9 year old flies from MN to Las Vegas with NO ticket

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Precisely. Something is usually very wrong when a kid goes to such lengths to get away from home. Oh and an overindulged kid who runs the house would have no need to leave. He would get everything he wants right there and a 9 year old is old enough to know that others (teachers, friends' parents) may not be so indulgent. No, something is wrong here.

How much do you bet the dad is "homeschooling" him? I have sadly personally seen this ruse in several cases of lazy, neglectful parents. They don't want to deal with homework or getting up early in the morning to make sure their kids go to school. How sad is that?

Sad you see that. I studied child development and a bit of child psychology prior to becoming a preschool teacher. I was a preschool teacher and daycare worker for several years. What this kid had to go through, his dry runs, etc., few 9 year olds have the cognitive ability to handle all that or to put into action what they have been taught.

In my experience, the only kids able to come close to this behavior are highly intelligent kids who have been left to raise themselves - totally and completely neglected. And we have a choice in this country: Do we help such kids? Try to redirect them and give them some parenting before it's too late? Or do we build more juvenile halls and start incarcerating these "bad seeds" for life?

How about super, super neglectful?

Well, yes. In Vietnam, the enemy strapped bombs to 8 year old kids who then were instructed to run up to the American soldiers and "talk" to them. That's one example. These days, we have child soldiers in Africa and children used as human shields in Islamic nations. It's not a stretch to think they could use a kid to blow up a plane. These people are ruthless and don't care about life.

Ya' think? What a you know what he is. IMO!

How about his utter neglectfulness as a parent? The man should be charged. The child should not be returned.

Great post! :clap:
If he stayed at friend's house, that doesn't mean parents of this friend even knew he was there.
As for brilliance, sorry to say, some people seem to be enamored by illegal behavior.
I don't see any brilliance here.

I strongly disagree and take offense to this comment. I don't believe anyone here is the slightest bit "enamored by illegal behavior." Just because someone calls this child smart does not mean we are endorsing any illegal behavior. You don't need to insult other posters that don't agree with you to make your point.
Doing well on standardized tests or even school for that matter, does not prove that a child is brilliant. It might show that the child is obedient, tests well and has good executive functions, but our public education system is known for making incredibly brilliant people think they're not.

I believe every child could be brilliant if given the chance to learn in ways which work best for them instead of being forced into a mold. As a former inner-city (Minneapolis) student, I've chosen to homeschool my children. :D

We likely wont get a chance to know if he is brilliant or not, because many will label him as "trouble" and "bad" and if he doesn't already believe it, he will soon.

I do not think doing illegal things is good. From the beginning I've wondered how he became so street smart and suspected that it was because of neglect. My main concern is that this kid ended up this way because of parents who didn't "parent" and now he is facing the consequences of his parents' inaction. I'm not trying to glorify what he has done. I absolutely believe that there should be consequences for things, and I think the consequences should start with the parents.

It's not okay to do illegal things, I just want to know why. Is there neglect? Abuse? or is there actually a mental disorder? Whatever it is, this doesn't make him "bad" it makes him a kid who needs help. I just hope he gets what he needs. I'm just afraid what he is going to get is labels....and that is not what he needs. I still believe he could do amazing things with the right support system. I believe every child can.

Another great post!
Gitano, sorry the child just doesn't sound brilliant to me. Reportedly no one can control him and his behavior doesn't point to a walking Einstein IMO. He's not taking college entrance exams and passing.
I'd like to know if the child has received any medical and psychological exams. Not a bad idea IMO.
I'd be surprised to learn that this child doesn't need meds. His actions are aggressive according to his parents and reported school reports .
I still can't get over the fact that the parents at times were not overly worried when he was missing.
If he stayed at friend's house, that doesn't mean parents of this friend even knew he was there.
As for brilliance, sorry to say, some people seem to be enamored by illegal behavior.
I don't see any brilliance here.

It would be interesting to know how many different homes he stayed at for the night. Maybe he could be hidden, but my guess is other parents knew he was there and allowed this to happen. They need to be questioned as well as the parents.
IMO I withhold any judgements about at 9 year old boy until I know what kind of parents have been raising him. IMO something is off about the fathers behavior. I mean cray cray. I am sickened that the media has harped on this boys behavior and anger without any info on the background of the people who are so called raising him. He threw a fit, but we don't know what this kid has gone through. Maybe yelling and anger is all he knows.

I dont think this child is brilliant. He is street smart. That is learned behavior. A smart kid doesnt just know how to steal a truck. He's learning how to steal, navigate around strangers from somewhere.

Look I'm liberal and but I am a hardcore realist. I'm not about at all excusing behavior and holding hands singing koom ba yah. I'm usually pretty harsh, but this whole situation got my radar up. I guess it rubs me the wrong way cause I've seen kids labelled as disturbed or having behavior issues when the blame was the lazy, inept, neglectful parents that didnt help the problem.

