2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

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We knew it was coming, Cindy took tons of notes in court. Good luck finding a publishing company brave enough, the public backlash will be severe for them. What on earth is she going to write about anyway, how wonderful Casey is and what a great family they are? The truth according to Cindy Anthony, no thanks.

Let's face it - who would hire Cindy Anthony ever again? But it still is depressing and very sad to hear. I had hoped she would eventually realize what she has done.
Another person I have to mute on HLN lately is Sunny H. Ugh!

I really dislike her. I hated how she jumped all over Casey Jordan because Casey didn't like how the jurors came to their decision. Plus, her comments on Ann Fennel's interviews today was another thing that bugged me.
Let's face it - who would hire Cindy Anthony ever again? But it still is depressing and very sad to hear. I had hoped she would eventually realize what she has done.

Look at it this way, if CA makes any money she has to come off of disability. While I don't like the idea, and I doubt she would make much, at least the State would stop paying her way.

If she is looking at a "Wealth Management" company, I hope that Social Security knows about it and is looking into what wealth, being that they are paying her.
I like KC (but I can't say what the K stand for). :loser:

ha ha urban dictionary-

Kc the game
someone who owns people in call of duty 4 and number 2 on the xbox most people don't want to play with him cause their afraid to play him.

Kaput Casey?
I personally think the only person who has the guts to interview Baez as he should be interviewed is Kathi Belich..

The interview I would REALLY like to see would be the one that started out with a shot of sodium pentothal -- then let the questioning begin!
@bobkealing bob kealing
At 6pm on @WESH former #CaseyAnthony trial judge Stan Strickland: "i don't think there was reasonable doubt."
Yes, I think there is the real possibility of her being in danger, both from the lynch mob mentality crowd that has been stirred up by the prosecution-biased media coverage for the past 3 years (the tabloid news media CNN/HLN appeared to get all their info from their local Orlando affiliate station, just as prosecution-biased. All exculpatory evidence and circumstances were consistently omitted in their coverage.).....AND face it, she could also be in danger from whoever killed Caylee (if that person knows she knows, or thinks she does. Obviously one reason for not telling all this time could have been because she didn't want to wind up in a swamp herself.) She could even be in danger from someone who was just an accessory after the fact if they are afraid she might ever tell.

Danger from whomever killed Caylee? You mean she is going to harm herself??? Naaaaah. Narcissists don't do that
Look at it this way, if CA makes any money she has to come off of disability. While I don't like the idea, and I doubt she would make much, at least the State would stop paying her way.

If she is looking at a "Wealth Management" company, I hope that Social Security knows about it and is looking into what wealth, being that they are paying her.

I guess she must have gotten an advance from a book publisher, or maybe a miracle and he got in touch with her anticipating she will write one ( yah - right!) but I don't think CA would qualify for forever LTD from her company's benefit package, especially now that her memory is "much clearer". the trial is over and CA no longer has the stress of a guilty verdict plus proving she had fudged her work sheets or lied about it on the stand. I guess if she switched to government disability it would not be nearly as much as a private benefits company would be paying her.
Look at it this way, if CA makes any money she has to come off of disability. While I don't like the idea, and I doubt she would make much, at least the State would stop paying her way.

If she is looking at a "Wealth Management" company, I hope that Social Security knows about it and is looking into what wealth, being that they are paying her.

I agree. :waitasec: If CA is able to "write a book" or "make TV appearances" ... then she is NOT "disabled" !

I heard a snippet of something today about Ann Finnell saying KC does not know what happened to her daughter. Doesn't that fly in the face of JB prosecution? I did not hear the entire story but IS had the piece and I walked in at the end but they were critical of the statement saying that JB laid out what happened in court. I'm afraid I don't understand and thought perhaps someone else heard this and could elaborate.
Any thoughts on who killed Caylee then? I mean it would have to be someone with access to the house and Caylee's belongings, right? Then there is the duct tape. Who had that? As far as an accessory after the fact, KC sat in jail for 3 years without saying a word about anyone else other than George or maybe it was Roy K or maybe it was Jesse G or maybe it was Zanny or maybe it was.........you get my point by now I am sure. So who in the world would have helped whoever it was that killed Caylee that KC would know about that she would not have already spilled the beans to save her own rear end in the past 3 years?

Sorry but I have read the evidence, I have seen the trial, I have seen the interviews, I have seen the jail house visits, I have heard the call home, I have read the jail house letters and after all of that I have come to the conclusion that KC and KC alone killed Caylee. No one else did it, no one else helped. Period. End of story.


From my understanding the jurors believe she drowned in the swimming pool and George covered it up, triple bagged her and duct taped her and threw her in the swamp. What person on that jury would think a grandmother and grandfather would do that??? I also have heard that the jurors did not believe ONE word George Anthony said, so I can only assume they think he is the guilty party and also sexually abused FCA. Personally except for the affair, I think George was believable.
@bobkealing bob kealing
At 6pm on @WESH former #CaseyAnthony trial judge Stan Strickland: "i don't think there was reasonable doubt."

Must be some "official" attempt to quiet the outrage - who ever heard about a sitting judge commenting on anything.

If that's what he's saying - God knows I respect the man but I'm not buying it Stan. Nice try though...still very angry....

Okay - just saw the "official" news release and he is saying exactly the opposite! He says whenever he thinks of the verdict it throws for a "loop". Circumstantial evidence is still evidence and there is rarely a camera filming the killing or abuse of a child.

So in other words, he also does not like the jury verdict! Whew sounds more like the Stan we know and love!
We knew it was coming, Cindy took tons of notes in court. Good luck finding a publishing company brave enough, the public backlash will be severe for them. What on earth is she going to write about anyway, how wonderful Casey is and what a great family they are? The truth according to Cindy Anthony, no thanks.

This has got to be a joke..what publishing company is going to have a woman who was caught perjuring herself in front of the whole country write a book and really believe the public will not only buy it,but BELIEVE IT!Some people JUST DON'T GET IT!!LOL
I heard a snippet of something today about Ann Finnell saying KC does not know what happened to her daughter. Doesn't that fly in the face of JB prosecution? I did not hear the entire story but IS had the piece and I walked in at the end but they were critical of the statement saying that JB laid out what happened in court. I'm afraid I don't understand and thought perhaps someone else heard this and could elaborate.

If that is true, that KC allegedly told her lawyers that she didn't know what happened, then JB should be in big trouble. Because I believe it is a crime of some sort for any attorney (they are all officers of the court) to tell a made up, bald face lie story for the jury. I had assumed that <that woman> had fed all of that to the defense and they went with it because that would be allowed. (Meaning they didn't purposely perpetrate a fraud upon the court). I hope that makes sense. As distasteful as I find Jose Baez, I did assume it was a story his client fed to him. If AF is now saying her client "didn't know what happened", that's a new can of worms. moo
From my understanding the jurors believe she drowned in the swimming pool and George covered it up, triple bagged her and duct taped her and threw her in the swamp. What person on that jury would think a grandmother and grandfather would do that??? I also have heard that the jurors did not believe ONE word George Anthony said, so I can only assume they think he is the guilty party and also sexually abused FCA. Personally except for the affair, I think George was believable.

I also believe that Casey and Casey alone covered up and murdered her daughter.

I just think that George did not come across well on the stand. I believe that he was trying so hard to show that he was innocent that he came across as uncooperative. After being accused of sexually molesting your 8 year old daughter and duct taping and covering up the drowning of your granddaughter, it is completely understandable.

While I believe George had ZERO involvement in the death of Caylee, I do think that George just didn't come across well on the stand. MOO
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