2015.12.29 Discovery Docs - Batch 2

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Well I think alot of people are sweating now. Alot of reputations will be tarnished before this is over. I still believe there is a female that we cant discuss and possibly her husband that will come out in the future that had some kind of involvement. . jmo.

I am still with you on that!
I have been skimming so much I am making myself sick. I got to page 800 Bates#5412 and I have to take a break. I do feel so sorry for Mark's mother. You know she believes in her son. I am 9 years younger than her and I get confused over stuff like she does. Unfortunately it doesn't look like we are finding out any bombshells from this yet.
Bates #5390

I have an uneasy feeling about "B" and her little girl (From Our Mothers' Home) living at the Siever's house given what we know now about swinging/affairs/Mark taking pictures of his sexcapades. "B" and her little girl were so vulnerable.

I wonder if "B" is the person that was in jail that TS spoke with on the phone. It is in the first doc dump and I have not yet tried to go back and look for it. Does anybody remember off the top of their head if the person TS talked to was identified? I wonder why she was talking to the inmate.

I wonder if TS overstepped her bounds at OMH by having "B" live with her and Mark and that is why she stepped down from her position there. MOO
Bates #4365
MS baggage claim ticket was found in CWW's trailer?

I *think that was found in the condo MS owned? I was thinking that it was from when MS flew in to Missouri for the wedding in May? I guess or thought maybe that's where he stayed? I'm not sure CS, but that was my impression...which could be wrong as I have been wrong many times :smile:
LE's full interview verbatim with AW starts on Bates #5716, batch two.

Beach, if you haven't had a chance to read this yet, DO.

Very sad. I don't mean to be unkind, but the interviews in conjunction with other information makes me curious about her level of intelligence. She just sounds incredibly naive, gullible, easy to manipulate? I can't imagine not knowing or even being curious about my husband's finances at all. They are both adults, however, when married, there's a specific responsibility to each other's well-being I assume. Otherwise, why get married?

Jeezo, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that her husband-to-be and his friend got her drunk (or doped her) deliberately to do what some of us suspect happened. :(

So, so sad for her and completely disgusted with her husband. Yes, I am super judgy about this stuff when it's not 100% consensual.
Citing that transcript, Dr. P CONFIRMS that he only spoke to Mark ONCE. So, that answers the question about when Mark gave him the code to enter the house. Mark spoke to him while he was "in the area" and since she had not shown up for work, asked him to go check on Teresa. So if Dr. P only spoke with Mark one time prior to discovering Teresa's body, that means Mark gave him the code immediately. (I know some were speculating prior that maybe Dr. P called Mark back AFTER trying to get Teresa to answer the door and then Mark gave him the code. Does not appear to have happened that way.)

Great point. This also means it was not Dr. P who told first told MS of his wife's death. Who does MS say informed him? I mean, I know what we know and I know what we think, but who does he CLAIM contacted him first and told him? Law Enforcement?
Citing that transcript, Dr. P CONFIRMS that he only spoke to Mark ONCE. So, that answers the question about when Mark gave him the code to enter the house. Mark spoke to him while he was "in the area" and since she had not shown up for work, asked him to go check on Teresa. So if Dr. P only spoke with Mark one time prior to discovering Teresa's body, that means Mark gave him the code immediately. (I know some were speculating prior that maybe Dr. P called Mark back AFTER trying to get Teresa to answer the door and then Mark gave him the code. Does not appear to have happened that way.)

The thing that is very interesting to me about this is Mark wouldn't know if Teresa had "armed the alarm" before she went to bed the night before.

So if he sent someone over...they would need the 1-"outside key pad code" for the outside of the garage to open the garage door and they would need 2- the "inside keypad code" for inside the house...to disarm the alarm. The Doctor who discovered her only used the outside keypad...opened the inside garage door that was unlocked...dog came out...he walks past the alarm pad on the wall and goes straight to Teresa...Hmmmmm.
Great point. This also means it was not Dr. P who told first told MS of his wife's death. Who does MS say informed him? I mean, I know what we know and I know what we think, but who does he CLAIM contacted him first and told him? Law Enforcement?

I know. I'm still reading through all the statements. I skimmed Dr. P's. It appears that soon after the discovery he went to LSCO and was immediately interviewed. IIRC, this was around 11-11:30a. While he is being interviewed his phone rings and it is Mark. He tells the detective "This is her husband calling. Should I answer it?" Detective: "No, not yet.". So this tells me that it is likely that Dr. P was so upset that after calling 911 and waiting at the house for them to arrive, he never called Mark back? So, 2 hours later Mark is calling him to get an answer about Teresa's well-being?

Wait....and sometime in the middle of all this, Sandra speaks to Mark. After she rides to the house and it is confirmed that TS is dead, she calls Mark and tells him she is going back to the office to take care of things there.

WTH notified Mark that Teresa was indeed murdered? Because he did not give that information to Teresa's mother or sister until they were on the plane.
The thing that is very interesting to me about this is Mark wouldn't know if Teresa had "armed the alarm" before she went to bed the night before.

So if he sent someone over...they would need the 1-"outside key pad code" for the outside of the garage to open the garage door and they would need 2- the "inside keypad code" for inside the house...to disarm the alarm. The Doctor who discovered her only used the outside keypad...opened the inside garage door that was unlocked...dog came out...he walks past the alarm pad on the wall and goes straight to Teresa...Hmmmmm.

