2012.08.09 Hearing to unseal docs

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"When that goal does not end up being reached ... all of that is relevant to his decision to withdraw from school, booby trap his apartment, buy ammunition and explosives, and commit this act," Pearson said."

Sounds like the prosecution has a lot of questions just like we do; if that's their logic for his motivations, I'm not feeling too confident in them...
Sounds like the prosecution has a lot of questions just like we do; if that's their logic for his motivations, I'm not feeling too confident in them...

IMO, prosecution and defense should start sharing each other's note to provide real justice. Defense wants to shut down doctors-patients info but claimed their patient is insane...Prosecution, doesn't share also all info on discoveries and videos to Defense..Everything is on GAG order...This is a public crime...I am very disappointed...
Has the Judge not ruled on opening anything up ? Anything at all? I don't get it?

Guess wait until next week...but...disappointed in total lack of transparency...
The section above is written in a most curious manner-- I'm interested in seeing other reports explanation of the "line of work" statement. I know what I normally would understand that to mean but in this case, I have questions...

It sounds to me like he wasn't doing well enough in the program to stick with the field he was supposed to be studying.

ETA: BBM "In a previous hearing, Holmes' attorney Daniel King has suggested that his client is mentally ill. Prosecutors, meanwhile, on Thursday portrayed Holmes as isolated and dejected after the collapse of his goal to become a neuroscientist."


Side note, it just occurred to me that orange hair may have been to symbolize the explosion/fire he intended for the apartment building. Analyzed as the explosion/fire going on inside the now very angry young man that was told he just wasn't good enough to be a neuroscientist (in his mind).
Defense, Daniel King, was insinuating a possible plea for insanity. King also objected to prosecutors bid for a gag order to get access to Holmes records. "They are fishing around to establish a motive. ... The motive is irrelevant...Nothing in those documents will reveal any intent," as reported by the Christian Monitor
Read more at http://www.lawyerherald.com/article...cre-months-in-advance.htm#UlARjAPf7tZdEQms.99

Motive is irrelevant?
Defense, Daniel King, was insinuating a possible plea for insanity. King also objected to prosecutors bid for a gag order to get access to Holmes records. "They are fishing around to establish a motive. ... The motive is irrelevant...Nothing in those documents will reveal any intent," as reported by the Christian Monitor
Read more at http://www.lawyerherald.com/article...cre-months-in-advance.htm#UlARjAPf7tZdEQms.99

Motive is irrelevant?

It is irrelevant if the strategy by the defense is to plead insanity.
Defense, Daniel King, was insinuating a possible plea for insanity. King also objected to prosecutors bid for a gag order to get access to Holmes records. "They are fishing around to establish a motive. ... The motive is irrelevant...Nothing in those documents will reveal any intent," as reported by the Christian Monitor
Read more at http://www.lawyerherald.com/article...cre-months-in-advance.htm#UlARjAPf7tZdEQms.99

Motive is irrelevant?

I do wonder if the def. is trying to keep all the school stuff sealed to help the school out also. I suspect this is going to be HUGE if and when they release all the school records.
I guess some people would say "why does the def. or state care if records are released that shows the school knew something" I personally think they would care b/c it is a major school in that town. Major money. JMO
Sounds like the prosecution has a lot of questions just like we do; if that's their logic for his motivations, I'm not feeling too confident in them...

It doesn't really matter b/c there will be somebody new in November. I personally think they are going to keep filing tons of motions and delaying everything until then.
It is irrelevant if the strategy by the defense is to plead insanity.

But given that he was sane the whole time, they need to establish what triggered that insanity ...at this point, they cannot just say that one person just went insane and started killing everyone. Obviously, planning was involved. Buying this and that is going to show "planning" to everyone. He knows what he purchased, he purchased gears, guns, ammunition and chemicals to make those bomb....

IMO, i understand where the defense is coming up but smart jurors wont just buy it as simple as that.
Motive is not a problem for the prosecution. Their only burden in this trial is the burden of proof = that JH is the murderer. Irrelevant why he did it.

The why is only useful for mitigation of the sentence = the defense's job.
Motive is not a problem for the prosecution. Their only burden in this trial is the burden of proof = that JH is the murderer. Irrelevant why he did it.

The why is only useful for mitigation of the sentence = the defense's job.

Prosecution doesn't have to prove a motive, but juries like to hear a motive. So prosecution has to look for a motive. Especially in an insanity case.
Prosecution doesn't have to prove a motive, but juries like to hear a motive. So prosecution has to look for a motive. Especially in an insanity case.

Ah, but they already have that. He was failing school, told to get into a different field, and he was pissed. He took it out on peers and anyone else in the way.
Ah, but they already have that. He was failing school, told to get into a different field, and he was pissed. He took it out on peers and anyone else in the way.

But prosecution needs proof of that. It's one thing to speculate, the other to produce proof in court. That's why they are asking for documents from the University.
But prosecution needs proof of that. It's one thing to speculate, the other to produce proof in court. That's why they are asking for documents from the University.

They actually don't need proof of any theory if they have solid proof of JH being the killer. A theory just puts it together for the jury, or if there is only circumstantial evidence. The only proof necessary is that he committed the crimes.

Hope that makes sense. Posting from work...
So, 21merc7, do you think the prosecution doesn't have solid evidence that he committed the crime? Is that why they're asking for this info?
Co is one of few states where burden of proof in an insanity defense is on the prosecution. Thus, the idea that they don't need evidence that he wasn't insane is not accurate. Solid proof of him being the killer is not going to do anything for an insanity defense.
They actually don't need proof of any theory if they have solid proof of JH being the killer. A theory just puts it together for the jury, or if there is only circumstantial evidence. The only proof necessary is that he committed the crimes.

Hope that makes sense. Posting from work...

Many people committed the crime but was found not liable because of insanity. Defense said he is insane and seeing psychiatrist .
IMO Prosecution thinks he is sane and was just acting insane because "planning was involved".
IMO , Defense doesnt want to continue with anything other than he is insane so they are blocking informations which i subjectively think is totally wrong. I prefer real justice :)
So, 21merc7, do you think the prosecution doesn't have solid evidence that he committed the crime? Is that why they're asking for this info?

No, I'm saying they have all the proof they need. More proof then we know about I'm sure. (thinking anything defendant said, any security videotapes from the Cinemas, anywhere he purchased goods, etc...)

Both sides should get all the info from any schools, doctors, what have you. It is the law in this State. I'm would think it being a murder case, it is the law in the entire U.S. I am unfamiliar with Colorado laws, but neither side should legally be able to block the other from any info about defendant.
Not sure where to put this. Maybe trial related posts can go here. Just thought this was kind of funny.

One Colorado Attorney Learns It Sucks To Share a Name With a "Nutcase"


Presumably swamped with furious Googling conspiracy theorists hoping to track down this woman in the red dress (oh how Matrix-like), the attorney Allison did what any good professional would, she added a disclaimer to her website:

Meanwhile, is anyone else wondering what the hell 1956 conspiracy theory that other Allison Ernst was talking about? I mean we could be talking Philadelphia Experiment level awesomeness with aliens and lasers here, why on Earth did the judge have her removed from court? It's relevant I'm sure!

Yup, this case is weird.

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