50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #3

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seeking jana, I don't know anything about the arm plate surgery, but regarding the cervical spine surgery, I work for a neurologist and my father has had a cervical discectomy years ago. Back then, at least for my father's procedure, the didn't use any metallic hardware. I just called my dad for confirmation and he told me that they just removed the damaged/herniated disc and inserted a "plastic" disc. No metal was used. Keep in mind that my father had his surgery over 20 years ago, not sure when BK had his, but IIRC it was remote.
Did anyone ever look at Thomas Ray James


I see alot of simularities like the nose, forehead, eye color is diff though and it appears that mr. Kyle is grimusing and sort of holding his head down or hunched in his photos so really it would be difficult to compair to begin with because you really cant get a good idea of his facial structure or eyes because his eyebrows seem awful low and cant really tell if that is normal or from him grimusing.

I have looked and looked, but I just don't see the similarities.
We don't know how old the photo is, but BK seems to have a different face, structurally and otherwise. He also has a very distinctive nose, imo, that this man just doesn't have. I also think his head is different, and even with the hat, a different hairline.

This case is frustrating. Muchly.
seeking jana, I don't know anything about the arm plate surgery, but regarding the cervical spine surgery, I work for a neurologist and my father has had a cervical discectomy years ago. Back then, at least for my father's procedure, the didn't use any metallic hardware. I just called my dad for confirmation and he told me that they just removed the damaged/herniated disc and inserted a "plastic" disc. No metal was used. Keep in mind that my father had his surgery over 20 years ago, not sure when BK had his, but IIRC it was remote.

The arm plate is what I focused on. :) Implantable medical devices have specific and unique identification on them in case of either malfunction or manufacturer recall.
The spinal surgery is only important as it adds to the known history of Mr. Kyle. Almost all cervical spinal surgery is done with some type of internal fixation now because the artificial disc or bone graft needs time to conform to the person's spinal column. The only reason I know is because my husband had upper spinal surgery for a herniated disk a year and a half at a top notch major hospital with a renowned neurosurgeon. We researched all the options before the surgery and there were none which didn't have either a metal " cage" around the vertebra/ disk space or internal fixation.

But, as I said, I consider the arm plate is much easier to go after and remove than a spinal device. That's my point.
Did anyone ever look at Thomas Ray James


I see alot of simularities like the nose, forehead, eye color is diff though and it appears that mr. Kyle is grimusing and sort of holding his head down or hunched in his photos so really it would be difficult to compair to begin with because you really cant get a good idea of his facial structure or eyes because his eyebrows seem awful low and cant really tell if that is normal or from him grimusing.

I spoke at length with michigan LE regarding Mr. james and this was not a match.
The arm plate is what I focused on. :) Implantable medical devices have specific and unique identification on them in case of either malfunction or manufacturer recall.
The spinal surgery is only important as it adds to the known history of Mr. Kyle. Almost all cervical spinal surgery is done with some type of internal fixation now because the artificial disc or bone graft needs time to conform to the person's spinal column. The only reason I know is because my husband had upper spinal surgery for a herniated disk a year and a half at a top notch major hospital with a renowned neurosurgeon. We researched all the options before the surgery and there were none which didn't have either a metal " cage" around the vertebra/ disk space or internal fixation.

But, as I said, I consider the arm plate is much easier to go after and remove than a spinal device. That's my point.

This is an excellent point-and one that has been kicked around in the past-one of the logjams for Mr. Kyle is obtaining his medical records, and keeping in mind that they thought they had an indigent patient on their hands so I am not sure what extra steps might have been taken to see if any prior injuries could be used to iD him...in otherwords, we do not know if XRAYS were taken of his arm and spine that would even confirm what surgeries he had.
This is an excellent point-and one that has been kicked around in the past-one of the logjams for Mr. Kyle is obtaining his medical records, and keeping in mind that they thought they had an indigent patient on their hands so I am not sure what extra steps might have been taken to see if any prior injuries could be used to iD him...in otherwords, we do not know if XRAYS were taken of his arm and spine that would even confirm what surgeries he had.

Are you saying that this man, who was found with amnesia almost FOUR years ago has no means of financial support? Has not had any benefactors to help him? Is he in some sort of group housing or is he in the general community?
Now, I'm as worried about what may be going on in his life currently as what happened before he had a fictitious name.

Does having amnesia about one's past make a person totally unemployable due to lack of SSN and work history? ( Asking because I don't know). If he can work, he can pay for his own procedure. If I wanted to know who I was, I think I would do whatever it took. In 4 years, no one has missed him or known him, apparently. I hope he is in a supportive growth environment and not forgotten except for his database info and a group of people on the Internet.

