2016.05.17 Batch 6 Discovery Docs ***GRAPHIC Content***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Possibly where they met - MS puts hints in the names so he can remember who they are - good idea if you've got several people with same or similar names. Good idea iyam, he could try to chat up a serious business contact as opposed to a vulnerable potential sex buddy. If I'm reading the Content page of the Bates files correctly, he's got over 8700 contacts? How is that even possible...

If you search the Bates files, Seacrest comes up in several calendar entries, Seacrest casino night at bbq, pick _____ up at Seacrest 3pm car line, Seacrest for ________'s birthday party,

True, it comes up where he entered it as his entry BUT he couldn't have entered in the collected LE evidence, as in 'participants' on cell phone texts or calls​, just like MS couldn't enter cell tower locations, etc.
Admin Note

Whoa Nelly! Pump the brakes folks!

I t understand the curious nature of the sleuth, probably better than anyone here. I LOVE sleuthing. HOWEVER, all these names mentioned in the texts and/or calendar entries - these people are not fair game for posting on this public forum. I'm not naive because I know y'all are sleuthing to find out more about these people, BUT it crosses the line when private sleuthing results are posted on this very PUBLIC forum.

No matter what we think of any of these people or their moral choices, NONE of them expected their private conversations to be posted on the flippin' internet and exposed to the world. Think about it. If I were them, I would be MORTIFIED and mad as hell. Some of these things could severely damage careers, marriages, friendships,...the list is endless. The Sunshine Laws are what they are and, from a sleuth's point of view, I'm grateful for them. However, I feel terrible for these people who thought their conversations would be private. Can you even imagine how stressed they've been wondering if THEIR texts might be released? They've probably been dreading this for months. And I'm sure we're not done with the text releases, so there are still people losing sleep.

Let's try to post with that in mind, okay?

All I'm saying is let's be humane and have some empathy, even if we don't like how the person is coming across. Consenting adults and all that, ya know? They thought they were having a private conversation and now the world is privy to those convos ONLY because Mark Sievers conspired to have his wife murdered. I'm pretty darn sure that possibility never entered the mind of any of these people. And if by some wild chance, we discover differently, then the rules will broaden and I will advise accordingly.

*if this post makes no sense, it is because a bunch of posts have since been removed.
Yes, I posted that back a few posts about the Seacrest Country Day School. What I don't understand is WHY it's in the actual phone id on texts. I have now found 'seacrest' on 3 phones MS texted with. Mark did not put 'seacrest' on there, it's part of the provider info UNLESS I'm way off here. That 3rd 'seacrest' is in PDF Bates 37738-37781 (44 pages total), p43, Bates #37780, Section #52. In that same PDF is something else interesting.... someone has an iCloud address, like email----anyone familiar with that? I googled it & looks like you can do that but my 1st thought was that LE had recovered it from iCloud, evidently not.

ALSO a 'Mock engineering' is mentioned. I noticed MS calendar mentioning a 'mock bill' thinking he made a note to himself about making up a 'fake' bill from/for someone OR that it was just his typical all in lower case texting WHICH it looks like now.

Mock Engineering is a legitimate communications business. I think many of us immediately assumed he meant making a fake or dummy bill. :) They're legit!
37180: he's a pig, does he really think she won't see through his feeble attempts? Disingenuous .

MS to female friend – NOT INVOLVED WITH HER, but he's obviously trying
Tried _________'s phone, can i pick her up now? Plane delayed & thought it better

(female friend)
Yes we are at Hammond

k en route

Sexy momma txtme when boarding... i love & lust YOU!!

(female friend)
I feel like a voyeur!

MS (Slavers Mark&Teresa) [Felicity note: gotta love autoread – Acrobat changed Sievers to Slavers]

ahhh. sorry, i think i Did this before with you... wanna watch or??

37181 AGAIN

MS to same person as above
Good morning sunshine. Thank you for last night baby

Hmmm, seems his knowledge of banking might be as suspect as his IT expertise. Two separate transactions to avoid reporting deposits over $10,000 is called "structuring" and has cost people their businesses even when the deposits were normal and legit, as in cash receipts from a mom-and-pop restaurant. The government requires banks to report such "structuring."

Quote Originally Posted by FelicityLemon View Post
. . . 37404: 05/14/2013 Money laundering ? . . .

