2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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:pullhair: :pullhair: :pullhair: :pullhair: :pullhair: :pullhair: :pullhair: :pullhair:
Wow. I just have to say, I'm shocked. I don't know if anyone else has lived through the murder of a family member and the trial that follows, but I have. The trial was like living everything over again. I was a total wreck afterward. Vacation would have been the last thing on my mind.
The article even mentions what they are wearing. THEY are the parents of a murderess not Royalty!

Yes Logicalgirl - I think we're talking a book advance. I need to be careful what I say as I don't want time out but if any of the big box stores around here stock it I'll ............................................

BBM: :rocker: Exactly ... they "THINK" they are "royalty". :maddening:

This "I am a victim mentality" and the "entitlement mentality" has gone way too far ! It needs to END !

:waitasec: And if the A's do a "book" ... I sure hope the book stores near do NOT carry it ... :innocent:

They should be ASHAMED of themselves ... PROFITING off of the "murder" of their granddaughter Caylee ...


Whoever said Crime doesn't pay never met the Anthony family.
That kind of 'news' report is just tabloid-level, gossipy stuff. It's not news, it's not important, it doesn't matter.

I couldn't care less where the Anthonys go on a vacation or how they pay for it or what they do there. That's their business. The trial's over. It's done. The Anthonys all need to get on with their lives, the jurors need to get on with their lives... and most definitely a lot of members of 'the media' need to get a life, period. They need to find a new story to latch onto, to be their next claim to fame.

I need to get on with my life too :banghead:

Hello ,I'm MissJames and I'm a WSaholic.:crazy:
Actually I understand why they took a limo and a private jet, providing CA's book advance is what allowed them to pay for it.

If the taxi-drivers are anything in Orlando like they are in my hometown, the taxi driver wouldn't hesitate to give them a piece of his mind, while hitting the film cam focused on the back seat of his cab, and producing a video of it.

And even though it is a one hour flight, that's a lot of harassment, silent treatment and public shunning to face during the flight from at least 75% of the folks on board.

And what makes them think Nassau will be any different than Orlando? The world is a village! :great: How many times have you been on another continent or country thousands of miles from your hometown, and run into someone who lives two streets away from you? I have - it happens every time......

Someone is paying for the Jet and the vacation. It has to be part of an upcoming interview payment, something like that.

I wonder if the limo, private jet, Bahamas trip is them on their way to a big interview. Lippman did say they'd be talking sooner rather than later and I can see this as an enticement by a network. We'll fly you to the Bahamas, you can sit down with (insert name here-Katie, Matt, Geraldo, etc) and get your side out, perhaps promote your upcoming book?, then you can enjoy the time you need to relax on our dime...
Do they think this vacation will drum up business for the new foundation?
Won't people wonder how 2 unemployed [unusual] people can afford a trip to the Bahamas? It sure makes me wonder.

Didn't someone have a link that said that their "supporters" were paying for the trip?
I wonder who those "supporters" are?
The publishing Co. for CA's book?
The DT as a reward for their performance at trial?
CBS/48 Hours as final payment for a possible upcoming episode?
NBC/Dateline/Jim Lichtenstein?
ABC/Disney who treated Juror #3 to an all expense paid trip after the NG verdict?

Any other possiblities you can think of?:waitasec:

Photos and video shot Friday at Orlando Executive Airport show George and Cindy Anthony boarding a private charter jet. WESH 2 News exclusive photos and video show the two boarding a plane believed to be headed to Nassau in the Bahamas.

Their attorney, Mark Lippman, says they are not going there to meet Casey. He emphasizes Casey does not have a passport, but the A's do.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-ex...82/detail.html

Last time I was in the Bahamas, (Which was quite a while back) they didn't require a passport... I have such a hard time believing anything anyone connected with the A's says.
I need to get on with my life too :banghead:

Hello ,I'm MissJames and I'm a WSaholic.:crazy:

There you are my dear friend!!! By the way, have I publicly prostrated myself lately in apology for all the suggestions during our pre-trial debates for even suggesting the Anthony's had one shred of decency in their souls?

Consider it done - AGAIN!:banghead:
Last time I was in the Bahamas, (Which was quite a while back) they didn't require a passport... I have such a hard time believing anything anyone connected with the A's says.

Heck you need one to go to Canada these days.
Edited to add, not O/T since Mr. Lippman is quoted in the wesh article as saying it is a vacation, not joining CFCA as she does not have a passport and the Anthony's do.

Dear Sir:

When you first signed on as the Anthony's lawyer, I thought you initially did a good job keeping them from constantly "stepping in it" with the press and the trial watching public in general.

Except, of course. for your initial blooper of giving your blessing (or was it your suggestion) that CA make the "Caylee's shoe donation " to a local charity.

But since that time, and both during the trial and post verdict - you seem to have learned to loved the media attention and are now taking a Jerry Seinfeld approach to "the news". Jerry S. built a personal fortune on a show about "nothing" - it became his mantra.

This is just my opinion of course. But it isn't working for you, and it isn't working for the Anthony's. I understand their daughter received a not guilty verdict. And I realize this verdict is final. But this verdict has not in any way reversed the general public's perception of the Anthony's. It does not give them a "free pass". Particularly if they expect us to buy their "products".

If anything, it has vastly deepened the general public's distrust of these two individuals. So if you have advised them to open a "foundation" supporting Caylee's Law, or if you have given your blessing to this Nassau trip, then you Sir, are jeopardizing both your professional reputation and your credibility as both a person and a lawyer. We are not "buying" it.

It is time Sir, in my opinion, to step away from the camera. Enough already! No one needs to listen to "nothing" and no one believes you!

:clap: Couldn't have said it better !

Private charter ? Was that a stretch limo in the pictures ? R & R in the Bahamas ? New car in the driveway too ? WOW ... I guess crime DOES pay !! These people are disgusting, just the scum of the earth ... There sense of entitlement is mind boggling ... I sure hope NO ONE donates to ANY "non-profits" that these bottom feeders start because it will no doubt be paying them to fly around the country like celebrities to "promote their cause"

Bet Ashton and Burdick could have used an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas after dealing with this abominable (and now infamous) family !!

umm .. and OK .. Lippman says they're NOT meeting KC .. and we're suppose to believe anything that bunch has to say because ??
Last time I was in the Bahamas, (Which was quite a while back) they didn't require a passport... I have such a hard time believing anything anyone connected with the A's says.

Maybe they are going island hopping until they find suitable living quarters.
Last time I was in the Bahamas, (Which was quite a while back) they didn't require a passport... I have such a hard time believing anything anyone connected with the A's says.

That changed a few years ago ,I believe. I think you need the passport to get back into the US.
Maybe it is one of ca's media messages to KC. KC has to be in hiding while they go on a fabulous trip.
BBM: :rocker: Exactly ... they "THINK" they are "royalty". :maddening:

This "I am a victim mentality" and the "entitlement mentality" has gone way too far ! It needs to END !

:waitasec: And as to the A's "book" ... I sure hope the book stores near do NOT carry it ... :innocent:

They should be ASHAMED of themselves ... PROFITING off of the "murder" of their granddaughter Caylee ...



We are still speculating about where the funds came from - so.....:innocent: so I think we needs "ifs" in our comments for TOS...:innocent: :innocent:

It could be payment in kind for doing their first "big" interview post verdict :pullhair: :pullhair:
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