8/29 WKMG - Casey is sending Myspace emails to some little girl

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Very good point.


I am going to help the search tomorrow, and I hope we find Caylee so this nightmare can end, and they take Casey back to jail IMMEDIATELY. With NO IMMUNITY.

Muzikman, thank you (and everyone else who is participating) SO much for your dedication to Caylee. I wish I were close enough to help. Even though I'm awaiting another spine surgery and can only hobble about, I'd be there with my cane and go and go until I couldn't take another step. I can't understand why her family hasn't already been out there doing the same, just to cover all possibilities, even if they don't believe it.

We need the most complete story possible in order to ensure justice for Caylee, and that unfortunately includes the clues and evidence her little body would yield. The GPs also need definitive proof so that they can properly lay her to rest and move from denial to grieving. I think they know, but they don't want to know and won't give up regardless all the forensics. Once they believe, they have lost both their granddaughter AND daughter forever. I think all that will ever convince them to accept that horrendous reality is the discovery of Caylee's remains.

I will certainly be there in spirit. May God bless and guide you all with His hand, and may we have news this weekend that little Caylee is no longer "missing".

:rose: Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who is helping! :rose:
WTFH???? This disturbed sociopath has no business with e-mail access to a sweet, big-hearted girl. And wow, she LOVES her and wants her to spend the night. Maybe she'll take her to Ricardo's and let her sleep in the middle! Notrice how she says what you've done "for my family". Even in e-mails she can't type Caylee's name. I shouldn't have read this just after a late lunch....

According to the article http://www.local6.com/news/17337744/detail.html

One of the notes said:

"Hey Sweetie! I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for my family. I am really looking forward to seeing you. We will schedule something very soon, I promise. I would love to have you spend the night, and spend time getting to know each other. You are such an amazing girl and already a true friend. We are so blessed to have you and your Mom in our lives. I love you. Thank you for my gift (a stuffed animal), I named him after you. I will see you soon. Love, Casey"

She sounds just like Scott Peterson in her e-mails!:furious::furious::furious:
:furious:You know, I am outraged right about now. The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get.
I want to contact Greta, maybe she can ask LE why Casey is getting such an easy ride and doesn't have to follow the terms like everybody else?
Seriously, how many other people are there in OC that are awaiting trial and out on bond that would be thrown back in jail in a hot second for violating their terms?
I swear if I were there right now, I would be protesting that court house right now.

How do I contact Greta, anyone know?
Stress-related Medical issue - sorry, but that sound like what they'd want to say if they don't want people to know what really happened.

WFTV says she tried to hurt herself, and what does her Myspace title say now? something about life not worth living now?

It's the adults who did this to the girl. That includes the Anthony's and her own family. I hope if the girl said these things and hurt herself that her family is getting some help. This is not a normal reaction. No one should do this to a child knowing how bad things looked.
if she's in breech of the agreement, can't she go back to jail?

If Tony Padilla gets on WS tonight, can someone make sure he is aware of this violation??? PLEASE??? I may not be here.
She sounds just like Scott Peterson in her e-mails!:furious::furious::furious:


Scott used to call Amber 'sweetie' when he took a break from searching for the kidnappers who took Laci. :rolleyes:
Apparently Casey also mailed a hand written letter to the little girl. And it was not an "Email" message that Casey sent, it was actually a message through Myspace from Casey's myspace site. There was a link with video.. I'll see if I can find it again...

Here it is... http://www.local6.com/news/17337744/detail.html

Thank you. Ok, I'm beyond disgusted at this point. But I do remember something TP said last night...that lots of things were coming down the pipe and we'd be surprised. If she did violate the conditions of bond, let her send herself back to jail. They can say, they held up their end, she hung herself....
The Anthony family has NOTHING on the line as long as some stranger blows into town & puts up the money to give poor old Casey time home to shower, hug her family, hang out with Baez AND send emails to little children.

And don't forget...bake brownies!
Thank you. Ok, I'm beyond disgusted at this point. But I do remember something TP said last night...that lots of things were coming down the pipe and we'd be surprised. If she did violate the conditions of bond, let her send herself back to jail. They can say, they held up their end, she hung herself....

