

I am DYING for one of these! I would eat these by the dozen if my husband was blind. LOL That way I could blow up without a care in the world. It feels like I've been on a diet as long as I can remember. sigh~ I looooooooove sweet breads.

:floorlaugh: I know, right!?? I only make them for Holiday breakfasts or else I'd be 900 lbs by now!
Something that has always bothered me about the duct tape is this: I think that Casey used the duct tape on Caylee at the house that afternoon. I don't think whatever she did, that she did away from the house. The reason I think this is because I seriously doubt Casey would have taken that roll of duct tape and then later returned it and put it back. She would have just tossed it somewhere.


A kitchen knife was found in the backseat of the car, and Cindy washed it and put it back in the drawer, so I think she cut the duct tape with the knife. I don't know what she did with the duct tape, but I believe she used it in the car. I have no idea what she did with the tape, but she probably tossed in the trash somewhere.
After listening to various TH's I am very frushtrated, that I can't swallow. I do not see how ICA could walk with time served. I think JB did a good job yesterday, but I'm saying that because I expected him to fail, so anything better than fail, is good. Lot's of smoke and mirrors and the omission of certain testimony that would refute some of the facts that he presented (e.g. Maria Kish and the date that TL gave for the smell in the car). Again, he did do better than I expected.
I was a bit disappointed in JA and the whole laughing episode, I wish he hadn't done that. I didn't expect that from him. He is a very professional and very passionate man and awesome attorney, but that was not cool.
The State has been awesome in rebuttal and I think (I no longer expect anything) that LDB will tie this all up and make a lot of things perfectly clear.
I want Justice for Caylee, I do not want that precious child's murder ICA to walk free on this earth. I'm hoping for LWOP.

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