2011.07.22-25 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I never want to see baez as a TH, though I bet JVM would take him...ugh! Geragos shouldn't ever mix it up w/Baez..double ugh!
As far as the car and other evidence is concerned, I don't understand wanting it back. Would it not remind you of Caylee's death?

If it has no need to be held as evidence, it should all be destroyed, imo. Too bad the Court cannot Order that it all be burned, smashed into used metal, what have you. That would be the only option in my mind. WTH are the A's going to do with the smelly stuff?

It's a control issue, she will burn them....JUST in case there is the remote possiblity that evidence could be extracted. That is also why she cremated Caylee.
George & Cindy Anthony now fighting to get back pieces of evidence used in Tot Mom’s murder trial. Attorney Mark Lippman confirms the Anthony’s may want Tot Mom’s car, Caylee’s bedspread, blanket, & other crucial items. Casey Anthony’s parents don’t want these items ending up for sale or allowing someone to profit off Caylee’s death. Their attorney also confirms George & Cindy will go through all the evidence and decide what they want to keep & what they will destroy!

Above is from Nancy Grace's FB page...this is her take, anyway, on why Cindy and George want items returned to them...FWIW
knowing the anthony clan, they probably want these goodies in order to open a caylee museum, perhaps in the lobby of a caylee foundation...
The smell will NEVER go away in that car! They always end up at the crusher! Guees they need the 150.00 buckd they'll get for "scrap metal!
YOU REALLY WANNA know about decomp?
the stain-
seeps completely through a mattess after a few days.
the capret or rug?
think like this.
a pup whizzes on the floor. you see a wet dime sized spot.
pull the rug back & it's toilet lid sized.God forbid if it's wood!
people really do need to think about this for family. What if uncle Fife dies. An unattended death x 9 days and you show up?
ok we know what you'll do but after that?
crews charge roughly 600.00 a day cash up front. can take a week!
o//t Even though I'm a nurse I have never seen decomp or smelled it (my cadavers were fresh) BUT I KNOW I'd have traded decomp for the autopsy of the 9 mo old little boy!
THAT I did no expect!

. Found 2 great sites for those interested! a google search will suffice
back on topic The balnket the car? morbid! IMO state laws should prevent a death car from ened back in anyones hands ! mostly family!
They will take the pool down? NOT! they want the freaking icky car.
If they loved that baby ONE day of her life- they'd tell OSCO to get rid of it.!
Why would Geragos be helpful? Did he get a bunch of big $$$$ after the Peterson trial?

I know he does a lot of Talking Head appearances now. Maybe that is what JB is trying for now too.

JB could not even sell, the first pictures of Casey out of jail. The talking heads do not want him now either. Clients do not want him. Nobody wants JB. That is fact, not fiction. JB is now an evil outsider of a court case in the past. We here will move on in life. JB will not.IMO
JB could not even sell, the first pictures of Casey out of jail. The talking heads do not want him now either. Clients do not want him. Nobody wants JB. That is fact, not fiction. JB is now an evil outsider of a court case in the past. We here will move on in life. JB will not.IMO

True, not to mention the fact that he will continue to get bottom-feeder clients who will now expect him to "babysit" them and get them rehab and started in a new life. This is going to cost him so much in the end!
True, not to mention the fact that he will continue to get bottom-feeder clients who will now expect him to "babysit" them and get them rehab and started in a new life. This is going to cost him so much in the end!

Here is my take on the "book deals" offers. If they even exist. Lets take Casey, Cindy or JB for examples. The low life publishers who might take a chance here. They will write up a contract on payment for profit. Meaning no up front money. Just a small percentage of any profits a book may make.

This is how the lower publishing companies work. They put the risk - reward part on the source of the book. Not themselves. And the reason is simple here. There is no guarantee that a Casey book may sell enough to even cover start up costs. The idea of million dollar up front money has gone way bye-bye with the negative public opinion here. And rightfully so!!!!!!!!!

It should add that all evil Cindy's carefully kept note taking is not worth less then toilet paper. At least toilet paper has a good use.
If it's true Baez is in New York City in talks with the networks for a deal with Casey, I like to think that means he is going to them...because they are not chasing him for a deal.

He can wheel and deal but if the interest is not there, if the networks are not interested, Casey won't have a pay off and she'll have to go back to her pretend job at Universal.

Another day and another dollar less for her story. That's my new motto.


