2016.05.17 Batch 6 Discovery Docs ***GRAPHIC Content***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Bates 37141

On Lines 105 & 106, MS calls TS but the two lines have different numbers for her. I wonder if one of the numbers was programmed to display "Seivers Teresa" but really wasn't her phone. Or do we know that TS had two different phone numbers?

Line 105 - Outgoing - To: 17274217736 - Seivers Teresa - 6/29/2015 6:45:22
Line 106 - Outgoing - To: 2393909797 - Seivers Teresa - 6/28/2016 5:34:33

(both FaceTime)
Feeling like a voyeur after reading these docs, I can't help but wonder if TS actually knew the whole shocking truth about MS, if she would have left him a long time ago. I also wonder if MS purposely created the strapped financial status to ensure that TS would not divorce him as she couldn't afford to.

Has anyone seen any financial disclosures where there was an equity line for the practice from a bank? Or their house was collateral for any loans for the practice? If there was equity, and they had a financial advisor, why didn't MS look into taking out a loan to pay the IRS debt or any other debt they had?

Noting the late hours TS worked and her frenetic schedule, I can't imagine she had time to look at the monthly expense reports on a regular basis. It seems as though she relied on MS for that. What a slap in the face that he used her hard earned money to pursue other women. IMOO

He had all that cash stashed at home - more than enough to pay the IRS the $32k owed. :dunno: Not sure what his logic was other than what you say: he did it on purpose. I think it was another form of control. Passive-Agressive.
Bates 37740

On 05/01/2015 at 10:19 p.m., Teresa sends a text to Mark - Good night. I hope you are having fun. Be Safe. Talk to you in the morning. Love you. (I added the punctuation)
On 05/01/2015 at 10:20 p.m., Mark sends a text back to Teresa - I love you too....sweet dreams!

On 05/01/2015, Mark is at CWW's house. This is the evening he and CWW speak privately in the bedroom for a few hours (presumably planning the murder).


Holy moly. :(
Beginning in Bates 37795 and into 37796- Marks interaction with a man I can only assume might be Marks little sister Jam's boyfriend- the one that couldn't stay at Bonnie's because Curtis and Angie were staying there (whiskey tango foxtrot).

This man is a jeweler- anyway Mark has him make a mothers ring for Teresa- says he sends a check, then a few texts further 'he typed and printed the check but didn't actually send it.

Then soon after he says the center stone fell out, and tells the guy just like another ' mothers ring' he bought Teresa did (he even writes the amount of $$ he paid for that ring and it was obviously much less then what he paid this guy- total dig).

Then the guy goes into the bad shape Marks little sister is in- she needs all sorts of help with car, tire and household repairs and can Mark pitch in?

Of course not- don't you know how EXPENSIVE it is to run a business?

GMAB- and no, he can spend $800+ on a second mothers ring... he can give money to his mistress and God knows who else, for what else but can't help his sick, baby sister.

The guy later says she needs rehab but Mark has nothing to say. This family is beyond the norm and sick, sick, sick. She's severely anorexic, I know all about it- and especially what it can stem from. I hope she got/gets help.
I just have to say this- I am almost 51 years old and I did not know what 'swollen breasts' were a sign of- how did that little girl know that?
On Sunday 05/03/2015, the texts between Mark and CWW escalate. This is the day Mark came home from the wedding. He arrived at noon in Florida and Teresa picked him up. He texts CWW at some point that "I don't want to use 'secure txts'." The response from CWW is redacted.

On Monday, 05/04/2016 at approximately 7:00 p.m., Mark texts to Teresa - "I sense nothing but anger from you," and "24 seven not really my perception, just my new reality. even my comment in the kitchen before any of this took place met with the same kind of response. :-( "

On Tuesday 05/05/2016, Mark sends more texts to CWW about his "gift" and the storage unit etc.

