2011.07.22-25 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Cheney Mason on Geraldo if anyone cares. Saying his wife is terrified. They have security in place.

GR=Oh, Cheney, how is your poor wife ?

"bla bla bla ...my poor 87 yr old MIL and my wife, they are terrified...I only need one eye to aim...yech yech yech....Constitution,,,bla bla bla....I did everything to save Casey's life..Mission Accomplished...me me me. "

"Casey is trying to readjust to life...it just takes one nut job...It is a real tragic commentary on our society... we just try to educate people to back away from their hatred...the bottom line is this was a tragic accident...those who have fanned the flames of hatred deserve to pay..."

GR= "You did a brilliant job Cheney Mason, congratulations. "

"we just try to educate people to back away from their hatred."

He should take a bit of his own medicine. And stay off the talk show circuits and shut UP!
And don't forget, CM= "blah blah blah the haters' intellect" insult.
As a DP attorney wouldn't some of those "nut jobs" that he talks about be considered future clients?
GR=Oh, Cheney, how is your poor wife ?

"bla bla bla ...my poor 87 yr old MIL and my wife, they are terrified...I only need one eye to aim...yech yech yech....Constitution,,,bla bla bla....I did everything to save Casey's life..Mission Accomplished...me me me. "

Certainly if ole Cheney believes in the Constitution, he believes in the Ten Commandments. So Mason, have a look at these specific commandments in regards to your client ...

5 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6 “You shall not murder.
8 “You shall not steal.
9 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
As a DP attorney wouldn't some of those "nut jobs" that he talks about be considered future clients?


Poor little FCA... no money, no interviews, no love. Each day, we care about what she does or says less and less. She'll have to resort to something completely sleazy for money now. But when even the *advertiser censored* guys get flack because their customers do not want to see FCA, you have to know you're at a low that you'll never rebound from.


She'll just fade away from here.
Cheney Mason on Geraldo if anyone cares. Saying his wife is terrified. They have security in place.

Seriously.................he is too much. No one is going to hurt them even if they can't understand him when he speaks. Not even sure anyone would hurt FCA and that is the person two-thirds of this country are upset with. I don't believe in threatening but I do believe that it is freedom of speech for people to tell CM how they feel. I might not be a chemist but I know our constitutional right.

of course always JMO
GR=Oh, Cheney, how is your poor wife ?

"bla bla bla ...my poor 87 yr old MIL and my wife, they are terrified...I only need one eye to aim...yech yech yech....Constitution,,,bla bla bla....I did everything to save Casey's life..Mission Accomplished...me me me. "

"Casey is trying to readjust to life...it just takes one nut job...It is a real tragic commentary on our society... we just try to educate people to back away from their hatred...the bottom line is this was a tragic accident...those who have fanned the flames of hatred deserve to pay..."

GR= "You did a brilliant job Cheney Mason, congratulations. "


The tragic commentary is the jurors allowing a murderer to walk free.

Chaney M needs to shut up..................:crazy:
I didn't watch GR but IMO CM is the one who inflamed the public hatred even more with his rhetoric. Who the H*!! does he think he is to "educate" the public? Oh yeah, I forgot, he's the "FingerMan" who had his infamous picture plastered all over the national news. And why was he so angry after winning?
Cheney Mason on Geraldo if anyone cares. Saying his wife is terrified. They have security in place.

Should have thought about that a few months back. Gee security for everyone, that should add a few extra bucks. It wasn't included in the budget, so will CM sue JB for any of these unforseen costs. Seems he might have taken the hint when his wive's friends started shunning her in social circles. This girl is capable of mowing down anyone and everyone. :floorlaugh:
What a relief it is now Sunday afternoon and this thread is only on page 6.......thankfully the media appears to have moved on covering other "news".

Last night on Justice with Judge Jeanine, Casey Anthony wasn't even mentioned!


I watched Justice with Judge Jeanine too and noticed that she didn't mention the Casey Anthony case once. :)
The tragic commentary is the jurors allowing a murderer to walk free.

