4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #87

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That would not keep an end user from sharing their own results with whomever they wished, though. If I thought a relative of mine was a murderer, I could upload my DNA to Othram (which I would do) and then contact LE and tell them to "go for it." Othram tells all end users that they will use the data for forensic purposes.

Perhaps that’s the point ?
Perhaps one of his relatives , suspecting him of something ( this case or prior) has done exactly that
There isn't a knife though. As far as we know it was never found.
Chief Fry knows," they have their killer," and law enforcement all over the USA did a stellar job. They are to be commended and thanked, so many times. Justice is needed and now it is a matter of time. Good for the DA to hold-the-line. Justice for our murdered and heart-prints to the families, friends, those effected. Thank you law enforcement !!!
Chief Fry knows," they have their killer," and law enforcement all over the USA did a stellar job. They are to be commended and thanked, so many times. Justice is needed and now it is a matter of time. Good for the DA to hold-the-line. Justice for our murdered and heart-prints to the families, friends, those effected. Thank you law enforcement !!!
Have law enforcement ever got it really badly wrong, in any case, where the original defendant ends up not being the actual perp? Do you think it’s possible at all in the US system that this has happened?
Have law enforcement ever got it really badly wrong, in any case, where the original defendant ends up not being the actual perp? Do you think it’s possible at all in the US system that this has happened?
Overturned convictions
The National Registry of Exonerations lists 2,939 convicted defendants who were exonerated through DNA and non-DNA evidence from January, 1989 through January, 2022 with more than 25,600 years imprisoned.
I would love to have been a fly on the wall when the Defense Team discussed the Judge denying their Motion to Stay.

BK has insisted on his right to a speedy trial all along, remaining silent in support of his innocence. Well, I'd say it's time to put up or shut up. 42 Days to mount your Defense for your client is short, short, short. They have used so much of their time to inundate the State with their long, bloviating Motions they probably haven't even really begun an actual Defense.

He'll either have to waive after all, or roll the dice. I believe they'll be waiving.

I think AT is banking on the judge dismissing on Sept 1st. I think she is going to be disappointed because I don't see him doing that with an accused quadruple killer. He already said that he didn't see any grievous errors in the Grand Jury proceedings.

Is she going to base that motion for dismissal on her complaint about IGG possibly skirting privacy concerns? I don't think Judge Judge is going to let a viable suspect waltz away from mass murder DP charges because of a technicality like that.

I feel like AT is getting too caught up in her own hype, thinking she is an elite genius with her multiple motions and her smoke and mirrors. She has had a few wins. But I think she is pushing too hard now and it may all crumble around her if she is not careful.

BK came in smiling smugly last Friday, like the cat who caught the bird. I guess he believes this will all work in his favour. It seemed like it might awhile ago, when people thought maybe he was an innocent patsy who was framed or wrongly accused.

But recently it's become clear that he does not have an alibi, like he gave someone a ride there to buy pot, and that guy was the real killer. Or he was buying or selling drugs to someone in the house and just happened to bs there when it all went down.

Now we are told he was just driving around aimlessly but doesn't remember where and doesn't have any solid witnesses ---but his attorney's main hopes for his defense at this point is that someone in the IGG process MIGHT have possibly clicked on a name that wasn't opted in. That is seemingly her main excuse for suppressing the damning DNA evidence.

They are not saying he was framed or it was left on a previous visit. They seem to be accepting it was his DNA on that sheath and they want it kept secret from the jury.

I think the state will be way more prepared for this trial on Oct 2nd than the AT Team will be. JMO
Have law enforcement ever got it really badly wrong, in any case, where the original defendant ends up not being the actual perp? Do you think it’s possible at all in the US system that this has happened?
Before there were cameras on every corner, you carried around a literal tracking device inside of your pocket (your phone), and they could test for DNA left on parts of a murder weapon.......?

Sure! No video. No cellphone. No 5 Octillion DNA. There's a good chance it could be someone else. Hell, BK would probably be out stalking his next victim right now if this was 1975.

But its' 2023. The chances of all of those things adding up and corroborating each other and STILL getting it wrong? I have a better chance of winning the Powerball.

BKs story is more preposterous than the one in Shaggy's song "It Wasn't Me"

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************Post of the Day Winner is @10ofRods*********

The 3 unknown DNA samples HAD to have been tested, because you cannot visually ascertain that something is DNA.
You can't say you have "male DNA" without testing it. DNA does not pop up and say, "Hey, I'm a Y chromosome."
snipped for focus

A round of applause (or likes) pls, for @10ofRods. TiA.
His undergraduate professor who studied the BTK killer and wrote published work about him and interviewed him, etc...was very enamoured of Kohberger. She thought he was "Mr Wonderful."
<snipped for focus>

I don't think that the professor at DeSales University who studied BTK (Dr. Katherine Ramsland) has ever publicly commented on BK even though it has been reported that he took a course with her while he was studying at DeSales. I believe that Ramsland is keeping silent about BK and has made no public comment about him.

