50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #2

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Hi believe09 - That's a great idea to check the SS death records, but I don't know if Aug 04 - Aug 05 is a big enough timeframe. To be "officially" declared dead "they" (the ME, coroner, judge, etc.) either needs to physically have the body or the individual needs to be missing and assumed dead - usually for 7 years.

I started going through deceased records using the name "Benjaman" just for kicks and found 8 Benjaman's that do not have a specific DOD with a viable birth year (1950-1960), in that they look like they were declared dead, or might have been missing in Vietnam. I also found in ancestry.com a Kyle Benjamin from Monroe, Indiana who was listed in a turn of the century census. The challenge for me is that I don't have access to some of the paid sites to drill some of the information out while searching....or the experience that most of you other sleuthers have!!
Some more good stuff from City Data: There is a member there who listened to BK on video and came up with this in terms of linguistics:

If I wanted to guess.

Real Estate, marketing, consultation and speaking
New Jersey - home
Colorodo - schooling
Indiana - home state

What is Red Cross's stance on this?

The question about the Red Cross is a good one-have they been contacted at all regarding trying to locate him??
Another suggestion I received was for the Dr. Phil show...part of the humor behind it was the fact that BK looks a little like him, which might entertain Dr. Phil. I am not familiar with the show, so give me thoughts and I will be happy to contact them.
We can contact everyone till the cows come home, but if Mr Kyle and Nurse are not working with media there is not a whole lot we can do by submitting his story.

This has been the most frustrating case I have ever worked on!

I am in awe that there has not been anything in the public eye since the NE story, and not from lack of our trying.

I was contacted by NB and asked not to post ALL personal information here at WS, I agreed to that. I tried to help but continually was running into walls put up by Nurse. We ended up butting heads because I was NOT comfy with the way she was handling things and I told her that. She called me back in the evening, very late, and told me Mr. Kyle was coming to her home to call me...I was very aggitated that should would disturb that man when I NEVER asked to speak to him. The line of questioning that seemed to upset her was if Mr Kyle was physically and mentally able to handle the media, she said yes, then I asked what is the hold up! This is the key to finding his identity. She said that she wants 'contracts' with media to be sure they don't reveal info that shouldn't be. She was upset NE printed the personal PO Box, but she posted it on my forum and everywhere too?? Our conversation ended on a bad note, I told her at this point I was doing all I could to help her but she was not taking the advice SHE was asking for.

I have not posted this until now, most of you have been aware of these issues via PM, I have decided it's time for everyone to know what has happened and maybe we can regroup and decide where to go from here.
So now what? I am not even sure he read my letter. I can't imagine no response, not even a thanks but no thanks.

I would like to continue the search and if find any promising leads just work with LE and FBI.

I feel stuck, not sure if our help is even wanted.

Does he want to be indentified?

This is a very unique situation for us....we have a 'live' person here...and he/his advocates aren't cooperating. Now what?
It sounds like he has something to hide and he may know who he is. I hope I'm wrong but this one is really strange.

I hope the DNA will bring answers.
It sounds like he has something to hide and he may know who he is. I hope I'm wrong but this one is really strange.

I hope the DNA will bring answers.

That would make me very sad, but that is a possibility. I don't know that his DNA has been collected even yet-so how do we help someone who isn't helping themselves??? Do we help them at all when there are so many other cases out there that need attention...I think we almost need a vote, hmm?
IMO it's time to back off. If they want our help, they will come ask for it.

It's obvious from BK's email that he knows how to communicate with people & will need to do so if he wants help.

Like Penelope :D said we can contact media, try to find possible matches, etc. but until BK wants to cooperate, what we do is not going to do a DURN thing.
I agree. IMVHO, Mr Kyle has publically expressed he "isn't sure he'll like who he finds" in so many words. Which leads me to believe either he or those closest to him have not fully disclosed non identifying information which could help identify him. Possibly because Mr. Kyle is more interested in moving forward and his past isn't his top priority at the time. Which I can respect.... though a reply would be courteous considering the time and effort so many have put into his case.

Nurse, who has helped him has ignored various suggestions from sources who have been there, done that. All of whom are verifiable not only here at WS, but at various places on the net and easily found. Why? I'ts kind of one of those, if X number of people share similiar idea's and none of those folks know one another and you hear the same thing...... it's usually right on the bull's eye. I realize she is coming from a background for which she is unfamiliar with all this, but enough time has passed for her to educate herself and verify those attempting to help authenticity.

My vote is for spending our limited time and resources on those seeking answers regardless of what may be found. At least until and if a time comes when Mr. Kyle and those closest to him allow others to find his true identity with or without what that reality comes with.........

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

ETA: there are soooo soooo very many who never have a voice and are forgotten. They deserve a voice, a chance......

Ya know folks, I was contacted by Good Housekeepings editorial department regarding BK's story a few weeks ago-I wonder if they followed up with NB and BK and what the status is??? I am just thinking out loud. I would hate to be digging up media leads only to have them perhaps being squashed...it makes us look (and me, lol) a little silly. Not that I am saying that is what happened-I would just like to know if the media contacts we might provide are well received...otherwise it really is a waste of time!
I remember back when the NE thing first came up and some people thought the Nurse was out to help BK for the wrong reasons. $$$ But I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and thought the NE was a VERY GOOD IDEA.... That at least he would be seen by millions in the public. But I was VERY disappointed when I saw the pics in the article, you would think they would put a clear headshot in the article, but all the pics made it hard to tell... profile views etc. I wonder if she had the final say in what pics would be used???? Seems she is willing to have pubilicity when money is offered for it....

Maybe SHE doesnt want him identified and DOES not have HIS best interest at heart. Maybe she thinks if he is identified all the attention she is getting will all go away and her life will be boring again.

