2016.02.03 Batch 4 Audio/Video Files - Sievers Discovery Documents

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you for pointing this out, Redfish. I agree that the comments about SH's gift were troubling. That being said, I think most of us have said cruel or hurtful things in the past--maybe out of frustration, maybe complaining to distract ourselves from the real problems in our lives, maybe just because we felt like it. I have certainly found myself saying things I regretted while chatting with my closest friend, just because my guard is down and it can feel good to get those minor frustrations off of your chest.

It really makes you think...we all have this reasonable ecpectation of privacy, but as situations like this show, that expectation is in no way guaranteed. I'm sure the last thing TS would have wanted was for SH to hear such a hurtful conversation repeated. It certainly makes me feel more aware of my own behavior, knowing that a conversation that I may consider just 'blowing off steam' could very well be the last memory of me that a loved one has.

Great post!!! I agree totally and every once in a while a need a reminder to "check" myself and some of these interviews have reminded me how hurtful words can be so use them cautiously.

I also understand that it's very important that EVERYTHING needs to be revealed and investigated and my heart goes out to those being interviewed as well as some of the innocents being discussed in the interviews. I just wish I could go back and unhear some of the personal things I heard and unsee some of the personal things I've seen that we now know are irrelevant to the case. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to investigate and understand and sometimes I just feel like a creepy peeper ...... Ugghhhh
That's not true!
Just answer the questions asked!!!!
IMO there was NO reason to add the conversation about the dress S gave her nor TS not liking her MIL. Loose lips sink ships! Just chatty BS between sisters. Better left unsaid.
To me that interview was not pretty!

The facts ma'am, just the facts!
The impression I got from AL was not that of someone just running off at the mouth, but someone trying desperately to grab on to ANYTHING that might help LE. I can't imagine being in that situation, and trying to separate the important conversations from the unimportant. I'd probably be the same way.
The impression I got from AL was not that of someone just running off at the mouth, but someone trying desperately to grab on to ANYTHING that might help LE. I can't imagine being in that situation, and trying to separate the important conversations from the unimportant. I'd probably be the same way.

I hope and pray I'm never in that situation!
I just think AL likes to talk and talk a lot.
To ME it just painted a very harsh picture of them.

I think Anne Lisa was under a tremendous amount of stress and operating from a place of fear.

I cannot imagine the stuff I would blurt out or ramble about. Her mind was in the process of putting the pieces together of who could have done this to her sister.

I can only imagine the stuff Mark was putting in all of their heads at the time.
I think Anne Lisa was underage tremendous amount of stress and operating from a place of fear.

I cannot imagine the stuff I would blurt out ramble about. Her mind was in the process of putting the pieces together of who could have done this to her sister.

I can only imagine the stuff Mark was putting in all of their heads at the time.

I don't think any of that came from Mark!
We pretty much heard the same thing from a few ppl and they pretty much say the same they also had said the same things about Mark and none of them were bad really.

He Drove Teresa Crazy!

I'm still on the fence here my WS friends!
Thing is there were things said by a few people that are bound to cause some hurt feelings and didn't have anything relevant to TS murder. And these people will never have the change to talk to TS about it. Also the pot smoking and f bombs really could have been left unsaid. Now, Id expect that from MS. I do believe that it was due to the pressure and stress they were under and never realized that this stuff wouldnt remain confidential. But a good lesson for all of us. Stick to the questions and be careful. If its not relevant dont bring it up. jmo.
I'm a big fan of learning the truth...even when I don't like it sometimes.
In general...Having several people in an office... projecting their negative belief about you and your negative influence to the negativity in the office....could feel pretty overwhelming on a daily basis. Finally learning the truth about what you were up against...might actually be a relief...in an odd sort of way. With some perspective... some people might even find a way to laugh about all the negativity created by the people trying to get rid of it in the office. OK I think I made my point clear as mud..hopefully someone gets it. JMO
^^^ Thank you, thank you, thank you. I understand perfectly and it would be a relief, IMO too.

When you are in the process of a person or people gas lighting you, it can be surreal and feel overwhelming. When you are at the center it is not always easy to see what is happening- it just feels off... You feel off balance and generally speaking, if you are a nice person who is sensitive or introspective you can easily begin to think the problem is YOU.

My heart goes out to SH- she seems like a genuinely lovely person. I can see why most patients loved her. I hope she's able to find some peace and happiness. I think she was a victim too.

Time will tell. Thank you again!
re: AL

i watch the InvestigationDiscovery channel ALOT
the detectives most always ask something along the lines of - do you remember anything, any little detail, even if it doesn't seem important, is there anything you remember...
Really sad to read that people are giving negative opinions about innocent family members caught in the crossfire. And I say this as it relates to Teresa's family and the family members of others (like the mother of MS or the extended family of AW or the children). Although I think it is appropriate to comment on the content of any interview as it relates to aspects of this case I really am surprised that there are many more personal comments/opinions about these people being shared. Calling out a family member caught in the collateral horror of this situation seems unnecessary. If we were speaking about how a comment relates to the case, then I understand. If we are calling a comment inappropriate or mean or anything like that - when someone has just learned that their sister or daughter in law is dead or that a family member may be married to a murderer seems unnecessary. The exception, I feel, would only be if the person was making a dramatic effort to put things out there in the media or was involved with some other facet of the evidence/case - then extra scrutiny seems appropriate. This is all my opinion of course.
re: AL

i watch the InvestigationDiscovery channel ALOT
the detectives most always ask something along the lines of - do you remember anything, any little detail, even if it doesn't seem important, is there anything you remember...

