50K Bond just posted Thursday Sept.4th,08 #2

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I don't know how its gonna end, but I do think it will end when she gets out. This is going to be one of those cases that really doesn't have a conclusion. I hope that makes sense. There are certain words that I have a difficult time saying and typing, now is one of those times.

This is a desperate family. Desperate people do desperate things. Oh no, this is gonna make a lot of people sick. MOO of course.

Yes Hisimage. I think I understand exactly what you are alluding to here.
And I feel the same way.
I think it is time for LE to switch gears in this case. They need to reclassify it as a Homicide Investigation and charge Casey with Murder One then hold her without bond. It would put a stop to this nonsense for good.

I agree. I wonder if they are waiting to see what tehe search yields and then maybe after the weekend, they'll go forward.

Just like the chloroform, I don't see any rational, good reason for this happening.

JUST A REMINDER THERE IS TO BE NO name calling of anyone involved in this case.. There will be no futher warnings you are allowed only to address them by their FIRST NAMES OR INITIALS. THERE WILL BE NO OHH..I FORGOT.
LE has gotta be freaking out,

You betcha they are. They are going to nail her good too. The sheriff was so mad yesterday, when Cindy wanted an apology from him. LOL, I loved it. If there is a way she too just may get charges herself. I would love that so much.
alongs comes THIS shocker. Who on God's green earth would bail out this person?

I hope a safe house has been set up for the family (not that I care much what happens to any of them) because if she's released back to Hopespring Drive, all H-E-double hockey sticks is gonna break loose. I'm worried that some poor citizen will lose it.

God rest poor Caylee.

Well, I certainly hope a citizen dosen't lose it and do anything dangerous or hurt anyone. However, I think an environment of constant public pressure (not that I'm advocating that :angel: ) might be enough of a headache for LE that the judge revokes the bond because of public safety concerns.

I really feel that LE has been prepared for this, though, and already has a plan that they'll roll with at a time of their choosing. They've been top-notch. They know what they're doing. So while I'm pissed she's allowed to leave jail, I have no doubt she'll be back there soon. Very soon.

If the Anthony's do get charged with something (i.e. obstruction, falsifying statements), would that impact the terms of the bond 'house arrest'? Would Casey have to be moved elsewhere? I guess I am asking if it would be some sort of LEGAL conflict to have Casey released to Cindy and George - all in the same house if they were all charged in relation to this case?

Would that impact the release?
To Yuri's ears? LOL
My ears are still waiting for this news that "will shock the world."
Man I wish these things didn't take so much time. My fiancee' is driving me nutz because he is so ticked off that she has not been arrested for murder ASAP, and I keep having to explain that forensics don't happen over night and even when they do come back they have to be studied by independant labs in preparation for trial testimoney..yada yada. Lots of work goes into a strong case, especially if it has to be tried without a body, on circumstantial evidence.
I can't stand to see that woman sprung from the pokey either but I do have faith in the Justice System.
Someone please tell me that Casey is NOT getting back out on bond again.

Okay, now I think it is time to look into the moneys sent to the family for the search for Caylee. Surely after this amount of time they have collect 50K.

If they used Caylee's money for Casey, I am going to scream!

JUST A REMINDER THERE IS TO BE NO name calling of anyone involved in this case.. There will be no futher warnings you are allowed only to address them by their FIRST NAMES OR INITIALS. THERE WILL BE NO OHH..I FORGOT.

Aye Aye captain :D

This must be driving you mods crazy too.

Thanks for your work!
Where are her constitutional rights being violated? Her own lawyer took her high bail amount to the higher courts and they upheld it... so I don't understand the "constitutional rights violated" excuse. Why don't they just tell (whom ever it is bailing her out) the truth: that they have some sick misplaced compassion for a possible murderess that took her daughter's life, that enjoys stealing from others, lying to all, and can't keep her legs closed long enough to contemplate what telling the truth is all about.

Sorry... just mad... I'm fed up the criminals that get more rights than the victims... it is unfair.
How in the world were her rights violated!? I hate seeing her out she loves all of this attention. I can't wait for NG tonight, she is going to flip

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