Blah, blah, blah....

Is that anything like the surprise we're waiting for when Casey finally reveals WHY she had to lie to LE in order to protect Caylee?

You know... when we all finally understand what a HERO Casey really is?

Or is this the kind of surprise where Casey is actually held accountable for her pathetic, dysfunctional behavior?
As if this case could get any stranger. That poor little girl tried to hurt herself because of Casey's lies. That girl's grandmother is right. This madness has to end.
Blah, blah, blah....

Is that anything like the surprise we're waiting for when Casey finally reveals WHY she had to lie to LE in order to protect Caylee?

You know... when we all finally understand what a HERO Casey really is?

Or is this the kind of surprise where Casey is actually held accountable for her pathetic, dysfunctional behavior?

What I was saying, is I think this all took us by surprise....we're all aghast at this. Maybe they new this before hand. Someone is in the house, Casey had to talk about this and give the package, etc. to someone to mail. Maybe the Ps knew about this, and TP just couldn't (for obvious reasons) tell us. I'm going w/ your last sentence. Maybe now that she has clearly affected a live child who can tell her side of the story Casey will be held accountable.

ETA: I've been wondering who the little girl was Cindy's been holding onto, since we don't see any of the Anthony family involved. Shame, shame on you for hurting an innocent child!
Casey needed someone on a more mature emotional level to commmunicate with...I guess no 7 year-olds responded.
What I was saying, is I think this all took us by surprise....we're all aghast at this. Maybe they new this before hand. Someone is in the house, Casey had to talk about this and give the package, etc. to someone to mail. Maybe the Ps knew about this, and TP just couldn't (for obvious reasons) tell us. I'm going w/ your last sentence. Maybe now that she has clearly affected a live child who can tell her side of the story Casey will be held accountable.

ETA: I've been wondering who the little girl was Cindy's been holding onto, since we don't see any of the Anthony family involved. Shame, shame on you for hurting an innocent child!

I was just asking a rhetorical question really. I understood what you meant..... I guess I'm SO disgusted with this whole thing & the way EVERYONE is enabling Casey's SICK, SICK, SICK behavior. And the way she has ZERO respect for the law.

My best case scenario is that LE will surprise her with a warrant charging her with Caylee's death VERY SOON & TP simply figured it would just be easier to let them haul her big butt back to jail instead of having the headache of all the paperwork to revoke the Mother of the Year's bond.

IMO, she can decide whether she's in the mood to finally start telling the truth & wants to take up the offer of limited immunity from a jail cell just as easily as she can while she's vacationing with mom & her attorney.
Is Tony P still answering questions here on the forum? I think someone (anyone!!) should ask him WHY THE CHANGE OF HEART? And also, since she has blatantly violated her probation by communicating with a 12 yr old, isnt that enough reason to revoke her bail?
I just dont understand why the Padilla clan has flip flopped and decided NOT to revoke. Same goes for the county Probation Dept--she has violated her bail terms, so back to pokey.
Right? Am I missing something? I am going to try and find a way to email the probation department, the Sherriff's office, and anyone else to ask this simple question:
"Ms. Casey Antony has violated the terms of her bail release, why hasnt she be taken back into custody?"

Thanks to all for reading this little rant.....
And a special message to Casey.....

There is a difference between the bail and the bond here. The bondsman can pull the bond but it's the court that oversees the bail conditions.

In general most of the cases I've seen in FL (via LEXIS search) seem to be about committing a new offense while out on bail/pre-trial release. Other than new crimes, there are also cases where a DUI defendant drinks in violation of conditions and has bail revoked. But this would also be related to the underlying offense and be a concern for public safety.

Revoking bail generally concerns the safety of the public, hence a new crime creates a public safety issue. I'm not sure if this would qualify as I'm not a criminal attorney but I coujld see prosecutors arguing that her actions harmed another child and that this has potential for obstrucitng and interrferring with the investigation. But the current charges do not really present a concern about a threat to the public at large so I'm sure there would be an argument made by her attorney.

