I think that if it was "high priority" for KCPD to seek more interviews with Lisa's parents they would make it clear. KCPD hasn't said anything about it since a year ago.
We do have a good idea what KCPD wants. It's in their press release. They want tips that could help find a missing Lisa Irwin. The fact that KCPD posted the age progression image of Lisa shows that they hope people will call in tips if they see her. MOO.
We do agree that LE would love/hope to have people call in tips. LE, in my opinion only, has been very low key and not "clear" about any suspicions they have. Deborah has been the one to release her opinions of what LE's impression of her are more than LE has. LE has never hinted at her lie detector test results ~ she did; LE never released the fact that she had so much wine that she wasn't clear on what happened/when she last saw Lisa that last night ~ she did. LE has never been clear on what their suspicions are ~ Deborah has.
LE has said, repeated by several MSMedias, that they have desired, once again after their initial first few days of investigation, to speak with the parents separately (but still with their legal representatives present) to answer more questions. It is logical that LE has, through a more lengthy and developed investigation, more questions to ask. It is also logical that they would wish to speak to them individually (but still with their legal representatives present) to obtain their unbiased and uninfluenced impressions of what occurred that night.
You know, it's not all necessarily about "separate and defeat" but might be more about the meeker person bringing forth innocent information that would have been suppressed by deferring to letting the more dominant personality asserting their views/impressions ~ even if that dominant one is innocent and only trying to help. Dominant personalities would tend to suppress much input (valuable leads/facts, or not) that the meeker person might have to contribute while being interviewed together.
If these parents are not responsible for the death of their child I cannot imagine any, any refusal to speak to LE and reveal any and every thing. Nor do I understand why they would refuse any opportunity, large or small, to publicize the reminder that their daughter is missing. Doesn't this fact alone, that they pick and choose who can and cannot convey Lisa's dire circumstances, tell us something about the intensity and desire of their efforts to find her?
And yes, RANCH, hope dies eternal. If LE ever lost their hope (like that there's the slightest possibility that they could find Lisa) we would be without any LE. It's what must keep them going.
You must admit, though, that just because LE didn't say in their press release that they still wanted to talk to them separately, does not mean that it's still not important to them. That was quite a reach on your part.