2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

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There is no juror, regular or alternate, going on a cruise. There was a potential juror during voir dire who mentioned a cruise, but that juror was not selected. This keeps going around like wildfire; I guess there'll be no end to it.

Thank you! I just went back through my juror notes and Juror #8 is planning to go to London on July 17, but that's the only one I see with vacation plans. I don't see on on the sitting jury with cruise plans. (I tossed out all my notes for the potential jurors that weren't chosen)
Bill S was saying on wfpt, the jury will prob stop at 6 and come back in the morning to continue.
So if they continue after 6, maybe we'll just get something tonight.

Kathi B said at 6 HHJP will ask the jury what they want to do (keep working or stop for the day)

(per wftv live that I was watching)
nevermind I just saw the warning reading back! sorry.
he was looking at her chest. all men do it. just maybe not in court I dunno
There is no juror, regular or alternate, going on a cruise. There was a potential juror during voir dire who mentioned a cruise, but that juror was not selected. This keeps going around like wildfire; I guess there'll be no end to it.

I heard there was one juror who had a planned vacation to Europe soon. Right?
Jeanne C talking about how great JB is. He lost me at "with his p***s in her mouth" during opening. That was so repulsive. I don't care how great they think he is for having the bravado to take on this case. MOO.

Could GA not sue him for slander and defamation of character, since the accuser a compulsive liar refused to testify ?
Hmm, I am having very haunting feelings, why chloroform and duct tape, when a pillow would accomplish the same thing? Well i guess we'll never know what really happened.

Heck - down here in Florida in the month of June, all she would have to do is tape that poor baby's face so she couldn't scream or cry & drive around town with her locked in the trunk of the car. Within a matter of hours she would have died.
Thank you for the link. I was checking Fox for a webcam but the live links are even better. What is the shot of the 12 chairs? Is that for the jurors for a post-verdict press converence?

Yes- and Kathi belich said there are about a dozen reporters waiting there
Hmm, I am having very haunting feelings, why chloroform and duct tape, when a pillow would accomplish the same thing? Well i guess we'll never know what really happened.

The only 'problem' I have with the chloroform is why was there so much of it? I was just thinking about an experiment, didn't actually do it because the only car I have with a trunk is a Challenger, and I'm not messing with it. The (unscientific) experiment I was thinking about was to take 2 oz of rubbing alcohol, also a volatile compound, and pour it in the trunk, then shut the lid. Open the trunk in a couple of days and see if there is still any dampness from the alcohol. IMO, there wouldn't be, but I think I would still be able to smell it. I'm just curious about how many days the smell would linger just opening the trunk as normal every few days.

It just seems to me there had to be A LOT of chloroform in the trunk for it to still show up for so long, way more IMO than you would get just putting a little on a rag and sticking it over someone's face.
this one did. I thought :shocked2:
I watched it two more time and i think I saw what I saw
it is from Friday July 1-

somebody watch Jose and see if you notice anything he
should not have done with a camera on him.


If you watch the video I just posted, Jean C says it is the second time this happened except this time it was........more dramatic. (Dramatic is a TOS safe word, right? LOL)

what am i missing from the short clip? I don't see anything !!

Okay, I need a speaking for blogger's course after the verdict. What I was trying to communicate is that in the video I posted Jean C says this is the second time ICA touched JB's face. She indicates that Ryan was her pretend JB each time. I never knew of the first one. So, when the poster posted that link I thought they were looking for the first touching of his face. I originally thought this post was about face touching not a separate and distinct issue.
If you want to see Jean C. discuss the face touching look here:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6846094&postcount=534"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread[/ame]

Whewwwwwww, did that make sense? I can't be literate and on jury watch at the same time, you know! LOL
Bill S was saying on wfpt, the jury will prob stop at 6 and come back in the morning to continue.
So if they continue after 6, maybe we'll just get something tonight.

My guess only... we might get a verdict either tomorrow morning, by noon, (5th), or on Thursday morning (7th)
Could GA not sue him for slander and defamation of character, since the accuser a compulsive liar refused to testify ?

Unfortunately, No, according to the experts.
Apparently anything can be said in court.
Unbelieveable, isn't it?
Maybe the DT will slip and say it outside of court, then they can sue?
Dan Abrams HLN analysts now celebrating Jose Baez's work?Really?

Seriously, if they hire him in any capacity, I will be like GA and "wash my hands" of HLN forever!

I am so not kidding. :banghead:
Thank you! I just went back through my juror notes and Juror #8 is planning to go to London on July 17, but that's the only one I see with vacation plans. I don't see on on the sitting jury with cruise plans. (I tossed out all my notes for the potential jurors that weren't chosen)

Thanks for the info. I had it in my mind that she was going on the 7th. I remember her talking about it, but never thought someone was going on a cruise.
If I were on the jury I would have wanted to take a vote right away to see where we stood.

If that vote happened to come out unanimously guilty on all counts, I think I'd worry that we'd be accused of not giving our decision proper consideration. I wonder if they might drag their heels for a bit before coming out with the verdict, just to be safe?

I've said a few times to family and friends that my thought would be if they all agreed on the guilty verdict immediately, they should hang out for a bit to at least make it LOOK as though it were a struggle to convict! That time is up, we can have them back now thankyouverymuch...
Do you think the jury knows they're shutting down at 6p? I think they might think they have as long as they want (which I thought they did too).

Are the Anthony's home?
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