50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #3

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I wrote to BK's FBI contact to ask about civilian databases and fingerprints; I will let you know what he says!

Dear FBI Bill,

I hope this email finds you well! Mr. Benjaman Kyle has had a few more
recollections which we have been using as a spring board to finding his
identity. Internet Sleuthers have been combing online photos of Indiana
college graduates, either BA/BS, Master's and PhD's, with a focus of
electrical engineering. In the course of the work being done, the
following person came up who is included in this email attachment. I
want to be clear that we have since discovered that Mr. Bruce Kent
McCormick is working currently for a venture capital firm. However, the
discovery of him raised a question I hope you can answer:

When you ran Mr. Kyle's fingerprints, were any civilian corporations
included in the databases? For example, let's say Mr. Kyle worked at
one time for Raytheon or another firm that holds defense contracts-would
his prints have come up when you did your check?

I appreciate any time and attention you can give to this matter!

The FBI was unsure if they ran non military civilian corporation fingerprints against BK's. They will check.

Just to give you all some scale about how hard they have worked for him already, they ran prints via computer AND Manually....not an easy task and hat's off to all the man hours devoted to BK so far by LE.
It Was my understanding BK indicated he remembered having brothers, so Its possible Bruce McCormick could be a brother
That is what I was thinking, some relation maybe.

I am not very good at searching, and have spent hours trying to dig up a family tree for Mr. McCormick to check the same...anyone good at doing this kind of research??? Please.....:eek:
I do this kind of research. Without knowing more about Bruce McCormick, birth place, name of father, it will be impossible to find. Typically, you
will not find the "living" posted on family trees.
I am not very good at searching, and have spent hours trying to dig up a family tree for Mr. McCormick to check the same...anyone good at doing this kind of research??? Please.....:eek:

I have found quite a bit of information on Bruce McCormick...

Possible relatives, address and phone number it indicated places he has worked etc etc
Hi all-BK checked in to say that a certain talk show has expressed interest in him, so we may see some national media for him yet! Once it is confirmed I will let loose the name...he is so incredibly appreciative of the help and support he continues to receive from all of you...
Thanks for the update believe!:blowkiss:
This is great news! I hope it's soon. This is just what he needs - real national exposure! :clap:
Did anyone ever look at Thomas Ray James


I see alot of simularities like the nose, forehead, eye color is diff though and it appears that mr. Kyle is grimusing and sort of holding his head down or hunched in his photos so really it would be difficult to compair to begin with because you really cant get a good idea of his facial structure or eyes because his eyebrows seem awful low and cant really tell if that is normal or from him grimusing.
Did anyone ever look at Thomas Ray James


I see alot of simularities like the nose, forehead, eye color is diff though and it appears that mr. Kyle is grimusing and sort of holding his head down or hunched in his photos so really it would be difficult to compair to begin with because you really cant get a good idea of his facial structure or eyes because his eyebrows seem awful low and cant really tell if that is normal or from him grimusing.

The eye color is off as mentioned. I wonder what Thomas' 'medicial condition' is? If you could find that out, if it seems worth the call. The dates are good.....the eyes, unless it's a misprint, and it COULD BE.... BK clearly has blue eyes.
Here is another link regarding Thomas James

The health issue was bipolar disorder according to this site. Not making light of this disorder but I am curious if amnesia can cause one to be cured of being bipolar. Also like I noted before his demeanor in my opinion in the pictures could be from depression that could be why he is all hunched over and frown/grimusing

notice that after he disappeared there was credit card activity in Indiana, his car was found in KY which is on the way to GA. He disappeared a couple weeks before Benjamin was found in Savannah.Also this may be why he thought he was from Indiana because he was there shortly before he was attacked.
BTW I don't know if it was noted but Benjamin Kyle is also the name of a character on the show Babylon 5 that ran in the 90's. I dont know if this could be a clue also, but maybe he was a fan of this show.

Still need to find out if the eye color is incorrect. Does anyone know if cataracts can change a persons eye color? Curious because I remember seeing people when I worked at the hospital that had like a milky film or something over their eyes when they had cataracts and I think it was a bluesh milky hue.
Interesting! Here is a question...bipolar, I don't know about this, but this is a mental illness correct? In other words, they wouldn't know by bloodtest like diabetes? Interesting.....still hung up on the eyes, I like your question about the cataracts...where is our staff nurse???? :blowkiss:
Interesting! Here is a question...bipolar, I don't know about this, but this is a mental illness correct? In other words, they wouldn't know by bloodtest like diabetes? Interesting.....still hung up on the eyes, I like your question about the cataracts...where is our staff nurse???? :blowkiss:
No, there is no blood test for BP disorder. It is hard to diagnose, is lifelong once it manifests and medications are taken for the duration of the person's life to control the episodes of mania and depression, which are different for each person.

It's my understanding, Christine, that the age of cataracts can be determined by an opthamologist. They say that BK's were caused by trauma from sun exposure. There would be acute inflammatory and blood vessel changes present in his eyes overall from sun exposure in addition to the newly formed cataracts. His official page states he was " blinded". It has not been clearly stated, but I am hoping that Mr. Kyle was able to have successful cataract extraction surgery and can now see clearly.

Regarding the medical disability Thomas had and it possibly being cataracts. It seems unlikely to me that he had mature blinding cataracts due to the readily available cataract surgery. It's hard to imagine that anyone would try to pursue life in a state of blindness or near blindness which can easily be corrected.
JMO, based on the factual info.

