A not so beautiful life.. either way you slice it

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I don't think KC will ever have the beautiful life she wanted. She will have troubling trying to get around in the world. She doesn't have a GED or a good amount of work experience. She will likely not a get a book deal. Most publishers will have enough sense not to publish anything that comes from proven liar like KC.
Guys, as sad as it may be, she has fan websites (sad but true) and I'm am SURE there will be people ready to provide DONATIONS for her. And I'm sure her lawyer - turn manager - the "allmighty" JB (who doesn't pay child support for his own children) will make sure he makes his share on her.

Please remember also that parents can forgive their children A LOT. After all, Cindy wanted to visit her right after sentencing...

She will be fine collecting our taxes (unemployment, funds for psychological/psychiatric care, etc.) first and then making some more money from deals.
Guys, as sad as it may be, she has fan websites (sad but true) and I'm am SURE there will be people ready to provide DONATIONS for her. And I'm sure her lawyer - turn manager - the "allmighty" JB (who doesn't pay child support for his own children) will make sure he makes his share on her.

Please remember also that parents can forgive their children A LOT. After all, Cindy wanted to visit her right after sentencing...

She will be fine collecting our taxes (unemployment, funds for psychological/psychiatric care, etc.) first and then making some more money from deals.

but it will not last forever and when she has no value as a point and see then she will lose all her fans. she has the unique chance to change her life but if she doesn't bother, no one can do it for her.
I really doubt that Casey's life will ever come close to being "beautiful". She may have a few offers now for book deals, or whatever, but that will fade fast. What fame she has now, is only due to the fact, that she murdered her daughter, is shockingly morally bankrupt, as is her family. They are the current freak show, but eventually people will tire of her, and her family's attempts to get payed, from the murder of a young, innocent child.
Guys, as sad as it may be, she has fan websites (sad but true) and I'm am SURE there will be people ready to provide DONATIONS for her. And I'm sure her lawyer - turn manager - the "allmighty" JB (who doesn't pay child support for his own children) will make sure he makes his share on her.

Please remember also that parents can forgive their children A LOT. After all, Cindy wanted to visit her right after sentencing...

She will be fine collecting our taxes (unemployment, funds for psychological/psychiatric care, etc.) first and then making some more money from deals.

Her fan websites have a total of about 69 fans, and some of those are repeat "likers". She is the most hated person in America - no one will donate anything to her. They may buy a book incognito, but never will there be any significant donations, IMO. Maybe donations to stone her in the public pool.
I really doubt that Casey's life will ever come close to being "beautiful". She may have a few offers now for book deals, or whatever, but that will fade fast. What fame she has now, is only due to the fact, that she murdered her daughter, is shockingly morally bankrupt, as is her family. They are the current freak show, but eventually people will tire of her, and her family's attempts to get payed, from the murder of a young, innocent child.

ITA ... they are a freak show right now ... but they'll be replaced by the next freak show and so on
No doubt the Anthonys will make numerous attempts to gain a future based on Caylee's murder, but I really don't think they will ever succeed ..
As for KC ... her life (such as it was) was over the minute she brutally murdered her little 2 yr old and then tried (with her family's help) to get away with it ... IMO, she will soon be back to scamming and cheating people and the system and will end her butt back in jail ... I wouldn't be surprised if she was arrested for prostitution or selling drugs ... Seriously, WHO's gonna hire her ??
Let's face it, when KC doesn't get all the money and fame she thinks she deserves, things are gonna get ugly ... :eek:
Didn't Karla Homolka almost get a pardon from the Canadian government as well? But there was such a huge outcry from the public that it actually didn't happen.

Ken Murray makes JB seem like an angel.:sick::sick::sick:
I have a feeling things already are REALLY UGLY!!!!! How can't they be?????? She is soooooooooooo hated and noone wants to touch her. EVIL, Pure EVIL
FCA has rolled around in too much dirt and IMO it's going to be darn near impossible to shake every bit of it off.I definitely wouldn't want to be her when the pendulum swings back her way. Plus, she is a murderer in the eyes of many and that is not going away, ever. She will always bear the stigma and even with time, it will follow her everywhere. I just hope and pray she does not destroy another beautiful life for someone else.
Casey will never have a beautiful life ~ not even in her own mind.
She will be used and taken advantage of by many.
She will have no steadfast friends.
She will always have to watch her back.
She will be called out in public places.
She will always have to question everyones' motives.
She will be refused service in restaurants just as OJ was.
She will question her own family's loyalty.
She will not have private planes at her disposal forever.
She will be an outcast, shunned.
She will be money hungry and find it brings her problems rather than solace.
She will be insecure.
She will only perceive injustice no matter where she goes or what she does.
She will be bored.
She will have no purpose in life other than life itself.
She will think she must fight for everything.

And she will never know that the beautiful life she wanted could have simply been had by providing the same for Caylee. She is destined into darkness.

Casey will never have a beautiful life ~ not even in her own mind.
She will be used and taken advantage of by many.
She will have no steadfast friends.
She will always have to watch her back.
She will be called out in public places.
She will always have to question everyones' motives.
She will be refused service in restaurants just as OJ was.
She will question her own family's loyalty.
She will not have private planes at her disposal forever.
She will be an outcast, shunned.
She will be money hungry and find it brings her problems rather than solace.
She will be insecure.
She will only perceive injustice no matter where she goes or what she does.
She will be bored.
She will have no purpose in life other than life itself.
She will think she must fight for everything.

