2015.11.13 NBC2 Interview with Teresa's mother and sister, Annie Lisa

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I interpreted as "I know him. There's no way he could have done this." I also got the distinct impression that, at best, communication is presently strained between MS and the family.

It was very sad. Mom broke my heart.

It was strange though....Mom said that Mark took the initial phone call from the office because Teresa had not shown up to work. MS then called a friend to go check on Teresa. Another call came in (the friend calling back?) and MS was walking around the yard talking on the phone. He then told her family "She's dead." Mark jumps on the first flight back to FL. He didn't tell the family Teresa was actually murdered until they were on a plane in the air flying down to Florida. Anyone recall about how long between the phone call and TS's family boarding the plane to FL?


Re: Anyone recall about how long between the phone call and TS's family boarding the plane to FL?

This is my recollection:
TS’s mom stated that it was “a few days later” when they (mom/family) were on the plane to FL for the funeral when MS phoned and said TS was murdered. I don’t recall mom stating they were ‘in the air’, but that they were ‘on the plane’. The mom said she felt like screaming, but didn’t scream, alluding to having to keep her composure on the plane.

Based on my recollection of what the mom said, I figured TS's mom/family flew to FL on Thursday July 2 or Friday July 3 to be ready for the Monday July 6 funeral.
Re: Anyone recall about how long between the phone call and TS's family boarding the plane to FL?

This is my recollection:
TS’s mom stated that it was “a few days later” when they (mom/family) were on the plane to FL for the funeral when MS phoned and said TS was murdered. I don’t recall mom stating they were ‘in the air’, but that they were ‘on the plane’. The mom said she felt like screaming, but didn’t scream, alluding to having to keep her composure on the plane.

Based on my recollection of what the mom said, I figured TS's mom/family flew to FL on Thursday July 2 or Friday July 3 to be ready for the Monday July 6 funeral.

Yeah, sounds pretty close to what I remembered too. I guess mom and AL flew down together? Not sure but IIRC Annie stated she first met CWW in Florida on either 7/1 or 7/2 so I am assuming it was a lapse of maybe 48 hours before they were told she was murdered?
Re: Anyone recall about how long between the phone call and TS's family boarding the plane to FL?

This is my recollection:
TS’s mom stated that it was “a few days later” when they (mom/family) were on the plane to FL for the funeral when MS phoned and said TS was murdered. I don’t recall mom stating they were ‘in the air’, but that they were ‘on the plane’. The mom said she felt like screaming, but didn’t scream, alluding to having to keep her composure on the plane.

Based on my recollection of what the mom said, I figured TS's mom/family flew to FL on Thursday July 2 or Friday July 3 to be ready for the Monday July 6 funeral.

Ah, I misunderstood the timing, I thought all occurred the same day. Several days later seems even stranger, especially if no one asked. I'm thinking this may be out of context somehow maybe? Idk
Even considering MS had no knowledge, he certainly knew when his "friend" called him back that Teresa had been murdered. Why on earth wait until they are 25,000 feet in the air confined to a plane to tell them such horrible news?

That part doesn't make sense.

Didn't make sense at all to me either. He knew when "said friend" said she was dead.. no ambulance was sent to the home that I recall. Why wait?

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Ah, I misunderstood the timing, I thought all occurred the same day. Several days later seems even stranger, especially if no one asked. I'm thinking this may be out of context somehow maybe? Idk

So he didn't tell them the same day? Why was they flying down there in the first place?
I interpreted as "I know him. There's no way he could have done this." I also got the distinct impression that, at best, communication is presently strained between MS and the family.

It was very sad. Mom broke my heart.

It was strange though....Mom said that Mark took the initial phone call from the office because Teresa had not shown up to work. MS then called a friend to go check on Teresa. Another call came in (the friend calling back?) and MS was walking around the yard talking on the phone. He then told her family "She's dead." Mark jumps on the first flight back to FL. He didn't tell the family Teresa was actually murdered until they were on a plane in the air flying down to Florida. Anyone recall about how long between the phone call and TS's family boarding the plane to FL?


I wonder if Mark tried to call TS' phone before calling the friend to check on her. And did he leave her a message? "Hey, everyone's worried about you, where are you? Call me as soon as you get this message."

IDK, just seems awfully quick to be sending someone to the house. Why would he assume she was there? My assumption would be car trouble in an area without cell reception.

