4 years later, what do we think of the case / verdict now?

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DNA Solves
I always wonder why someone all of the sudden starts to post favorably about a suspected murderer that has ALREADY been found not guilty in the court of law for that crime. I'm not going to let a few posters spew lies about the events of Caylee's murder in hopes to sway one reader that she might not be guilty.

Yep. Almost trying to rewrite history. She has a photography business to get off the ground. Ha know she was a professional photographer at universal before she was promoted to event coordinator

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I believe it was proved why she searched 1 time for chorlorophyll. I never said it was Cindy. There was a meme on my space and Casey googled what it meant.

The body being moved is what I was getting at.
Where was it proven that Cindy ever searched for Chlorophyll??? It was proven that she was clocked in to work at Gentiva Home Healthcare when Cindy was supposedly searching the home computer and her boss verified she was at work at the time. That was Cindy's lie to cover the Chloroform searches on the home computer by Casey.
Kronk could not have moved the body- Caylee's little skull was found with vines growing through it. And what was Kronk's motivation? What was his relationship to the Anthony's prior to the discovery of Caylee- NONE!
That is not true. All testimony showed that her friends could hardly get her to do places. That she was very protective. She locked her door bedroom door every night. She had Caylee with her 99% of the time. All of the prosecutors witnesses that were her friends testified she was a good mother.
Locking your child in their room so they can't get out to use the bathroom or escape in case of fire is protective??? No, that's child abuse and lazy parenting. None of those friends had kids, who are they to judge what a "good" mother is. Casey only had her with her at those times for lack of anyone else to babysit.
BBM - It's amazing how these armchair quarterbacks (who weren't even members here during the trial) always seem to appear around the time FCA manages to get herself in the tabloids. :rolleyes: I won't post the link as I refuse to help drive traffic to tabloid sites that are willing to pay FCA money for her 'candid' photos. :gaah:
I know, I'm thinking Casey the troll has joined us...
I always wonder why someone all of the sudden starts to post favorably about a suspected murderer that has ALREADY been found not guilty in the court of law for that crime. I'm not going to let a few posters spew lies about the events of Caylee's murder in hopes to sway one reader that she might not be guilty.

Judging by the posts I've read up until now, I really wouldn't worry about that happening to anyone who doesn't already have their mind made up.

Yeah, I'm not wasting any more time on someone with an obvious agenda. I'm going to go ahead and use the ignore button now.
And they always come at us with the same points too... "She was a good mom" should be code word for troll...:banghead:

All jmo.
Yep. Almost trying to rewrite history. She has a photography business to get off the ground. Ha know she was a professional photographer at universal before she was promoted to event coordinator

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She might have taken lessons from Jodi Arias - they both have very inflated ideas of their own skills. I'd like to see FCA's resume, if she posts one on her site.. ha
I don't know where else to put this, and I don't know how to start a new thread . I hope this is ok. According to wkmg.com. Casey has started her own photography business called Case Photography. She has done the paperwork for an LLC. Interesting that she has already pulled the Facebook page for it.
And they always come at us with the same points too... "She was a good mom" should be code word for troll...:banghead:

All jmo.

It's their battle cry of hearsay.
If the only things the "photographer" did was fail to get help for Caylee, and then not give Caylee a proper burial - I'd still think she was a monster.

Guess that big bucks interview fell through the cracks.

I wonder if all the Dr Phil $$$$ is gone? Could explain the sudden spike in posts and sightings. Maybe Mr Mason told her the gig is up and to get a job.
It is unbelievable that that PI still harbors and enables her.

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I don't know where else to put this, and I don't know how to start a new thread . I hope this is ok. According to wkmg.com. Casey has started her own photography business called Case Photography. She has done the paperwork for an LLC. Interesting that she has already pulled the Facebook page for it.

The boycott Casey Anthony fb page found it last week and within a day someone had posted in the photography page "is this Casey Anthony?" Then poof! Does she plan on showing up to gigs in a disguise? Blonde wig and a Phillies cap?

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The comments people made on that page are hilarious.

I also ran into a rather violent discussion about what people want to do to her after they hire her for her services and how they want to dispose of her body via her own MO, so there is no clear cause of death.

Surprise, surprise. Everyone still hates her guts.

I was just going to say that " Photography to Die For", "Smile and breathe in Chloroform", Specializing in Infants, etc, etc...
The boycott Casey Anthony fb page found it last week and within a day someone had posted in the photography page "is this Casey Anthony?" Then poof! Does she plan on showing up to gigs in a disguise? Blonde wig and a Phillies cap?

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Lol I guess I am only a week behind in this breaking news.
I am glad to see it is out in MSM now. I would think that is the beginning of the end of that venture for her. How will she ever what calls are legit now, and which call is out to get her?
The comments people made on that page are hilarious.

I also ran into a rather violent discussion about what people want to do to her after they hire her for her services and how they want to dispose of her body via her own MO, so there is no clear cause of death.

Surprise, surprise. Everyone still hates her guts.

OMG the top comment:

I called this business looking to do an engagement shoot with my fiancé! I arranged for it to be in the afternoon but she didn't show till weeks later. I wanted it on the beach, she took us to the woods. I thought she would have a camera but all she had was a black garbage bag, duct tape and chloroform. She also tried to kill my kid... Would not recommend this business. 1 star

What is eating at me about this case is how many parents we have seen SINCE that have ' oopsie , misplaced my child'' and that child is later found dead or never found alive. I truly believe the verdict gave many parents an ' out' in their minds. They think they can just forget to report the child missing for a long time and now know that evidence is ruined or missing and the odds of them being found guilty are slim so more are taking the chance. I have said in a few threads already the last year " this child's blood is on CA's hands''.

ETA And in light of today's news, let me be first to say I'd love CA to take my pic in a small room with dim lights. Heck, I'd even pay extra ;)
That is not true. All testimony showed that her friends could hardly get her to do places. That she was very protective. She locked her door bedroom door every night. She had Caylee with her 99% of the time. All of the prosecutors witnesses that were her friends testified she was a good mother.

Wow! I can almost see her halo from your post. Too bad it's so misguided.

Let's remember that she allowed her two year old child to sleep in the same bed as her and her lover. Yup, let's give her the credit she deserves.

She never wanted Caylee, ever. She wanted an abortion and Cindy refused to allow it. From the time Caylee was born, she spent as much time as she possibly could away from her...either physically, or, if Cindy (or a friend) refused to babysit, emotionally. You can NOT spend that much time texting/chatting/browsing the internet and be considered a good mother.

Just my :twocents:

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