2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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I'm not arguing all of the evidence, just pointing out where people are posting inaccurate information as fact or asserting that the State was never challenged on evidence and then in the next breath questioning why the jury didn't consider it.

I understand someone has to play the Devils Advocate...but I wonder if the jurors took the dogs into consideration. They..of all witnesses..IMHO..were extremely credible in determining the presence of human decomp in the trunk.
circumstantial evidence is still evidence under the law
although I would have disagreed with an acquittal, at least I would have felt a better if they at least deliberated, they didn't.
You think they would have wanted to go back and review and analyze to make sure they were doing the right thing. They didn't
For example a number of the defense's arguments didn;t make sense or conflicted with another argument they made, not reasonable
So of course I don;t agree with any threats or anything like that towards the jury, but criticism, yeah I think they deserve to be criticized not only for the verdict that they came to, but also for their lack of deliberation.
Caylee deserved more

Indeed! Someone (e.g., the judge) should have emboldened members of the jury by recommending they take some time to review the evidence, because otherwise they are ruling based on a recent impression, rather than concentrating on critically evaluating the details of the weeks of evidence. Hearing the evidence the first time around, they might have been advised, is NOT the same as mulling over and reexamining the evidence, with benefit of hearing, and exchanging thoughts from, their fellow jurors! Taking straw votes is NOT reexamining the evidence in an unbiased manner---and that was their job! I wonder if Perry could have emphasized their obligation to scrutinize the evidence anew, and not go with their gut feeling immediately after the closings.....and certainly try not to be quickly swayed by fellow jurors. Might he have warned them of the dangers of groupthink (especially in a sequestered environment)?
What in the defense's opening statement came in as evidence? No evidence of drowning. No evidence Caylee could open the back door to get outside. No evidence George was present when Caylee died. No evidence George ever molested Casey. No evidence Casey suffers from a specific mental disorder that would cause her to go on happily when her baby died. No evidence that George would be likely to treat his granddaughter's body with such disrespect. No evidence that George ever touched Caylee's dead body. No evidence George ever had access to Casey's car June 16 - July 15. No evidence Kronk is a "morally bankrupt person." No evidence Kronk moved the body from the woods, hid it, or put duct tape on her skull. I just can't think of anything in the opening statement that the defense was able to provide evidence for.

maybe, just maybe this was all put out there to set up what was to follow. that would be a host of lies from a lot of people that took the stand. surely clouded the jurors minds. "what do I believe?" . JB did nothing to prove any of that opening statement. do you really think it was stupidity? he may not be the brightest star out there, but he is smart enough to be where he is, and had many good attys at his disposal. from what I hear, there were several that payed HIM to work on the case? he probably had more good advice than we realize.

I think he set something up that worked.

disclaimer; yes she is guilty of something, I try to look at this logically, not emotionally
I would just like to hear ONE juror say they made a mistake. That will begin to restore my faith in these people. Mistakes happen, this is a biggie, but man up and say you probably made a mistake if you really feel you did.

One of them eventually will. My guess is it gets them a book deal as well.
The juror said that George could be guilty of murder because it was suggested. What?!? :banghead:
Yet another person that doesn't seem to understand what circumstantial evidence is. You do realize that the only non-circumstantial (direct) evidence is either an eye-witness account or a confession, right? Do you realize how many murder cases have neither of those, but still result in a conviction? To imply that a case is weak because the evidence is 'only circumstantial' is so very ignorant, and I get so sick of people misunderstanding that concept.

yet walk she did
So what did they talk about for 10+ hours, then? Do you think they sat around and talked about things other than the case?
Juries are not required to go over every piece of evidence and testimony when they are deliberating, only the things they may not be clear on. They did not need to discuss the bugs and other scientific things, unless they were not clear on it. If they had taken the time to reread all the testimony or look at all the evidence they would have been deliberating for a month.
I will repeat what I posted a few days ago somewhere, and I heard it from a well respected attorney. In 80% of trials, most jurors will have their minds made up by the end of the closing statements.
Their meals are brought to them in the jury room and they can eat while they are talking. They don't take long breaks, there is a restroom inside the jury room. It takes about 10 minutes at the most to select a foreperson. Somebody is nominated, they take a vote and it's done.
Judge Alex was asked right after the verdict what was the shortest time a jury had ever come back with a verdict and he said 4-1/2 minutes.