Here is another link regarding Thomas James

The health issue was bipolar disorder according to this site. Not making light of this disorder but I am curious if amnesia can cause one to be cured of being bipolar. Also like I noted before his demeanor in my opinion in the pictures could be from depression that could be why he is all hunched over and frown/grimusing

notice that after he disappeared there was credit card activity in Indiana, his car was found in KY which is on the way to GA. He disappeared a couple weeks before Benjamin was found in Savannah.Also this may be why he thought he was from Indiana because he was there shortly before he was attacked.
BTW I don't know if it was noted but Benjamin Kyle is also the name of a character on the show Babylon 5 that ran in the 90's. I dont know if this could be a clue also, but maybe he was a fan of this show.

Still need to find out if the eye color is incorrect. Does anyone know if cataracts can change a persons eye color? Curious because I remember seeing people when I worked at the hospital that had like a milky film or something over their eyes when they had cataracts and I think it was a bluesh milky hue.

I don't know how to say this other than to say what I see. I mean no disrespect. In many of the photos of Mr. Kyle, when he is photographed wearing what appears to be a suit, with profile photos and such, he appears to be hunched over. Not standing straight. I don't remember if he had back and spinal injuries as a result of the beatings, but possibly so. If so, it would probably cause the postural changes. If not, then he's stooped for another reason.
I have always wondered why Benjamin appears stooped in the profile photos.
Here's the probable explanation from his official info:
"Surgical scar on front of neck appears to be from cervical discotomy."

So, he had a neck injury with spinal surgery. He may have residual pain causing him to stoop. Or may have experienced complications to the surgical site when he was beat so badly before he was discovered. After the spinal injury is repaired, the neck must be stabilized with metal hardware. Sometimes it was left in place, called a spinal fusion. In recent years, there are surgeries which sometimes allow the full movement of the neck through the insertion of either a cadaver bone graft or an artificial disk spacer. Most doctors still place at least temporary internal fixation due to the critical function of the spinal cord at this high level.

The two distinct surgical orthopedic repairs, the arm plating and the cervical disckectomy should help pinpoint when these injuries occurred. Cervical disk surgery has had a very distinct progression in the surgical methodology used and the type of metals used, along with the type of either vertebral screws and plates or rod fusion. A CT scan should be helpful in pinpointing what year range he could have had his surgical repair done. The types of procedures used to achieve permanent ( or temporary) internal fixation of an arm bone fracture has also changed. In many cases, the plates and hardware are removed after the bone has healed. I wonder if he has permanent hardware in place, or was supposed to have the plate and screws removed from the bone. Again, a CT should provide info. MRI would be best, if he has non-ferrousmetallic hardware in place.

EDITED TO ADD: I just realized how it may be possible for Mr. Kyle and detectives to find his medical records,. The best case scenario would be that he had both procedures done at the same time, and in the USA. The metallic spinal support ( rod or plate) AND the arm plate definitely have manufacturer info on them with tiny ID info ( serial numbers specific to the manufactur, if you will). His plates and any spinal hardware left in place can be traced to a specific manufacturer and a specific lot. The manufacturer of these types of medical hardware definitely knows where he got his surgery done. The lot number and device are recorded in case there is a recall. There is great liability for manufacturers of internal medical hardware. ( just like a cardiac pacemaker has a serial number and a specific history). Finding this info would require surgery, but there is a good chance that his arm plating needs to be removed anyway. I would go for the arm plate first, as it is less dangerous. If necessary, a new plate could be inserted.

The medical detective work would probably progress like this: Remove the arm plate. The removing surgeon contacts the manufacturer for the info specific to his removed plate. At that time, the location where he had the surgery done would be known. The city, and the year. Maybe that would be enough to go on to find his identity. If not, the facility which placed the plate is contacted regarding Mr. Kyle's present dilemma with law enforcement records. All pertinent medical data is reviewed to eliminate males who don't fit his age group or who have medical conditions which Mr. Kyle doesn't have. If there is a male match in his age group, a court order would be needed to obtain the names of all matches due to the HIPAA act provisions. IF the FBI has ever been involved in his case as a possible kidnapping, they could definitely help him.
There is also a very good possibility that the surgeon who performed the surgery would remember Mr. Kyle by seeing him again. If the surgeon would agree to help, he would be the easiest route to find Mr. Kyle's ID as he also has office records related to the arm injury, the surgical billing, and post- op follow up.

Just thinking out loud.
Yes that's what I thought too, which is why the paramedics saying that he was sweaty stuck in my mind. What is the weather like there? I am not familiar with the landscape etc Is it hot and dry or very humid where they found him? Also were the ants on him when they found him or just the bites? I looked into these fire ants and there seems to be lots of varieties but most say the bites only last around a week unless scratched and infected or the person has an allergic reaction which could also induce unconciousness.:confused: Could the bites have happened some time before he lost conciousness?

Thanks for the warm welcome also. You guys are amazing and I'm sure the mystery will be uncovered from all your hard work:)
I used to live not far from there. It is usually hot and humid, but I can't remember the time of year he was found. Regarding the sweaty issue, good call! You are correct, if he had heat stroke he would have been dry, not sweaty. Regarding the ant bites, IIRC he was found near a dumpster. There are usually ants around dumpsters. Even fire ants. And in GA where I used to live and FL where I live now, they are everywhere. It would make sense for there to be a mound or colony near the dumpster as it would be a readily available source of food.
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