A not so beautiful life.. either way you slice it

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I really think the big secret kept in that family for many years was they had a sociopath for a daughter. Imo, Cindy especially knew what Casey was/is and in order to both protect her own self image and her daughter's she enabled her continously. However most families that have to endure one will look for ways to appease the sociopath so that some semblance of peace can be felt inside the home.

I don't see George as one who tried to help Casey in the trial. He, unlike Cindy was not willing to fall on his sword for his sociopathic daughter but oh boy, Cindy sure was and did so. Maybe Cindy feels responsibility in nourishing the psychopathic traitts in her daughter. Or maybe Cindy sees a lot of herself in Casey. Even if Casey decides that Cindy has some use to her in the future I highly doubt she will ever include George because of his stance in the trial where he thought of Caylee as the victim and not Casey.

Now did they know she was perfectly capable of making up the most outlandish accusations imaginable? Imo, yes they did. So I don't think she could have said anything that would have surprised either one of them.

I think Casey was pampered and spoiled rotten and not abused by anyone. But I have to realize that sometimes that is the only way a family can deal with one. Living with a sociopath is like walking a tightrope knowing all the while that the slightest bobble and the family member is going to fall hard.

So while it only feeds the 'beast' it is far better emotionally than to rile the 'beast.'

Your post makes so much sense. Thank you.

I also wonder if it is possible that Casey has something on Cindy that she doesn't want exposed (possibly marital related). That has been my gut feeling on where all this loyalty is coming from all along. Just a thought.
Game over?

I wonder if post-conviction the manipulator becomes manipulated?

Pre-conviction FCA was basically anonymous, just another person interacting socially and meeting new friends ... for whom she instigated the cheating, lies, and stealing.

FCA was in control and flew under the radar manipulating her victims.

Post-conviction FCA is infamous and notorious, she is no longer anonymous. It is not as easy to interact socially and meet new friends, not only that but folks are going to either know her or discover.

FCA is no longer in control, she needs to be wary and on her guard at all times.

She has to always wonder, even if new friends are 'playing nice' and being friendly outwardly towards her ... what are their motives?, are they manipulating her?, are they using her?

FCA sought La Bella Vita but IMO life will never be the same no matter how much money she makes or owes, life will not be fun, although she can and will pretend it is.

FCA has become a science experiment, she was a cat toying with mice to amuse herself but she has become a rat who is being watched, analyzed, and used every bit as much as she uses.

She does not have the freedom of life she enjoyed so much pre-conviction and ... life will never be the same.

La Bella Vita definitely will become ... A not so beautiful life.

Your post reminds me of an article I had read and bookmarked awhile back. Reading it today, although she was found not guilty, I think alot of what it has to say is still relevant. Basically, when the lights go out and you are all alone, when everyone is ignoring you, and you are left with only yourself and the horrible memories, what does a narcissist do? I am certainly not qualified to make predictions but it would not suprise me at all if she eventually commits suicide. Only when she stops getting attention.

Your post reminds me of an article I had read and bookmarked awhile back. Reading it today, although she was found not guilty, I think alot of what it has to say is still relevant. Basically, when the lights go out and you are all alone, when everyone is ignoring you, and you are left with only yourself and the horrible memories, what does a narcissist do? I am certainly not qualified to make predictions but it would not suprise me at all if she eventually commits suicide. Only when she stops getting attention.



I do wonder. While folks can present a confident and defiant outward appearance ... what is really going on inside?

FCA was noted as a 'chameleon' by many, where she would adopt the persona of the person she was with and do everything to fit in and play that role.

Was that done as a ploy to manipulate or an internal weakness?, a desire and need to be someone else because you don't like yourself or people don't/won't like the real you.

When I think of the horrors, the images and visuals that FCA saw in the commission of her crime and disposal ... it is tough to hear about it never mind visualize it.

Were those the nightmares and the cold sweats that TL reported occurred in the middle of the night?

You are right ... while we all can present an outward appearance ... it probably doesn't jive with internal reality and ... we all have those 'low' moments of fear, of doubt, of uncertainty. I am sure that FCA has her moments too.

