2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

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DNA Solves
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Good Morning my friends!

Any thoughts on a verdict being reached today?

I have so much to do, so much housework to catch up on and I still for the life of me cannot walk away from the computer thinking if something happens, I only have 30 minutes to prepare. Going into town at this point is a no no, considering it takes 15 minutes to get there, then 15 minutes to get back!

Has anyone heard from Andrea Lyons in the last day or two? I am sure she is counting her blessings that she stepped off this case to keep her "angel of death row" status!
Good Morning all! Sigh..... my body clock is set to get up very early (I'm on the west coast) so I can be here with all of you. I kinda don't know what to do with myself :( So grateful this is almost at and end because I really need to get my life back but still....

Can someone be kind enough to explain what will happen once the jury comes back with a verdict? I've gotten confused reading different comments as to what comes next.

We will hear from the jury only if they come back with something other than 1st degree murder. If they decide on a murder 1 verdict then they will have to get ready for the penalty phase and we will hear from them only after that is over.
once they changed the ticket system it was hard to go to hearings. i live about hour away and one would have to drive day prior. wait. pay for gas and parking and if you happen to get on list you do it again next day to go in to court. the last time i was there it was day of paramedic and lady knocked down. i actually called court house admin and said they have to do something. at that time they said they could not. then the tatto girl-not casey -lol hit guy with water bottles-lol and they changed the policy. i was out town a week but did not miss tv. i never watch tv until this hearings and trial. first time i ever sat for more than couple hours watching any tv!!

my husband does not think she will get death penalty but lwop and i am not sure if its death or lwop. if shes free a riot will be in the streets - she better hire a body guard ! the neighbors of cindy and george better sell house today!!!!!
I know I've taken my lumps for what people assume is a soft spot in my heart for ICA, but that's just the way I am. It's not that I specifically feel for ICA, but I just tend to feel bad for a soul...ANY SOUL...that seemingly goes this far astray. The sadness of the whole situation - loss of family, loss of young life, loss of ICA's life, it's just so heavy to think about. Sad on so many levels. I know some interpret that as me liking ICA, but it's not true. I just feel bad for the whole situation. :sigh:
And that makes you an asset to this world. There's nothing wrong with having a heart so big that you can feel compassion for someone like KC.

Whatever aggravation I feel towards my friend who feels sorry for KC, it's a reflection of my own shortcoming; not her big heart.

My opinions...
I'm still thinking they will use the entire day to deliberate...possibly a verdict by evening or sometime tomorrow?
After the prosecution's rebuttal yesterday I will be stunned if they return a not guilty verdict. I think what will hang them up is what degree to give her. I still think pre-med 1st degree murder...but as I've said before, we have waaay more info than the jury.
We will hear from the jury only if they come back with something other than 1st degree murder. If they decide on a murder 1 verdict then they will have to get ready for the penalty phase and we will hear from them only after that is over.

What is the penalty phase?
Along this same note: We had family from out of town, visit yesterday. I mentioned the case, and was surprised that my 30 year old stepson, that never cares about this stuff, knew who she was. He also said that she'll get off. I asked him why he thought that, and he said that there's NO way she did this, even after I filled him in on more.

Also, his girlfriend and most of the family, thought she would get off! There was one or two that weren't sure, and only one, who agreed with me, and thought she was guilty.

We also had family visiting yesterday from Clearwater.
They believe she is as guilty as sin...on the other hand my brother in-law said she will walk. He never gave a reason why and I do not think he has been following the trial, so I will take his opinion with a grain of salt.
The Scott Peterson trial lasted several months (maybe 5?) The jury took a week or so to come back with a verdict.

This trial lasted 6 weeks so I hope the jury comes back in a day or two!

My reasoning is off but I'm optimistic! :)

Scott Peterson simularities

Scott Peterson was described as the perfect husband

The exact date and cause of death of Laci was never determined.

police grew more suspicious of him due to dire inconsistencies in his story

Peterson had numerous extramarital affairs

Prosecutors theorized that Laci may have been suffocated or strangled

Peterson made no appearances requesting information about the whereabouts of his wife

The only piece of forensic evidence identified was a single hair, thought to belong to Laci, found in a pair of pliers from Peterson's boat

Peterson's defense lawyer based his case on the lack of direct evidence, and downplayed the significance of circumstantial evidence

Prosecutors surmised that Peterson killed his pregnant wife due to increasing debt and a desire to be single again

