2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Good thing they weren't around when Susan Smith was on trial. They would have had everyone believing she was only taking the boys out for a moonlight swim when the car 'accidentally' rolled into the lake.

She'd be free too because a young mother with pretty photos of her and her children would never kill them. GMAB.
That guy right there is the reason Casey got off. I would bet a million on it. He led that jury around with his double talk.

You are so right, Dr. Fessel, and double talk is what it was!
CM is making all defense lawyers evil and hated now, BIG TIME!!! How many innocent people will be falsely jailed in the future because of these irrational inflammatory statements? CM and JB are destroying the court and law balance of the legal system. They are more morally corrupt then I thought any court official ever could be!!!


Well I hope he enjoys whatever monetary compensation he can get from this case because it's the only thing that will be mentioned in his obit. I believe it was mentioned he had a commendable career? Nobody will remember anything but his flipping off the camera. Nice legacy you've got there buddy.
Thud. OS is NOT evidence. How could they not know this? Oh yeah .... see below ....


My dh found a pic of 12 rocks with googly eyes. Sent it to me labeled: well, I think you know. roflol
This is where Greta HAD to say what about the PROOF she was at work when the search(s) were made!! But she did NOT! Totally useless interviewer.

Don't forget CA's statement to her brother Rick that GVS said when leaving the A's house that she couldn't wait for the day they got Caylee back so CA could tell everyone FU.
She's been half asleep on this case since day one.
Does CM still not know the facts of this case or is he outright lying? "The third piece of duct tape was found x number of feet away from the body." CM really, really steams me. He is so bad because he misrepresents the real facts and then blusters his indignaciation at the real truth.

And then he gets all furious at the TH's that get on tv talking about the case when they know nothing about the facts. Go read the transcripts, CM.
She looked at a chloroform cartoon and then the next day she typed into google " How to make chloroform"? Does that make sense and seem reasonable to anyone?

No, but these people weren't reasonable. ICA was really nice and a wonderful mother well if you discount poisoning her baby, duct taping her mouth, and dumping. She was a really sweetie other than that.
All I'm getting from these interviews is that the prosecution should have spent their entire time rehabbing George! Forget trying to prove it was Casey! They should have spent their entire case showing how it could not have been George! So irritating! Seems the guy fell on the sword in someways by allowing himself to be such a huge distraction. Casey, et al should be thanking him!
Jim Hammer: if u can hide t body long enough, u might get away w/murder

Female Panelist: his take on t chloroform, was exact take i was saying; was never impressed w/t chloroform evidence; can't say this jury did not examine from every perspective

Ted Wms: (Well, Ted is freaking out; nearly screaming-Yikes!)---the juror was very impressive, must respect that decision...

I've been watching Ted Williams on Greta for 6-7 years now and I've never heard him say anything that was either of substance, or that someone hadn't already brought up. Greta must owe him a whole heaps of paybacks.
CM sure doesn't seem to mind these shows when he is the one yapping away on them.
Bernie: this juror - is conscientious, took 400 pages of notes

Unless he was making notes of the evidence, which came close to 400 pieces (very doubtful) the only thing he could have made 400 pages of notes about were Casey's LIES.

I wonder how long it took him to convince the 2 who originally voted for 1st degree, then the 6 who then voted for the lesser charge to follow him in saying
"show me the money"

Personally, I am looking forward to tomorrow's presser.

bobkealing bob kealing
1:30-3pm Eastern“@YancyFaith: @bobkealing Just asking what time the big OCSO detectives' press conference is tomorrow. Thanks, friend.”
I havent read this whole thread, but just had to come on here and post. I watched my first post verdict news coverage tonight- I wanted to see what juror 11 said on Greta. I was so upset by what I was hearing and it seemed to me that this guy did not even pay attention during the trial. After yelling at the TV, I turned it off and went outside and washed my car! I know its after 9pm, not very well lit, and I really couldnt see what I was doing. I am thinking I got it mostly clean though since I washed it so vigourously! IMO Justice never had a chance with these 12 jurors. Even if the states case had been all physical evidence, I don't think these guys would have convicted.... JMO
NG says jury forman was DISGUSTED when he had to sign the verdict sheet! Why the heck did he SIGN it then???????????????????????????????????????????

:loser: Because the "Jury Foreman" is a COWARD ... a HUGE COWARD !

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