2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I will repeat that I am shocked he got away with this behavior in a court of law. I would think sanctions should be imposed on him and mason for outrageous behavior but I suspect it won't....and for that I am angry.

Judge Perry is apparently too busy keeping his precious juror's names out of the public eye. I wonder if he's still treating them to dessert?
Is there a petition about bring perjury charges against Cindy....???

Protecting her daughter/lying on the stand should be punished... period....!!!
If she is allowed to get away with this, then what is the reason of taking an oath...!!!
and Baez's opening statement...He should have to take an oath too.... !!! No one should be able to LIE in a Court of Law... EVER...!!! Opening statements too...!!

I think the court needs do SOMETHING about the LIE game...!!!

In my mind, this is a mistrial..!!! and should be redone... Baez should have his license taken away....!! He is NO officer of the court...!!! He is a LIAR, just like FCA... and this case has made me loose alot of faith in the justice system...!!!
"David Bralow, assistant general counsel for Tribune Company, which owns the Sentinel, said that while he is gratified the court will release the jurors' names, he is disappointed by the length of time the court imposed as a cooling off period.

"For the community to understand and accept this verdict, the entire process needs to be transparent and the court realizes that that includes the jurors' names," he said.

"There's an old expression that's apropos here. News delayed in news denied."

I smell a rat, something is hinky about this Defense, it's funding, the Jury and, the verdict.

So many respected legal eagles have commented on the trial and that a Guilty verdict was proven beyond a reasonable doubt for Murder 1.

Something is wrong why were so many brought in to assist and assure a NG verdict, what's the vested interest and, who invested? ABC? Why the cover-up and lack of sanctions/contempt? Who was bought off?
Yes, and how many thousands of dollars did those antics of Jose's cost the state of Florida.

This guy cost the state nothing and was not protesting. He was just informing people of their rights. These are rights Judge Perry does not feel the public should know about.

I am in complete agreement with Judge Perry's ruling for just two reasons. :innocent

* The "crime" was a violation of a court order that was in place BEFORE the "crime" occurred.

* The court order was issued in order to protect the case against an event that could create grounds for a mistrial.

Judge Perry provided "Free Speech Zones" with consideration of First Amendment rights. Mr. Schmidter CHOSE to jeopardize a legal proceeding for no other reason than exposure for his "cause". Mr. Schmidter claims to value rights....yet his own actions could have compromised those same rights.
I think there needs to be some boundaries set regarding what a lawyer can say in opening. He lied and he knew it. He presented photos taken 18 months prior showing a baby and GMA getting in the pool..which imo was a photo op for CA, but I digress.

His vile comments about the father of the defendent and his ability to misrepresent evidence of a drowning when there was no testimony of a drowning need to be addressed. I thought HHJP was going to be tough but in his desire to accomodate the poor, poor jurors and his desire to not have a mistrial, I think he lost perspective and compromised the case.
Did you catch the part about a judge from Orlando calling & telling her about the state's weak case???

I'm a little late to the party here, so someone probably already commented on this, but can we say EATON? :banghead:

AF is full of chit! She makes me as sick as the rest of them. Oh, by the way, which one in the photo with the article was Ann? :crazy:
I am in complete agreement with Judge Perry's ruling for just two reasons. :innocent

* The "crime" was a violation of a court order that was in place BEFORE the "crime" occurred.

* The court order was issued in order to protect the case against an event that could create grounds for a mistrial.

Judge Perry provided "Free Speech Zones" with consideration of First Amendment rights. Mr. Schmidter CHOSE to jeopardize a legal proceeding for no other reason than exposure for his "cause". Mr. Schmidter claims to value rights....yet his own actions could have compromised those same rights.

ITA which is why Cindy should be charged with perjury ... she lied under oath in a deliberate attempt to jeopardize the state's case and was impeached (at least for the chloroform search lies) and now she walks away scott free ?? What she did was much more damaging than this guy passing out flyers and the guy flipping off Ashton ...
I think there needs to be some boundaries set regarding what a lawyer can say in opening. He lied and he knew it. He presented photos taken 18 months prior showing a baby and GMA getting in the pool..which imo was a photo op for CA, but I digress.

His vile comments about the father of the defendent and his ability to misrepresent evidence of a drowning when there was no testimony of a drowning need to be addressed. I thought HHJP was going to be tough but in his desire to accomodate the poor, poor jurors and his desire to not have a mistrial, I think he lost perspective and compromised the case.

I agree! This trial, the DT's OS and JB's accusations set an all time new low for justice and the court system, the FCA standard with incredible lies and no boundaries ... Never mind ethical.

IMO it severely damaged justice for victims and further enables the defense to take the gloves off and play almost any game since JB set precedent. Dangerous ... Very dangerous. A Jury is like a lamb to the deception slaughter. Whoppers.
I smell a rat, something is hinky about this Defense, it's funding, the Jury and, the verdict.

So many respected legal eagles have commented on the trial and that a Guilty verdict was proven beyond a reasonable doubt for Murder 1.