Fl law provides that every person charged with a crime or violation of municipal or county ordinance shall be entitled to pretrial release on reasonable conditions. If no conditions of release can reasonably protect the community from risk of physical harm to persons, assure the presence of the accused at trial, or assure the integrity of the judicial process, the accused may be detained.

The bolded parts above are the three bases for determining bail and the conditions should be related to those and the violation would need to affect those.

The statute (§ 907.041. Pretrial detention and release
) says:
The court may order pretrial detention if it finds a substantial probability . . . that any of the following circumstances exists:

"7. The defendant has violated one or more conditions of pretrial release or bond for the offense currently before the court and the violation, in the discretion of the court, supports a finding that no conditions of release can reasonably protect the community from risk of physical harm to persons or assure the presence of the accused at trial.

So, even though a condition is violated the defendants attorney can argue that it doesn't impact the bases for granting bail.

That is all still no reason why LP can't revoke the bond and I'm still not clear why he did. I know last night JB said something about it violating "their deal" if he were to pull the bond.

Of course, the prosecutors here could take a tough approach and try to get bail revoked. The good thing here is JB doesn't seem all that great and they may succeed in putting her back where she belongs.
That is so ridiculous. I'm glad to hear Casey has enough time in her schedule to sit around, reading and sending emails. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure I can be shocked anymore.

Her baby is "missing" and she's baking brownies and sending letters to a 12yo.
Well if this is not a violation of the "no contact with anyone under the age of 17" clause in her home monitoring contract, then I don't know what is!! LE need to LOCK HER BACK UP NOW!!!!!

Question for some of the legal eagles on here. If Casey used a computer at Baez's office, or her own while she was at his office, to send any of the emails, would Baez also be in trouble. If so could he be disbarred for allowing it?

The conditions are on the defendant. I don't think there is a crime for facilitating bail violations but there may be ethical prohitions in the Florida Bar rules (not familiar with them). He would need to be reported, the action would need to be prohibited and it would have to be proved in an adversary proceeding. I doubt the prosecutors want to take this detour-better to work on getting her back in the slammer.
more D R A M A at the house.
protesters...police...oh my!
If Skii's family is reading, please tell her not to be sad, life is wonderful and worth every bit of the happiness, sadness, sorrow, joy that she will live for many many years to come.

Yes, Sleuthster! I would like to add something for this sweet young lady, too:

There are bad people (and bad things that happen to good people) in this world, but they are blessedly few and far between. It hurts and makes us so sad when the bad things touch our lives. But you must never give up on the kindness of people as a whole. Live your life as an example so that you inspire others to be as compassionate and wonderful as you are! You are very special and have so much to offer. I love you for having such a sweet, beautiful heart and spirit. :rose:

I can promise you without any doubt that the clouds will clear and you will see once again how good life is and how loving and wonderful people really are. Anything anyone else may say or do is not your responsibility and doesn't reflect on your character or heart in any way whatsoever. You have done absolutely nothing wrong and absolutely everything right. The proof of your compassion and goodness is that you reached out to someone who most others would shun. Remember that
God loves everyone, even those who may have done very bad things, and when we show love to such a person, we are helping to bring God to their lives, and that is what He wishes from all of us. I am so proud of you for having the strength of character and love in your heart to do that!

You are so very special, and I want you to know that in addition to being loved by God and your family, you are loved by many who have never even met you because we are so touched by your compassion and desire to help! The goodness of your heart and your efforts in supporting little Caylee have not been in vain. Quite the contrary -- you have done a tremendous amount to help her and should be so PROUD of yourself! You are such an amazing young lady! I am overwhelmed that someone of your tender age would have so much love and compassion and devote so much of yourself to trying to help others. You are a HERO in my book, honey! :)

If the Skii family is reading and wishes for us to, perhaps we could all send her cards and notes of encouragement and appreciation for her big heart? (With approval from her therapist and sent to an adult for preview, of course.) I'm just thinking that an outpouring of love and support for this little girl might really lift her spirits and help her heal and feel better about everything. If anyone knows the family and could check to see if they'd like to provide an address for that, I guarantee her mailbox will be overflowing with love and encouragement within just a few days! :)

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