2011.07.22-25 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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If she does come out of her hidey spot, I hope that the pressure is put on to tell who the real father of Caylee happens to be. IMO, this man needs to be identified and proven that something bad didn't happen to him. It's extremely odd that he has not been identified and that no one credible has come forward. It's also odd that there were no attempts to get state aid for the birth or afterward, plus no child support. There must be a reason that he couldn't be identified. Is the man alive or what happened to him. Casey NOT telling the truth about him, or identifying him also proved that she had no reason to believe that he or his family might have taken Caylee. The jury should have had that pointed out. She knew they hadn't but where is he?
Maybe his hinky meter is going off, HHJP may not be done with him yet. So he may not have a law firm left anyway. :floorlaugh:

I thought there was a news release saying he is negotiating with NBC for a legal analyst position and using FKC as Bait. Well, I said the Bait part, but the first part was reported earlier today, with Matt Lauer apparently dong the negotiating...
Did any of you watch Geraldo tonight? CM was on, telling how his wife got really scared, because they were receiving so many threatening phone calls. As he was speaking, he told GR that his wife was right there with him, off camera.

GR said he probably has to sleep with one eye opened, and CM said, it only takes one eye to aim.

I have no links, sorry.

Yes, we watched, DE. We also heard him say how KC is in a "safe place", yet they are taking in contributions from folks so that KC "can have food to eat".....One would think that if the attorneys had the <mod snip> in a safe place, that the safe place would also be keeping her a$$ alive with food. CM also said that they are still working on a way to get her treatment and on the other side of his tongue said that many psych docs were willing to give her probono treatment...Which is it? KC will never make it in our society because we as Americans will never allow it. That is my opinion. She killed that baby Caylee.....We as Americans have enough sense to realize that no matter if you are a Conservative or a Liberal.....
I thought there was a news release saying he is negotiating with NBC for a legal analyst position and using FKC as Bait. Well, I said the Bait part, but the first part was reported earlier today, with Matt Lauer apparently dong the negotiating...

The NYP is reporting that there may not be an interview with KC for a while.
However, I do not consider that paper very reliable.
Still I wonder if they might be gearing up for such an interview at the same time a book would be ready. Six to nine months sounds about right.
I tend to agree that there will not be an interview with the <mod snip> for awhile. New York Post agrees? That is good. They are owned by FNC.
TMZ would probably still cover them... ugh.

Harvey Levin and his TMZ make the National Enquirer look like the Wall Street Journal, IMO. If you ever have a chance to read the comments sections on TMZ stories you will see comments about what they would "like to do" (IYKWIM) to whomever the article is about. I get the impression most of the comments are coming from 12 year old boys. I doubt they will be spending any money on books or movies about "the Anthony woman". At least we can hope!

I was listening to a talk news radio show a couple of nights ago and they listed the top 10 news stories of the day. Casey Anthony was #5. I think that's a start. :great:
Did any of you watch Geraldo tonight? CM was on, telling how his wife got really scared, because they were receiving so many threatening phone calls. As he was speaking, he told GR that his wife was right there with him, off camera.

GR said he probably has to sleep with one eye opened, and CM said, it only takes one eye to aim.

I have no links, sorry.

Yes, I watched too...made me sick that Geraldo is still pushing that the prosecution purposely witheld evidence of the 84 vs 1, on chloroform searches. He had that Anna-Sigga N., prosecutor on and she tried to explain that the defense was well aware of the issue, and that the dates the computer expert originally put forth were wrong, but as she tried to explain, Geraldo kept talking over her and interrupting and then went to commercial. Someone needs to set GR straight on this issue...although I think he knows the correct info, just wants to 'put forth' the wrong info. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Ewwwwwwwwww. I can't stand Mark Geragos. I was always surprised he didn't involve himself in this case, I should have known eventually he'd show up somewhere.

Supposedly Geragos is giving "tips" to Baez in the hotel bar. IIRC Geragos LOST his big case. (Scott Peterson/Death Row/San Quentin.) Hope his tips on how to negotiate a deal with the networks is as fruitful.

You're right about him eventually showing up. "Bad Pennies" always do.
Yes, we watched, DE. We also heard him say how KC is in a "safe place", yet they are taking in contributions from folks so that KC "can have food to eat".....One would think that if the attorneys had the <mod snip> in a safe place, that the safe place would also be keeping her a$$ alive with food. CM also said that they are still working on a way to get her treatment and on the other side of his tongue said that many psych docs were willing to give her probono treatment...Which is it? KC will never make it in our society because we as Americans will never allow it. That is my opinion. She killed that baby Caylee.....We as Americans have enough sense to realize that no matter if you are a Conservative or a Liberal.....

BBM - If she's careful that $500 plus she left the jail with can go pretty far.
Thanks for this post. I think you are right on when it comes to the reaction from the public toward Casey.

