4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #89

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I think BK also suffers from delusions of grandeur, (not a diagnosis). He cannot understand why the woman aren't falling all over him.

He lost all that weight and got in shape, he's the smartest guy in the room (just ask him), he's not hideous looking on the outside. (To me he is, but that's because I see him on the inside JMO)

What he doesn't understand is that most women have an internal alarm system. Call it gut instinct, protection mode, whatever.

BK tripped those alarms in most women and even some men. He was confused and was very angry about it. Someone had to pay for that. I still believe we'll see he had SM or some kind of contact with one or more of the victims even if it was unknown by them. Like accepting a follower on Insta, seeing them in a restaurant, or even BK just seeing them on SM and locating their home and stalking.

He's a truly scary dude, I think he would have continued to murder if he hadn't gotten caught.

I agree with you! He absolutely does trip those alarms. Like when he asked the server where she lived. Eww. And told that one young lady she had good birthing hips, and kept touching her and then said he didn't. And following young women to their cars. Yikes!

If this really was his first murder, it gives me nightmares to think of him "maturing" as a killer, and what he might have escalated to after this horrific crime.
Or he doesn't value his own life all that much.

If he was on a mission of his own making on that awful day, he might not care deeply about whatever followed. Ultimate twisted bucket list.

He has a different moral code than we do. But I'll bet the house he has one. Rigid as hell too.

IMO most of his measures were to ensure he could complete the mission. Everything else, shoddy.

I think he suffers/enjoys a profound sense of numbness. Easily irritated, otherwise numb.


Maybe he was looking for fame and notoriety. If he wasn't caught, his actions would be notorious and studied by his peers for a long time.

If he was caught, his name is associated with the victims and his notorious actions and will still be studied by his peers but he may also be asked to give interviews and one book has already been written.
I think she used the phrase because of his insistence that she use different pots and pans to fix his food. Now that I think about it, a person who has such a strong desire to never touch animal products - to the point that even just cleaning a pan before cooking a vegan meal is unacceptable - has really gone one bridge further than most people do. Why would it not be okay just to thoroughly wash the pan? Ought not the person making the special request (as a guest) at least offer to wash their own pan? I know I would. Anyone I know would offer to wash their own pan at my house, if they were that concerned. I have many vegan friends, no one asks for special dishes or pans.

In fact, if I had this need myself, I'd bring a small mess kit, for preparation of my own food and I'd handle the sanitation of said kit myself.

She could have called him "a spoiled brat" instead of OCD. But either way, she's pointing to a character trait that is either obsessive OR obnoxious. I can go with "obnoxious." And then he never leaves the house! What a difficult person he's been, for his family, all this time.

Do we know approximately when this visit to family was? They were in California, right? For at least a decade, it's been possible to get plant-based meals from camping stores, making it very easy for a person on a one-person regimen to have their own meals. Creative problem-solving in the service of courtesy doesn't seem to be Bryan Kohberger's forté,

I agree. I've never known someone so opposed to killing and eating animals that they really don't want their food cooked in a pan that once had an animal in it. I would certainly respect that someone feels that way, but I would not be buying special pans. My house would be BYOP territory. I would gladly let them use my stove, or the oven to reheat something they brought from home. :)

Courtesy of any kind doesn't seem to be BKs forte. The article said the Aunt had not seen him for 5 years, so around 2018. Actually, now that I think of the dates again, he's 28, and he lost the weight in in high school. That would be between 2010-2013, depending on his birthday, right? So he would be well past the dieting stage by 2018. Maybe he was just being an entitled jerk demanding special pans. There are people who enjoy creating drama by being different/special about everything.

Also, the remark to his Dad about not doing something stupid, when he stole his sisters phone, has made me wonder about the balance of power in the family. Like BK was in charge rather than the parents. Must have been a real blast for his sisters. I've known people who manipulate other people to maintain their power in the relationship. People can get really good at that. Drug addicts often blame their addiction on others, rather than their own poor decision-making. I could see him blaming them for him not fitting in, and this causing his drug use and using that blame to leverage power in the family. MOOooo
Maybe he was looking for fame and notoriety. If he wasn't caught, his actions would be notorious and studied by his peers for a long time.