The family must have been on their way down pretty quickly. Otherwise, they would have known she was murdered from seeing the news or from the media calling them. But very strange not to tell them that she was murdered until mid-flight. That is just horrible, and I think he did it on purpose because he realized they'd feel constrained and not able to react.
Drip, drip, drip...

A little bit of info here, a little bit of info there.

Strange behavior.

Adding up.
Yeah, sounds pretty close to what I remembered too. I guess mom and AL flew down together? Not sure but IIRC Annie stated she first met CWW in Florida on either 7/1 or 7/2 so I am assuming it was a lapse of maybe 48 hours before they were told she was murdered?

Re: Anyone recall about how long between the phone call and TS's family boarding the plane to FL?

This is my recollection:
TS’s mom stated that it was “a few days later” when they (mom/family) were on the plane to FL for the funeral when MS phoned and said TS was murdered. I don’t recall mom stating they were ‘in the air’, but that they were ‘on the plane’. The mom said she felt like screaming, but didn’t scream, alluding to having to keep her composure on the plane.

Based on my recollection of what the mom said, I figured TS's mom/family flew to FL on Thursday July 2 or Friday July 3 to be ready for the Monday July 6 funeral.

Yet The press release and Daily Mail article was June 30th ... stating it was a homicide investigation at that time.



ETA Duntulum posted on 7/14, post #317 on thread #2, that mark and the girls arrived Monday afternoon * with * other family members, and other family members from the tri-state area arrived later throughout the week.

So I don't understand how his mother first found out on the plane it was a homicide. :dunno:
One can't talk on a phone on a plane just text message right? And to even text you either have to have wifi account for the plane or purchase that flight's wifi.


Who does this?????

Can't believe how MS's involvement has been so difficult to establish at this time. He sure covered his tracks.

And the CWW sleeping over shows just pure cunning evil.
FWIW I remember Annie finding out about her sister's death about 4 to 5 hours after MS. I clearly remember that info from somewhere or someone because I then thought maybe MS was at HIS relatives when he found out about Teresa's murder.

MS knew this was a murder because he sent the DOCTOR FRIEND. Doctors know a murder when they see one. So the minute the friend called back is the minute MS knew and if he waited till he was on the plane it just stinks to high heaven.
It seems like mark had to find out if he was busted yet before telling her family. Jmo.

So he flew down first to find out if le knew the who. And then he relayed the info once he thought that it didn't point to him. Jmo
It seems like mark had to find out if he was busted yet before telling her family. Jmo.

So he flew down first to find out if le knew the who. And then he relayed the info once he thought that it didn't point to him. Jmo
It seems like mark had to find out if he was busted yet before telling her family. Jmo.

So he flew down first to find out if le knew the who. And then he relayed the info once he thought that it didn't point to him. Jmo

BBM above. You bring up some excellent theories DEX. By not telling Teresa's Mother and Sister what he knew about her death, he was controlling the situation! There are multiple ways to LIE and manipulate....One is to tell an outright LIE. And, the other is to OMIT pertinent information a person would need to make an informed decision. (His next job might be the propagation of mushrooms. jmho) By not immediately telling them the truth, he actually garnered some element of sympathy and got them to help pack up his and his daughter's luggage and get transportation to the airport. He wanted to get back to "his territory" and then "controlled them even further" by not disclosing the heart breaking truth of her death until they couldn't turn around or talk to the police before landing. I question a lot of his actions....I think he just wanted to make sure "in person" that Teresa's death was a verified fact (covering his bases & make sure he wasn't being set up) before playing the role of grieving spouse. He certainly didn't want to look as silly as Dalia Dippolito, crying in front of the cameras over his spouse's death, would he? (I'm guessing the DD murder for hire case was pretty big news in S.Florida and everyone in the area had read about it, seen it on TV or on Facebook)
I just can't wrap (or is it rap?) my head around someone doing that to the Mother of a murder victim...."Oh, forgot to mention until you got to the airport....your child was murdered."
I realize the world is a frightening place right now, and pray for the people of France....prayers for all.
Would a friend, whom is also a doctor, reveal the gruesome details of the death over the phone? Is it standard practice for those in the healthcare field not to disclose anything so shocking over the phone where family members may panic and cause harm to themselves or others by overreacting to information that should only be discussed in person? Perhaps, if MS were to be innocent, he was not informed of the brutality of the death. A caring professional would perhaps, as a friend, agree to let him know that his wife was no longer with them, but I doubt they would go further than that.
If this is the case, would the timeline of information work out to be MS didn't tell them until he himself found out?
I wonder if Mark tried to call TS' phone before calling the friend to check on her. And did he leave her a message? "Hey, everyone's worried about you, where are you? Call me as soon as you get this message."