The professor at DeSales who early on said that BK was a brilliant student is Professor Michelle Bolger who taught an online coure at DeSales that BK took with her, IIRC.
From the alibi defense notice that the Defense filed already, it doesn't sound like they ever had a plan to call their own alibi witnesses anyway. It sounds like the defense plans to use the prosecution's witnesses by way of cross examination to support their alibi defense. And, of course, BK is always able to take the stand in defense of his own alibi, although I don't think that will happen.

And we know that a judge is allowed to make exceptions during the trial with regard to the alibi defense if circumstances warrant it. So to be continued, IMO.
In its Notice of intention to bring Alibi Defense in response to State's Alibi Demand (the notice provided after stipulated extension of time to comply), along with other vaguaries the D also stated it may call its own expert witnesses. ( I posted about this way back when discussing alibi but see relevent doc on Idaho COI page).
A family member of the victim is not supposed to make comments about their opinion for or against the death penalty when they provide impact statements during the sentencing phase of the case, but if they do so, then the judge will have ordered/or order the jury to disregard any such statement, according to Idaho Code and Instructions to Jury in death penalty case.
Wearing a pro DP shirt in front of Jury would not be permissable I would think for the same reasons.
Exactly! That house was a party house for years prior to these murders. The residents there seemed to have many friends and they enjoyed having people around. If they found DNA on say a random closet doorknob or in the bathroom or the kitchen, it could be from anyone that ever visited, partied there, did any construction/work on the house between years/tennents. When we look at this crime and want to find the killer I think DNA on the victims or in very close proximity to the victims, on any weapons in the area (or in this case a knife sheath that we now know belongs to the killer) should be top priority. When all the ohter pieces start fitting about the vehicle, who owns the vehicle, him being in the area "driving around" (with his phone off at that) then it really does become clear and we can see WHY they focused their attention toward the person belonging to the DNA on the sheath and not to the random unknowns. If the DNA on the sheath wasn't BK's then okay they go back and look at things again. But it was his, the only way it gets there is if he puts it there. He was in that house!

Now if he admitted that and said so and so helped him, then maybe they hunt down some other DNA lead, but all info points to him doing this alone and now his defense trying to muddy the waters to say the police didn't do their job, when they did a phenomenal job!

I really hope that the prosecution have got something more to fix BK inside that house.

Otherwise his arguments will be 'I drive around at night and have been doing for many years' (with witnesses and proof) and 'at some point I must have handled that sheath' -or- my DNA was transferred onto the sheath at some point after it was found due to poor practice.
Stepping way outside my lane... admittedly I know nothing about these genealogy sites but I was thinking

Let's say 3 people independently and voluntarily submit their DNA to a site. And they happen to be related.

Relative A and C opt in. Relative B opts out.

The site does its magic, generates the family tree, provides this info to the 3 people....

Along comes LE with a 4th DNA and it's a match to this family thread, because of the connections made by A and C. B is bridged.

So there's linkage established without technically breaching B's opt out. Or in. Or out. In, out. I can't recall which is which but I think my concept stands. Especially when you multiply the number of submissions. Patterns emerge without violating the privacy of those who sought it.

In fact, it could show up as blocked but still be grayed as a placeholder.

And if I've completely misunderstood the process, I'll see myself out.

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I really hope that the prosecution have got something more to fix BK inside that house.

Otherwise his arguments will be 'I drive around at night and have been doing for many years' (with witnesses and proof) and 'at some point I must have handled that sheath' -or- my DNA was transferred onto the sheath at some point after it was found due to poor practice.
I dont understand your thought process: Why would the prosecution necessarily need more "to fix BK inside that house"? Likely he was never in the house until he decided to commit murder there. Even if his DNA was found somewhere in the house, it would not be a big deal- imagine how many people came through that home. The DNA on the sheath is what is the mot important element of the case, though the defense is trying mightily to get it minimized or even kicked from the case. Don't be fooled by the defense- If there is no BK DNA in the house it does not matter: what matters is where the DNA was found- on the sheath. The defense is scared to death of that element-- the defense also knows their client has no alibi for the night in question: playing all these games only makes it more obvious and makes their client look more guilty.
I watched the entire hearing carefully this morning. AT & Company are toast and they know it. They are doing their best to provide a rigorous defense for their client, as they should.