MS: “It's not that simple. Like when we got the money from your father, we did 2 separate transactions because the bank has requirements and thresholds that require them to report large cash transactions to the IRS. We can work this out, it's not a big deal.”
********* ******** ********* ********** **********
Well, well, well.....it is a deep subject after all, eh MS? MS knows (or thinks he knows enough) to circumvent "cash reporting laws." But, what he doesn't know is that there are many laws that were enacted to notify the Feds. #1) The BSA = Bank Secrecy Act and #2) SAR=
Suspicious Activity Reports.
BSA The one most people are familiar with are deposits/withdrawals of $10,000 or more in cash.
Requires a form 8300 within 15 days to be filed. (Car dealers fyi biggest targets on this.)
SAR This is lesser known as banks can have their own internal guidelines. For instance, if you make 3 deposits of $2,000 in cash in a month....you can expect the manager, or customer service manager to file an internal report. One day when you walk into the bank, the manager might make it a point to introduce them self and start talking to you about your job. "So, Websleuther IQ, I wondered if we could offer you any of our other products for your business? Instead of driving over to the bank with cash, would you be interested in a point of sale credit card/debit machine for your business?" Or, "Since you are running a lot of cash through your personal checking account, would it be better if we set up a business account for you?" Trust me, if a banker can not justify why you are making a lot of cash deposits into their bank (like retail sales or rental income).....expect the IRS or FBI to be notified.
The US Treasury, in some cases can even do a "life style assessment"......ie, The taxpayer reports W2 income of 60K, yet has a mortgage payment of 3K per month, 1K in student loans, 1K utilities, car payments, cable, cell phones,life insurance premiums (total of 5K per month). And then still manages to get expensive hair cuts, spas, make-up, clothes, dining out, trips, entertaining, private trainer, nanny, gardener, housekeeper, pest control and pool service without using credit cards or equity lines.....???? Hmmm, a few things could be going on, "living on past reported earnings/savings", "tax free income from the sale of a residence", "living on gifts/inheritances" or "not reporting all cash income." Sadly, since MS was attempting to "circumvent cash reporting thresholds" I have my suspicions.
(Hope this answers many questions....it is such a complicated subject so just giving you a summary of possible scenarios....if that is OK?)

"Hey __________, I was just thinking about you guys & I just wanted to let you know that We are very grateful to have you & _____________ and the girls in our
lives. That's all... Have a wonderful night:)"

I swear, he has a notebook of things to say that will provoke specific emotions. We see him use them over and over and it's so interesting.

I'm curious to know what the women (his friends) think reading all this and am especially curious as to what their husband's think now that they see it all grouped together.

People wondered why an educated, intelligent and beautiful woman like TS could believe his lies. She wasn't the only one. He seemed to fool mental health professionals as well.

His lines, I've heard them so many times in my life and it was not only disrespectful to boyfriends/girlfriends/wives involved, but insulting to my intelligence. From the very first inkling something was "off", I was disgusted. I'm kind of shocked seeing the continued personal and professional relationships continuing. :dunno: maybe the females didn't mind it - maybe I'm overly sensitive to the inappropriateness of repeated attempts to be well, inappropriate!

And it bugs me that young girls are involved and as someone posted before, children see and hear things - they are not stupid.
Mark was skimming money for himself by any means necessary. He would get a great deal but tell TS it was full price while he pocketed the rest.

Example. Your I.T guy for the doctors office lives states away. Then your wife has to pick up food for him when he comes to town to fix things that should have been fixed the last time.

I'm just surprised that our girl didn't put the kids in school and make Mark get a job with his degree and outsource everything else.

But imo. Curtis is going to tell us that Mark had me hack every phone and computer that Teresa used.

I so agree.

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What kinda weird diary entry? Background on potential sex target or just checking up on his wife?

T went to Vagan rest tonight (spicey asian soup, kelp noodles,
tortis, spaghetti & meatballs, brownie) & got back to hotel at
1033pm, i txt her nite at 1149 & she said she was in lobby &
call back in 5) she called me at 1213a in lobby talking w
_______... her husb addict died when she was12 weeks preg,
met. Her boyfriend when son was 3 months (now 4 years),
lives in philly but wants to move to Utah., 35 yo
Yikes, very weird. Sounds like he was monitoring/spying her every move. Tracking her movements via IPhone.

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BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE... aka “Oops, I did it again!” No matter how many times he says this, he still won't bag Brittany Spears. It looks like the texts below are mixed up tiny bit in the Bates 37211, so I put them in the order I think they were in reality. :thinking: I could be wrong, but even so.

MS says: thank you
MS says: goodnight sexy momma! see you tomorrow. I Love You

Unsuspecting Innocent Married Female says:
Wrong address mark!

MS says:
oooooops I was trying to text Teresa...

