2011.07.16 - Lightning strikes in front of OC Jail

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Great, ty for reconfirming how wonderful this great country is!


Sometimes the actions of it's citizens are down right disgraceful.

(FCA - 1 of many)
OMG! This lightening talk terrifies me! I'll keep my earthquakes out here in California.

btw, how close was the "in front" of OC jail? I need to know just how close we're talking, before I get on my high horse. :)

Sometimes the actions of it's citizens are down right disgraceful.

(FCA - 1 of many)

Well, yes but I think its been like that since the beginning. Its not a new revelation to me! Its not like this is something new since the world found out about Casey Anthony!

Anyways, great read!

Florida is the thunderstorm capital of the United States. The "lightning belt" in Florida is an area from between Orlando and Tampa to south along the west coast to Fort Myers and east to Lake Okeechobee.

Weird. No matter why the lighting hit these places, it is just odd.

Maybe it is voodoo? LOL.

That is awesome!
The best thing about it is that FCA IS 'religious', was raised such---and I'm sure, even if she's not admitting it, the ACTUAL LIGHTNING must be making her very queasy. If sociopaths even can be fearfully superstitious or even truly believe in God....I'm not an expert.

She can run and hide only so much. Death threats from humans, lightning bolts from the heavens. Alone in a new place for the first time in her life with nobody to text. :great:
If FCA is a sociopath, then she is too wrapped up in her own self to even notice any lightening. Any assumption that she feels guilt or remorse negates the assumption that she is a sociopath.
If these strikes have any meaning, then I believe the meaning is along the lines of that graphic previously posted that says "I've got this."
Let God, karma, society, or the penalties of an effed up psychological make up do their worst. We should all let go of our upsets, but continue to monitor if we wish.

Disclaimer: I am speaking from my experience of having been intimately associated with five sociopaths during my life. I don't really have any authority to judge FCA as such without having known her, though I suspect it.
Yea, and I put the strike in front of the jail as my avatar for everyone to see & so that we can say that lightnin' does strike twice, maybe not in the same place but for the same reason! I've seen both pictures(the dark clouds in front of the Anthony home the day of the tree strike) and the strange dark clouds look more freaky than the lightning!

I understand your pain Justice Seeker, but the Federal Government cannot try KC - now if she had buried Caylee across a state line, they could intervene. There is no charge in this case that will let the Feds come in. I was hoping they could get her on lying to the Feds - but she never gave them an interview. :seeya:

Either way, KC has a rough road ahead of her - certainly not as rough as it would have been 23 hours a day in prison. But it is going to be somewhat difficult. I think she will find people who are willing to help her. There are always people out there who will extend a hand - however, if she has not changed and still works with a criminal mind, then the problems will resurface.

Have to wait and see.
There's such a thing as a "meaningful coincidence," also known as "synchronicity." (Google "Carl Jung," the psychologist) It's up to each person to figure out what coincidences mean to them. It doesn't have to be religious to have meaning, but if a person is religious it might have more meaning for them.

I put Caylee's lightning-struck pine tree on my avatar, because I find it meaningful. It's another symbol of a child who shouldn't be forgotten.

Lightning strikes the just and the unjust, but even in a state known for lightning, this is two lightning strikes near the Anthonys. I find that very thought-provoking.

I'd say real karma would be for her to get out of jail and fail at life.

Something like this happened to me last Friday. Some might not think that it means much, but it was freaky to me, and the individual involved also thought so.

When I paid the landscaping bill early last week, I wrote a note on the invoice about having someone come to look at some trees/shrubs and provide an estimate for pruning. By Friday, I hadn't heard anything from the arborist and thought I would call to make sure that my memo had gotten appropriate attention. I wrote down the phone# from my address book in the kitchen and went to the den (where I was watching a Lifetime movie) to make the call. The moment that I sat down, the arborist's pickup truck pulled into the driveway!

I went outdoors to greet the young woman whose been to my home several times and showed her the phone# written on a small piece of paper. I told her my little tale, and she agreed that it was freaky :eek: - and on Friday :D
Let's stay on topic here. This is about the lightening, not the jury, not FCA's location, etc.

It is a fun discussion (even if FL is the thunderstorm capital of the world). Let's keep it going for awhile.

I too find the strikes to be quite interesting..........

BTW anyone know where OJ is right now?

Nevada State Prison.............It ain't over till its over..............:rocker:
There are a lot of thoughts. feelings and emotions aimed right at the tool that murdered her precious child. Maybe enough negative energy has been directed toward her to have some type of visible effect. I don’t believe in coincidence as just happenstance.....
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