4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 75

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I have said similar many threads back. I think the DD driver is more involved than we currently know. Maybe he knew BK, maybe they were even 'friends', or he SAW more than we know.
Maybe he is even a CI.
Has it been established anywhere if BK worked for DD before or at the time? (I'm a little behind, I apologise).
I am in no way insinuating that the DD driver on the night of the murders was involved, but maybe he knows more than we are led to believe.

No, no evidence he ever worked for DD. I've wondered if he's posed as a dasher, as SGH points out. I've also wondered if there's a bigger thing here involving DD and college kids at the university and that's what led LE down this path. MOO.
Very intuitive!

I agree and personally think like you there was one girl targeted.

Sadly, you can probably stab someone to death in their sleep without barely making a noise. But he found 2 in a bed and it surprised him and got out of hand and longer for him and they made noise. This noise on the 3rd floor was picked up by the 2 on the second floor one of whom apparently came out to investigate.

I think there would have been 5 victims if he would have seen DM and not been focused on exiting.
I think you misread what I wrote, which was that I thought a single target unlikely, then laid out why.

Thank you! Definitely worth considering, but I suspect that BK didn’t have the necessary social network to supply him with a Door Dash account. Also, he’d have been able to have his own account, I’d think—no criminal record or anything. (And if he’d planned all along to do something criminal associated with it, he’d really be putting himself into someone else’s power—the hypothetical real DD account holder.)

And then there’s the dates requested—didn’t they start in January, when neither BK nor the victims were at the house? That made me wonder if it was some sort of a tip, not even connected with BK, that LE was following. Pure speculation, but visualize someone who’d lived at the house before the victims moved in, saying that there was a DD driver who was creepy.

MOO and wild speculation

Maybe, before the girls moved in, there was something that happened at that house involving a Dasher. Maybe that's why LE wondered if the house was targeted early on. MOO.
But wasn't Kaylee the one who wasn't expected to be at the house that night? Who had just come back to show her friends her new car? So how could BK have known for sure that Kaylee would be there, if she was indeed his target?

Social media. Kaylee or Maddie likely posted on SM that she was there or going there, IMO.

Did we ever find out why Kaylee left the house prior to graduation anyway? I know some theorized maybe because she thought she had a stalker. Did we ever get confirmation of why she'd move back home? MOO.
Just some random thoughts. I come back to the last picture of this group on their balcony. That afternoon? And I agree, was it posted to social media? One of the women felt she was being stalked? But maybe they felt safer in a group knowing they were having a night out with friends, as a group? So they thought they were fine, let’s go have a great time, and they did.

Did they let other friends know their plans this way? One last hurrah before Kaylee leaves?

If they were being tracked on social media it might account for the seeming sloppiness of the evidence left behind, but also the timing. BK allegedly plotting, preparing, on the fence, the build up, the perfect murder in his head, and then a now or never moment?

As the BK phone data shows… The stalking before, kind of methodical. Then turned off at the time of the murders. and then turned back on, the wild circling around afterwards. And coming back to the scene later.

Social media behavior with young people is almost like the old fashioned telephone. Take a fun picture, upload it right then, let peeps know plans, where the party is, “be there, be square” as they used to say back in my day. A variation of word of mouth to friends.

So, two things could have happened at once. The murderer has been plotting, stalking, and then something triggers the rage of the outsider. The one not included at the party. That never got the girl. The rage that lost the reasoning that just by shutting off the phone doesn’t shut down all the surveillance of home cameras and GPS tracking and good detective work that followed. Or the obsessive returning to the scene when it wasn’t national news five hours later? So while it’s been said BK projects a superiority of intellect and an intimidation through just staring, there is perhaps that powder keg of emotion that he couldn’t contain any longer due to a spontaneous event like a last hurrah party for these housemates. And the murders seem so personal. Revenge. Vengeance.

If he had arrived fifteen minutes earlier he might have been thwarted by the food delivery. If the cat hadn’t crossed the path might not have had the home surveillance from across the street.

In the aftermath, LE received how many thousands of tips? From college to town and beyond…

As I think back to that age, partying in the 70-80’s, life was pretty spontaneous. A big social life. Groups could be a core of close peeps and then concentric circles of peeps beyond that.

