2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
JA said in an interview that the general public couldn't see the actual pictures of the duct tape over her face,but he was surprised the jurors didn't see it as the murder weapon since it covered so much of her face.
So unless you were in the courthouse you didn't get to see the evidence that she killed her.

My understanding is that the duct tape was only stuck to her hair on one side. The duct tape over the mouth, nose is just the speculation prosecutors used to infer. IIRC. If PT had pictures of the remains with the tape over the mouth and nose they certainly would have presented such instead of a made up superimposed re-creation IMO
My understanding is that the duct tape was only stuck to her hair on one side. The duct tape over the mouth, nose is just the speculation prosecutors used to infer. IIRC. If PT had pictures of the remains with the tape over the mouth and nose they certainly would have presented such instead of a made up superimposed re-creation IMO

Yes, this is closer to what the evidence actually showed than the generalization that there were three pieces of duct tape covering her mouth.
I just watched Dateline again.

I personally felt the state proved that KC killed Caylee beyond any doubt, really. There really is no other explanation once you put all the circumstantial evidence together.

My concern is that the jury discussed the case prior to deliberations. If you have one or two strong personalities gradually trying to sway other jurors over the course of two months, you have problems. That's why they are not supposed to discuss the case at all under any circumstances until deliberations begin.

So, when I hear an alternate juror (the young guy), who wasn't supposed to EVER deliberate anything, state during the Dateline show..and I quote:

Each question that we had from the get go: Where's the weapon? or the chloroform? where was the body first held? or who was involved?

We had

from the get go

I do think the jurors discussed the case when they weren't supposed to. I do think that one or two strong personalities were influencing the others all along.

Can they get a mistrial after the fact if it is shown that jurors didn't follow the rules?

The other alt juror used "we" as well.

Most experts do not believe a retrial is possible even though we all see there were some serious issues with this jury.
Yes, this is closer to what the evidence actually showed than the generalization that there were three pieces of duct tape covering her mouth.

There was no reason the duct tape should've been there in the first place. No reason why the rest of her little body was scattered but yet the mandible stayed in place. Again, 2+2 = 4.
The other alt juror used "we" as well.

Most experts do not believe a retrial is possible even though we all see there were some serious issues with this jury.

What "issues"? These speculations about the jury are so unreasonable and desperate. JMO
There was no reason the duct tape should've been there in the first place. No reason why the rest of her little body was scattered but yet the mandible stayed in place. Again, 2+2 = 4.


This is your opinion. I see it entirely different given the evidence that was presented at trial.
You know, I was stunned after listening to the younger alternate juror. I'm sorry, he is either oblivious or just not bright. Chaney M has been hailing this jury as true citizens becuase they followed the constitution by not convicting when the evidence was not there. But this jury cleary gave more credence to things the DT said but did not prove. IT is mind boggling to see how thier minds worked. This jury was just plain ****. I did love what Dan Abrhams(sp?) said, JB won in spite of himself
Well, actually I wouldn't mind if I was quilty. All you have to do is look cute, be white and never tell the actual truth to anyone. Casey never even had to get up on the stand and be questioned; don't know how anyone can judge someone not quilty if they don't hear from their own lips they didn't do it.

Scary world we live in......sigh

TA If KC was obese and homely she would have been on death row by now.
Seemed sincere about what? She didn't testify, she didn't talk. I feel like we're in the twilight zone. "Oh look at the defendant sitting there looking so sincere." So what if she partied like there was no tomorrow for 31 days after her daughter drowned in a pool of duct tape? She looks sincere. And chesty too.

Ummmm, didn't you hear the part where he said he didn't really think she partied all that much?

I can't listen to them anymore. They can spin all they want but they decided not guilty before they ever walked into deliberations. I'm beginning to think they just played Scrabble for 11 hours.
There was no reason the duct tape should've been there in the first place. No reason why the rest of her little body was scattered but yet the mandible stayed in place. Again, 2+2 = 4.

hitting the thanks button was not enough...duct tape anywhere NEAR the hair or face of a living child, whether it smothered her or not...that is child abuse...

