2012.08.09 Hearing to unseal docs

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I thought picture taking inside the court isnt allowed ?
where do they get this picture inside the court?


I am almost positive that picture was taken the first day we seen JH in court. I remember the guy in the blue shirt b/c he was staring JH's down. He even said so in interviews.

I can find NO information on Allison. What I mean to say, there are lots of Allison's and absolutely no way to prove either of them is her.
February: I think that is just a random photo the blogger used for their point regarding the "strange" woman in court. The woman had a shaved head. I don't see a woman with a shaved head in the photo just one with a lot of tattooes. IMO

Also, imo, I wouldn't be wasting too much time sleuthing this woman. It happens in every case. Just recently in the Drew Peterson trial, the Judge said he received a letter from an inmate claiming to have information about a link between the murder trial and Abraham Lincoln. Wasn't Casey Anthony's trial disrupted by two separate incidences by court watchers?

Some people just crave attention for whatever reason. Maybe this woman wanted her 5 minutes. She got it.

I am almost positive that picture was taken the first day we seen JH in court. I remember the guy in the blue shirt b/c he was staring JH's down. He even said so in interviews.

I can find NO information on Allison. What I mean to say, there are lots of Allison's and absolutely no way to prove either of them is her.

That makes sense. It could be a photo from the first hearing.
February: I think that is just a random photo the blogger used for their point regarding the "strange" woman in court. The woman had a shaved head. I don't see a woman with a shaved head in the photo just one with a lot of tattooes. IMO

Also, imo, I wouldn't be wasting too much time sleuthing this woman. It happens in every case. Just recently in the Drew Peterson trial, the Judge said he received a letter from an inmate claiming to have information about a link between the murder trial and Abraham Lincoln. Wasn't Casey Anthony's trial disrupted by two separate incidences by court watchers?

Some people just crave attention for whatever reason. Maybe this woman wanted her 5 minutes. She got it.


Yep , i dont see a shaved head in that picture but i got stucked when i saw a pic inside the court when i know it isnt even allowed --- Could be this is from the first one..

The reason i just want to hear more about it is about the "blazing light" when JH opened the emergency door...that blazing light could be from the car ?
Is that a picture from the courtroom or a picture from the room where the victims who couldn't get into the courtroom view it on tv? I swear I saw the same shot in the news and they were talking about the separate room.

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Anyone know of any possible conspiracies dating back to 1956? I'm sure there are plenty,but wondering if it triggered anything in anyone's mind. Maybe having to do with light etc.

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COINTELPRO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read that on Reddit the other day in a thread discussing the woman.

The FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception; however, covert operations under the official COINTELPRO label took place between 1956 and 1971.[3] COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence, including assassination.[4][5][6] The FBI's stated motivation was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order."[7]
I am 100% sure that picture is from that first day of court where pics were allowed. I remember it in the news reports, the tattooed woman stuck out
I am not being rude...
But this is related to the case how???

I was answering the question of, does anyone know of any conspiracy theories from 1956, relating to what the bald woman said to the press.

Originally Posted by ktmac04
Anyone know of any possible conspiracies dating back to 1956? I'm sure there are plenty,but wondering if it triggered anything in anyone's mind. Maybe having to do with light etc.

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His personal Statement from his resume, from the AP link, one of the longest things I've seen written in his own words:

Thank you for posting.

JH realized that he had mental illness, and he was hoping to gain insight into his own personal problems, and cure himself.

The first paragraph:

Rational people act based on incentives for self-fulfillment, including fulfilling needs of self-development and needs of feeling useful and helpful to others. I look forward to fulfilling my quest to advance my knowledge and I plan to use my critical thinking skills by studying the subject I am passionate about, neuroscience.

JH doubts his own rationality. He juxtaposes his view of what motivates “rational people” with his own aim, which is merely to study neuroscience.

Paragraph #2:

I desire to attend graduate study at the University of Illinois, a leader and innovator in scientific research, because the university will provide opportunities to pursue my foremost passions, the science of learning, cognition and memory. I have always been fascinated by the complexities of a long lost thought seemingly arising out of nowhere into a stream of awareness. These fascinations likely stemmed from my interest in puzzles and paradoxes as an adolescent and continued through my curiosity in academic research.

Please note the second sentence: Certainly, the human thought process is very interesting. But it seems odd that he goes from a broad generalization about the university to just one tiny and obscure aspect of thought. Perhaps he was plagued by troublesome thoughts seeming to pop into his head “out of nowhere.” Then, he quickly adds the alternative explanation that his fascination stemmed from his interest in puzzles and paradoxes as a young man.

He continues:

Making new discoveries in neuroscience is intrinsically rewarding in its own right. I have an unquenchable curiosity, a strong desire to know and explore the unknown, and a need to persist against the odds. Graduate study at the University of Illinois will provide a focus for me to perform and achieve through neuroscience research.

Seems defensive.

To prepare myself for graduate study at the University of Illinois, I sought involvement in a general array of academic research. My first summer internship, at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies, was done while I was still in high school. Working in Terrence Sejnowsky's computational neurobiology lab, I had little experience in computer programming and the work was challenging to say the least. Nonetheless, I taught myself how to program in Flash and then constructed a cross-temporal calibration model. The purpose of this model was to show an illusion between cause and effect
relationships. In this illusion, the mind is actually tricked into believing an action precedes the event that caused it. Completing the project and presenting my model at the end of the internship was exhilarating and I believe graduate study at the University of Illinois will provide commensurate opportunities for a satisfying neuroscience research experience.