I had thought something was OFF about her back when she was first posting on here and then never came back to join in the discussion or respond nothing. Seems like she would have jumped all over the fact that so many people on here were interested in helping.

I cant imagine her or him not wanting 100% of everything they know put in the public as if might help identify him, unless it is something that could put him in danger.

So if he truely has amnesia, and he has hooked up with her and he trust her but maybe he is not capable of making good common sense choices because of his brain injury.
WOW I just found some very interesting reading Went I went looking for other cases of amnesia....
I found this one site that has tons and tons of information asssociating alot of mental issues with Vison....

Vison & pychosis, and how it may be a cause for alot of people with amnesia and also maybe a reason so some of the missing people we have been looking for.
and i t list of people with amnesia and their cause and how the were missing

One for instance was a Mary Little she is on the Charley project page.
She was never found they think she might have had this
There is one on there that was interesting because he is from Colorado
Colorado Missing Attorney May 3, 07

This may or may not be a dissociative fugue case.

Royal "Scoop" Daniel

I wish I had more time to read more on this website but I am at work =( it is very interesting here are some links to check out
WOW I just found some very interesting reading Went I went looking for other cases of amnesia....
I found this one site that has tons and tons of information asssociating alot of mental issues with Vison....

Vison & pychosis, and how it may be a cause for alot of people with amnesia and also maybe a reason so some of the missing people we have been looking for.
and i t list of people with amnesia and their cause and how the were missing

One for instance was a Mary Little she is on the Charley project page.
She was never found they think she might have had this
There is one on there that was interesting because he is from Colorado
Colorado Missing Attorney May 3, 07

This may or may not be a dissociative fugue case.

Royal "Scoop" Daniel

I wish I had more time to read more on this website but I am at work =( it is very interesting here are some links to check out

Extremely interesting Phen. Thanks for posting...I am work too! LOL. Peeking in here and there to see what's going on, slower than usual today.
Thank you phenolred! Can we take a closer look at a potential match that was listed already on the photo comparisons page? It was brought to my attention again at City Data and it might be worth looking into simply because of some of the proximity information etc...I would like to call the detective involved in the case to get more specifics like if his fingerprints are on file and if BK has already been run against him.


Thoughts? This guy took off from his home in Michigan and his car was found in KY 3 weeks before BK was found. The picture of him is from 2004 but I wonder if he grew a mustache before he left? You never know...
Believe, though the description is consistent with Benjaman's for the most part, Benjaman has blue/green eyes and Thomas has brown eyes. Additionally, the nose is too far off, and Benjaman has a distinct facial expression that I don't see in Thomas. I don't think it is him, but who knows?

thank you Lion-yup there are some differences. I called the detective because I am not good at sitting still and waiting (BIG ACHILLES heel for me...) and although he also noted the differences, he liked it as a lead. Thomas does not have any fingerprints or dentals available, but his DNA is. He told me that he would let me know "good bad or indifferent..." isn't that cool? :LOL

One thing got me thinkin-does anyone have pictures of Mr. Kyle closer to his date of discovery? I am assuming the doe network pictures are fairly recent...The nose thing has been an issue in the past, but I wonder if it has been broken etc...and I don't know if there was facial swelling when he was found? I have to believe his head was mis-shaped if he had a head injury maybe...
RK, any contact from people in Florida from your CL posts? I have had two people who think BK might have been working in that state and they made the connection with Hurricane Charley. There is some discussion from the two of them that they may have seen him on an infomercial several years back.
No, I haven't had any replies from my postings on Florida Craigslists. Interesting what you are hearing from your postings! I wonder what channels would have had infomercials?
There is a poster on that forum who is spot on. He/she suggested that someone listen to the way that Benjaman uses certain words and pronounces certain words. The only problem with this is that he has been in Georgia for long enough that he may have adopted local/regional word usage and pronunciations.

For example, I come from NY and NJ. Now I live in TX. I used to pronounce pecan as, "pea can" with the accent was on the, "pea". In TX it is pronounced, "puh con" with the accent on, "con". In NJ and NY I used the term, "bag" when referring to a grocery bag. In TX it is usually referred to as a sack.

I have dial-up that is slower than the first dial-up that ever was--5kb per second. So it is a real pain for me to try to load a video to watch it. It can take one hour to load--or it simply won't load. Is anyone willing to listen to not only Benjaman's accent but his word usage and pronunciations?

This is a long shot, but you never know. If we could begin to narrow the area (s) where he has a history it may be helpful.

There is a poster on that forum who is spot on. He/she suggested that someone listen to the way that Benjaman uses certain words and pronounces certain words. The only problem with this is that he has been in Georgia for long enough that he may have adopted local/regional word usage and pronunciations.

For example, I come from NY and NJ. Now I live in TX. I used to pronounce pecan as, "pea can" with the accent was on the, "pea". In TX it is pronounced, "puh con" with the accent on, "con". In NJ and NY I used the term, "bag" when referring to a grocery bag. In TX it is usually referred to as a sack.

I have dial-up that is slower than the first dial-up that ever was--5kb per second. So it is a real pain for me to try to load a video to watch it. It can take one hour to load--or it simply won't load. Is anyone willing to listen to not only Benjaman's accent but his word usage and pronunciations?

This is a long shot, but you never know. If we could begin to narrow the area (s) where he has a history it may be helpful.


Great idea Lion. Yes that particular poster is one of the ones contacting me about the Hurricane Charley/Florida connection. An additional poster is recommending contacting the big three networks in the Hurricane Charley corridor with the info on him to see if it will generate something. I think that is a great idea-but should we decide whether we are going to move forward with the media idea? I can pm you the post and if you guys decide to hit them with a request in the next few days, you don't have to wait on me.
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