2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

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So we've got a lightning strike...a hawk...interference on a microphone... So how bout today's date - 7/7/2011... Adds up to 18 which reduces to 9. 9 is the # of finality (today is basically the end of the case - sentencing). The date she is being released is the 13th - 13 is a # of karma...
WOW when you work in my business you see allot of weird phenomenons. This is a restless soul IMO. Why that exact area? Why that exact tree? Why on this day. The odds would be trillions to one against it.

Yes. What she said.
We had a HUGE dust storm the evening the verdict was read. I thought of Caylee. Saturn is having a gigantic storm, lots of weird stuff going on since the verdict was read.

As Yoda and OBWan used to say "There's been a disturbance in the force" :)

You mean Saturn the planet? (i know i sound dumm) gotta go check the nasa sites now...

Saw the Phoenix dust footage. Horrid! Hope youre okay.

Yes, a dusturbance in the force indeed.

(just spotted the typo above. Think Ill leave it )
Hi Sheri, I know this is your opinion, but with all grace I hope you realize one of these people is a well respected member of WS and another belonged here for many years - still might IMO. Just sayin'.

Hi Scandi. I was not aware that anyone I listed was a member here. I am assuming it must be Mr. Bailey or Mr. Shapiro?? I spoke kindly of Mark Fuhrman and Marcia Clark, and I don't think that could have offended you. I hope. I am sorry to have offended you in any way; but by the same token, I am sure that Cheney Mason and Jose Baez are well respected somewhere too. It does not take away that I am offended that they got a murderer off. Nor does 15 years take away my offense that those fine lawyers got OJ off.

After my last few weeks of following faithfully here, I hope you are not saying I am not entitled to my opinion ( a little worried to even say anything with your thousands of posts). Also, everything listed is a verifiable fact. (except MOO of stigma as that is subjective) I am sorry to have offended, but let's not be like the Anthony's and put our heads in the sand because we love or think highly of someone. None of those lawyers are any different from our current DT that is being talked about quite openly here.

Thanks and hope we can be friends. :)
I don't know much about physics, but I have personal experience with communication from the other side. Much of it includes a bird.


I have, too. Butterflies, birds and sky things. I'd love to hear your experience, Tiki.

storms rolling in to the Anthony's neigborhood

that is an amazing picture :eek:
Lightning struck a tree near Caylee's memorial because a storm was passing through the area. Caylee's memorial is right near the woods, with hundreds (thousands?) of trees close by. Considering that trees are common targets during a storm, this is nothing more than a coincidence. MOO
Yep and the Hawk at the window, the feedback on the mic when LDB talking about "neck breaking" and the un seasonal weather we have been having in Florida over the last 2 weeks! :) :great:

Any others WSers?

I know people need to take what they can right now to soothe some of the hurt, and everyone has the right to that.

The lightening strike is indeed strange and sends shivers up my spine, especially seeing the full view picture.
But as for the hawk, didn't HHJP himself say that it would often rest/nest outside that courtroom?

I'm not trying to take that comforting 'sign' away from anyone, just pointing out that if the hawk is often there, it is there for all victims, not just Caylee.
Hi everyone! First post here. Going along with all the number 6's, Caylee would have turned 6 this year. Caylee's birth number is also 6. 8-9-2005=6
I like to stick to reason, statistics (with the understanding that "there are lies, damned lies, and statistics") and common sense, but even so...

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
"Hamlet," William Shakespeare
If this is OT...then I apologize.

You can look at my status and see that I've been a memeber since 2008. I don't post much but I have been a fixture here within the Caylee threads.

I worked as a child advocate in upstate NY for awhile and LOVED LOVED LOVED my job. And then some things happened within the organization that I was working for that really made me leave. With a heavy heart because I loved what I did, loved who I educated and loved who I saved.

Caylee has weighed in heavily on my heart. And I am not a big kiddo fan. The Soldier and I don't have any kids (except those of a four legged kind!)

Recently, The Soldier and I moved. As soon as we got to GA, he left for the iRack and immediatly, I broke my ankle.

As soon as my ankle healed...I did some deep heart thinking and said, 'you know what? I'm ready to go back to work as an advocate.'

I applied for a few jobs throughout the trial, but loved my time watching this trial with you wonderful people here. But I haven't had a bite on the Human Services or Social Services field of all the jobs I have applied for.

Guess what?

Today? I got a wonderful job offer to be a child and family advocate within a wonderful program here in GA....I believe that this is another sign.

Just my tiny tiny opinion.
God does work in mysterious ways. I think, and I believe, the lightening that felled that tree was a work of God.
Some of these things are starting to freak me out. Especially all the 6 references. I agree it's not our little angel. I wonder if God will give us an encore and strike that tree twice on the day of KC release.

I do have to wonder if the A's are looking at this differently than us. I can just imagine them saying "God heard us ask to everyone not leave things at this memorial. See...God is telling everyone she is innocent and to leave our family alone.".
If this is OT...then I apologize.

You can look at my status and see that I've been a memeber since 2008. I don't post much but I have been a fixture here within the Caylee threads.

I worked as a child advocate in upstate NY for awhile and LOVED LOVED LOVED my job. And then some things happened within the organization that I was working for that really made me leave. With a heavy heart because I loved what I did, loved who I educated and loved who I saved.

Caylee has weighed in heavily on my heart. And I am not a big kiddo fan. The Soldier and I don't have any kids (except those of a four legged kind!)

Recently, The Soldier and I moved. As soon as we got to GA, he left for the iRack and immediatly, I broke my ankle.

As soon as my ankle healed...I did some deep heart thinking and said, 'you know what? I'm ready to go back to work as an advocate.'

I applied for a few jobs throughout the trial, but loved my time watching this trial with you wonderful people here. But I haven't had a bite on the Human Services or Social Services field of all the jobs I have applied for.

Guess what?

Today? I got a wonderful job offer to be a child and family advocate within a wonderful program here in GA....I believe that this is another sign.

Just my tiny tiny opinion.

This is wonderful news. Congrats and thank you for continuing to fight the good fight. These tiny bits of good are the shining lights in the dark right now.
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