2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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Last time I was in the Bahamas, (Which was quite a while back) they didn't require a passport... I have such a hard time believing anything anyone connected with the A's says.

You can visit the Bahamas without a passport if you are on a closed loop cruise (start and end in US) otherwise you need a passport.

Photos and video shot Friday at Orlando Executive Airport show George and Cindy Anthony boarding a private charter jet. WESH 2 News exclusive photos and video show the two boarding a plane believed to be headed to Nassau in the Bahamas.

Their attorney, Mark Lippman, says they are not going there to meet Casey. He emphasizes Casey does not have a passport, but the A's do.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-ex...82/detail.html

That's a pretty big tip off as to where KC is. There are international waters where they could rendevous with the lil FCA. What better way to hide from the media. Who says crime doesn't pay? Of course that's if you can stand being without your child.
Personally I'd go hungry and with holes in my shoes than to be without one of my children. :waitasec:
What is with these people and private jets?
They must all think they are royalty.
Must be nice being 'unable to work'.

Well the poor things can't travel on commercial airlines anymore so they are being "sponsored" so they can get away for a much needed vacation ... They will probably be "sponsored" for quite some time too ...
All the more reason for them to be prosecuted for their crimes ...

What next a private cruise ? Hope it's on the S. S. Minnow
That changed a few years ago ,I believe. I think you need the passport to get back into the US.

Yes, Canadians can also no longer travel to the US without a passport now and it used to be all we needed was a drivers license or birth certificate.
I wonder if the limo, private jet, Bahamas trip is them on their way to a big interview. Lippman did say they'd be talking sooner rather than later and I can see this as an enticement by a network. We'll fly you to the Bahamas, you can sit down with (insert name here-Katie, Matt, Geraldo, etc) and get your side out, perhaps promote your upcoming book?, then you can enjoy the time you need to relax on our dime...

BBM: Good point ... I agree.

:waitasec: I think IF this "vacation" is for an "interview, best for the A's to do the interview OUTSIDE the "Continental United States" because of the BACKLASH the Anthony's would get at their home on Hope Spring Drive !

The "protesters" would be back at the A's home ... just like 3 years ago ... if they did the interview in Orlando or somewhere else in the U.S.

Hmmm ... I wonder if that is what's going on ?


Someone is paying for the Jet and the vacation. It has to be part of an upcoming interview payment, something like that.

What could those two have to say that anyone would want to hear?
I have no idea how they're paying for this vacation and don't care about that, either. That's also none of my business, and not just when it comes to the Anthony's. They're private citizens taking a trip.

No,they are now public figures running two foundations soliciting other peoples hard earned money.
Their lawyer is making PUBLIC statements on their behalf. When was the last time any other private citizen had a lawyer running to the media for them?
Didn't someone have a link that said that their "supporters" were paying for the trip?
I wonder who those "supporters" are?
The publishing Co. for CA's book?
The DT as a reward for their performance at trial?
CBS/48 Hours as final payment for a possible upcoming episode?
NBC/Dateline/Jim Lichtenstein?
ABC/Disney who treated Juror #3 to an all expense paid trip after the NG verdict?

Any other possiblities you can think of?:waitasec:

:rocker: May I add ... Jerry Rivers and Fox ?

Well, someone must be paying for it, or the Anthonys would have driven their brand new blood-red SUV to the airport...not a limo...

Hmmmm... in one of the pictures on the wesh article, it sure looks like the bald head of Lichtenstein just behind Cindy, in her 'long-flowered shirt'. Must be NBC footing this bill.

Was Wesh just waiting there for days at the airport, or did a 'little birdie' (ie.Lippman) call them?

I hope everyone that ever considers donating to one of their "foundations" sees this picture.

They just continue to make one wrong move after another.The public in general will never feel sympathy for them with images like these constantly popping up.

Uh I wouldn't give them a dime, but obviously it's working for all of them. :maddening:
Who would buy it? House of death and lies....

I know, that's why I changed my post. But there has to be a way for them to do so. Someone on here suggested arson? Anyone in the real estate business know of ways the house could be sold to their advantage?
Yes, Canadians can also no longer travel to the US without a passport now and it used to be all we needed was a drivers license or birth certificate.

Yes thanks to Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks... in order to enter the USA you need a passport and/or visa and/or greencard.
What next, indeed? Honestly, every time I think they've hit an all time low, they top it. Truly souless, pathetic individuals. It's mind numbing.
It never ends with these people... Florida's disability system really needs to cut off payments to these two who can't work... but who can lie in murder trials and take frivilous vacations with no apparent problems. MOO
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