On Wednesday 05/06/2016, MiMi (MAG, Teresa's mom) arrives into town. This is one of the very few times Mark texts to Teresa - "..... Talk to you later Teresa"

Bates 37744 and 37745 (plus the link to the calendar above).
5/2/14-Bates 36937 Calendar Entry MS talks of sex with TS and mentions CWW

5/2/14-Bates 37573 and 37574 Texts btwn TS and MS, she calls herself "mama" and him "daddy" which is not her typical verbiage. :thinking:
Not sure if these were actually from her or not. JMO

I also found out I can arrange the pages within the batch groups without printing them out to get them in a different order (I assume Beach can do that as well)!
It looks like coordinating the texts vs calendar entries will take some manual labor either via a spreadsheet or word document (notes) LOL.
On Sunday 05/03/2015, the texts between Mark and CWW escalate. This is the day Mark came home from the wedding. He arrived at noon in Florida and Teresa picked him up. He texts CWW at some point that "I don't want to use 'secure txts'." The response from CWW is redacted.

On Monday, 05/04/2016 at approximately 7:00 p.m., Mark texts to Teresa - "I sense nothing but anger from you," and "24 seven not really my perception, just my new reality. even my comment in the kitchen before any of this took place met with the same kind of response. :-( "

On Tuesday 05/05/2016, Mark sends more texts to CWW about his "gift" and the storage unit etc.

On Wednesday 05/06/2016, MiMi (MAG, Teresa's mom) arrives into town. This is one of the very few times Mark texts to Teresa - "..... Talk to you later Teresa"

Bates 37744 and 37745 (plus the link to the calendar above).

Thanks. Those are the needles in the haystack that we need. Thank you.

Can someone analyze only the Missouri calls (incoming outgoing and missed ) for 2015. Thank you.
5/2/14-Bates 36937 Calendar Entry MS talks of sex with TS and mentions CWW

5/2/14-Bates 37573 and 37574 Texts btwn TS and MS, she calls herself "mama" and him "daddy" which is not her typical verbiage. :thinking:
Not sure if these were actually from her or not. JMO

I also found out I can arrange the pages within the batch groups without printing them out to get them in a different order (I assume Beach can do that as well)!
It looks like coordinating the texts vs calendar entries will take some manual labor either via a spreadsheet or word document (notes) LOL.

Didn't AW state she "didn't remember" what happened the night before/early morning hours of the wedding on 05/02/2015? Interesting.
Didn't AW state she "didn't remember" what happened the night before/early morning hours of the wedding on 05/02/2015? Interesting.

5/2/14-Bates 36937 Calendar Entry MS talks of sex with TS and mentions CWW

The year is what is confusing you Surfie.
That was in 2014, the wedding was 2015. :smile:
More texts to CWW on 05/09/2015 asking whether CWW got whatever it was and to "text first b/c u never know."

However (!), only one text to Teresa on that day and it was to ask her to bring something home (one flexing?) She actually sent a text first that day suggesting a vacation spot for presumably the summer. He never responded except to ask her to bring that thing home "please."
5/2/14-Bates 36937 Calendar Entry MS talks of sex with TS and mentions CWW

The year is what is confusing you Surfie.
That was in 2014, the wedding was 2015. :smile:

:) Thank you. Funny though...what are the odds it is the exact same date to the year? Weird.
More texts to CWW on 05/09/2015 asking whether CWW got whatever it was and to "text first b/c u never know."

However (!), only one text to Teresa on that day and it was to ask her to bring something home (one flexing?) She actually sent a text first that day suggesting a vacation spot for presumably the summer. He never responded except to ask her to bring that thing home "please."

I've seen in other texts that they're referring to flexcin, a joint supplement. Confused me for a bit.
On Sunday 05/03/2015, the texts between Mark and CWW escalate. This is the day Mark came home from the wedding. He arrived at noon in Florida and Teresa picked him up. He texts CWW at some point that "I don't want to use 'secure txts'." The response from CWW is redacted.

On Monday, 05/04/2016 at approximately 7:00 p.m., Mark texts to Teresa - "I sense nothing but anger from you," and "24 seven not really my perception, just my new reality. even my comment in the kitchen before any of this took place met with the same kind of response. :-( "

On Tuesday 05/05/2016, Mark sends more texts to CWW about his "gift" and the storage unit etc.

On Wednesday 05/06/2016, MiMi (MAG, Teresa's mom) arrives into town. This is one of the very few times Mark texts to Teresa - "..... Talk to you later Teresa"

Bates 37744 and 37745 (plus the link to the calendar above).

