2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

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I think I may be a horrible mother. My mother never took me to the gyno. I went myself when I was 18 for birth control pills. I never took my daughter to the gyno either though I did take her to many doctor appts as she was growing up. She is now 23 and obviously makes her own doctor appts now. But I'm feeling weird now that I never insisted she see the gyno though we've always been very open about talking about everything.

Don't feel like that! I didn't go to the GYN til I was nearly 18, and MANY of my friends had somewhat the same situation. They went when their parents believed they may be sexually active OR were heading off to college and the parents (moms) wanted them "protected" by B/C.

IIRC, KC having not gone to the GYN prior to the time she did was mainly due to the fact she specifically told CA, when B/C or sexual activity was brought up to her, that she was a virgin. I believe this played into CA believing KC was having "bloating" and other "female issues" related to a horrible menstrual cycle, rather than that she could possibly be pregnant.
I'm watching the wesh feed and woman answering questions infront of the jury chairs....anyone else listening and seeing this? Who is she?? Appears to be a press conference.

ETA - ClickORLANDO feed. Not wesh
Jury room has a bathroom and kitchen. Did I hear that right?
Wow.....that is huge especially for the smokers on the jury who wanted the special breaks.

As a smoker, let me tell you - YES IT IS !
So if I'm reading tea leaves - which I am - when they do ask for a special break that might be a great thing. Personaly, i would need one before I went back in to say she was going to get the needle.

o/t - am I the only one who wishes we still used the chair or hanging ? does that make me a little weird ?
There should be a 'worry' thread. I am so worried this jury is going to hang or let her off the worst charges. It is taking a while for them to come back. Not extraordinarily long but long enough that there seems to be disagreement. There must be some that think she is innocent or that it was an accident or believe the pool theory and some that think it is 1st degree.

If I was the only juror that thought it was 1st degree I would hold out so that the State could redo the case. I would not go along with a lesser charge. I am going nuts waiting.
Someone brought up mock jurors...is mountain cat mock deliberating? Is that why we haven't heard from her? LOL
But why now? Is the jury getting close?

Guessing that the courthouse is jammed with reporters.. this way they answer all of the reporter's questions about what to expect, warnings, etc..
Levey said if 1st-degree murder verdict, there could be 48-hour delay for penalty phase. #CaseyAnthonyby oscaseyanthony via twitter 10:24 AM

If it's not a first-degree conviction, and she is found guilty, sentencing would likely be sometime next week.by Jeff Cousins/WESH.com 10:26 AM

The alternates would remain in place if the case goes to a penalty phase.by Jeff Cousins/WESH.com 10:22 AM

Levey: Jury deliberation room has kitchen, bathroom for men and women; dry erase board and long table. #CaseyAnthonyby oscaseyanthony via twitter 10:27 AM

The jury has not requested any office supplies at this point.by Jeff Cousins/WESH.com 10:27 AM
I can see myself in Walmart watching the verdict being read.:great:

I live in Asia so I have this nightmare of waking up in the morning, turning my computer on and learning of the verdict (in totally undramatic fashion) from yahoo or some such website. I pray that does not happen. I want to be part of this whole process. I know you do too. :)
HLN- PLEASE get "Breaking News" off of the screen until there IS some breaking news...it is NOT breaking news that the jury is weighing her fate...
I think it is just media instructions. The jury won't announce the verdict in a media room. And if it is guilty of 1st degree, they won't be in a media room at all until after sentencing. So let's HOPE this isn't a sign that the jury will be in the media room today.

I don't believe there's ANY way anyone outside the jury has a CLUE what their verdict may be until it's read in court..Not even JP! So, I wouldn't worry this could be a (bad) sign.
I'm watching the wesh feed and woman answering questions infront of the jury chairs....anyone else listening and seeing this? Who is she?? Appears to be a press conference.

ETA - ClickORLANDO feed. Not wesh
Her name is Karen Levey and she is the Court Administrator/Spokeswoman.

Ok, I have a confession. For the longest time, I thought 'special break' meant bathroom break, and I was getting REALLY CREEPED OUT the way HHJP would be all smiling and laughy asking in his cutesy little voice if it was time for a special break.

I was very relieved to realize it was a smoke break. :crazy::crazy:
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