If he was caught, his name is associated with the victims and his notorious actions and will still be studied by his peers but he may also be asked to give interviews and one book has already been written.
This angle bothers me but I think you're sadly spot on.

He didn't enjoy playing the game -- trying to fit in.

This combined act was probably exhilarating for him in weirdly an almost zombie-like way.

We know from D he didn't run out of tbe house, neither in fear nor frenzy. Walked out.

(He did then speed away but that might be because either he had redressed and felt his mission was complete or D's presence pixelated in his stunted brain. Anticipating 911 and the ensuing police response, he'd want to get away fast.)

The thought of notority probably appealed to him.


There arw point four people I wish to remember and memorialize and he ain't one of them.

I agree with you! He absolutely does trip those alarms. Like when he asked the server where she lived. Eww. And told that one young lady she had good birthing hips, and kept touching her and then said he didn't. And following young women to their cars. Yikes!

If this really was his first murder, it gives me nightmares to think of him "maturing" as a killer, and what he might have escalated to after this horrific crime.

Yeh, those comments he allegedly made are just creepy.. .and I'm a guy!
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I think BK also suffers from delusions of grandeur, (not a diagnosis). He cannot understand why the woman aren't falling all over him.

He lost all that weight and got in shape, he's the smartest guy in the room (just ask him), he's not hideous looking on the outside. (To me he is, but that's because I see him on the inside JMO)

What he doesn't understand is that most women have an internal alarm system. Call it gut instinct, protection mode, whatever.

BK tripped those alarms in most women and even some men. He was confused and was very angry about it. Someone had to pay for that. I still believe we'll see he had SM or some kind of contact with one or more of the victims even if it was unknown by them. Like accepting a follower on Insta, seeing them in a restaurant, or even BK just seeing them on SM and locating their home and stalking.

He's a truly scary dude, I think he would have continued to murder if he hadn't gotten caught.

I recall early on a profiler said the perpetrator was a budding serial killer; at the time ai was skeptical but he seems to fit the profile. It’s such a contradiction; on the one hand, he went to great lengths to not get caught; on the other, rookie mistakes—even more so because of his field of study—although I think he was trying to see if other killers had the same thoughts/process that he did. JMO
I don't think we know whether there is any video evidence of his return the next morning or not. We just know mention of it wasn't included in the PCA, along with alot of other things we wish we knew.

Could be video of the white Elantra back at King road that we don't know about from 9:00am or later.

No one knew about what happened so if his car was there that morning it will look like he was checking to see if LE was called. He had no reason to be there.

A slam dunk with the jury would be evidence of a search on his computer for the murders BEFORE the public was informed.
I have a tidbit but can’t find the early early original reporting so will refrain from sharing.

But I will say that with the prevalence of DIY security/surveillance equipment on sale nowadays there’s probably a less than 0% chance (IMO) that they don’t have more…

BUT…I haven’t done one of these tech dives in awhile so bare with me

One interesting thing is that when I look at the devices that are most likely to be the ones officially cited in the PCA (neighbor camera that caught thumps) or that are most likely to have been cited (apt cam that Gray H reported on the leak) they are both prosumer cameras. I’m using prosumer lightly here. Essentially meaning they take some level of expertise as they typically require wiring runs and power over Ethernet. In the video that Gray reported on you can tell by the UI on screen. I actually found the official model but don’t have it handy. And the likely “thump” neighbor camera that shares the cited address can be seen in newspaper pictures and news clips in the early days.

People buy them for their reliability and its ability to record even when the internet is down or non existent. All of the videos they capture are first and foremost recorded to a local hard drive. And the viewer is usually a Windows App that runs on your desktop computer. Though they can be viewed live over the internet for free and in a pinch,there typically aren’t dedicated apps and you have to visit an IP address in your web browser and deal with a clunky UI. Cloud backup is a paid option if you want. But not required.