Damn good catch and point, Helper!!!
The thing that is very interesting to me about this is Mark wouldn't know if Teresa had "armed the alarm" before she went to bed the night before.

So if he sent someone over...they would need the 1-"outside key pad code" for the outside of the garage to open the garage door and they would need 2- the "inside keypad code" for inside the house...to disarm the alarm. The Doctor who discovered her only used the outside keypad...opened the inside garage door that was unlocked...dog came out...he walks past the alarm pad on the wall and goes straight to Teresa...Hmmmmm.

Brilliant thinking on your part Helper9693!!!!
Someone was asking upstream about why the toothpicks were collected on the warrant return, and found this interesting banter when Angela's brother was interviewed. Perhaps similar ones found at the murder scene?

page 834 in a saved pdf of #2 doc dump, bates #5706

WHOA. This is interesting. Is this detective referencing Dr. Mark Petrites who discovered the body? Is his wife's name Michelle? And for now, that is ALL the sleuthing we can do and it is only for identification purposes.

snipped from Bonnie Siever's interview beginning end of Bates #5388 -

JN: Do you know -- do you know Mark Petravis (phonetic)?
BS: I know Michelle.
JN: Okay.
BS: I don't know if I ever met Mark.
JN: How's the relationship with Michelle?
BS: Oh, my God. We were like best friends,
JN: Okay. Uh, do you know of any infidelity that ls going on there --
BS: No_
JN: -- with her?
BS: No. My God, they're so committed to each other. They're committed to each other- They're committed
to the girls. They're committed to making a difference in the world by, um, changing, uh, the way
society -- they Work With -- helping With girls that are trafflcked and --
JN: Uh-huh.

This is the first time I have seen one of the detectives ask straight out about possible affairs re. Mark or Teresa. There is a reason he asked this of BS. When the detective says " -- with her?" I think he is referencing Michele (whoever she is). This is in the crux of a discussion about connections with others from Our Mother's Home and I know they were both closely associated with OMH.
Hope this is ok to link, from TS' website:




I thank mentors like Michele Petrites, for sharing your story of survival with our girls in hopes of inspiring the same. You have done group with me week after week for over 3 years teaching the parenting class; I couldn’t do it without you.
Discovery folder has a new file:

Doc Dump 2 JR Facebook (1317 pages)


Folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B717FUtKwdU8NmpNd2dEbTFWRWM&usp=sharing

Thank you, NIN!

Kate, I'll work on that file (size) tomorrow making sure everyone can access it. These are all colored pages and I may have to break it into smaller pdf's. My head is just fried tonight..:abnormal:

When you see all that nonsense stuff JR posted on his FB page, you will understand. He posted more in the couple of months prior to the murder, than I will post in a lifetime. And, oh boy -- the language.

The thing that is very interesting to me about this is Mark wouldn't know if Teresa had "armed the alarm" before she went to bed the night before.

So if he sent someone over...they would need the 1-"outside key pad code" for the outside of the garage to open the garage door and they would need 2- the "inside keypad code" for inside the house...to disarm the alarm. The Doctor who discovered her only used the outside keypad...opened the inside garage door that was unlocked...dog came out...he walks past the alarm pad on the wall and goes straight to Teresa...Hmmmmm.

Weren't some folks upthread thinking that their phones had apps that could turn it on/off and possibly know if it was armed? I'm trying to recall that. So you are saying that Mark probably gave him both codes? Did the interview ask if he was given just one or both? Or did the interview ask if he knew from previously being in the house and given the codes (as I believe this was on the list for Mark to answer, which he never did)
LE's full interview verbatim with AW starts on Bates #5716, batch two.

Beach, if you haven't had a chance to read this yet, DO.

Thanks for heading me to AW's interview next. I was skimming and jumping all around. No telling when I would have stopped there.

Very sad. I don't mean to be unkind, but the interviews in conjunction with other information makes me curious about her level of intelligence. She just sounds incredibly naive, gullible, easy to manipulate? I can't imagine not knowing or even being curious about my husband's finances at all. They are both adults, however, when married, there's a specific responsibility to each other's well-being I assume. Otherwise, why get married?

Jeezo, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that her husband-to-be and his friend got her drunk (or doped her) deliberately to do what some of us suspect happened. :(

So, so sad for her and completely disgusted with her husband. Yes, I am super judgy about this stuff when it's not 100% consensual.

Thank you so much for saying this. I'm right there with you. This is a HARD read. I'm taking a breather stopping by to post this. I'm a mixed bag of emotions when it comes to Angie. Anger, tears, major frustration .....Mostly I want to her to buck up, muster enough inner strength to realize and accept that Wayne Wright is not worthy of her loyalty. Does she have it in her to face that? I'm not so sure. She needs to find it though and I sincerely pray that she does. Otherwise she is likely to find herself in jail while facing some very serious charges. I don't know if she could survive it. Enough lives have been destroyed. It is ALL so very sad to me.
Once MS is arrested, there will be alot of names surface-some swingers-some affairs. Husbands not in the know, beware. I dont think we will see co-workers statements until MS is arrested. That doc dump will certainly be interesting. jmo.
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