Does anyone know if he's in a good and productive living situation?
The arm plate is what I focused on. :) Implantable medical devices have specific and unique identification on them in case of either malfunction or manufacturer recall.
The spinal surgery is only important as it adds to the known history of Mr. Kyle. Almost all cervical spinal surgery is done with some type of internal fixation now because the artificial disc or bone graft needs time to conform to the person's spinal column. The only reason I know is because my husband had upper spinal surgery for a herniated disk a year and a half at a top notch major hospital with a renowned neurosurgeon. We researched all the options before the surgery and there were none which didn't have either a metal " cage" around the vertebra/ disk space or internal fixation.

But, as I said, I consider the arm plate is much easier to go after and remove than a spinal device. That's my point.

Ok, I gotcha! As I said, my dad's surgery was eons ago, so I was pretty sure that they do it differently now. My sister had the lumbar surgery a few years ago for a herniated disc and her surgery used the internal fixation also.
Are you saying that this man, who was found with amnesia almost FOUR years ago has no means of financial support? Has not had any benefactors to help him? Is he in some sort of group housing or is he in the general community?
Now, I'm as worried about what may be going on in his life currently as what happened before he had a fictitious name.

Does having amnesia about one's past make a person totally unemployable due to lack of SSN and work history? ( Asking because I don't know). If he can work, he can pay for his own procedure. If I wanted to know who I was, I think I would do whatever it took. In 4 years, no one has missed him or known him, apparently. I hope he is in a supportive growth environment and not forgotten except for his database info and a group of people on the Internet.

Does anyone know if he's in a good and productive living situation?
I don't remember all the details, its been a while since I've been through this thread. But I know he was having trouble with employment due to the SSN, etc, as you pointed out. He had a benefactor, a nurse that someone here was communicating with. I can't remember his living environment. Its changed a few times as I recall, but he is not living on the street or anything. (Gee, I'm alot of help, huh? :crazy:) But I'm pretty sure the answers to your questions are elsewhere on this thread.
I don't remember all the details, its been a while since I've been through this thread. But I know he was having trouble with employment due to the SSN, etc, as you pointed out. He had a benefactor, a nurse that someone here was communicating with. I can't remember his living environment. Its changed a few times as I recall, but he is not living on the street or anything. (Gee, I'm alot of help, huh? :crazy:) But I'm pretty sure the answers to your questions are elsewhere on this thread.

He is in a safe environment, however think about the fact that in this post 9-11 world he has no ssn, no birth certificate and no driver's license. He has been offered a chance to obtain benefits via medicaid if he would declare himself an illegal alien-as a proud American it will not happen. He will not do it. Neither would I quite frankly.

He cannot legally get onto an airplane, a train or a bus much less drive a car with out ID. He cannot collect benefits because even though he might be standing in front of you, he DOES NOT EXIST in the eyes of the law. Imagine the frustration of that.

What does this impact? He cannot get legal representation, health insurance or a job that does not require some kind of payment under the table if he is going to work. This otherwise healthy intelligent man is being wasted. Talk about a twilight zone scenario!!!!
He is in a safe environment, however think about the fact that in this post 9-11 world he has no ssn, no birth certificate and no driver's license. He has been offered a chance to obtain benefits via medicaid if he would declare himself an illegal alien-as a proud American it will not happen. He will not do it. Neither would I quite frankly.

He cannot legally get onto an airplane, a train or a bus much less drive a car with out ID. He cannot collect benefits because even though he might be standing in front of you, he DOES NOT EXIST in the eyes of the law. Imagine the frustration of that.

What does this impact? He cannot get legal representation, health insurance or a job that does not require some kind of payment under the table if he is going to work. This otherwise healthy intelligent man is being wasted. Talk about a twilight zone scenario!!!!

Gosh Believe - when you spell it all out like this, it's even sadder than it already is! I so hope this appearance on a national TV show pans out. May be just what he needs to find that one person who can say "Hey, that's ____________ from ____________!!!"
Gosh Believe - when you spell it all out like this, it's even sadder than it already is! I so hope this appearance on a national TV show pans out. May be just what he needs to find that one person who can say "Hey, that's ____________ from ____________!!!"

Ditto Fairy, a heartfelt Ditto!!!

<< snipped >>
The two distinct surgical orthopedic repairs, the arm plating and the cervical disckectomy should help pinpoint when these injuries occurred.

