2011.07.07 Media's Motion for Release of Juror Names

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The last time I was a juror in a criminal case my name was released. There can't be two sets of laws. He can hold back a little but in government there is little that can be done he will have to release the names.
JP has no choice. They WILL be released sooner or later. He can temporarily ban the release, but the law states it's public knowledge. The names will be released.

I don't share your opinion. I am sure he also realizes there is no reason to release names and on top of their health and safety the future impacts could be disastrous IMO. It's absurd IMO
So what happens if there was jury tampering? Is double jeopardy still attached?
Imo, no. A mistrial would be declared, and it would start all over again.

I'm wondering if there was any jury tampering; threats, etc. One never knows if certain individuals have friends in low places.
Law or no law, in this case the jurors safety is a concern, as well as them being harrassed and their families harrassed by not only the media but the public. I feel that it is their decision to come out or not. Who will protect them? It should be their own choice. Their lives should not be altered because they were fulfilling their civic obligations. What does the media feel they have a right to ask of them? I think the one that came out as well as the alternate have already answered most of the questions as to why they came to the decision they came to.
For those that want the names released .....IF something happens to an innocent family member of a juror...don't come here whining and crying about how unfair it is and blame the juror for their decision...and how sorry and sad you are.

They are just as innocent as Caylee.

Keep the families of the simple minded in mind.
and if you are called to serve on a jury and afraid for your safety its easy to get out of jury duty. Oh, and dont go on TV. #3 didnt think it was such a big deal.

If a juror or family member gets hurts it would be the persons fault that hurt them, but you cannot circumvent the law when you want to. Doesnt work like that. Plus you cant stop people from blabbing all over the place. You cant gag order the public. People will tell. No one can honestly think that they will stay hidden??
Imo, no. A mistrial would be declared, and it would start all over again.

I'm wondering if there was any jury tampering; threats, etc. One never knows if certain individuals have friends in low places.

Double jeopardy would apply. She will never be tried for this crime again. Even if jury tampering were found at this time. It has to be discovered during the trial. After you are found not guilty, you are not guilty, period.
Law or no law, in this case the jurors safety is a concern, as well as them being harrassed and their families harrassed by not only the media but the public. I feel that it is their decision to come out or not. Who will protect them? It should be their own choice. Their lives should not be altered because they were fulfilling their civic obligations. What does the media feel they have a right to ask of them? I think the one that came out as well as the alternate have already answered most of the questions as to why they came to the decision they came to.

ITA. If the jurors want to be interviewed they will reach out, as some already have. If they don't, why would the media think they would grant interviews? I don't think media's desire for interviews is more important than the jurors.
I don't share your opinion. I am sure he also realizes there is no reason to release names and on top of their health and safety the future impacts could be disastrous IMO. It's absurd IMO

You don't share my opinion that it is the law?
For those that want the names released .....IF something happens to an innocent family member of a juror...don't come here whining and crying about how unfair it is and blame the juror for their decision...and how sorry and sad you are.

They are just as innocent as Caylee.

Keep the families of the simple minded in mind.

It's not about wanted the names released.

Not at all.

It's about following the law.
and if you are called to serve on a jury and afraid for your safety its easy to get out of jury duty. Oh, and dont go on TV. #3 didnt think it was such a big deal.

#3 is now staying with friends due to her fear for her safety. She obviously didn't realize the implications of speaking to the media and giving her name.
Wonder if that paycheck was worth it?
kimberly's opinion isnt her opinion its fact. We may not agree with it, but what are we gonna do? The same thing that people are preaching about the NG jerdict. Its the law and we have to except it blah, blah blah. Well the same applies for the names of the jury. It is the law. We may not like it, but thats the way it is. You see how things swing both ways?

#3 didnt realize she would be threatned? that people are mad at her decision. Ok now i'm doubting her intelligence, really?
You don't share my opinion that it is the law?

No, sorry, I should have bolded my response

bbm, this is what I don't agree with.

Kimberlyd125 said:
JP has no choice. They WILL be released sooner or later. He can temporarily ban the release, but the law states it's public knowledge. The names will be released.
#3 is now staying with friends due to her fear for her safety. She obviously didn't realize the implications of speaking to the media and giving her name.

Thank god she got in the big family trip to Disney courtesy of ABC before she had to go into hiding...
I really could care less to know the names of the jurors.

But, I do care about following the law. The laws are there for a reason.

Laws are not on a case by case basis.
kimberly's opinion isnt her opinion its fact. We may not agree with it, but what are we gonna do? The same thing that people are preaching about the NG jerdict. Its the law and we have to except it blah, blah blah. Well the same applies for the names of the jury. It is the law. We may not like it, but thats the way it is. You see how things swing both ways?

#3 didnt realize she would be threatned? that people are mad at her decision. Ok now i'm doubting her intelligence, really?

She is completely entitled to her opinion, but I think if it was such a slam dunk he would have released them today. One of the Lawyers was saying the Gov could get involved, so I take that as this is not a done deal.
No, sorry, I should have bolded my response

bbm, this is what I don't agree with.

Ok, but the BBM part is the law.
The way the laws are written now.

I understand you don't want them released or do not feel they should be released.

My point is, they will be released. SOONER or LATER.

It's the law.

JP can temp ban the release, but they will be released sooner or later.

That's my point.
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