Well we certainly know that this jury and OJ Simpson's jury had their minds made up right off the bat. I think that is very wrong and jurors owe it to the defendant to listen to everything that is said during the trial to go over the evidence, and have an OPEN mind. Otherwise they shouldn't be on the jury.
Those jurors couldn't have been so dense as to not pick up on anything that Casey did for heavens sake. Her guilt is as obvious as the nose on your face.
Maybe the foreman thought Casey was cute. I'm sure she probably raised her eyebrows at him, winked or smiled. After all, she was right across from him and he is a young guy in his early 30's.
And to make it worse,they never asked for guidance or clarification . Did they even look at the instructions?

I get riled up,but remember HHJP would not just shrug his shoulders and say"oh well". If we suspect something,then he does ,too. I have to believe there will be some type of inquiry into what happened. It won't change the outcome but it's still worthy of investigation.

Respectfully, I think you're giving Judge Perry too much credit. He may not agree with the verdict but he won't go out of his way to start an inquiry. No way. No how.

It's over.
If it was a proper carriage of justice there would not be an outcry from 2/3's of the United States of America.. There wouldn't!!!

It is not just a few of Websleuths' members that are just stirring a chit pot because we did not get the verdict that we "wanted".. This is a much larger, as well extremely valid issue that has taken place.. I pray that out of this miscarriage of justice that the flaws of our constitution based justice systems are reevaluated, repaired, and improved thus making our constitution based justice system that much stronger, that much more efficient in carrying out justice for even the tiniest of citizens of the United States of America.. Who might I add those who should be the loud, repeating voice demanding justice for Caylee never even so much as whispered please punish this baby's killer, who happens to be her very own mother.. Instead those who SHOULD be the voice for Caylee demanding, seeking, and assisting every tiny, tedious, tiresome trek of the 3+ yrs are making completely shallow and utmost of ignorant statements such as what we heard on Casey's day of sentencing, " ooooooooohhhhh!!! Oooh! Look how beautiful she looks and her hair it's so pretty and long!"...

What about your beautiful grand daughter's hair? You know the hair that After 6 months of decomposing in a trunk and then a swamp.. That beautiful baby's hair had slid down her skull and only held still in place by the Henkle duck tape that her mother wrapped around that baby's mouth, nose, head, and hair.. It's disgusting to even think of the killer of that beautiful girl even so much as receiving further encouragement to feed the Narcissitic beast that she is.. But she is.. And the reality is we ain't seen nothing yet..

But that is neither here nor there and unfortunately in time we will witness the further disastrous destruction that this exonerated citizen will 100% undoubtedly continue to escalate in her actions and behaviors.. Hold
On to your seats my friends.. As I said, we ain't seen nothing yet!!!

One of our members posted a few days ago a very honest, personal, and extremely telling nature occurrence about her very young child's thought and statement about what we have all witnessed to have happened last week In our very own constitutionally based justice system.. It very simply, yet very extremely accurate says and pretty much describes it all and in the most basic of concepts, terms, and wording that I believe that even these jurors of this case would have even been able to comprehend, implement, understand, and follow
The direction of.. It is so very sad and downright scary(or it should be) to know that even the youngest of our tiniest of citizens of our United States of America, our children, who are almost exact in age of what Caylee Marie Anthony would now be had her life not been extinguished and ripped from this earth by her mother, she too would have been of this age and mindset that could easily without effort see the vast forest, even for all the BS, enormous, and fictitious "trees" Casey, along with so called officials of this justice system, the defense team.. No matter the multitude of hurled bulli***** spaghetti hurled in the faces of jurors and all of us of this country.. No matter all of it in totality our tiniest of citizens of this nation could still see the truth.. The truth somehow lost or fallen on deaf ears of citizens 3 times or more their age, of Caylee's age had her mother not murdered her... That simple and clear as bell truth that stood unwavering, and unchanging thru the entire circus that Casey and Co. created and enacted before the world..

Even our children could and do see that truth still.. The truth that Casey Anthony murdered Caylee, her daughter.. And just as most of America and beyond from the oldest to the very youngest understand easily that motive and cause of death are NOT a requirement of our constitutionally based justice system.. And tho personal opinions do make their way as answers to both of those(motive/COD) and in that situation one must use your God given brain(that again does not require more than the capabilities of a young child In order to do so) to then determine the fate of the murderer in the penalty phase..

Caylee's tiny lost life never even was important enough to have been given the opportunity for justice to even reach that point, the penalty phase.. But rather due to reasons ONLY GOD AND THE TWELVE INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEINGS THAT MAKE UP THE JURY IN THIS CASE will ever truly know did not with their basic use of the workings of their brain "CHOOSE" to follow the letter of the law of our constitutionally based justice system.. THEY DID NOT!!!

