2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

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I agree. If this happened in every case, Defense attorneys being threatened, jurors being threatened, people acquitted being threatened, defendants families being threatened, our justice system and laws would fall apart. The media would determine a person guilty or innocent. Jurors would be afraid to serve, or ever come up with an unpopular verdict, defense attorneys would be afraid to represent unpopular clients and innocent people would easily be given the DP or long prison sentences. This is not a society I would want to live in. I do not know if KC is guilty or innocent, but she was acquitted of the crime and that is the law. She should be left alone.

The jurors who have remained anonymous and want to---I would never go after them. The ones who couldn't get out of the courthouse fast enough to get their faces all over TV and go to Disney--I'll talk about them whenever I want.

This all happened in an open court system. It's my court system, too, and I'm tired of being told to just get over this or quit talking about it. It's not very often a case comes along and captures a large interest. It gets people interested in their judicial system. That's never a bad thing.

As far as Casey goes, I do not agree with calls for violence against her. But if a large number of people think you got away with murder no matter what a jury said, they're going to keep talking about you. If you don't want people talking about you, then perhaps you shouldn't do things like put your kid in a trunk and never report her missing. JMO.
Having posted on this thread for three years, too, I think many of us here have become bonded just like the jurors. But we have had more time to digest the evidence and see it for what it is. Thanks for your great post, Grammieto5.
I think Casey will go home at some point. The fight is not over between her and Cindy.

Cindy wants revenge and Casey wants revenge for Cindy making her kill Caylee.

It will be a win, win situation. Oh and a big bonus if George or Lee try to step in.

I'd pay to watch that! :floorlaugh:
That's how the system works in Florida. Sunshine and all that...

My friend had a son in prison and I actually thought we would sit across from him and a glass in between. I was going to bring him some home baked cookies, too and my son says: you cant do that, it is how people smuggle things in.
I have NEVER been in jail or anything before. I am so stupid about it all:floorlaugh:
I guess I got the idea from watching TV. I did not know everything is video taped and you now see each other via video and computer. Things sure have changed. He waas in for a yr and i never did go visit him.
The one thing I wanted to ask him was had he run into Hulk Hogans son, he was in at same time lol I ask him later when he got out and he said no, it was huge place.
ABC said JB brokered the deal. ABC had to have claimed it on their taxes as fees paid for pictures. KC received a tax till for $68,000. Sound like income to me. Those pictures are personal property so would it fall under capital gains tax?

Still won't count. It is based on employment. Money withheld from your employment also goes into Social Security, Medicaid, FICA.
Could you just imagine her on Celebrity Rehab?

Dr. Drew: So KC why are you here?
KC: OMG, a HUGE waste of time talking to you.
Dr. Drew" I can see you are upset and struggling with something.
KC: My life has been taken from me and I am not in control.
Dr Drew: So KC....
KC: Would you just let me talk!!!!!!!
Dr Drew: Shelly get my room ready, I am checking in.

I love Dr Drew. I don't think he would tolerate ICA for one day. He does not like liars or enable them. ICA is not mentally ill. She has found it very profitable to lie steal and cheat and that is simply a lifestyle choice she has made, not an illness. There would be no benefit for her in Dr Drew's unit.
Still won't count. It is based on employment. Money withheld from your employment also goes into Social Security, Medicaid, FICA.

Casey must pay the taxes on that $200,000. + interest + penalties.
It was income, doesn't matter that she didn't have to work for it, it was income just the same. Too bad Florida doesn't have a state income tax because then they could get her for that too.
Still won't count. It is based on employment. Money withheld from your employment also goes into Social Security, Medicaid, FICA.

Then can you explain how IRS is billing for $68,000 when KC had no job.
Casey must pay the taxes on that $200,000. + interest + penalties.
It was income, doesn't matter that she didn't have to work for it, it was income just the same. Too bad Florida doesn't have a state income tax because then they could get her for that too.

They do. They have a state sales tax. Not sure that would apply though.
Casey must pay the taxes on that $200,000. + interest + penalties.
It was income, doesn't matter that she didn't have to work for it, it was income just the same. Too bad Florida doesn't have a state income tax because then they could get her for that too.

Shouldn't her lawyer have held back taxes? Did her parents have power of attorney? How is it Casey's fault the taxes didn't get paid? She never saw the $$ :truce:
eta: I agree she owes it.
Casey must pay the taxes on that $200,000. + interest + penalties.
It was income, doesn't matter that she didn't have to work for it, it was income just the same. Too bad Florida doesn't have a state income tax because then they could get her for that too.

Yes, the tax interest and penalties started adding up the quarter of the year in which it was made.
If KC owes money to the IRS, couldn't they prevent her from moving to another country?

Just trying to think of another BV thwart.
Shouldn't her lawyer have held back taxes? Did her parents have power of attorney? How is it Casey's fault the taxes didn't get paid? She never saw the $$ :truce:
eta: I agree she owes it.

You are always responsible to pay your taxes or make sure someone else does. You can't push the responsibility off on someone else. She has to go after JB because he should have paid them. My guess is he never thought she'd see the light of day again. BUSTED!!!

KC is being taxed because the money comes from royalties which is taxable under the law (licensing fees) which is what she was paid for, a license to use Caylee's pictures. jmo
You are always responsible to pay your taxes or make sure someone else does. You can't push the responsibility off on someone else. She has to go after JB because he should have paid them. My guess is he never thought she'd see the light of day again. BUSTED!!!

KC is being taxed because the money comes from royalties which is taxable under the law (licensing fees) which is what she was paid for, a license to use Caylee's pictures. jmo
Makes sense to me.
If KC owes money to the IRS, couldn't they prevent her from moving to another country?

Just trying to think of another BV thwart.

I can't imagine what country accepts convicted felons to set up residence...
Thanks Kav! I've always wanted to deliver room service at a hotel somewhere. Now, hmmmmm....where will that hotel be that I may apply?
Call Dr Phil STAT! :crazy:

They actually get paid to be on Celebrity Rehab?

YUP. They do. That is how they get some of the most down and out ones to bare their dirty laundry like that. I know one of them, Steven Adler, was said to get 50 grand for the season, but I am sure each one is paid differently.

But what's her name, Amy Fisher, the Long Island girl who shot her bf's wife, is on the show this season.
It's still illegal for US citizens to travel as tourists to Cuba.
Not that a little thing like the law would stop ICA..:floorlaugh:

Special forces could fly her into Gitmo and they could drop her at the gate. Just point her to the beach and tell her it's Miami, she'll go.
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