It’s a one time payment for the cameras and you are done. Forever if you’d like. They don’t get your credit card or even your email address if you don’t want them to. You never have to plug it into the internet if you don’t care for cloud backup or live viewing. You can run it 100% locally completely disconnected at all times on Mars if you want. They are extremely popular with commercial companies and while 10 years ago you would have seen them in the homes of the tech savvy and people with money…now they are largely relegated to people who don’t want their business (of the non monetary variety) in the cloud with the Googles of the world.

So those specific cameras being amongst the ones cited early and in the PCA makes sense. As they would be most easily accessible to LE. Assuming the owner is cooperative. They just give them access to the device and the hard drive and they can pull it directly off. Easy peazy.

On the other hand…with few exceptions, the off the shelf smart home cameras like Arlo and Ring are all cloud recording only (Arlo offered a local option but discontinued it). They require an email address and an account to give you access to a free service that just barely covers basic functionality. And then try to upsell you and hook you into paying a monthly fee with more/longer storage and other services. Which is recurring revenue for them. They tend to be more popular in homes than the aforementioned prosumer local cameras because installation is plug and play (WiFi), the UI/UX is easy and you don’t have to maintain much hardware. They also offer a local like “feeling” with a snappy and responsive streaming experience. Utilizing buffering and cache tricks.

I know that in Ring and Arlo you’re able to download a copy of the video off the cloud, to your device and do whatever you want to do with it from there. But you don’t technically own it until you do that

One notable difference between the two that’s worth mentioning again, but in a slightly different way: the ‘prosumer’ local cameras will record as long as it has hard drive space. If you want to keep 10 years of recordings of your cat. You can do that. Just buy more hard drives so you don’t have to record over it. But with Ring and other solutions you’re going to pay extra $$$$$$$$$$ for the ability to maintain backups. And if you want 10 years of cat videos then it’s not the device for you.

My point is if LE would have found these videos from these plug and play smart home devices we should have seen subpoenas from LE to get access to the cloud recordings. Particularly the ones that go further back than what’s available via a customers account. As I believe most of these companies will keep 30 days worth of recordings as dictated by most data retention policies.

We haven’t seen any of those subpoenas surface so a few musings on that…
  • Did LE rely on these cameras first as they were most accessible? And anything more was gravy and not necessary? Is this why they were cited in the PCA?
  • If BK passed either of those cameras in the days/weeks/months proceeding then LE has those videos. Assuming that the customers data retention policy (set inside of the Windows App) allows for video to be stored that far back. From what I remember the most common out of the setting is record until you can record anymore and then start to record over the oldest video once we are out of space.
  • On the missing subpoenas….Google owns Nest. I’m too lazy to see if the Google subpoena is broad enough to include all cloud files associated with a customer/user.
  • Amazon owns Ring and Blink. So ditto on the above.
  • Ring has been known to cooperate with law enforcement given them free access to anyone’s video who’s opted into their LE sharing program.
  • While Amazon does own AWS and the S3 service that 90% of camera companies likely use for their cloud storage..I’m pretty sure the subpoena would still have to go through those companies first as they technically own the only keys to those storage buckets.
  • Maybe the subpoenas have been unreleased as of yet or held back for some reason.
I don't think LE would need subpoenas for video from neighbors security cameras and Ring doorbells at all. Last year, there was an accusation of a serious crime in my neighborhood that supposedly occurred on my street near my house. A police officer came to my house and simply asked if I would pull the video from the timeframe in question and give it to him. I have both Ring as well as other security cameras, so it was obvious to the officer from just looking at my house, that I would probably have the evidence they needed. I pulled the video and gave it to the officer. We watched it together. As it turned out, my video provided the conclusive evidence that closed the case. I cannot imagine that anyone in the neighborhood around King Road would feel any different than I did about giving LE their video, especially in the case of a quadruple homicide.
Thank goodness 99.9% of us are like that.

Yes, I can certainly imagine shooting someone to defend myself or my family.... but to walk into a house and stab innocent strangers is beyond my comprehension.

I can't even accidentally dream of murdering someone.