Recorded telephone conversations proved to be both revealing and, ultimately, damning to Peterson's character

The jury based their verdict on "hundreds of small 'puzzle pieces' of circumstantial evidence that came out during the trial, from the location of Laci Peterson's body to the myriad lies her husband told after her disappearance
i had a 4 hour layover in cincinatti last week and begged wolfgang puck staff in airport to put on case on tv. i had already ate at outback in airport but wolfgang had on tv so yes i begged and bought more food and sat for couple hours sipping my drink of pepsi-lol. i asked for volume up and close captionand waitress did it for me. some ticket agents thought i was funny as i said were can i watch casey case in airport. they said the tv in airort could not be changed but good ol wolgang came to rescue. many people i asked of tv spoke with me about case and when i said i had been to trial they were like omg- tell me about jurors!! made the flight home ok. i fly free but standby is a pain in butt!!

I live a stones throw from the cvg airport. Most landing planes and some take off planes fly over my backyard that faces the Ohio River. So much so that I've trained my 3 grandchildren to say, "Welcome Home" or "Take me with you!" when they see them. Lol. Wish I had known, I'd have waved a hand at you!
I know I've taken my lumps for what people assume is a soft spot in my heart for ICA, but that's just the way I am. It's not that I specifically feel for ICA, but I just tend to feel bad for a soul...ANY SOUL...that seemingly goes this far astray. The sadness of the whole situation - loss of family, loss of young life, loss of ICA's life, it's just so heavy to think about. Sad on so many levels. I know some interpret that as me liking ICA, but it's not true. I just feel bad for the whole situation. :sigh:

I too feel badly for any lost soul. There is a remedy but sadly I do not think KC will take that route.
I do not believe in the DP. I have been trying to rethink that but I can't seem to get to the point that I think it is right. Having said that I DO want to see KC punished. LWOP will be just fine with me.
If she walks, I will feel like I got kicked in the stomach. I do not think she will. The states rebuttals were so strong and pointed out just how uncaring, selfish KC truly is and she does not care for any other human other than herself.

Good morning, everyone!

I am here every day wanting justice for Caylee Marie. We will soon know whether there will be full justice or not. I honestly do not think I could stand it if there is not full justice - 1st degree murder. GUILTY!

That makes two of us, LaLaw 2000............very nervous and just want this over so Caylee gets her justice and I can move on again with my life. This case has consumed me from day 1.........
I do feel compassion for KC but the sort of compassion I have does not mean I want her to get off. I hope and pray that she is found guilty of murder in the first degree. I hope that through some divine intervention she is able to truly change herself ( human effort cannot transform a sociopath into a good human being), confess and repent.
I spoke with my Mom and Dad yesterday. They only started following the case since the trial. I discussed this briefly with my Mom over the past three years but she really wasn't all that interested until now, so they knew almost zero. I was very disturbed by their view/opinion. My Dad feels bad for ICA and for JB. He said "that poor guy is trying his best, it's too bad she couldn't afford better attorney's." They also stated that she is so cute and small and it's so hard to believe that she would do what the SA is saying. They also do not like GA and my father (retired LE) said he felt that GA definitely had something to do with this.

Please tell your Dad that JB got $200,000.00 + in the beginning of this case from ICA. Money that ICA made off the sale of her murdered baby's pictures. Also tell him her poor attorney didn't even bother to see that her taxes were filed for that money. She now has a IRS lien of $65,000.00+. Why didn't he file her taxes, cause he new the outcome of this case. Also he will get more when it is over, (interviews, movie, book deals)wait and see. This is the reason he stayed with this case.

Morning Everyone.
The Scott Peterson trial lasted several months (maybe 5?) The jury took a week or so to come back with a verdict.

This trial lasted 6 weeks so I hope the jury comes back in a day or two!

My reasoning is off but I'm optimistic! :)

I read online yesterday SP's verdict came back in 12 hrs...
Susan Smith's 2 1/2 hrs
Please tell your Dad that JB got $200,000.00 + in the beginning of this case from ICA. Money that ICA made off the sale of her murdered baby's pictures. Also tell him her poor attorney didn't even bother to see that her taxes were filed for that money. She now has a IRS lien of $65,000.00+. Why didn't he file her taxes, cause he new the outcome of this case. Also he will get more when it is over, (interviews, movie, book deals)wait and see. This is the reason he stayed with this case.

Morning Everyone.

What did they put a lien on? can they put additional charges on her? I hope so!
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