2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

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LOL DH had the honors of running downstairs to retrieve and reinstall the screen. Read him your comment and he thinks we should stop off for some chicken wire before fireworks tonight. (Well that was after he suggested we stop off to trade in the kitteh. Never!) :floorlaugh:

Aaaaaah!(shrieking in utter terror)

Oh thank heavens he's okay! High- rise syndrome... Hate it. Poor kitty! So glad he's safe.

Ever considered mounting some heavy duty kitty-safe plastic garden mesh/plastic chicken "wire" on that window? I did and they just climb and hang on it to look outside. Indestrctabke stuff. I just cut it to fit and power-stapled it to the wooden window frame. The windows that open I made a second frame, mounted it in wingnuts and fastened that to window so I can remove ti clean windows.

Again, so glad kitty is safe. Whew!
Well, you see, a pillow would cause a child, even a little one to struggle and that would be too much reality for ICA. The less reality SHE had to see the better for HER. She wasn't forced to wait for the life to leave her little child; she could put her to sleep, tape her up, dump her in the trunk and close the lid. No need to be confronted with reality at all.


OMG - WFTV just reported that one of the "bookers" that HHJP was talking about had a sketch artist in court the last couple of days, sketching the jurors. They are putting them on some Facebook page along with any info that is public from the jury selections, and trying to find out through the "back door" (in other words friends, family, co-workers) who the jurors are. WFTV saying this jockeying for "booking" them is very competitve to say the least.

If I was a juror, and I wanted to maintain my privacy, I would be SO pizzed!!!!
Me too. If I was a juror I'd want to avoid the spotlight and would be angry at them hounding me. The media comes across as leeches in instances like this.
Well, you see, a pillow would cause a child, even a little one to struggle and that would be too much reality for ICA. The less reality SHE had to see the better for HER. She wasn't forced to wait for the life to leave her little child; she could put her to sleep, tape her up, dump her in the trunk and close the lid. No need to be confronted with reality at all.



Exactly! I started to type a response, but didn't have the stomach to talk about the struggle.
Anyone have a full LDB rebuttal video link?

JA was up first today, then LDB. LDB starts at approx. 14:30 of the 2nd day 46 video and continues for another 1 1/2 videos:
The 2nd portion of her speech is the 3rd video, then it skips past the 4th and she finished up on the 5th video (1st of 2nd row). I don't know why they aren't in proper order.
A pillow would have had her struggling longer, I think.

well one would have to physically hold the pillow until death....taping with or without chloroform.....just get it on there and go about your texting?

:banghead: how can I feel furious at the fact she wouldnt even give caylee the comfort of not dying alone.....when she taped her to begin with?
stevehelling Steve Helling
The jury has now been deliberating for 3 and a half hours. The defense team is in the hallway, waiting...
Totally OT but... some of you may remember my kitteh who has singed his tail in a candle and had coffee spilled on him in the course of these proceedings... well, just now he went after a bug outside the screen of our 3rd story office window, knocked the screen out, and barely rescued himself from a 25 foot fall via (from my view) a great scrabbling of his hind legs only. :shocked2:

Where are those darn tequila shots?

Glad kittehs tail was okay... It was okay, wasn't it?

Reminds me of the year I had to chase my fluffy-tailed Maine Coon down the hall because he got too close to the menorah on the table and set ssid fluffy tail on fire.

Once all was calm again, (kitty was fine, lost fur but no burns), I was reminded that the instructions were *not* to "kindle the Hannukah cat."

Can't see the difference. That cat was a professed pagan.
Of course Mr. Padilla is there.:floorlaugh:

Speaking of which....

The first time I saw Padilla, I thought: "He's channeling The Kinkster!"
Or trying, anyway :)
stevehelling Steve Helling
The jury has now been deliberating for 3 and a half hours. The defense team is in the hallway, waiting...

Did they get a break to eat? Jesus, what is taking so long!? (And I originally gave them a week. After 3 hours and I'm about to :sick:)
I wonder if the alternates are feeling rooked?
Jeanne C talking about how great JB is. He lost me at "with his p***s in her mouth" during opening. That was so repulsive. I don't care how great they think he is for having the bravado to take on this case. MOO.
Premeditated murder can be formed in the blink of an eye. IMO once that first piece of duct tape went on it was premeditated.
Call me silly but I forgot that if the verdict = guilty of 1st degree murder then we will have several days worth of testimony all over again and some more CM/JB! Oh lord just when you thought it was all over!

gosh, hope they dont settle on 2nd degree just to get out of there quicker. i keep thinkng of the one who has a cruise on july 7. surely that person will honor the law above personal matters. fingers crossed
Premeditated murder can be formed in the blink of an eye. IMO once that first piece of duct tape went on it was premeditated.

Not only that. Ducttape is not a bullet. She could've tried to save her.
You know honestly, I don't think chloroform was used....I really do think xanax was used to put her out (to sleep) and THEN the duct tape was placed over her mouth/nose. Because there were only 3 pieces and those were all attached to her face and they scoured that area and never found anymore tape. One wouldn't put duct tape on someone's face and not tie or duct tape their hands together or the person could pull the duct tape off of his/her face. It was already proven that the mandible was "in place" meaning that the duct tape was applied PRIOR to death OR right after death REGARDLESS it was placed on her face to ensure she would NOT wake up!!!
Hmm, I am having very haunting feelings, why chloroform and duct tape, when a pillow would accomplish the same thing? Well i guess we'll never know what really happened.

Which is one reason for the idea that she was placed in the trunk of her car drugged and taped, with perhaps the thought of just getting her out of the way for the evening. Or maybe as a way to kill her without having to be present at the actual death?
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