The drivers for DD, Uber, I would think would be college and town peeps, a mix of ages... And everyone has a story, or an observation, or even a connection as in a friend who is working these jobs.

Idaho is a small town place much more than a small city place. That’s why the multiple big agencies were called in right away.

Unlike the telephone, the layering of social media existence and putting together contacts and a timeline is what is going to tell this story.

Very intuitive!

I agree and personally think like you there was one girl targeted.

Sadly, you can probably stab someone to death in their sleep without barely making a noise. But he found 2 in a bed and it surprised him and got out of hand and longer for him and they made noise. This noise on the 3rd floor was picked up by the 2 on the second floor one of whom apparently came out to investigate.

I think there would have been 5 victims if he would have seen DM and not been focused on exiting.
Many threads ago, it was noted that the suspect was following all 3 girls on social media. Kaylee's mother has mentioned that Kaylee was very excited about buying a car, and after procrastinating, decided to make a visit back to Moscow to show her former room-mates the car. I had wondered whether Kaylee had posted on Facebook, mentioning this. IMO this is quite likely, given her apparent. If so, BK was probably aware of this, in which case, he would have reaised realised that this would be his last opportunity to "interact" with her, iven that she had shifted too Texas
Many threads ago, it was noted that the suspect was following all 3 girls on social media. Kaylee's mother has mentioned that Kaylee was very excited about buying a car, and after procrastinating, decided to make a visit back to Moscow to show her former room-mates the car. I had wondered whether Kaylee had posted on Facebook, mentioning this. IMO this is quite likely, given her apparent. If so, BK was probably aware of this, in which case, he would have reaised realised that this would be his last opportunity to "interact" with her, iven that she had shifted too Texas
I think it was only speculated that the suspect was following all three on social media if it is Instagram you are referring to here?. MOO

ETA: He may well have been following them or if not that then watching their accounts if they were public (I think they were?). So far we haven't seen a warrant for an instagram acc for BK. Though perhaps as LE have his phone they don't need one? Not reallly up on this stuff but maybe they would need one in order to open an acc (if it exists) that is password protected. If he was just watching them through 3rd party app without an acc then BK's internet search (presumably discovered under warrant) history will show that. MOO

ETA: I apologise, I see you mention effbook. I'm not up on the warrants for that and only remember speculation surrounding instagram and bk possibly messaging some of the victims. I think it was MSM reports from unverified sources.
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Many threads ago, it was noted that the suspect was following all 3 girls on social media. Kaylee's mother has mentioned that Kaylee was very excited about buying a car, and after procrastinating, decided to make a visit back to Moscow to show her former room-mates the car. I had wondered whether Kaylee had posted on Facebook, mentioning this. IMO this is quite likely, given her apparent. If so, BK was probably aware of this, in which case, he would have reaised realised that this would be his last opportunity to "interact" with her, iven that she had shifted too Texas
Apologies for typos at the end of my reply. My kitty jumped onto my keyboard as I was keying, and not only managed to create typos, but somehow also pressed the "post reply" button...
I think you're misunderstanding. I'm fully on-board with them investigating the DD driver who delivered that day.

BUT they were investigating ALL DD drivers who delivered to the address from January 2022 until the night of the murders. Every driver who delivered there for the 10 months prior. So if some DD driver delivered in January, he was investigated for a murder that happened 10 months later. That's what I find unusual.

The driver who delivered the day of the murder should absolutely be investigated.

I think the warrant could reasonably be related to an the investgative angle being pursued at that time - that the house may have been the target. I've posted elsewhere with a few more details. MOO ofcourse and speculation.
If BK worked for DD in 2022, they would issue him a 1099 for IRS income reporting purposes. I think someone would have told the media by now if an infamous mass murderer had delivered their KFC. Not all deliveries are anonymous.

I wasn't implying that BK was actually a DDD. I don't know if it is the way I phrased it or not, but what I was trying to say was that BK "might" try to give his reasoning for being near that house (proven by cell phone records) during late night/early morning hours was because he was delivering door dash. Not say that that he actually WAS a driver. Anyway, this is a moot point, as I have since redirected my thinking. There must be something more to the DDDs warrants. MOO
He also went to a Catholic college. We don't know how much of a role religion has played in his life. But claiming to be religious doesn't preclude being a killer. Dennis Rader, Gary Ridgway, and John List were all devoted church goers, some of them in leadership positions. Bundy experimented with various religions - he joined the LDS while in Utah. Didn't stop either killing or drinking, just liked the culture, I think, which I have discussed on the Daybell/Vallow thread as easy for predators to exploit. They certainly helped fund his defense in his trial, there. He was excommunicated after his conviction for kidnapping. Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are countless others.