Possibly Suspicious by now Married female says:
No worries ; )

"Hey __________, I was just thinking about you guys & I just wanted to let you know that We are very grateful to have you & _____________ and the girls in our
lives. That's all... Have a wonderful night:)"

I swear, he has a notebook of things to say that will provoke specific emotions. We see him use them over and over and it's so interesting.

I'm curious to know what the women (his friends) think reading all this and am especially curious as to what their husband's think now that they see it all grouped together.

People wondered why an educated, intelligent and beautiful woman like TS could believe his lies. She wasn't the only one. He seemed to fool mental health professionals as well.

His lines, I've heard them so many times in my life and it was not only disrespectful to boyfriends/girlfriends/wives involved, but insulting to my intelligence. From the very first inkling something was "off", I was disgusted. I'm kind of shocked seeing the continued personal and professional relationships continuing. :dunno: maybe the females didn't mind it - maybe I'm overly sensitive to the inappropriateness of repeated attempts to be well, inappropriate!

And it bugs me that young girls are involved and as someone posted before, children see and hear things - they are not stupid.

We don't know if people did not think he was a jerk. People are polite, generally. Several on here have said that they did not care for him
I agree in general.
But, I now know that there does come a time when some of us have to suck it up be brave and tell someone that 'it's unacceptable to speak to me that way' or 'I'm very uncomfortable when you say things like that'. As I said, maybe some women don't mind it.

I've been in situations where even that doesn't stop them. It's like a compulsion on their part. I definitely felt bullied and belittled. They would laugh it off and say 'ah, I didn't mean anything by it.' but it would continue. Not one of them ever apologized. I told them I would tell my friend (their girlfriend or wife) and only then did it stop one guy only. I did tell my friends when it happened. I lost two friends, but I couldn't NOT tell them. I've seen situations where the lowlife guy would claim a girl came onto them. I told one friend to tell her boyfriend to stop calling me. As I said, I'm no beauty, I know if was a form of control and passive-aggressive behavior toward their girlfriend/wife. Double win for them in their tiny minds. And even though I did nothing to encourage any of them, I felt guilty, I felt dirty.

LOL, I almost forgot that I did tell one guy's parents and that stopped it. He was the son of people for whom I worked (restaurant). He pursued me relentlessly, expensively. Everything was returned every single time. It got very creepy. Talking to both his parents at the same time worked because workplace harassment was just beginning to get a foothold. It took every ounce of courage for me to talk to them, I was sweating and shaking. I was terrified I'd lose my job. How sad that was. I was 31, he was 40. I felt like I was 8 years old. :(


one more then I'll shut up tonight. :)

37271: 06/17/2013
MS: hey sexy momma, our merms are in bed waiting on ur night time call/ facetime.

Mark~ wrong address- Again!!

im sorry. I really need to look more closely ...
Not sure if this one has been posted yet, but did LOL extra loudly:
(FYI, copied exactly with typos)

Batch 6 Bates 37498-37567
Valentines Day 2014:

"Momma, Happy Valentines' Day!!
i love u sooooooooooooooo much :) daddy"

"You love you so much also can record sorry I was not up for the full fin last night it was fun snuggling and hanging out"
Hey everyone!

I just moved several posts to the sidebar thread.

Please limit discussion in this thread to the discovery documents.

Thanks :)
Bates 37756: The infamous “Divorce message from facebook” sent by MS to CWW although in the Bates, it doesn't say to whom he sent it – presumably TS because of the placement in the document?

5/24/2015 8:49 pm
from facebook: thought it was funny ...

Dear Wife,
I'M writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you forever. I've been a good man to you for 7 years & J have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been helL ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn't even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don't tell me you love me anymore; you don't want sex or anything that connects us as husband & Wife. Either you're cheating on me or you don't love me anymore; whatever the case, I'm gone.
Your EX-Husband
P.S. don't try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!

Dear Ex-Husband,
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It's true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you've been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping. Too bad that doesn't work. I DID notice when you got a haircut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was 'You look just like a girl!' Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can't say something nice, l didn't comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because l stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: l tumed away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, l still loved you & felt we could work it out, So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica. But when l got home you were gone .. Everything happens for a reason, I guess.Il hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won't get a dime from me. So take care.
Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!
P.S. 1 don't know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that's not a problem. (574C2)
I'd have had a nervous breakdown years ago due to MS incapability to run an office of any kind. Constant computer problems. OMG, I'd have been tearing my hair out the the first week. The second time a wisespread problem happened, I'd fire the IT company and hire another.
Constant internet problems – same thing.
Out of printer paper again.
Out of TP.
The office toilet not working for 24 hours? – she had to tell him repeatedly to call a plumber? The medical building itself didn't have janitorial or facilities people on call?