I found the little detail in AL's interview important when she stated in about March or April that they were wanting to surprise the girls with an extra-long visit with grandma in June (and grandma saying not a good idea). The text from MS to CWW about wanting to talk about something personal was made in April. It speaks to premeditation in my mind.

I would love to know when grandma called TS and told her no. Also, I would like to know when TS found out about the IRS lien and/or when the final official notice arrived.
Really sad to read that people are giving negative opinions about innocent family members caught in the crossfire. And I say this as it relates to Teresa's family and the family members of others (like the mother of MS or the extended family of AW or the children). Although I think it is appropriate to comment on the content of any interview as it relates to aspects of this case I really am surprised that there are many more personal comments/opinions about these people being shared. Calling out a family member caught in the collateral horror of this situation seems unnecessary. If we were speaking about how a comment relates to the case, then I understand. If we are calling a comment inappropriate or mean or anything like that - when someone has just learned that their sister or daughter in law is dead or that a family member may be married to a murderer seems unnecessary. The exception, I feel, would only be if the person was making a dramatic effort to put things out there in the media or was involved with some other facet of the evidence/case - then extra scrutiny seems appropriate. This is all my opinion of course.

I was just going to post similar thoughts, AmazonRain, adding to it, that some of the LCSO members taking the statements have not even been to the crimescene themselves. They ask all and anything. As many of the officers state in the beginning of the interviews, they would ask standard questions, that may or may not pertain to the case.

This was the very beginning of the case. Everyone was naturally in the 'envelope of suspicion'. What if they had found a torn up green dress at the crime scene not being mentioned to the public for example (yes, I know, the dress wasn't there anymore..)? Then the comment of AL would have relevance to the case.

As this is just an example, there may be more to the crime scene or to the case, than we know.

Friends, families and coworkers were all under shock. We know, they could not have all been involved, if any. So, we need to take a step back and keep the bigger picture in mind.

Also interesting to me is the fact that CWW's wedding was on the same day that TS was to be a Matron of Honor for the P's. I strongly suspect that MS texted and talked with his "brother" about scheduling it for that weekend specifically as the P's probably had theirs scheduled long before CWW thought about an impromptu wedding with AW.

It makes me shudder sometimes thinking how underhanded and devious this appears to be on the surface with what we know now. I can't imagine what lies hidden and underneath this. Ugh.
Really sad to read that people are giving negative opinions about innocent family members caught in the crossfire. And I say this as it relates to Teresa's family and the family members of others (like the mother of MS or the extended family of AW or the children). Although I think it is appropriate to comment on the content of any interview as it relates to aspects of this case I really am surprised that there are many more personal comments/opinions about these people being shared. Calling out a family member caught in the collateral horror of this situation seems unnecessary. If we were speaking about how a comment relates to the case, then I understand. If we are calling a comment inappropriate or mean or anything like that - when someone has just learned that their sister or daughter in law is dead or that a family member may be married to a murderer seems unnecessary. The exception, I feel, would only be if the person was making a dramatic effort to put things out there in the media or was involved with some other facet of the evidence/case - then extra scrutiny seems appropriate. This is all my opinion of course.

The interviews are out there and i think we are allowed to discuss them and give our opinions on them ...because my opinions differ from most or all they are not disrespectful. It is what it is. Things were said that cant be unsaid.
And these are just my opinions
Really sad to read that people are giving negative opinions about innocent family members caught in the crossfire. And I say this as it relates to Teresa's family and the family members of others (like the mother of MS or the extended family of AW or the children). Although I think it is appropriate to comment on the content of any interview as it relates to aspects of this case I really am surprised that there are many more personal comments/opinions about these people being shared. Calling out a family member caught in the collateral horror of this situation seems unnecessary. If we were speaking about how a comment relates to the case, then I understand. If we are calling a comment inappropriate or mean or anything like that - when someone has just learned that their sister or daughter in law is dead or that a family member may be married to a murderer seems unnecessary. The exception, I feel, would only be if the person was making a dramatic effort to put things out there in the media or was involved with some other facet of the evidence/case - then extra scrutiny seems appropriate. This is all my opinion of course.

I agree with you 100%. In the aftermath of my brother's murder, I would have hated to learn that I was being judged by anything I said or did. I was a grief stricken, blubbering mess. I also would have been furious if anyone said anything untoward about my dead brother, my parents or my siblings.

In 1982, all that was expressed to us and around us was horror, disbelief, sadness for a young promising life gone. IMO sometimes we can forget the human side in such an act of inhumanity. There is a ripple effect of this heinous act and I can't imagine how those directly impacted are coping, waiting for the other "shoe to drop".

Thank you for the reminder and personally, I will try not to be as harsh and judgemental in my opinion of LS. It is so easy to do from behind the iPad screen. IMOO
For anyone involved here...I can't even imagine being in an interview situation right after someone was killed that I knew and cared about. The first place you might go in your mind is to ANY place there is discord with those surrounding TS.
No one thought to look at MS because discord seemed to be a "normal" part of who they were as a couple...it seems like that so far anyway... looking in from the outside. IMO
This has probably been asked and answered and I apologize that I can't remember.

Did LE seize the firearms and remove them from the Sievers home? Now that JRR is in FL and hopefully talking, I was wondering how any further arrests would be made? If a POI has an attorney, does LE typically give that POI the opportunity to turn themselves in? Or do they descend on the residence without warning? With children in the home?

I can't seem to shake the horrible feeling that MS will not go willingly nor give up control of his children to be raised by other people....

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