I think a lot of people also hook into religion behind bars for two reasons, optics at trial and appeals, and boredom. If he thinks it'll make him look better to a jury, it's worth it, and if he's getting regular visits from a chaplain of some sort, it's something to do that isn't just watching news articles about himself, which seems to be the other thing he's mostly doing, if we are to believe the Mail and his fellow prisoners.

Of course, I have absolutely no idea, and maybe he has genuinely turned into a penitent, interested in making amends and saving his soul. Now, that would be a miracle.


Perhaps his parents contacted the local prison ministry organization or a local parish and asked them to visit their son, and with BK's permission they included him in their prison ministry.
here is another example;

idk what the reason would be if BK was posing as a Dasher, but it would certainly explain those warrants. I have watched videos about the recent security changes, and this article and others as well as the videos and comments with the videos indicate that there are bad players doing this. could BK have done this to make contact of some sort? idk imo jmo worth considering.
In this example from your link, the man charged with attempted kidnapping at LSU fraudently used his brother's DD driver account. BK would have had to have access to someone's DD driver account in order to intercept an order from the King Road house.

Still doesn't explain the timeframe of the search warrants before BK arrived in Pullman to pursue his studies. I think LE were genuinely looking at DD drivers as potential suspects, before they were sure about BK and to rule out any other possible suspects in the case.
I apologize if someone has mentioned this, but MEID is for CDMA phones. IMEI is for GSM phones. Might be the difference between a Verizon iPhone and a T-mobile plan iPhone. Just a thought.

EDITED: fixed the acronym.
Thanks @Ghostwheel for your very helpful post. So each brand of phone has their own identifier. Still, Kaylee is the only one that doesn't have a phone ID beyond the last four digits of her phone number. <moo>
Some posters are speculating that BK may have fraudulently approached the King Road residence as a DD driver, although it is not clear how that could happen. If it did happen, BK would have needed access to an actual DD driver's account, or hacked into an account (or accounts), or signed up using another name/identity. And perhaps other options that I haven't listed?

If that were the case, then it would be interesting to see if the dates and times of the 12 occasions when BK's cell phone records put him in the area of the King Road house as mentioned in the Probable Cause Affadavit correspond to dates and times of King Road orders using DD. The PCA does say that the 12 occasions that BK's cell phone records put him in that area were all (except one) in the late evening or early morning hours.

The PCA only gives two dates - August 21, 2022 and October 14, 2022. August 21 is a Sunday and October 14 is a Friday. Wonder if the other 10 occasions are weekends when college students would be most likely to order DD late at night or in the early morning hours.
I wasn't implying that BK was actually a DDD. I don't know if it is the way I phrased it or not, but what I was trying to say was that BK "might" try to give his reasoning for being near that house (proven by cell phone records) during late night/early morning hours was because he was delivering door dash. Not say that that he actually WAS a driver. Anyway, this is a moot point, as I have since redirected my thinking. There must be something more to the DDDs warrants. MOO
The good news is we are getting closer to the preliminary hearing. The bad news is a gag order prevents anything more than speculation even when something evidence-related is made public. I'm concerned about proceedings in this case remaining off limits except for tidbits that create more questions about these crimes, rather than answers. So far, the media has not made any headway against the extensive gag order.

From WNEP:

But wasn't Kaylee the one who wasn't expected to be at the house that night? Who had just come back to show her friends her new car? So how could BK have known for sure that Kaylee would be there, if she was indeed his target?
I don't know for sure but I do know that some people do this (and shouldn't) and that's to post on FB and/or other SM things like... "We're leaving on vacation first thing tomorrow and won't be back until the end of the month!", etc. Perhaps she did something like that. "Got a new car and going to go show it to my bestie, then out to party hardy to celebrate tonight!".

Again, I'm not saying she did that because I have no way of knowing (I'm not on FB. I know, *gasp*). But you asked how it could be possible, and that's an example of how he could have known. I'm sure there could be other ways but that's the one that came to mind first. :)
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