Funny how he could print from the bathtub at home (in one of the Bates), but no one in the office could access the programs let alone print from computers.

It had to feel like working for a Mickey Mouse outfit sometimes. All the money they spent personally, and professionally it was a working train wreck too many times.

I don't understand why Sandra or Frank couldn't take that role? Staples.com online ordering – it's not a big deal peeps. I am in no way picking on them, I question the wisdom of having and paying a worse-than-incompetent office/practice manager.

MS caused an infinite amount of wasted time and frustration for everyone else at the office. She should have had a dedicated practice manager – at the very least an office manager. She could have hired a personal assistant to do what MS did and do it better and get more done.

Disclaimer: my comments regarding MS and his so-called memory issues is solely directed at him. I'm well aware that memory problems can have many causes, emotional, mental illness, boot to the head, neurocognitively (I had to look that up). The following is ONLY my opinion as it pertains to MS.

There was nothing wrong with his memory. To me, it's indicative that he wasn't paying attention to what she says or texts. It's that simple. It's also the child's excuse of “I forgot, I forgot, I forgot”, a sex-crazed adolescent mentality in a big fat MickeyD-sneakin' adult body. He had other things on his mind and it was easier for him to not pay attention, and then lie and say he forgot. Maybe it's psychological, but it's not organic. It's not a result of any head injury by car or cage fighting (rofl, cww). Having to get tested for heavy metals was a very small price to pay for the huge payoff of causing TS to feel guilty that she was angry at him for something he couldn't help.

Seriously, he was worse than useless, he was dangerous because of his arrogance and greed.
It gets more confusing.

BATES 37786: MS to potential buyer

1214/2014 10:17:-56 AM
Morning. any news from your buyer? sorry I have not sent that email to you yet.
We have 5 units and could probably let them go for a total of $20,000.
Have a great day!
It gets more confusing.

BATES 37786: MS to potential buyer

1214/2014 10:17:-56 AM
Morning. any news from your buyer? sorry I have not sent that email to you yet.
We have 5 units and could probably let them go for a total of $20,000.
Have a great day!

I read from Section #56, Bates 37785 thru 37789..... within those Bates pages, starting in late Feb 2013 thru late May 2015 the possible selling of Sievers' 5 units was discussed between MS & who (a medical professional) he was texting with. That went on for 2 yrs---during that time it sounds like there was also an interested buyer for the entire building so that may be why the Sievers did not or could not sell to the person MS was texting with here. #37786, 12/04/2014, MS, "We have 5 units and could probably let them go for a total of $20,000". This medical professional was still wanting to buy those units in late May 2015 where these texts end on #33789 with the last dated entry of 5/15/2015, when the guy suggests to MS that they meet for coffee to discuss the units. 1 1/2 mos later TS would be found dead. In the end, didn't they loose the units due to non-payment?

3/04/2013 @ 3:37:29 PM MS is texting someone but it's not revealed who it is, only MS single text is shown.... "FYI: our pay off is $9,754,511.71" then he mentions the large daily interest amount & $60,000 plus monthly payment. The text just before AND right after that particular text is not a potential buyer for their 5 units OR even the building---MS is blowin' smoke here to who ever he was texting with at that time. The only known 'potential' buyer MS texts with within these specific Bates is the guy interested in their 5 units for $20,000.
Quote Originally Posted by FelicityLemon View Post
. . . 37404: 05/14/2013 Money laundering ? . . .