Okay...need to back away again...this is insane..baby Caylee enjoy drawing chalk rainbows on the streets of gold.
Is that something you see every day means....is that something you see every day. Is it not unusual or upsetting to you? There are a number of explanations for the duct tape? Can you give us..oh, let's say 3. Please give us 3 reasonable explanations for why a baby whose body had been left for trash in the woods and not reported missing by her own mother would have duct tape over her nose and mouth.

I'll jump in here. All of course, is JMOO. First, the tape was not on the skull it was stuck in the hair. Second, the tape could have just been trash. After all the PT spent alot of time explaining just that. Third, it could have just been taped to the canvas bag to close it.
hitting the thanks button was not enough...duct tape anywhere NEAR the hair or face of a living child, whether it smothered her or not...that is child abuse...

Okay...need to back away again...this is insane..baby Caylee enjoy drawing chalk rainbows on the streets of gold.

And if you refer back to the autopsy it states that the duct tape was only attached to the hair, not the skull in any way. This is a far cry from the mob mentality claiming that there was duct tape covering her mouth.
Guys we are swaying way off the Dateline show. Lets turn it back around to the discussion about the show.
What "issues"? These speculations about the jury are so unreasonable and desperate. JMO

What is so unreasonable and desperate about Q this jury? For all the flag-waving for Jurisprudence and hailing them as constituitonal heroes, looking at how this jury came to its decision is important. If you had a jury that chose to deliberate early, did not follow the JP's instructions, or simply did not understand what reasonable doubt is,(I'm not saying they did this), then it's is worthy of scrutiny.And if any jury, whether they convict or acquit, IMO, comes back within 10 hours in a DP case, they did not take the job seriously. And nothing I have seen or heard, regarding interviews and bios, tells me this was such a smart group of people that they were able to assimilate all this material in 10 hours. Give me a break. The alternate juror on Dateline gave us a clear picture of how they saw the information. If his perspective is typical, he paid attention to non-evidence and speculation more that information backed up by evidence. And their was plenty of emtonial thinking..i.ec. she seemed sincere, she didn't party that much.ect.
What is so unreasonable and desperate about Q this jury? For all the flag-waving for Jurisprudence and hailing them as constituitonal heroes, looking at how this jury came to its decision is important. If you had a jury that chose to deliberate early, did not follow the JP's instructions, or simply did not understand what reasonable doubt is,(I'm not saying they did this), then it's is worthy of scrutiny.And if any jury, whether they convict or acquit, IMO, comes back within 10 hours in a DP case, they did not take the job seriously. And nothing I have seen or heard, regarding interviews and bios, tells me this was such a smart group of people that they were able to assimilate all this material in 10 hours. Give me a break.

If this same jury had returned a guilty verdict they would be hailed as heroes. Instead, because you do not like what they did, they are having threats made against them, their intellect is being questioned, suggestions of jury tampering is being thrown around, etc. to undermine them. I applaud them for having the courage of their convictions despite the pressure from the public. This is a fantastic example of our system working and fulfilling it's purpose.
These jurors aren't very convincing, to me. There has to be a reason that none of them paid any attention to the evidence. Heard JB's opening lies and ignored everything else. There has to be a reason why they go on TV and make themselves sound like morons. Maybe, someday, it will all become clear.

Let hope so..as clueless as they all sound(so far)just maybe one will slip up and tell us why this REALLY happened!!!
Ya, I just posted this same comment almost to the exact words, we must have been posting at the same time. I don't get it either mitzi, I really don't. I read somewhere in this mess that the jury thought JA and LDB were cold towards them. Again I want to scream!!!

JMO This is a little off from your statement about "cold towards them". An instructor taught us that no matter how great a teacher, etc you are there will be those you can't reach. You will remind them of someone negative in their past and they will hold it against you. But ALL twelve???

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