There is also a very good possibility that the surgeon who performed the surgery would remember Mr. Kyle by seeing him again. If the surgeon would agree to help, he would be the easiest route to find Mr. Kyle's ID as he also has office records related to the arm injury, the surgical billing, and post- op follow up.

Just thinking out loud.
Ooooh, your post just gave me an idea - I know there are a lot of hospitals and outpatient orthopedic surgery centers in the USA, but maybe everyone could pitch in and take a few from their own state - we have banners that were sent around MySpace, couldn't we send something similar to ALL of the hospitals and orthopedic centers just asking if any of the surgeons at their facility recognize this man?

We'd have to give a brief explanation in the email, and ask that the email be printed and shown to all of the surgeons in that facility. It's a long shot, I'm sure, but all it takes is a little bit of time to send an email. We'd have to state in the email that we're not trying to violate any HIPPA laws, we just want to know if anyone recognizes him and/or recalls his name.

What's everyone think?
Hi all...I've just spent a few minutes cursorily going over the threads in this forum...I just have a quick question: Why does Mr. Kyle prefer the spelling "Benjaman"? Is there a specific reason?
Hi all...I've just spent a few minutes cursorily going over the threads in this forum...I just have a quick question: Why does Mr. Kyle prefer the spelling "Benjaman"? Is there a specific reason?

Hello beautiful Absinthe! Mr. Kyle seems to feel a connection to this name and spelling. We don't really know why. This isn't really a case you can study in a cursory way - there are MANY details and the posters on this case have gone way, way, way above and beyond in helping Mr. Kyle to find his identity! Never seen anything like it and it is truly amazing. There are many specific threads on this case and these posters are leaving no stone unturned! Probably the best case I've ever seen in terms of detective work on Websleuths. :blowkiss:
Hello beautiful Absinthe! Mr. Kyle seems to feel a connection to this name and spelling. We don't really know why. This isn't really a case you can study in a cursory way - there are MANY details and the posters on this case have gone way, way, way above and beyond in helping Mr. Kyle to find his identity! Never seen anything like it and it is truly amazing. There are many specific threads on this case and these posters are leaving no stone unturned! Probably the best case I've ever seen in terms of detective work on Websleuths. :blowkiss:

Thank you adorable Fairy ;)

It really does seem like a ton of information...I know I have come across the bare bones of this case before, but I haven't taken the time to really delve into it. I think I will now! xoxo
<< snipped >>

Ooooh, your post just gave me an idea - I know there are a lot of hospitals and outpatient orthopedic surgery centers in the USA, but maybe everyone could pitch in and take a few from their own state - we have banners that were sent around MySpace, couldn't we send something similar to ALL of the hospitals and orthopedic centers just asking if any of the surgeons at their facility recognize this man?

We'd have to give a brief explanation in the email, and ask that the email be printed and shown to all of the surgeons in that facility. It's a long shot, I'm sure, but all it takes is a little bit of time to send an email. We'd have to state in the email that we're not trying to violate any HIPPA laws, we just want to know if anyone recognizes him and/or recalls his name.

What's everyone think?

All that has to be done is for the plate to be removed from his arm. The manufacturer has put identifying info on it which is permanent. Once they have the info, he can be traced to a hospital at least. From there, it should be easier.

This is what I would do if I had no memories and had an implanted medical device which could be safely removed. I can't speak for him, but he is always on my mind, and I am always wishing him the very best in life.
I still think he is a Purdue graduate, FWIW.

All that has to be done is for the plate to be removed from his arm. The manufacturer has put identifying info on it which is permanent. Once they have the info, he can be traced to a hospital at least. From there, it should be easier.

This is what I would do if I had no memories and had an implanted medical device which could be safely removed. I can't speak for him, but he is always on my mind, and I am always wishing him the very best in life.
I still think he is a Purdue graduate, FWIW.


I am a dork about this!!! Do they really need to take it out or can they see the ID or VIN (IDK!!!) from an x-ray? I would hate for this gentleman have to go through yet another surgery!!!
Thank you adorable Fairy ;)

It really does seem like a ton of information...I know I have come across the bare bones of this case before, but I haven't taken the time to really delve into it. I think I will now! xoxo

It is truly amazing and I DO believe we can find out where he belongs! LOOOOOOONG before I came here, the sleuthers on this case did amazing side-by-side postings of Benjaman and anyone and everyone who could be a possible match. They went on to rule out or in those who are viable possibilities. It's truly fascinating because here, we have a living man whose home we can find. This is the ONE case here for which I have true hope. I'm excited to have your eyes and insight here! Welcome :)
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