2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Personally, I don't like the raising of hands style in the jury room...at least not during early voting. Nope. Too easy for the majority to identify and quickly focus on those who see things differently from the group.
You're right. From my own notes:

PT opening - it was very shocking
With what they presented thought it was pretty standard.
Showed pictures that would stay with you for life realized how serious it was

When DT got up they started throwing out things that we did not know.
We had to sit back and let it soak in and see where it went from there.

So the PT's opening was "shocking" and what they presented was "pretty standard". ?????

The DT threw out "things we did not know". ?????

Hi ... I reviewed my DVR and the state presented a pretty standard opening statement according to the Foreman.
As opposed to the shocking one that caught the jurors attention to stray their focus for the rest of the trial {last is my opinion}
This is what I find fascinating. They talk about how GA's behavior in the tow yard was suspicious. OK, I can understand that but what about Casey's behavior in not reporting, lying to friends and police and not appearing upset in the least that her child is dead? Sorry, but that behavior is WAY more suspicious to me. I'm amazed at what they focused on while ignoring so much.

Agreed because JB and his OS firmly focused them on GA and that became a filter, they were waiting for confirmation or updates from GA ... The 'bad' guy ignoring the poor accused 'little' girl across the room.
He's a gym teacher...I mean really....not a coach mind you, but a gym teacher. Does the man even have a teaching certificate? Is one even required to be a gym teacher in Florida?

I imagine when school starts back, he will not have very many kids in his gym class. Just as soon as the schedules come out for the school year, parents will rush to school to have this gym teacher removed from their kids schedules.
And I don't blame them one bit!
Wait a minute the DEFENSE TEAM admitted that it was suppose to be an ACCIDENT in THEIR opening statement yet this guy claims that George Anthony could have murdered Casey!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! It's no WONDER why she was found innocent. The prosecution had NO CHANCE! Now I know for sure these 12 really still do believe the world is flat.

Sad thing is, if GA could have been convicted & received the DP that day along with KC, he would have been.
Can they not see they are not even close to the truth with their theory?
I shudder to think there's peolpe like this walking around out there.
Preview..First vote (hand raise) was 12-2..12 guilty & 2 innocent! His words!! What happened to his "not guilty" vs "innocent" stance?

A slip of the tongue is my guess=LIAR! imho

I'm finally moving from shock to anger.

I think I'll go watch Antiques Roadshow for awhile.
Preview..First vote (hand raise) was 12-2..12 guilty & 2 innocent! His words!! What happened to his "not guilty" vs "innocent" stance?

A slip of the tongue is my guess=LIAR! imho

Wait a minute....hold up!!!

Did he really say it was 12-2 guilty vs not guilty?

Foreman says that they did not really consider CA (the mother)'s lies very much! Why not? Oh because she had been questioned a lot, she was stressed, she was on medication ...huh? They did believe that GA was lying about everything...
They disregarded hard evidence in CA's lying, and favored some witness whose stories have changed?

This is where Greta HAD to say what about the PROOF she was at work when the search(s) were made!! But she did NOT! Totally useless interviewer.

I was screaming at the TV, "didn't you listen to the rebuttal evidence!!!!" the state absolutely proved that!
Ahhhh, I hit my mute button in case CM was next. Should I add it as "coming up tomorrow...." or let people read the scoop in your post?

I'm seriously at a loss.

Saw your cameo, Mom.
Because I *advertiser censored**king don't know where she's at.
Get me Tony's number.
All anyone wants to do is find Caylee.
Get me Tony's number.
Waste. Huge waste.

Yeah. She's a really likeable person. I'm surprised he didn't call her mother of the year.

Don't forget "Oh well" when the one girl is crying telling ica if anything happened to caylee she would just die.......surprised that wasn't harped on in court actually.....
I really wish she would have been released last thursday, she would already be miserable and we would feel a little better because of that. Everyone who cared about Caylee has been tortured since the verdict while she sits back dreaming of her fortune to come. I say release her now to face the what is to come........I hope she is as miserable as I think she will be.
The one good thing about this is I hope it pushes the other jurors out to tell their version of the events.

This has always bugged me cos the TRUTH is nobody knows if that door was already left like that or not when this pix of her at the door was taken..IOW! That's def not PROOF Caylee had opened the door that far or had opened it at all..Guess it's OK just to *advertiser censored*-ume she did! :maddening:

And Tracy, the babysitter of casey while she was out on bail said something that I wish the jury would have heard. She said that sliding door was often left slightly cracked open for the Yorkies to be able to get out. But that Caylee could not slide the door open on her own. But that might make me wonder if Caylee could squeeze through a partially open door. So IDK.
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