I have very strong opinions on the mental health issues of young people. Its alarming to me that more children under the age of 12 are being diagnosed with all these disorders yet there is a lack of focus on the mental health of the parents as well. There are people out there that do not need to be parents. I agree some kids are born messed up but also on the other hand there are parents that are ill equipped to be parents or have low IQ's and disorders of their own.
If he stayed at friend's house, that doesn't mean parents of this friend even knew he was there.
As for brilliance, sorry to say, some people seem to be enamored by illegal behavior.
I don't see any brilliance here.

Websleuths deals mostly with crimes and victims of crime. I dont think you will find many of us Who are enamored of crime. I find what this kid did to be desperate and super scary. It's not cute and no one is laughing.

But I also know a thing or two about the cognitive abilities of an average 10 year old. And about street smarts. You can teach a person of average intelligence as much as can be taught about the streets and crime. The only ones who get it and develop those "smarts" are people who are actually smart- people who might have been someone law abiding if raised in a place with more hope and by someone who cared. You know all those dumb criminal videos?

This is not a 30 year old Al Queada member. He is 9, people. Oh and Jenny? It is not a "fact" that the juvenile justice system will deal with him at age 10. Few kids are prosecuted for crimes they commit before they are teens. Regardless of the ability via the law for that to happen. That's because society is supposed to view little children as redeemable. Science backs up that they are. So why do I get the sense that quite a few relish the thought that this little boy isn't?
This kid needs help and he's not getting it. Sad that we, as a society, don't intervene and give "challenging" children like this the proper attention they need to get back on track and stay there.
Websleuths deals mostly with crimes and victims of crime. I dont think you will find many of us Who are enamored of crime. I find what this kid did to be desperate and super scary. It's not cute and no one is laughing.

But I also know a thing or two about the cognitive abilities of an average 10 year old. And about street smarts. You can teach a person of average intelligence as much as can be taught about the streets and crime. The only ones who get it and develop those "smarts" are people who are actually smart- people who might have been someone law abiding if raised in a place with more hope and by someone who cared. You know all those dumb criminal videos?

This is not a 30 year old Al Queada member. He is 9, people. Oh and Jenny? It is not a "fact" that the juvenile justice system will deal with him at age 10. Few kids are prosecuted for crimes they commit before they are teens. Regardless of the ability via the law for that to happen. That's because society is supposed to view little children as redeemable. Science backs up that they are. So why do I get the sense that quite a few relish the thought that this little boy isn't?

I think everyone can agree he needs some sort of intervention. he potentially could become rather dangerous without it. He seems rather intelligent and capable of learning. I wish him well and hope he gets what he needs.

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Aw, I don't think he is unredeemable.

I think if someone or a group doesn't help, he will be headed somewhere not good.

I do hope someone offers assistance, in some way, to get the boy to a school that teaches in a different manner (the name escapes me now) or to become a Big Brother, or something. Family counseling wouldn't hurt either. Heck, even military school might help.

I think he is probably bored at school, I can relate, probably not enough supervision or structure, and no one is teaching him at a level he needs. If he receives those things, he will be one in a million saved!

ETA: I just remembered the school name. Montessori. He may need more structure than that though, IDK.

The day before the boy boarded a flight to Las Vegas without a ticket or boarding pass, he did a detailed reconnaissance trip at the airport, taking a piece of luggage from a carousel, then ditching it at an airport restaurant after eating there without paying.

The boy also has a “history” of riding light-rail trains to a Bloomington water park, where he “waits until a large family is entering and joins them,” she wrote. Of county interactions with the child, Moore wrote, “Typically, staff can tell if a child is lying, but with this child, they are unsure what is going on.”


It seems that the airport is the baby sitter for the boy. I guess he is not in school. After reading numerous articles it is my opinion that he will be behind bars before he's 16 probably for life. that's just my opinion.
Aw, I don't think he is unredeemable.

I think if someone or a group doesn't help, he will be headed somewhere not good.

I do hope someone offers assistance, in some way, to get the boy to a school that teaches in a different manner (the name escapes me now) or to become a Big Brother, or something. Family counseling wouldn't hurt either. Heck, even military school might help.

I think he is probably bored at school, I can relate, probably not enough supervision or structure, and no one is teaching him at a level he needs. If he receives those things, he will be one in a million saved!

ETA: I just remembered the school name. Montessori. He may need more structure than that though, IDK.

Montessoris are highly unstructured. My daughter was in a montessori-type program in her public elementary school. They are good for bright, self-motivated, well-behaved kids. I've also seen troubled kids in it who didn't succeed.
Montessoris are highly unstructured. My daughter was in a montessori-type program in her public elementary school. They are good for bright, self-motivated, well-behaved kids. I've also seen troubled kids in it who didn't succeed.