Something is wrong why were so many brought in to assist and assure a NG verdict, what's the vested interest and, who invested? ABC? Why the cover-up and lack of sanctions/contempt? Who was bought off?

Another coincidence, a few weeks prior, a 48 hr TV show depicted a mock jury and she would be acquitted. Life imitating Art!

Regarding reasonable doubt, I had said sooooo many times that I hope the SA explains this in detail. I guess the DT took up my suggestion (just kidding) because they explained it and put a spin on it to the likes I have never seen. The way they explained it, it came out to mean "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" and the jury obliged. Since they had a doubt, they had to acquit.

I was hoping this would be drilled in the last rebuttal by LDB but she gave the jury too much credit. I think Lawyers tend to assume that people think logically and this case was a no-brainer. She over estimated the intellect of the jury.
<snipped>The Kelley Blue Book lists the normal value on a used Sunfire at about $3,000, but Lipman said it could go to a collector for more than that. The money would be donated to the new foundation the Anthonys are establishing in memory of Caylee Anthony.

"I've had multiple offers to purchase it, but George and Cindy do not want to profit off it by any means," Lippman told WESH

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28672924/detail.html#ixzz1TFuupVfU

OK, this makes me physically ill. So they want to donate the money to charity? That's lovely and all but that is disgusting that someone actually wants to buy a car that IMO served as a coffin for a 2 year old child as a collector's item. That is just plain sick and disturbing..

Followed only by family members willing to sell such a car. This whole thing IS really disturbing. The first expense of this foundation is going to be to pay the Anthonys a salary. How can Lippman even say this stuff with a straight face? Worse than carnival grifters, these two. And on the back of this tragedy...

Very sad.
By far the worst episode of NG I have seen in a while! I couldn't watch it all, it was too much. This is what was relayed on the show:

KC is a hot commodity
KC is very smart
KC is just playing the game and calling the shots
KC has a right to make money since she is not marketable to employers
KC is very sexually attractive
Everyone wants an interview with her and she is worth millions
She will still be worth millions months from now
KC is like the hot girl at prom that everyone wants

Guest callers included someone who works for National Enquirer.. He is the one who kept referring to KC as "hot and sexually attractive" . He says that is why people are interested in the case and he also made the prom reference. :sick:

Everything about this case is sickening, every single thing.
I am in complete agreement with Judge Perry's ruling for just two reasons. :innocent

* The "crime" was a violation of a court order that was in place BEFORE the "crime" occurred.

* The court order was issued in order to protect the case against an event that could create grounds for a mistrial.

Judge Perry provided "Free Speech Zones" with consideration of First Amendment rights. Mr. Schmidter CHOSE to jeopardize a legal proceeding for no other reason than exposure for his "cause". Mr. Schmidter claims to value rights....yet his own actions could have compromised those same rights.

I disagree for this reason.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law “respecting an establishment of religion,” impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
WHY does HLN keep telling us we do want to hear KC's story??? :maddening: 3 nights in a row now I have heard this crap. Tonight on NG it was likened to a car wreck and you just can't look away. I find it enraging that they keep saying "the public wants to hear her story " The public will watch the interview' "The public will buy JB's book"

NO, NO and NO I do not/will not, thank you!
I don't see any big network paying her 1.5 mil for more lies. I wish she would just fall off the face of the earth never to be heard from again.

Parents should take the 250k. That's prob the best offer they will get.

JB seems stuck with ICA. I know he wants the money from the deal but it might not be worth it in the end.

Anyone catch the story about the man whose wife was drunk and on drugs who killed 8 people including herself, her daughter, 3 nieces, and 3 other innocent people is suing his BIL who lost all 3 of his children because it was his car? YOUR DRUNK WIFE KILLED 7 PEOPLE. . And of course it's the state's fault as well. God forbid we blame the drunk.
HHJP's order was issued in connection with Casey's trial because of the number of demonstrators anticipated. This pamphleteer had nothing to do with Casey Anthony's trial and the judge knew this. This guy was carrying on a great 1st Amendment tradition as you noted. I find it beyond bizarre that he recieved this type of punishment when repeated contempt man Baez has never been properly cited for his contempt.

If you can't exercise your free speech rights outside our public courthouses there's something amiss. But unfortunately, HHJP isn't the only judge taking this type of action.

You are not mistaken but the guy was not protesting. He was just informing people about the rights they have.

Judge Perry has no right to take that freedom away from him.
You do know what gifting it to the new foundation means. TAX FREE. But they will collect salaries. :banghead:

After the sentencing, Sudbury said Perry's orders and rulings on Tuesday will have farther reaching implications. At one point, he joked about whether he was permitted to answer reporters' questions outside the free speech zones.

"Absolutely, it's going to have a chilling effect," Sudbury said. "This is the public square. This is the town square. This is where everything comes together. And he has banned all First Amendment activities. There's no way for anyone to know what they can or can't do at the courthouse."


See, Perry should have had that lawyer arrested on the spot.

But no, he will only arrest people when he doesn't like what they are saying and thinks he can get away with it.

He has set himself up as a Lord of speech.
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