I'm not sure how abnormal this is but in my life I've never ever been violent. I've never so much as slapped or pushed anyone, it's not something that would cross my mind. But - a couple of times in my life when I've been on the receiving end of severe and relentless abuse from someone (it has happened to be twice in this lifetime from two different persons, unfortunately, best described as 'stalkers' and terrorisors), I don't know why but I felt so powerless and angry that I envisioned taking a huge great big sharp knife from my kitchen and stabbing that person in the guts over and over again.

I can't imagine where this imagery or ideation came from as it's not something that I'd be able to tolerate in reality and I also don't have a hot or reactive temper so it wouldn't even happen in a fit of rage. But for a while when I was stuck in the abuse it was a sort of fantasy idea. Obviously, as a 'healthy enough' person (I hope) I quickly realised on both occasions that this was very sick thinking and took action to prevent myself furthering this idea and took action to urgently remove myself from the situations (which included having to move house, so it took some time) but for example I got rid of all kitchen knives out of my home, even tiny little ones and I took up listening to podcasts and youtubers all day every day so I wasn't stuck in my own thinking.

For me, that fantasy vision temporarily felt like gaining agency over someone who was violating me and not only making it stop but also going one further and harming them back, ie vengeance. So I can understand that idea but I can't understand acting on it.

Maybe some people aren't so self reflective or insightful? Maybe they believe that 'feelings are facts' and 'urges are instructions' and they just act at that point without thinking, as if following orders. No wonder a lot of unwell people say 'god told me to' because in a way, if a person isn't capable of realising that thinking things doesn't mean they *have to do them* then they would perceive it as an order to act. A healthy enough person would think wow I'm feeling violent and this is abnormal I'd better look at myself. JMO MOO
I'm not sure how abnormal this is but in my life I've never ever been violent. I've never so much as slapped or pushed anyone, it's not something that would cross my mind. But - a couple of times in my life when I've been on the receiving end of severe and relentless abuse from someone (it has happened to be twice in this lifetime from two different persons, unfortunately, best described as 'stalkers' and terrorisors), I don't know why but I felt so powerless and angry that I envisioned taking a huge great big sharp knife from my kitchen and stabbing that person in the guts over and over again.

I can't imagine where this imagery or ideation came from as it's not something that I'd be able to tolerate in reality and I also don't have a hot or reactive temper so it wouldn't even happen in a fit of rage. But for a while when I was stuck in the abuse it was a sort of fantasy idea. Obviously, as a 'healthy enough' person (I hope) I quickly realised on both occasions that this was very sick thinking and took action to prevent myself furthering this idea and took action to urgently remove myself from the situations (which included having to move house, so it took some time) but for example I got rid of all kitchen knives out of my home, even tiny little ones and I took up listening to podcasts and youtubers all day every day so I wasn't stuck in my own thinking.

For me, that fantasy vision temporarily felt like gaining agency over someone who was violating me and not only making it stop but also going one further and harming them back, ie vengeance. So I can understand that idea but I can't understand acting on it.

Maybe some people aren't so self reflective or insightful? Maybe they believe that 'feelings are facts' and 'urges are instructions' and they just act at that point without thinking, as if following orders. No wonder a lot of unwell people say 'god told me to' because in a way, if a person isn't capable of realising that thinking things doesn't mean they *have to do them* then they would perceive it as an order to act. A healthy enough person would think wow I'm feeling violent and this is abnormal I'd better look at myself. JMO MOO

Lacking second order processing and feeling as if oneself and others are not quite real is a known symptom of VSS.

<modsnip - off topic>

Like you, I've never had a truly violent impulse in my life and if I even feel like stomping around, I'm already gazing inwardly at what the heck is going on with me. My mother was the same way (along with her whole family). My dad regretted having shot animals as a child and young man, he fought in WW2 and regretted that he had to hurt people there. By violence I mean "physical aggression that shifts into actual physical harm to someone else."