After I thought about it, I realized it wouldn't work for him. He needs a lot of structure, rules, and punishments with them.

Are his parents working the entire time he is not in school and going to all of these places? How can he be hanging out at all of these places and school not miss him? Is he home at night alone?

I hope he is not hanging out with a gang.

I don't know the answer for him. I really don't.
Gitana1, you make a very good point about staying at friend's houses and being a problem. I do not know how to post sections of a quote,but the comment about posters wanting this child executed or hung is out of line. You are stretching what people are saying. I am not attacking ,I find your comment upsetting.

I know you aren't attacking and yes, I was stretching, purposefully. I was kind of showing where I think the line of thinking that suggests this kid is hopeless can lead to. But I apologize if I offended. By and large I know that my fellow sleuthers are a very caring bunch.
After I thought about it, I realized it wouldn't work for him. He needs a lot of structure, rules, and punishments with them.

Are his parents working the entire time he is not in school and going to all of these places? How can he be hanging out at all of these places and school not miss him? Is he home at night alone?

I hope he is not hanging out with a gang.

I don't know the answer for him. I really don't.

From what has been reported, he has been suspended from school for aggressive behavior.

"On Oct. 8 - after the boy went to Las Vegas - his mother was interviewed again by child protection. She said her son hadn't been to school since he was suspended for aggressive behavior, according to the petition. He was suspended previously for behavioral issues, she said. During the day, the boy goes with his father to work and stays home with her when she's not working."
I'm confused. Dad has done multiple media interviews; MSM refer to child protection interviews quoting mom re 10 y/o's behavior. I'm confused about who he has been living with.

Questions: If anyone knows -

Is 10 y/o currently living w. (~past year) -
- mom & dad in one household?
- mom & dad, on a scheduled, alternating basis?
- mom & dad, on a non-scheduled, alternating basis
(Or other or more households, perhaps an aunt or grandma?)

For most of his life, has mom or dad had primary custody of him? Or?

Is 10 y/o a son of -
-dad & mom/fiancee?
-dad & mom/non-fiancee?

Has anyone seen ref. to other children in the household(s)?
I'm confused. Dad has done multiple media interviews; MSM refer to child protection interviews quoting mom re 10 y/o's behavior. I'm confused about who he has been living with.

Questions: If anyone knows -

Is 10 y/o currently living w. (~past year) -
- mom & dad in one household?
- mom & dad, on a scheduled, alternating basis?
- mom & dad, on a non-scheduled, alternating basis
(Or other or more households, perhaps an aunt or grandma?)

For most of his life, has mom or dad had primary custody of him? Or?

Is 10 y/o a son of -
-dad & mom/fiancee?
-dad & mom/non-fiancee?

Has anyone seen ref. to other children in the household(s)?

EXACTLY! then he supposedly goes to work with the dad during the day? what kind of work allows a 9 year old to go to work with you everyday?? Something is rotten here.

As for his future. Who knows? it's not like he hurt anyone or any animals. I dont think his intention is to hurt people. He is running away.

He was gone during the night and the mom reported it the next day??? what the?? In August he left home and didnt return to the next day??? UMMM....Sooo a 9 year old just goes to the library alone when he has a history of taking off? I would panic and be worried to death.
EXACTLY! then he supposedly goes to work with the dad during the day? what kind of work allows a 9 year old to go to work with you everyday?? Something is rotten here.

As for his future. Who knows? it's not like he hurt anyone or any animals. I dont think his intention is to hurt people. He is running away.

He was gone during the night and the mom reported it the next day??? what the?? In August he left home and didnt return to the next day??? UMMM....Sooo a 9 year old just goes to the library alone when he has a history of taking off? I would panic and be worried to death.
He is a little con artist, who isn't getting an education ( I don't consider street smarts an education) and gets upset when he is confronted. I don't see a bright future for this kid unless there is some major intervention and supervision of this kid starting now!!!
EXACTLY! then he supposedly goes to work with the dad during the day? what kind of work allows a 9 year old to go to work with you everyday?? Something is rotten here. ...

He was gone during the night and the mom reported it the next day??? what the?? In August he left home and didnt return to the next day??? UMMM....Sooo a 9 year old just goes to the library alone when he has a history of taking off? I would panic and be worried to death.

Going O/T for a Beach Boys blast from the past:
"Fun, Fun, Fun
Well she got her daddy's car
And she cruised through the hamburger stand now
Seems she forgot all about the library
Like she told her old man now
And with the radio blasting
Goes cruising just as fast as she can now

And she'll have fun, fun, fun
'Til her daddy takes the T-Bird away
(Fun, fun, fun 'til her daddy takes the T-Bird away)"

1964 [video=youtube;RURAeTbNlVI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RURAeTbNlVI[/video] BBM

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