Chaney M needs to shut up..................:crazy:

Seems they were all on the same page, what does that tell ya about those jurors? She is probably sitting back laughing and calling them dumb a#4e* besides.:loser:
I find it interesting that Baez has been silent. His comments must be paid for I guess. His need for money is getting in the way of his using this win in court to forward his law firm and get more clients. Greed!
I watched Justice with Judge Jeanine too and noticed that she didn't mention the Casey Anthony case once. :)

To tell ya the truth, I tune in to see if she's been rearrested yet and if there's nothing new, I tune out. I've signed every petition that's come down the Pike. Me thinks the networks are getting ther message. :floorlaugh:
I find it interesting that Baez has been silent. His comments must be paid for I guess. His need for money is getting in the way of his using this win in court to forward his law firm and get more clients. Greed!

Maybe his hinky meter is going off, HHJP may not be done with him yet. So he may not have a law firm left anyway. :floorlaugh:
Today I did some much needed gardening, and as I worked I listened to the radio, tuned in to my favorite station - KFI am 640 out of Los Angeles.

On Sunday afternoons there's a woman host by the name of Lisa Ann Walters, who talks about things in the news. I was surprised when she began talking about the Casey Anthony case. Specifically she was talking about a juror who will do an interview on what it was like being a juror on the Casey Anthony trial...........if he's paid.

Lisa Ann Walters then went into a long monologue about people profiting from this case and said she was going to boycott all interviews with those involved, and encourage the listening audience to likewise boycott all interviews. She said it's just not right for anyone to profit off a murder case.

I was encouraged by this. KFI is a major news/talk radio station in Los Angeles and has a huge audience. This message to boycott any interviews with all those involved with the Casey Anthony case was heard by large audience.
I find it interesting that Baez has been silent. His comments must be paid for I guess. His need for money is getting in the way of his using this win in court to forward his law firm and get more clients. Greed!

The thing is, Baez next client (guilty or innocent) will suffer as well. That "game" he played in court will only fly once. The guilty will go to him thinking he will get them off---and then LOSE. The innocent won't go near him with a ten-foot pole, not wanting to risk the Baez Backlash.

Just my own opinion of course.
To tell ya the truth, I tune in to see if she's been rearrested yet and if there's nothing new, I tune out. I've signed every petition that's come down the Pike. Me thinks the networks are getting ther message. :floorlaugh:

Boy, I hope the networks get the message. I've sent a few emails, and hope they're getting a lot of viewer feedback along the same lines.........that no one wants to see any interview, and especially any interview in which KC and JB profit from in any way.
I agree. And the networks are between a rock and a hard place here. The earlier they air such an interview, the bigger the backlash. But the longer they wait, the less interest and the smaller the potential audience.

I agree with the Natl. Enquirers take on the situation. They say that FCA is going to go 'away' for 3 months. She will then come forward, repackaged as someone just 'graduating' from rehab. She will be painted as a 'victim' who is trying to better her own life. They hope then that she will be able to talk about what she was doing during this 'healing' time. And she can discuss her 'grieving' process and try to gain some acceptance from the public. I HOPE IT DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!

This is where the upcoming lawsuits are crucial. She will be on the hotseat for 3 big ones. The state suing for their costs accrued because she lied. And the TES lawsuit will be BIG because she will look pitiful for lying and wasting his time and resources when so many other missing kids needed him too. Zenaida is the least of her problems. Even her own appeal will make her look bad. Appealing the lying misdemeanors will not win her any fans in Florida. So even IF she tries to rehabilitate herself by laying low, these upcoming suits will remind everyone what a lying thief she is. imoo

The law suits will be interesting. Except the State does not even have to sue since it is covered by a Statute per AZlawyer. They just present the bill to HHJP and the Judge will decide how much KC will have to pay.
Did any of you watch Geraldo tonight? CM was on, telling how his wife got really scared, because they were receiving so many threatening phone calls. As he was speaking, he told GR that his wife was right there with him, off camera.

GR said he probably has to sleep with one eye opened, and CM said, it only takes one eye to aim.

I have no links, sorry.
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