Hopefully, a Ph.D. program would provide opportunities more than commensurate with a high school internship program. He must have some special interest in that particular illusion.

Another laboratory I worked in was within the department of chemistry at the University of California, Riverside. Having previously been exposed to a computational approach, I wanted to explore the facets of chemical analysis. Beginning by making buffer solutions, I soon advanced into more complicated techniques. These included performing high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and ultra violet spectroscopy on a modified twelve mer dna sequence. With the end product we bombarded the dna with ultra violet rays to observe cancerous effects. Although I don't plan on curing cancer in graduate school I believe this research experience is worthwhile and relevant to my goals of contributing to neuroscience. Only with a multidisciplinary
perspective to the specialized field of neuroscience can we hope to fully understand the brain.

“Although I don’t plan on curing cancer in graduate school …” JH seems arrogant and sarcastic in tone. He implies that the UV analysis was an annoying digression from his true field of interest. Why bring that issue up on an admissions department essay? Generally people are counseled to emphasize their interests and goals; not to discuss what doesn’t interest them, and what they don’t want to do. His statement could indicate lack of commitment. Does he really believe that a multidisciplinary approach is useful, or does he believe that some specific chemical remedy can be found for his own particular mental problem?

Researching learning and memory interests me because these are the very cognitive processes which enable us to acquire information and retain it. They are at the core of what distinguishes us as people. Due to the seemingly infinite vastness of indefinite knowledge we must be selective in our pursuits of knowledge. This is why I have chosen to study the primary source of all things, our own minds.

JH states that learning and memory are at the core of what distinguishes us as people. Higher level learning depends on memory; therefore, he is really saying (over-simplistically) that our memories determine our identity. Perhaps he suffers from “lost memory;” such as sometimes occurs when someone is subjected intense fear or trauma. This condition is known as disassociation and often occurs when a child experiences a threatening situation. Memories become disorganized, and later seem to pop up “out of nowhere.” Although not confirmed, JH has been reported to be an adopted child. Maybe he witnessed some horrifying event in his early years which may have even led to the death of a parent, and he was struggling to recall and make sense of what may have occurred.
Thank you for posting.

JH realized that he had mental illness, and he was hoping to gain insight into his own personal problems, and cure himself.

JH states that learning and memory are at the core of what distinguishes us as people. Higher level learning depends on memory; therefore, he is really saying (over-simplistically) that our memories determine our identity. Perhaps he suffers from “lost memory;” such as sometimes occurs when someone is subjected intense fear or trauma. This condition is known as disassociation and often occurs when a child experiences a threatening situation. Memories become disorganized, and later seem to pop up “out of nowhere.” Although not confirmed, JH has been reported to be an adopted child. Maybe he witnessed some horrifying event in his early years which may have even led to the death of a parent, and he was struggling to recall and make sense of what may have occurred.

Extreme stress can also cause disassociation. A friend works in IT services at Harvard Health Services. Her office is across the hall from the mental health dept. She says the MHD is packed in September. The best of the best are now competing with even better. Depending on the individual, the stress can be overwhelming.
Since the beginning, my assumption was that JH had some obsession with one of the portrayals of "Batman" in the media; but could the true targets have been the medical students in his building? Maybe the crime had no relation to Batman or his perception of Batman, except that the premier fell on a convenient date.

Jealousy of these successful, talented young people all around him studying to be physicians seems like a strong motive for a massacre. Maybe instead of just being a distraction from the shootings at the theatre, the bombs which would have destroyed the apartment building were actually his main focus.

Then, if this scenario is plausible, the theatre shootings may actually be the distraction. Since the police and emergency medical services barely had the capability to serve the people hurt and wounded at the theatre; maybe JH wanted to make sure that the students would not have sufficient medical help with teams of responders stretched between two different locations.

Once arrested, he may have warned the police about the bombs, because he may have figured that he could take an insanity plea for the theatre killings alone, but not for both massacres.
Did he expect to survive this horrible crime, or be shot by police officers at the theatre? If he managed to escape, and the bombs at his apartment had gone off, people might have assumed that he died in the explosion. The "Joker's" identity may have remained unknown. Did he have fake IDs and plans to start a new life somewhere?
Did he expect to survive this horrible crime, or be shot by police officers at the theatre? If he managed to escape, and the bombs at his apartment had gone off, people might have assumed that he died in the explosion. The "Joker's" identity may have remained unknown. Did he have fake IDs and plans to start a new life somewhere?

He posed the question on adult friend finder - "Will you visit me in prison". With all of the protective gear he was wearing, it seems like he did expect/want to survive the assault. As far as we know, he did not resist at all when approached by the police. So there are three things here:
1. He would carry out his plan of the shooting.
2. He would take care not to get hurt.
3. He fully expected to go to prison or was his apartment was rigged to explode so that when it had it might be assumed that he was killed in the explosion. Were there enough explosives to obliterate any evidence of his being there or not?
The judge rules today on maintaining/revoking the gag order. I wonder what we'll see.
The Arapahoe County judge hearing the case of suspected theater shooter James Holmes decided Monday that affidavits that would give the public a glimpse of the ongoing investigation into the July 20 rampage should remain sealed.

Likewise, Chief Judge William Sylvester has kept in place a gag order that prevents the University of Colorado from disclosing information about Holmes.

The Arapahoe County judge hearing the case of suspected theater shooter James Holmes decided Monday that affidavits that would give the public a glimpse of the ongoing investigation into the July 20 rampage should remain sealed.

Likewise, Chief Judge William Sylvester has kept in place a gag order that prevents the University of Colorado from disclosing information about Holmes.


So what exactly was unsealed then? It seems some things were...

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