<modsnip - off topic>

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Realistically, I think he drove around in circles stalking people. Doubtful he was sightseeing in Portland, etc. He was in the area about 3 months before killing four people. Getting to know the area just locally in Pullman takes time, getting your degree takes time, being a TA more time, driving back and forth to Moscow (for nefarious reasons) additional time.

I don't think he was world traveling or building relationships. He was (at least it was reported back in Pennsylvania) somewhat of a loner or did not fit in easily and perceived as creepy by women and obviously planning his and others demise. JMOO
“He was in the area about 3 months before killing four people”

I’m late to the party so forgive me if this has been answered, but do we know if he is suspected of crimes elsewhere, such as the Poconos?
Maybe he was looking for fame and notoriety. If he wasn't caught, his actions would be notorious and studied by his peers for a long time.

If he was caught, his name is associated with the victims and his notorious actions and will still be studied by his peers but he may also be asked to give interviews and one book has already been written.
This reminds me of Andreas Lubitz, who deliberately crashed a Germanwings flight. He apparently told his girlfriend that he was going to do something that everyone would notice, and that he would be remembered for.
“He was in the area about 3 months before killing four people”

I’m late to the party so forgive me if this has been answered, but do we know if he is suspected of crimes elsewhere, such as the Poconos?
All that is known for certain is that he stole his sister’s cell phone one time, but if he committed other offenses as a juvenile, those records would be sealed. JMO
All that is known for certain is that he stole his sister’s cell phone one time, but if he committed other offenses as a juvenile, those records would be sealed. JMO
I think BK has committed other stalking or harassing types of crimes, maybe those were documented, as in the case of being expelled and moved from the Technical Law type program in his Junior year.

I believe we will see that documentation and other types come into evidence at the trial. I still am curious as to what his parents had to testify to at the Pennsylvania GJ, who then shared the findings with Idaho????

I think BK has committed other stalking or harassing types of crimes, maybe those were documented, as in the case of being expelled and moved from the Technical Law type program in his Junior year.

I believe we will see that documentation and other types come into evidence at the trial. I still am curious as to what his parents had to testify to at the Pennsylvania GJ, who then shared the findings with Idaho????

There was the classmate at UW who was sure he had broken into her apartment and used that incident to convince her to let him install security cameras. Which she suspected he was accessing remotely. That’s from the ABC News podcast.

I believe ABC claimed it was under investigation or that authorities had inquired about it. So we may or may not hear more about that.
There was the classmate at UW who was sure he had broken into her apartment and used that incident to convince her to let him install security cameras. Which she suspected he was accessing remotely. That’s from the ABC News podcast.

I believe ABC claimed it was under investigation or that authorities had inquired about it. So we may or may not hear more about that.
I know you know, but others might get confused:
BK attended WSU in Pullman, WA (eastern WA).

UW is all the way across the state in Seattle, WA (western WA).

I know you know, but others might get confused:
BK attended WSU in Pullman, WA (eastern WA).

UW is all the way across the state in Seattle, WA (western WA).

And when people say "WA", please remember those of us in Australia to whom "WA" is Western Australia. Abbreviations are not always a good thing.
And when people say "WA", please remember those of us in Australia to whom "WA" is Western Australia. Abbreviations are not always a good thing.
Isn't it reasonable to assume if you're posting/reading in this thread, that WA is going to pertain to the state of Washington and not Western Australia, lol?
Isn't it reasonable to assume if you're posting/reading in this thread, that WA is going to pertain to the state of Washington and not Western Australia, lol?
Yes, but I was speaking generally. Not everyone is aware of USA state abbreviations, and has to look them up. I would never put "NT" when I mean the Northern Territory of Australia.
There was the classmate at UW who was sure he had broken into her apartment and used that incident to convince her to let him install security cameras. Which she suspected he was accessing remotely. That’s from the ABC News podcast.

I believe ABC claimed it was under investigation or that authorities had inquired about it. So we may or may not hear more about that.

I hate stuff like this where someone who knows BK is just guessing that maybe he is OCD or maybe he spied on them etc....

If BK spied on this lady with cameras there is likely cloud digital type evidence. Without evidence it is just back to wild guessing unsubstantiated accusations.
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