MS: “It's not that simple. Like when we got the money from your father, we did 2 separate transactions because the bank has requirements and thresholds that require them to report large cash transactions to the IRS. We can work this out, it's not a big deal.”
********* ******** ********* ********** **********
Well, well, well.....it is a deep subject after all, eh MS? MS knows (or thinks he knows enough) to circumvent "cash reporting laws." But, what he doesn't know is that there are many laws that were enacted to notify the Feds. #1) The BSA = Bank Secrecy Act and #2) SAR=
Suspicious Activity Reports.
BSA The one most people are familiar with are deposits/withdrawals of $10,000 or more in cash.
Requires a form 8300 within 15 days to be filed. (Car dealers fyi biggest targets on this.)
SAR This is lesser known as banks can have their own internal guidelines. For instance, if you make 3 deposits of $2,000 in cash in a month....you can expect the manager, or customer service manager to file an internal report. One day when you walk into the bank, the manager might make it a point to introduce them self and start talking to you about your job. "So, Websleuther IQ, I wondered if we could offer you any of our other products for your business? Instead of driving over to the bank with cash, would you be interested in a point of sale credit card/debit machine for your business?" Or, "Since you are running a lot of cash through your personal checking account, would it be better if we set up a business account for you?" Trust me, if a banker can not justify why you are making a lot of cash deposits into their bank (like retail sales or rental income).....expect the IRS or FBI to be notified.
The US Treasury, in some cases can even do a "life style assessment"......ie, The taxpayer reports W2 income of 60K, yet has a mortgage payment of 3K per month, 1K in student loans, 1K utilities, car payments, cable, cell phones,life insurance premiums (total of 5K per month). And then still manages to get expensive hair cuts, spas, make-up, clothes, dining out, trips, entertaining, private trainer, nanny, gardener, housekeeper, pest control and pool service without using credit cards or equity lines.....???? Hmmm, a few things could be going on, "living on past reported earnings/savings", "tax free income from the sale of a residence", "living on gifts/inheritances" or "not reporting all cash income." Sadly, since MS was attempting to "circumvent cash reporting thresholds" I have my suspicions.
(Hope this answers many questions....it is such a complicated subject so just giving you a summary of possible scenarios....if that is OK?)

Explanations on tax/banking related issues are particularly helpful for someone like me who is outside of the US. When I became impatient in the past and started to google, lo and behold a couple of hours (*or less) down the line, some knowledgeable ws/r would come along. So now I wait on you guys. Thanks so much. :)

Ms Boo Or anyone else who can help me out here? I'm still scratching my head at a 'law' that would allow one to buy and sell their own property - to and from themselves. I realise it has to be some kind of scam or tax dodge. Unless a husband and wife can buy and sell from each other legally without it involving divorce, is that an option?

The 'profit' sale I can imagine being his way to hide (launder) cash. But how can you get rid of money by giving it yourself in plain sight? The 'loss' sale I presume would enable him to declare negative equity on the property, therefore no longer an 'asset'? When you actually don't have any assets to speak of, that makes no sense. The economy would be bankrupt working on that premise. I know MS thought he was an I-can-get-away-with-anything type, but there has to be some legal repercussions for those kind of shenanigans. Am I completely over-thinking it? This has so lost me, any help greatly appreciated.
Explanations on tax/banking related issues are particularly helpful for someone like me who is outside of the US. When I became impatient in the past and started to google, lo and behold a couple of hours (*or less) down the line, some knowledgeable ws/r would come along. So now I wait on you guys. Thanks so much. :)

Ms Boo Or anyone else who can help me out here? I'm still scratching my head at a 'law' that would allow one to buy and sell their own property - to and from themselves. I realise it has to be some kind of scam or tax dodge. Unless a husband and wife can buy and sell from each other legally without it involving divorce, is that an option?

The 'profit' sale I can imagine being his way to hide (launder) cash. But how can you get rid of money by giving it yourself in plain sight? The 'loss' sale I presume would enable him to declare negative equity on the property, therefore no longer an 'asset'? When you actually don't have any assets to speak of, that makes no sense. The economy would be bankrupt working on that premise. I know MS thought he was an I-can-get-away-with-anything type, but there has to be some legal repercussions for those kind of shenanigans. Am I completely over-thinking it? This has so lost me, any help greatly appreciated.
It doesn't make sense to me either. I think there is a missing component that may link this together.

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Explanations on tax/banking related issues are particularly helpful for someone like me who is outside of the US. When I became impatient in the past and started to google, lo and behold a couple of hours (*or less) down the line, some knowledgeable ws/r would come along. So now I wait on you guys. Thanks so much. :)

Ms Boo Or anyone else who can help me out here? I'm still scratching my head at a 'law' that would allow one to buy and sell their own property - to and from themselves. I realise it has to be some kind of scam or tax dodge. Unless a husband and wife can buy and sell from each other legally without it involving divorce, is that an option?

The 'profit' sale I can imagine being his way to hide (launder) cash. But how can you get rid of money by giving it yourself in plain sight? The 'loss' sale I presume would enable him to declare negative equity on the property, therefore no longer an 'asset'? When you actually don't have any assets to speak of, that makes no sense. The economy would be bankrupt working on that premise. I know MS thought he was an I-can-get-away-with-anything type, but there has to be some legal repercussions for those kind of shenanigans. Am I completely over-thinking it? This has so lost me, any help greatly appreciated.

This is standard operating procedure for businesses in the US. One of the transactions is to a corporation. A corporation in the US has been deemed a person. So it is a totally different person than TS and MS,

Business has all kinds of legal things they can do

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