FCA can shift the horror she experienced as an accident with no involvement but there is a part of her subconscious that knows, that will affect her and, it will surface at times ... like the nightmares.

I would not trade with FCA for anything ... ever ... no 'celebrity', no millions $$$, no grand lifestyle ... nothing can bring back the simple things of life such as carefree fun, happiness, family love/relations or the most precious gift -- Caylee Marie.
If FCA has no conscience, and if she is a sociopath, FCA has failed - just like every sociopath eventually does. Everything she did was all about a short-lived thrill of a “win”, but we now know that FCA never really “won” at anything in her pathetic life. Even in her acquital, she still has lost.
If FCA has no conscience, and if she is a sociopath, FCA has failed - just like every sociopath eventually does. Everything she did was all about a short-lived thrill of a “win”, but we now know that FCA never really “won” at anything in her pathetic life. Even in her acquital, she still has lost.

Love your tagline! You must also be on Free Republic LOL
In spite of the verdict, the public knows who and what Casey Anthony IS.

I doubt she will spend any more time than she ever did wondering if she is being offered genuine friendship or exploitation. She doesn't think like that. She wouldn't know genuine friendship as a thing to want if it hit her upside the head.

What Casey will seek is a person who will allow Casey to exploit them. In her pathological mind, this is a "friendship". Now that she's had her covers blown in a most spectacular way, the only people approaching her are people who think they can exploit Casey.

Most people will fail utterly at exploiting Casey, including publishers and producers. Normal folks simply cannot manage the amount of work, and will be repelled by the depths to which they must sink.

While you think you may have Casey a bit under your thumb, because of money or fame or whatever, Casey has already discerned how she can take you down. She does it effortlessly. Whether she actually CAN accomplish taking you down or not is not the important point. It's that her mind works in such a way that she is a savant at exploiting other people.

If Baez et al had not managed to get her off the hook, I would bet my next paycheck she'd be accusing him of sexual abuse or some other disgusting indiscretion.

The MOMENT Baez washes his hands of her, she'll do it anyway. I predict he'll be hanging on her coattails for a long time because he either knows this or did something he knows she knows, if you know what I mean :crazy: :)

There will always be some arrogant people who think they can exploit her, but this chick has some scary kind of "luck" on her side.

So, imo, if Casey has the secret 'goods' on anyone she is around she will use that as a tool to get what she wants for as long as she wants it. Does she know things on Baez that he doesnt want known? He better hope and pray she doesn't.


BBM: I bet she is making his life miserable. She doesn't have to have anything on JB...she has a very active imagination and I'll bet now that she is out she reminds him everyday.....It's the classic "snake" story......"you knew I was a snake when you brought me home." lol jmo
Your post makes so much sense. Thank you.

I also wonder if it is possible that Casey has something on Cindy that she doesn't want exposed (possibly marital related). That has been my gut feeling on where all this loyalty is coming from all along. Just a thought.

I have thought the same thing early on. Thank you for posting that.
I hope that wherever FCA goes, the shadow of Caylee Marie is going to hover over her, and if it doesn't make horns grow out of her head it will manifest itself someway, somehow. Her reputation will follow her, and I don't think that as the years go by that many people will forget. I won't ever forget Caylee Marie, and that she was denied Bella Vita by her own mother.
I hate to say it but 20 years ago I would have gone there. not now though. I think a lot of men would like to claim that they went there. stupid people but when your young you have a different mind frame
I hope that wherever FCA goes, the shadow of Caylee Marie is going to hover over her, and if it doesn't make horns grow out of her head it will manifest itself someway, somehow. Her reputation will follow her, and I don't think that as the years go by that many people will forget. I won't ever forget Caylee Marie, and that she was denied Bella Vita by her own mother.
ITA. "make her horns grow 'bigger' " more like it.
Fortunately there are those of us out here who do and will still remember Caylee because I have my doubts that, unless Caylee comes up in conversation, she would even enter Casey's little mind. Casey's focus is usually 'my next mission'.
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