2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Does anyone know if it's true Baez asked George and Cindy to serve as decoys? What did he mean? I just heard it mentioned on tv.
The little miss innocent voice should serve her well in her interview.

There is a fake voice! My daughter noticed that she sounded different in the courtroom than she did in the Universal interview, the tone went up in scale, she was more masculine (or some would say ba!!sy) at Universal.

Kinda sounds to me like she closes her throat a bit when she is actively lying.
JVM also said she can't believe that they asked the Anthony family to be decoys. Cindy has tried so many times to see Casey and Casey has refused. She said it is like a dagger into the heart of Cindy to do this.

I am so sick of hearing about POOR CA, what ever CA went through because of the death of her granddaughter CAYLEE CA went through this because of FCA. CA you ARE NOT the victime here, CAYLEE is the only victim!!!
I wonder why the guard with the huge weapon at the jail had a bulle-proof vest on, but FCA and JB didn't ......


I think JB had one on under his jacket. As I said in another post, he'd be smart to make it part of his everyday attire.
But Ms. Sims, who comforted Ms. Anthony during the trial, is hoping for a different outcome.

“I hope that she receives compassion from the world — that would be my hope,” Ms. Sims said. “She was found not guilty of these crimes. It’s time to move on.” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/17/us/17casey.html?pagewanted=2&_r=4

BBM - You got to be kidding me, right????????? Compassion from the world???

Casey deserves to be interviewed by Geraldo :floorlaugh: :loser:; And if Cindy, George or Lee go anywhere near Casey, they can go straight to .......... yeah, where Casey will be going.......

Caylee, you are still my sunshine!!
Does anyone know if it's true Baez asked George and Cindy to serve as decoys? What did he mean? I just heard it mentioned on tv.

Their lawyer Mark Lippman said it on JVM. They wanted them in on of the cars to confuse which car Casey was in. When the car went into the garage at Mason's office one came out but Casey was not in it. She effectively stayed in that garage and left later un-noticed.
Does anyone know if it's true Baez asked George and Cindy to serve as decoys? What did he mean? I just heard it mentioned on tv.

He meant if someone is going to go buckwild, he would rather them go buckwild on Cindy and George.

No, he prolly wanted them at a front door while KC slinked out the back. Like she's a celebrity slipping out of a boutique...
I am so sick of hearing about POOR CA, what ever CA went through because of the death of her granddaughter CAYLEE CA went through this because of FCA. CA you ARE NOT the victime here, CAYLEE is the only victim!!!

I agree. Caylee is the ONLY victim - she had NO choice and no options. CA and GA had choices - both before the trial and during. :maddening:
I just feel a major snark attack coming on. In any event, 21Merc7, I will plug the plan here:

1. go to dollar store
2. buy a few packs of cheaply made toy money and a few padded envelopes
3. Stuff some of the toy moneys in each envelope, address and postage to the equally worthy new Anthony foundation.
4. mail one every two days. So the foundation can feel its worth over a looonngg time.

:great::great::great: HILARIOUS !

Ya gotta admit it's a tough sell. "Ok, we'd like you to pretend to be this girl that a lot of people want to kill, howabout it?"

I don't think they'll ever see each other again. I think she's done with them and GA is definitely done with her. JMO


I wonder about this... If CA gets angry, she can file charges on the "hundreds" of checks that FCA stole from her before this all started. Statute of limitations on that type of fraud is 5 years. So, CA will be able to hold onto FCA for another 2 years, if she chooses. There was also the fraud on her grandpa's nursing home account...
What would be the voice selection for an interview?

little miss innocent
strong woman survivor
notorious femme fatale
I cannot believe that no one supposedly knows where she is...really?? I also cannot believe I am sitting here refreshing this to find out where she is!! I mean really, why do I care? Hope she enjoys her $60-80 polo shirt and her jeans and nice shoes.

Now--o/t - does someone have a link to espn so I can watch the womens cup game? Have no satellite and would love to watch it and something other than fca. Thanks!!

Here ya' go: http://espn.go.com/espn3/

Enjoy the game! I will be watching too!
GA and CA should never have even been asked to help out. Hire security if needed. Yeesh.

I think ICA is in NY. She will do her IV within days to get the money before the depo train starts.

She will continue to tell more lies and I'm sure some will believe her. Most won't.

The money will dry up after all the lawsuits and taxes and she will steal again. Give it a few years.

She will be knocked up within the year.
What would be the voice selection for an interview?

little miss innocent
strong woman survivor
notorious femme fatale

She would start off little miss innocent, than go onto her strong woman survivor rants. Her femme fatal is for off camera people who accept her, and don't care what she says as long as they get something out of it.
Their lawyer Mark Lippman said it on JVM. They wanted them in on of the cars to confuse which car Casey was in. When the car went into the garage at Mason's office one came out but Casey was not in it. She effectively stayed in that garage and left later un-noticed.

Maybe they had her doing the laying on the floor with a blanket over her trick?
Don't you think wherever she landed, someone at a airport wud be twittering like crazy if they saw her..Also the pilot had to report where he is going..wish we knew someone at the airport. The media will find her, but then again who really cares, I wish I never heard about her again unless she is 6 ft under.,:banghead:
Does anyone know if it's true Baez asked George and Cindy to serve as decoys? What did he mean? I just heard it mentioned on tv.

JVM spoke with Lippman. He said that JB called and asked them to be decoys, and that they refused. Good for them. He then said that he received a text from JB stating she was safe. JB was also supposed to call today to let them know about future contact, but failed to follow through. Surprise, surprise.

Now for MOO, I find it extremely cruel that JB, after the way he put the huge barrier between FCA and her family, would then ask them to put themselves in danger to assist in her escape.
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