If they had then they would not be publicly making the statements about GA and sexual abuse, drowning in a pool, and most importantly that they were not given an all important COD.. These statements are and what they consist of have zero to do with this jury's job.. ZERO!!

This is why my prayer at this time, with there being nothing that can be done to right the wrong of what's taken place, is that the flaws of the magnitude just described that resulted in Caylee's not receiving justice due her.. That those flaws NOT BE IGNORED, not be shoved under the rug by those who are argumentative for the simple sake to argue, by those who refuse to admit that just as with all man made creations, this too, our justice system has flaws, or those who simply are blinded by ignorance.. I pray instead that the flaws being evaluated, repaired, and improved and to make this gosh darn constitutionally based justice system that men and women at this very second are fighting and giving their lives for us to have the privilege to not only be a part of, but to be a solution to make it only that much better, that much tougher, that much more respected by working towards making our justice that much stronger!!!!!!

Strong enough to by God ENSURE that even our most tiniest of citizens of this OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the most helpless, defenseless, whose voice has been silenced by death, who the men and women of OCSO went above and beyond any call of duty in making it their goal to be the voice for this silenced child.. To be the voice that demanded JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE MARIE!!!!

My prayer, my wish, and now my goal is since that did not occur and this tiniest of humans slipped through the cracks and her killer left unpunished.. My goal and my prayer is to strengthen this system that I, and so very many others(whom I thank daily for fighting for my rights on the frontlines of war)... The least I can do is fight on the frontlines here in America for what I know can be improved and can be strengthened so that again even the tiniest of our citizens of this great nation be ENSURED the justice they, too deserve!!!!
I may be in the minority, but I dont believe for an instant that anyone on the defense believes Casey is innocent. These people deal with criminals and liars all the time, they know what she is. The fact is, they dont care, she is their meal ticket (especially Jose). I mean, what are they supposed to say to the media? We dont believe her, she is guilty? You never see defense attorneys say that ,even after an acquittal. Jose knew the truth from the beginning and adjusts the lie just like Casey, only when the previous one is disproved.

Looking at the defense table just before and after the verdict, they did not look to me like they expected not-guilty and they were shocked...shocked, I tell you. Hey Baez, you saved her, now you own her! I think one reason Mason is so grumpy and snarky about others' constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and speech is that now he's got a BIG problem, one whom he probably doesn't want around his wife and other family members. Good look defense boys and girls, you're probably going to need it.
A defense attorney's job is to defend his client, not help the prosecution prove their case. While this prosecution team needed all the help they could get, there's no reason why that should have come from the defense team.
Oh wow, Tim Miller plans to serve KC for deposition tomorrow in jail!! Tim is filing suit. I hope somehow uses up ever $ she gets from having murdered her daughter. That would, at least, be a little justice.
A defense attorney's job is to defend his client, not help the prosecution prove their case. While this prosecution team needed all the help they could get, there's no reason why that should have come from the defense team.

Maybe not, but a little more truth and far fewer lies might have been nice. Not accusing innocent witnesses without an iota of proof might have at least indicated the defense consisted of a few decent individuals.
A defense attorney's job is to defend his client, not help the prosecution prove their case. While this prosecution team needed all the help they could get, there's no reason why that should have come from the defense team.

They didn't need help. They needed 12 honest jurors who could follow the law.
Looking at the defense table just before and after the verdict, they did not look to me like they expected not-guilty and they were shocked...shocked, I tell you. Hey Baez, you saved her, now you own her! I think one reason Mason is so grumpy and snarky about others' constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and speech is that now he's got a BIG problem, one whom he probably doesn't want around his wife and other family members. Good look defense boys and girls, you're probably going to need it.

So true! And just wait - before it's all over with <mod snip> is going to get disgruntled with her one or more of her defense team and with her track record she will make accusations about having to pay for legal fees via sex, or that CM groped and fondled her, or JB coerced her into sexual favors. I foresee that - and also at some point I believe she will say a guard made some sort of sexual advances on her in jail. It just seems like her style to lie and accuse when she stomps her little foot and someone doesn't jump fast enough.
Maybe not, but a little more truth and far fewer lies might have been nice. Not accusing innocent witnesses without an iota of proof might have at least indicated the defense consisted of a few decent individuals.

I couldn't have said it better myself!
oh, please educate me? and maybe keep your name calling to yourself?

and I would bet that if I was jumping up and down screaming for justice, bashing the jury, and or talking trash about the DT along with my mis-quote about evidence you wouldnt be responding to me this way?

Ignorant about a situation is not name calling.

Circumstantial evidence is within the law and in fact most cases are circumstantial unless there is an eyewitness. Pray tell how many murder cases have eyewitnesses???
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