It just goes to show that ours is not a court of justice but a court of laws. The sense of decency from the public will furnish the punishment the jury should have rendered. jmo
Supposedly Geragos is giving "tips" to Baez in the hotel bar. IIRC Geragos LOST his big case. (Scott Peterson/Death Row/San Quentin.) Hope his tips on how to negotiate a deal with the networks is as fruitful.

You're right about him eventually showing up. "Bad Pennies" always do.

Geragos should thank his lucky star that he lost. He could have ended up like Baez.
Yes, we watched, DE. We also heard him say how KC is in a "safe place", yet they are taking in contributions from folks so that KC "can have food to eat".....One would think that if the attorneys had the <mod snip> in a safe place, that the safe place would also be keeping her a$$ alive with food. CM also said that they are still working on a way to get her treatment and on the other side of his tongue said that many psych docs were willing to give her probono treatment...Which is it? KC will never make it in our society because we as Americans will never allow it. That is my opinion. She killed that baby Caylee.....We as Americans have enough sense to realize that no matter if you are a Conservative or a Liberal.....

I agree with you 100% !!!
Yes, we watched, DE. We also heard him say how KC is in a "safe place", yet they are taking in contributions from folks so that KC "can have food to eat".....One would think that if the attorneys had the <mod snip> in a safe place, that the safe place would also be keeping her a$$ alive with food. CM also said that they are still working on a way to get her treatment and on the other side of his tongue said that many psych docs were willing to give her probono treatment...Which is it? KC will never make it in our society because we as Americans will never allow it. That is my opinion. She killed that baby Caylee.....We as Americans have enough sense to realize that no matter if you are a Conservative or a Liberal.....


Really? REALLY? He said that?

Oh my...................:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Gee, if she were in prison (where she belongs, IMO)...she and "they" (JB/CM) wouldn't have to be worrying about that little detail. :floorlaugh:

What about the other wealthy attys that believed in her and liked her? Gag. Ya know, ALyon, LKB, etc. Surely they could donate to her grocery bill :crazy:
If she does come out of her hidey spot, I hope that the pressure is put on to tell who the real father of Caylee happens to be. IMO, this man needs to be identified and proven that something bad didn't happen to him. It's extremely odd that he has not been identified and that no one credible has come forward. It's also odd that there were no attempts to get state aid for the birth or afterward, plus no child support. There must be a reason that he couldn't be identified. Is the man alive or what happened to him. Casey NOT telling the truth about him, or identifying him also proved that she had no reason to believe that he or his family might have taken Caylee. The jury should have had that pointed out. She knew they hadn't but where is he?

There are too many possibles to test them all....?
The thing is, Baez next client (guilty or innocent) will suffer as well. That "game" he played in court will only fly once. The guilty will go to him thinking he will get them off---and then LOSE. The innocent won't go near him with a ten-foot pole, not wanting to risk the Baez Backlash.

Just my own opinion of course.

Well, you could of said the same thing about Johnny Cochran right after OJ and how did that turn out? The dude became an immediate celebrity.
I thought there was a news release saying he is negotiating with NBC for a legal analyst position and using FKC as Bait. Well, I said the Bait part, but the first part was reported earlier today, with Matt Lauer apparently dong the negotiating...

Here's what I found:


Doesn't look like anyone is offering Baez a legal analyst position, from this post. THANK GOODNESS. :innocent:
Well, you could of said the same thing about Johnny Cochran right after OJ and how did that turn out? The dude became an immediate celebrity.

Yes he certainly did. But different day, different time. We have the internet and social networking now. In a 24-hour period organized public outrage can be a huge game changer. I don't think this DT will be afforded the same celebrity that JC received. But I do think that's what they were planning on.
The thing is, Baez next client (guilty or innocent) will suffer as well. That "game" he played in court will only fly once. The guilty will go to him thinking he will get them off---and then LOSE. The innocent won't go near him with a ten-foot pole, not wanting to risk the Baez Backlash.

Just my own opinion of course.


I totally agree. Judges, jurors, and prosecutors all have his number now. Not a good thing for any future clients.

Funny how things work out, isn't it?
Yes, we watched, DE. We also heard him say how KC is in a "safe place", yet they are taking in contributions from folks so that KC "can have food to eat".....One would think that if the attorneys had the <mod snip> in a safe place, that the safe place would also be keeping her a$$ alive with food. CM also said that they are still working on a way to get her treatment and on the other side of his tongue said that many psych docs were willing to give her probono treatment...Which is it? KC will never make it in our society because we as Americans will never allow it. That is my opinion. She killed that baby Caylee.....We as Americans have enough sense to realize that no matter if you are a Conservative or a Liberal.....


What happened to all those thousands and thousands of dollars CM said were coming in to CFA after the verdict? I would think that would run her for food money for awhile.

What happened to all those thousands and thousands of dollars CM said were coming in to CFA after the verdict? I would think that would run her for food money for awhile.

Maybe there little <mod snip> spent it all on bras, sunglasses and beer at target? She should be ok once she can locate someone's checkbook though.. she is real good with those I heard...:floorlaugh:
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