IDK, just seems awfully quick to be sending someone to the house. Why would he assume she was there? My assumption would be car trouble in an area without cell reception.

The family must have been on their way down pretty quickly. Otherwise, they would have known she was murdered from seeing the news or from the media calling them. But very strange not to tell them that she was murdered until mid-flight. That is just horrible, and I think he did it on purpose because he realized they'd feel constrained and not able to react.
There is so much information and opinion and speculation on the topic regarding MS calls to TS and the office on other threads.
Would a friend, whom is also a doctor, reveal the gruesome details of the death over the phone? Is it standard practice for those in the healthcare field not to disclose anything so shocking over the phone where family members may panic and cause harm to themselves or others by overreacting to information that should only be discussed in person? Perhaps, if MS were to be innocent, he was not informed of the brutality of the death. A caring professional would perhaps, as a friend, agree to let him know that his wife was no longer with them, but I doubt they would go further than that.
If this is the case, would the timeline of information work out to be MS didn't tell them until he himself found out?

I agree with you. LE and doctors are reluctant to give death information over the phone. LE wants to be able to gauge reactions in person and physicians for the reason you describe above.

We've gotten a phone call where we were only asked questions such as: This is Officer Joe Blow from ABC Sheriff Dept. do you know someone who drives a beige Honda year 19xx? Is the license plate XYZ 123? Can you describe the owner? Do you know where we can reach that person? When did you last see or speak with X? All the while I was asking what happened? Is my sister okay? Is she dead? Was there an accident? Is the in the hospital? Is she dead? HE WOULDN'T ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. My Dad then got on the phone and all they would tell him was that her car was involved in an accident. We assumed she was driving of course. We were freaking out because he wouldn't tell us anything. 1980's didn't have cell phones. She finally called us freaking out herself because she had driven to a classmates house to carpool to another city for a class. Her car and several surrounding were hit by a hit and run driver, she came back from class to find totalled cars. :( Until she called, we didn't know if she was hurt or dead, the exact location of her car, etc. If he had simply said that several PARKED cars were damaged by a hit and run driver, we would have had somewhere to start at least.

When my brother was hit while on his motorcycle, the doctor called from the hospital to tell us we needed to be there. He wouldn't say anything about his condition other than we should get there as soon as possible. We were 15 miles away, but our Mom was several hundred and we worried about her driving.

So, fwiw, I believe it's possible that MS told TS' family as soon as he was notified. I could also believe the doctor friend would have told MS that he found TS passed away, but maybe no details in that first conversation, maybe not even that she was murdered, I don't know.

I'm looking forward to being able to hear the interview so I can know what was said and how it was said.

People's emotions can color recollections.
There is so much information and opinion and speculation on the topic regarding MS calls to TS and the office on other threads.

I bring that up here because of the new information (to me) from the this interview, which suggests that the office called MS and MS immediately called a friend to check on TS. So in regard to this interview, I'm wondering if the call was made to TS but just not mentioned, or was he really that quick to send someone to the house.
Would a friend, whom is also a doctor, reveal the gruesome details of the death over the phone? Is it standard practice for those in the healthcare field not to disclose anything so shocking over the phone where family members may panic and cause harm to themselves or others by overreacting to information that should only be discussed in person? Perhaps, if MS were to be innocent, he was not informed of the brutality of the death. A caring professional would perhaps, as a friend, agree to let him know that his wife was no longer with them, but I doubt they would go further than that.
If this is the case, would the timeline of information work out to be MS didn't tell them until he himself found out?

Well- TS was a healthy 46 y/o woman and it would stand to reason that whomever MS sent to check on her (medical or not) would state (at the very least) that it would appear- she had been killed. Details don't need to be shared but shouldn't MS have wanted a reason....

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Well- TS was a healthy 46 y/o woman and it would stand to reason that whomever MS sent to check on her (medical or not) would state (at the very least) that it would appear- she had been killed. Details don't need to be shared but shouldn't MS have wanted a reason....

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Exactly my thought too.

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