It's like they're playing a shell game. Alibi, that isn't an alibi, under here. IGG DNA challenge under here, Motion to Stay under here. That's it, that's all they have because BK is GUILTY.

BK demanded a speedy trial and by gosh, that's what the Judge is prepared to give him. He scheduled real deadlines for Motions and Discovery from both sides. It's about time, get this high profile, well educated Defense Team doing the real work, coming up with a Defense Strategy and the Discovery they owe the State in order for the Court to accommodate BK's request for a Speedy Trial.

I had to lol when AT said she was so busy there was no way she could get to a Motion of Alibi Witnesses by a certain date. Hah, yet she has spent countless hours writing motions to compel everything from IGG notes, to personnel records, to GJ instructions, you name it. Love that Bill Thompson stood up and said basically, "you can't demand a speedy trial without providing the State the information they need to fairly prosecute the case also".

I still think BK will waive his right to a speedy trial on Sept 8th. If not, he is more of a psychopath than I think he might be.

I watched the entire hearing carefully this morning. AT & Company are toast and they know it. They are doing their best to provide a rigorous defense for their client, as they should.

It's like they're playing a shell game. Alibi, that isn't an alibi, under here. IGG DNA challenge under here, Motion to Stay under here. That's it, that's all they have because BK is GUILTY.

BK demanded a speedy trial and by gosh, that's what the Judge is prepared to give him. He scheduled real deadlines for Motions and Discovery from both sides. It's about time, get this high profile, well educated Defense Team doing the real work, coming up with a Defense Strategy and the Discovery they owe the State in order for the Court to accommodate BK's request for a Speedy Trial.

I had to lol when AT said she was so busy there was no way she could get to a Motion of Alibi Witnesses by a certain date. Hah, yet she has spent countless hours writing motions to compel everything from IGG notes, to personnel records, to GJ instructions, you name it. Love that Bill Thompson stood up and said basically, "you can't demand a speedy trial without providing the State the information they need to fairly prosecute the case also".

I still think BK will waive his right to a speedy trial on Sept 8th. If not, he is more of a psychopath than I think he might be.

Great post, great analysis of the situation. You've stripped it back to the bare bones. Moo
I watched the entire hearing carefully this morning. AT & Company are toast and they know it. They are doing their best to provide a rigorous defense for their client, as they should.

It's like they're playing a shell game. Alibi, that isn't an alibi, under here. IGG DNA challenge under here, Motion to Stay under here. That's it, that's all they have because BK is GUILTY.

BK demanded a speedy trial and by gosh, that's what the Judge is prepared to give him. He scheduled real deadlines for Motions and Discovery from both sides. It's about time, get this high profile, well educated Defense Team doing the real work, coming up with a Defense Strategy and the Discovery they owe the State in order for the Court to accommodate BK's request for a Speedy Trial.

I had to lol when AT said she was so busy there was no way she could get to a Motion of Alibi Witnesses by a certain date. Hah, yet she has spent countless hours writing motions to compel everything from IGG notes, to personnel records, to GJ instructions, you name it. Love that Bill Thompson stood up and said basically, "you can't demand a speedy trial without providing the State the information they need to fairly prosecute the case also".

I still think BK will waive his right to a speedy trial on Sept 8th. If not, he is more of a psychopath than I think he might be.

I wonder if BK is demanding a speedy trial, and his defense team hasn't been able to talk him out of it as of yet, and the only way they can meet that request theoretically is to file a motion to stay which gives the defense more time to prepare the case before going to trial.

On the other hand, if it is the defense team and not BK that is insisting on a speedy trial, I wonder why they are doing this. Maybe early on it was strategic, but now not so much and in September BK will waive his right to a speedy trial.

If it is the defense team's decision, what could be motivating their insistence on a speedy trial? If it is BK"s decision, what could be motivating his insistence on a speedy trial?

And will the motivations/strategies have changed now, months later as the court case progresses.
It's like they're playing a shell game.

I made a similar reference on another site this morning. My brain is currently too mushy to follow the minutiae of the legal documents, but my BS meter is pretty reliable.

They’ve managed to get a lot of social media users “concerned”, though, so the stage-magic part has been effective to some degree.
I've yet to see any defense maneuver I've not seen in a million other criminal cases. I'll be shocked if this goes to trial in 2023. 2025 wouldn't shock me.

AlexMurdaugh went for the speedy trial but IMO that's the exception, not the rule.

AT set it up. Too much discovery.

I anticipate the waiver at the September hearing.

IMO she's hoping to force an error in the short-term now, and when the trial date nears, she'll pivot to the long-game.

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