2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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The similarity I see between this case and the OJ case is that the person who was on trial obviously did commit the crime. Even with all of the blunders on the part of the prosecution in OJ's trial, and the detective's denial of ever uttering the n-word, it was clear to most people that OJ Simpson personally slaughtered the two victims because he was outrageously controlling, possessive, vengeful and violent!

I agree that there are many dissimilarities as well, but interviews with the jurors following the OJ trial clearly showed that they were convinced he was guilty, but they acquitted him anyway.

I see nothing wrong with voicing the hope that jurors in this trial see that justice is properly served. If they don't trust any one piece of evidence, (such as computer searches), disregard it. It doesn't make or break the case.

Caylee was under her mothers care until she ended up in the swamp, duck-taped and dead. With all of the lying and partying that followed, I have no question that it was no accident and the child was never "missing". She was murdered and tossed like a piece of trash!

(All of this is my opinion only, no better or worse than anyone else's.)

Yes, agree with you, both trials had a guilty defendant.

BUT and it's a big but - in the OJ case, the prosecution messed up the case big time and did not give the jury enough actual evidence to vote the way they wanted to.

In THIS case, the SA had conducted an impeccable prosecution and gave the jury a brilliant a brilliant opening and close and all the evidence they need to convict. Black and white or let's use another one - up vs down.

No real comparison - actually. Except common thought in jurors.
If I were on the jury I would have wanted to take a vote right away to see where we stood.

If that vote happened to come out unanimously guilty on all counts, I think I'd worry that we'd be accused of not giving our decision proper consideration. I wonder if they might drag their heels for a bit before coming out with the verdict, just to be safe?
You know honestly, I don't think chloroform was used....I really do think xanax was used to put her out (to sleep) and THEN the duct tape was placed over her mouth/nose. Because there were only 3 pieces and those were all attached to her face and they scoured that area and never found anymore tape. One wouldn't put duct tape on someone's face and not tie or duct tape their hands together or the person could pull the duct tape off of his/her face. It was already proven that the mandible was "in place" meaning that the duct tape was applied PRIOR to death OR right after death REGARDLESS it was placed on her face to ensure she would NOT wake up!!!

Actually there were four...one piece was found a distance away from her little hand bones...IIRC
If you watch the video I just posted, Jean C says it is the second time this happened except this time it was........more dramatic. (Dramatic is a TOS safe word, right? LOL)

what am i missing from the short clip? I don't see anything !!
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#LeonardPadilla is out on Hopespring Drive near the Anthony family home. #caseyanthony
Just walked back in from the bathroom and HLN has that "Breaking News" banner flashing and I almost had a heart attack...but of course it is just to say that the jury is deliberating, duh...I will be SO glad never to watch this station again (unless of course there is another trial :( )

ugh same here . JVM's voice is gratingly loud and her facial expressions are just to much for me. I have to mute her everytime. Sonny Hostin makes a good point occassionally but most of the time I wonder what trial she was watching. no words for LKB..she just isnt to my personal liking. However, I do like Casey Jordan. She seems to have a good balance and doesnt go for over the top attention getting theatrics. I liked Vinnie P questioning things I thought too. He seemed to get it...until the interview with RC. ugh listening to him pander to her her was too much for me. I will be much more at peace not listening to HLN every day..BTW did anyone get more than commericals during the trial? in addition to commericial they did 10 min interviews with local politicians ect. u would miss the whole trial watching HLN. I had to watch online to get the good parts.
Dan Abrams HLN analysts now celebrating Jose Baez's work?Really?
Actually there were four...one piece was found a distance away from her little hand bones...IIRC

Oh really? I did not know that........how long was that piece? Long enought to wrap around both her wrists? Then again....animals could have gotten to it....and dragged it off God only knows where......

Thank you very much for that info Stilettos...I stand corrected! :crazy:
LOL DH had the honors of running downstairs to retrieve and reinstall the screen. Read him your comment and he thinks we should stop off for some chicken wire before fireworks tonight. (Well that was after he suggested we stop off to trade in the kitteh. Never!) :floorlaugh:

Home depot or lowes. Get the kind that is 1-inche spaces or less. The bigger stuff stretches and sags. Its really inexpensive. Dont firget the staple gun.

Did my screen door too. Sometime I'll post a pic of 12+ cats all hanging on it watching birdies and squirrels in the yard. The silouhette is hysterical.

Got your Feliwag plugin to keep kitty calm during fireworks?
HLN has got to stop with the flashing "Breaking News" that the jury is deliberating...how will viewers know when there really IS breaking news...good grief, they are annoying, thank goodness for "mte."
Bill S was saying on wfpt, the jury will prob stop at 6 and come back in the morning to continue.
So if they continue after 6, maybe we'll just get something tonight.
Thanks to WS's

I just did this from my cell- easy
and instant reply telling you just text "stop casey"
to stop receiving messages from them

text casey to 43886 (no caps)
Orlando Sentinel
limit 3 sent to you per day.
Which is one reason for the idea that she was placed in the trunk of her car drugged and taped, with perhaps the thought of just getting her out of the way for the evening. Or maybe as a way to kill her without having to be present at the actual death?

I thought it was done as a way to kill her without having to witness it. She knew how vulnerable Caylee was from so many times before when she had drugged her. All she had to do was place that duct tape over her mouth to make the situation permanent. Then it seems like ICA "checked out" after she had placed Caylee in the trunk and carried on with Tony at the video store, and in the bed with him the next day, all the while knowing her "little problem" was being resolved. :sick:
gosh, hope they dont settle on 2nd degree just to get out of there quicker. i keep thinkng of the one who has a cruise on july 7. surely that person will honor the law above personal matters. fingers crossed

There is no juror, regular or alternate, going on a cruise. There was a potential juror during voir dire who mentioned a cruise, but that juror was not selected. This keeps going around like wildfire; I guess there'll be no end to it.
I started out liking LP and have done a major turn around.

IIRC it was when LP was insisting that LA was the father and bending everyone’s ear that the FBI did the DNA test. I always felt it was to shut LP up and then that comes back as defense evidence that he was at least suspected.

Next Lenny tells us about the information he has given JB about the daisy chain which leads us to RK being morally bankrupt. While the daisy chain never panned out I still think that LP more than muddied all the water every chance he got.

All he wanted was media time and when it faded he started creating things to make himself newsworthy again.
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