From the media's point of view, they may be weighing the value of getting an interview with Casey Anthony. I'm sure they know that most of the public doesn't agree with the verdict and many are angry. They also know that Casey is a proven liar, and they may wonder if an interview with a liar has any value at all. Whatever she says will be questioned.

The media may stop and think that it may not be a wise idea to have an interview with someone who's despised. They might lose viewers and their sponsors might suffer.
JB could not even sell, the first pictures of Casey out of jail. The talking heads do not want him now either. Clients do not want him. Nobody wants JB. That is fact, not fiction. JB is now an evil outsider of a court case in the past. We here will move on in life. JB will not.IMO

:waitasec: Good ... then he will have to go back to his prior job selling "bikinis" ...

:crazy: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::crazy:
I watched Judge Jeanine tonight, but I will not watch Geraldo.

Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part, but....doesn't GR usually show up on Friday mornings on Fox and Friends in the morning? And then spouts what he's covering on his weekend show?

He was on Fox Thursday morning, but not Friday morning. And that was when I muted him (and wrote my email to Fox, LOL)...

But I haven't seen any preview ads for Geraldo's show for the weekend. YES!

Have I missed them, or is it eerily silent from GR this weekend????? Has anyone seen previews for his weekend show? Can we be blessed and have it not shown? If so, why? :waitasec:
:waitasec: Good ... then he will have to go back to his prior job selling "bikinis" ...

:crazy: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::crazy:

I guess someone has to sell bikinis, but this just has such a creepy factor to it :sick:
Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part, but....doesn't GR usually show up on Friday mornings on Fox and Friends in the morning? And then spouts what he's covering on his weekend show?

He was on Fox Thursday morning, but not Friday morning. And that was when I muted him (and wrote my email to Fox, LOL)...

But I haven't seen any preview ads for Geraldo's show for the weekend. YES!

Have I missed them, or is it eerily silent from GR this weekend????? Has anyone seen previews for his weekend show? Can we be blessed and have it not shown? If so, why? :waitasec:

Oh poo! Spoke too soon....just saw a GR blurb :(
knowing the anthony clan, they probably want these goodies in order to open a caylee museum, perhaps in the lobby of a caylee foundation...

And I though I had a dark mind at times. But you are correct here. Nothing is beyond Cindy and making a buck on Caylee dead body. Excuse while I go puke here.........
True, not to mention the fact that he will continue to get bottom-feeder clients who will now expect him to "babysit" them and get them rehab and started in a new life. This is going to cost him so much in the end!

I think this is the best way for this to have worked out, the tax payers aren't paying to keep Ms. Anthony in jail BUT she is still locked up. JB's career is going south, CM looks like an idiot flipping people off being an odd character in interviews, CA is fuming because she has lost "control" of Ms. Anthony.....she was found NOT GUILTY but her life is anything but BEAUTIFUL!
I am pretty much resigned to the fact that somehow, somewhere, CFCA will be featured in an interview and Baez too for that matter. And he will be at his smarmy "dignified and restrained" self, similar to his immediate post verdict TV shpeal, And CFCA will re re-groomed, look like a grieving mother, and play her part as a "victim" of her father, brother, and this "horrible accident" and how she just couldn't face the truth. I think one of the primary networks will be behind it - they won't be able to "not" take the story, but will spin it as some kind of ridiculous justice story, and tell themselves the "public" deserves to know. That's probably what is taking so long - CFCA hasn't learned her "presentation" style yet.

And people will watch it the same way as they are unable to not watch a tragedy car wreck as they drive by. And there are some folks who will "buy" the story hook line and sinker. And there in lies a double tragedy.

I know one thing for sure - I won't be watching.
The more I think about the A's taking off to the Bahamas the more I believe it is possible they are looking for a home there. I could see CA bringing KC there and keeping her secluded for a couple of years until everything cools down a little. JB can't hide her forever and if there is no money to be made KC will go where the money is. CA seems to have the means....or will shortly and I can see her welcoming KC with open arms. I see CA there with KC and GA back at Hopespring Drive. jmo
The more I think about the A's taking off to the Bahamas the more I believe it is possible they are looking for a home there. I could see CA bringing KC there and keeping her secluded for a couple of years until everything cools down a little. JB can't hide her forever and if there is no money to be made KC will go where the money is. CA seems to have the means....or will shortly and I can see her welcoming KC with open arms. I see CA there with KC and GA back at Hopespring Drive. jmo

For GA's mental health I hope this is true!
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