2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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IF you were running for your life..... where would you go? I highly doubt Casey has an international/tourist passport, unless JB worked that out in the last 12 days. She is not a convicted felon and she can leave the state obviously. So.......... where does she go?

If she were on DR, she would be safe and well protected. No sunshine, etc, but at least she's safe. So........ where would you go?

She's not safe wherever she goes. WHY DO I CARE? :floorlaugh:


She IS a convicted felon. Six counts of felony check fraud.
I thought she was a felon because of the checks and stolen money from Amy H. If she is not a felon guess I need to drop the F from FCA.

:innocent:Would not matter to me...she would still be FCA for another reason.:seeya:
Well now...we all posted at the same time. Great minds and all that...
At first I was glad to see her have to walk out the front door of the jail.
It didn't last too long.

Being a suspicious person, I began to immediately suspect that she and JB wanted to walk out the front door. They both love the media, they want to keep things stirred up and it could have been a big "in your face" moment for them, which they both seem to enjoy way too much.

ETA: I hadn't watched Mike Brooks video saying the same yet. I am not an analyist, just suspicious.


I think they also wanted everyone to see her in the pink shirt and jeans, with her hair up, so that she wouldn't be recognized at the airport after she changed into ponytail and light colored dress.
I give her a year before she is either out of the spotlight or back in jail.

The best thing we all can do right now, ignore...ignore...ignore her. Boycott any offers you see being offered to anyone associated with the trial. As we have seen in the past couple of weeks, the power and outrage of the people is strong. She may get one payday for an interview but I really think that will be it.

She will be so bogged down in lawsuits, etc. that money won't last long. The DT will cut her loose once the gravy train is dried up. As for the Anthonys? I really could give two poops. Everyone makes their bed, some just have messier sheets :)

Karma is a beautiful thing. It will be raining down upon all of them for the rest of their lives.
At first I was glad to see her have to walk out the front door of the jail.
It didn't last too long.

Being a suspicious person, I began to immediately suspect that she and JB wanted to walk out the front door. They both love the media, they want to keep things stirred up and it could have been a big "in your face" moment for them, which they both seem to enjoy way too much.

It doesn't take a suspicious person to figure these folks out. Casey has been acquitted. It's all about what is in the best interest of the "cash cow" right now.I believe the County would have been glad to honor their request for a secret exit at an unanticipated time.
I think if you follow and spot Geraldo, he will lead us to Casey. Geraldo is of the same narcissistic group, can't imagine him wearing a burka in the airport, he loves to be seen. Too bad commercial airlines don't post passenger lists for us to see where he has jetted off too.
I thought she was a felon because of the checks and stolen money from Amy H. If she is not a felon guess I need to drop the F from FCA.

You are correct - she was convicted of several felonies. That was when she stood up in court and "apologized" to Amy.

She could be on probation but she's not. According to RichardH, she should still be in jail.
going to get link . . .brb
Warning: It might make you :maddening:


It was either Wednesday or Thursday that Baez was seen meeting with Geraldo and lawyers from the entertainment industry at a restaurant. The meeting being 3 hours long. My best guess is Casey was taken to NY.

But she will be back. I don't see her leaving Orlando for long. They are hoping for a cooling off period, Casey to make a pocket full of cash and they will set her up close to her attorneys for purposes of her appeal. And for all of these lawsuits with her civil attorney.
I think if you follow and spot Geraldo, he sill lead us to Casey. Geraldo is of the same narcissistic group, can't imagine him wearing a burka in the airport, he loves to be seen. Too bad commercial airlines don't post passenger lists for us to see where he has jetted off too.

And Geraldo can't keep his mouth shut! Remember him at the beginning of the Iraq War? :loser:
The best way to seek JUSTICE for CAYLEE now is to BOYCOTT ANYTHING RELATED TO CASEY ANTHONY!!! Don't contribute to one dime of blood money! Boycott the people that promote theses deals also!
You are correct - she was convicted of several felonies. That was when she stood up in court and "apologized" to Amy.

She could be on probation but she's not. According to RichardH, she should still be in jail.
going to get link . . .brb
Warning: It might make you :maddening:


If she were a convicted felon............additionally I thought stealing, etc. was a misdemeanor. ??????????????
The same rabid barracuda smile! As well as personality and temperament. In one photo of Caylee it looks like she had been taught to smile like that for the camera. Sad.

I noticed that too, N. Many of the pix Caylee had her in oversized sunglasses (for the amusement of her caregivers?) or costumes and with a fake smile on her face. Caylee needed no props. She was perfect just the way she was.
IDK....the "running girl" looks like her in away - but it also looks younger. I wish they would have shown who else went in that door. Did anyone see more on the teevee?
If she were a convicted felon............additionally I thought stealing, etc. was a misdemeanor. ??????????????

Nope check fraud, felonies.
Theft of over a certain amount is also a felony.

And Geraldo can't keep his mouth shut! Remember him at the beginning of the Iraq War? :loser:

....and announcing during the trial that LA was supposed to have answered that he was left out because his parents thought he might be the father
I think the jeans she wore on release were the same ones she had when she was booked. Someone posted on Twitter last nite, the woman who was attacked for looking like Casey was wearing the same shirt Casey had on when she left. Interesting to say the least.
IDK....the "running girl" looks like her in away - but it also looks younger. I wish they would have shown who else went in that door. Did anyone see more on the teevee?

I thought that girl was running like a child - maybe middle school.

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