What ever happened to good old face-to-face discussion of such important issues? I can't get past the feeling he's doing this in text to lay a foundation that favors him. (I'm not talking about his sex posts, sheesh, what malarky). He's completely self-serving in everything he does and this would have been a very smart way to fool a lot of people into sympathy for him. Oh, poor, poor me - see how mean she is to me? Frankly, his wimpiness, neediness, not sure what else I'd call it (manipulation works, too) would have sickened me almost immediately. I feel for her being frustrated with him and . If we didn't know so much about his long time sex obsession, I'd briefly consider that he felt emasculated and cheated on her and used her money to keep her on a short leash as a way to assert his manhood. But, NOPE.

I wish she could have seen an experienced therapist or counselor of some sort - a removed, third party, uninvolved person who could have seen clearly what was going on. This was an incredibly sick relationship for every female in that house and it extended to his relationship with LS and his sex on the side girls. He got EXACTLY what he wanted. Money, sex, adoration from (it seems) every female he worked.

I have no sympathy for him because he set it up this way. He could have left at any time, but where else would he find someone to support his spending and sex habit in both free time and money?

His obsession with his sex life was as destructive as any addict of drugs, booze or gambling, but I don't believe he was an addict. I do believe he is a self-absorbed legend in his own mind. It's all about him - his wife, his children, his extra-curricular sex.

Well, his life is certainly all about himself NOW. I wonder if he's happy. *sarcasm*
More texts to CWW on 05/09/2015 asking whether CWW got whatever it was and to "text first b/c u never know."

However (!), only one text to Teresa on that day and it was to ask her to bring something home (one flexing?) She actually sent a text first that day suggesting a vacation spot for presumably the summer. He never responded except to ask her to bring that thing home "please."

"Flexin" is a supplement use for joint pain. It has glucosamine and other things in it.


In reading about the tremendous amount of "O"s that MS attributes to himself I was reminded of a class in human sexuality I once took in which the physiology of male ejaculation was a part. The term "refractory period" came to mind.

Wikipedia has an excellent article on this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refractory_period_(sex)

While not impossible for a man to have the number of "O"s within the time frame mentioned, it would be rare.
Bates 37141

On Lines 105 & 106, MS calls TS but the two lines have different numbers for her. I wonder if one of the numbers was programmed to display "Seivers Teresa" but really wasn't her phone. Or do we know that TS had two different phone numbers?

Line 105 - Outgoing - To: 17274217736 - Seivers Teresa - 6/29/2015 6:45:22
Line 106 - Outgoing - To: 2393909797 - Seivers Teresa - 6/28/2016 5:34:33

(both FaceTime)
I thought MS was the 314 number out of MO and T was the 727 out of St pete.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
4/24/14 Bates 36941 Calendar entry (sex mentions CWW there)
4/24/14 Bates 37568 and 37569 Texts from TS-Mentions a heavy day, coming home late, stressed about reality at office.

4/25/14 Bates 36940 Calendar entry sex (mentions CWW)

4/26/14 Bates 37570 Texts from TS "Don't text me" WTF do you want" "Smothering Me"
4/26/14 Bates 36940 Calendar Entry Sex

Well, well.... Hmm. Sigh.
So many of these texts infuriate me. The level of passive aggressive ******** is unbelievable. It was the job of MS to manage the home and the office and although he was fully capable of keeping track of the personal lives of his mistresses he couldn't keep a pantry or fridge stocked with the things that are mentioned over and over and over? He couldn't make sure that bills were paid on time so that Teresa didn't have to worry if her credit card would clear when having a business lunch? And her account was in the NEGATIVE and she had to ask him to make sure money was deposited?? Are you KIDDING me? He couldn't ensure that the computers and printers were operational?? CWW and MS were clearly messing with the computers - Teresa is continually talking about how they aren't running right and are slowing down her practice. And don't get me started on the CONSTANT interruptions to her day and then acting like there is something wrong with Teresa getting irritated.

Teresa was clearly tiring of his controlling and passive aggressive ways - she mentions both. And this dog and pony show of the hapless husband with the hurt feelings - it just makes me sick. He was literally running her into the ground. And when death by a million tiny paper cuts wasn't quick enough or effective enough - he brought in the goons.

So infuriating and so sad.
You're welcome! Let me know if I can help with the converter.

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