And she will never know that the beautiful life she wanted could have simply been had by providing the same for Caylee. She is destined into darkness.


If Casey were the normal person, and not the sociopath that I believe she is, I would agree with you, whole-heartedly. Casey, IMO, will not question anyone's loyalty because she doesn't care about loyalty, she cares about Casey and what's in it for her. You can bet there's a guy out there, probably more than one, who sees with his nether parts and will make her feel like she's still a hot body hottie. He'll let her borrow his F-150 and his Target credit card and she'll tell him stories about how she was wronged by everyone she ever met - how the death of her child effected HER. Poor blinky Casey.

If you've ever known a Casey, you know what I mean. They just move on and never look back except to use those they left in their dust to dramatize a "poor me" story. You figure them out and they just move on, you can't stop their crazy train.

An innocent, normal person accused of this horrible deed, followed by being judged as the most hated person in America, would have probably tried to kill themselves by now. At the very least they'd have been put on suicide watch at some point during their incarceration. Hell, even guilty mothers who have actually killed their kids were put on suicide watch - Andrea Yates, Susan Smith.... Not Casey - she loves herself far too much and firmly believes it's just a matter of time before she's living (in a Jersey Shores kind of way), large again.

Were she normal...I'd find hope and solace in all your points....but I find it a stretch that Casey will be that bothered.
Fica will have difficulty finding people to move on too. THAT is going to PEEVE her off no end. Narcissists, at their core, are weak and needy and DO care very deeply about THEMSELVES. She will feel that a GREAT injustice has been done to her and she will HATE. IT. She thinks she deserves helicopters to fly over her, photogs to snap her, offers to roll in. When this does not materialise it will be a huge blow to her narcissistic core... and then it will be nuclear meltdown time. We will know because the law-suits will start to fly, against those closest to her - because in her mind they will have FAILED her.

I personally cannot wait. JB underestimated exactly what he was dealing with. He didnt stop to think, "Hey, if she viciously murders her 2 year old, dumps her in a swamp and then accuses her FATHER of being incestuous child-raper, what the F will she do to me?!?" He is going to rue the day... and that makes me sooo HAPPY ;)
If Casey were the normal person, and not the sociopath that I believe she is, I would agree with you, whole-heartedly. Casey, IMO, will not question anyone's loyalty because she doesn't care about loyalty, she cares about Casey and what's in it for her. You can bet there's a guy out there, probably more than one, who sees with his nether parts and will make her feel like she's still a hot body hottie. He'll let her borrow his F-150 and his Target credit card and she'll tell him stories about how she was wronged by everyone she ever met - how the death of her child effected HER. Poor blinky Casey.

If you've ever known a Casey, you know what I mean. They just move on and never look back except to use those they left in their dust to dramatize a "poor me" story. You figure them out and they just move on, you can't stop their crazy train.

An innocent, normal person accused of this horrible deed, followed by being judged as the most hated person in America, would have probably tried to kill themselves by now. At the very least they'd have been put on suicide watch at some point during their incarceration. Hell, even guilty mothers who have actually killed their kids were put on suicide watch - Andrea Yates, Susan Smith.... Not Casey - she loves herself far too much and firmly believes it's just a matter of time before she's living (in a Jersey Shores kind of way), large again.

Were she normal...I'd find hope and solace in all your points....but I find it a stretch that Casey will be that bothered.

I have been blessed to never have known a "Casey;" you're right. But I've also been blessed to have lived long enough to understand that anyone who could not feel the suffering of all those insults can also not ever feel happiness. Perhaps having to continuously move on to try to feel something/anything is an even worse hell than feeling shame.

If you're in a happy place, I do know you don't kill your own child or anyone else's. . . so she wasn't happy or even content then and her lot has not improved. Looks like her future is pretty much doomed. Might as well be a cow or blade of grass ~ no disrespect meant to bovines or lawns.
I have been blessed to never have known a "Casey;" you're right. But I've also been blessed to have lived long enough to understand that anyone who could not feel the suffering of all those insults can also not ever feel happiness. Perhaps having to continuously move on to try to feel something/anything is an even worse hell than feeling shame.

If you're in a happy place, I do know you don't kill your own child or anyone else's. . . so she wasn't happy or even content then and her lot has not improved. Looks like her future is pretty much doomed. Might as well be a cow or blade of grass ~ no disrespect meant to bovines or lawns.
You are blessed to never have known a Casey. Happiness for a Casey is getting what they want, no matter what they have to do or who they have to step on. You may be right, people don't kill their children when they are in a happy place, but they will certainly off them to get to their happy place....age old story.

Remember this?

She had to be in ear shot of protesters yelling, “devil,” a “murderer,” and a “killer,” but that didn’t seem to faze Casey who is happy to be moving on with her life. Ted Bundy was a sociopath - watch his interviews sometime, eerily like those of Casey while in jail. IMO
She is a Monsta ~ Does not know how to take care of a Baby. Never did. Tony was more important to her than her Baby Caylee.
The Good Lord knows.....
FCA ~ We know you read here, you snoopy thing. Just so you know ~ lots of folks out here fervently hope you get what you deserve. Nope, it's not Bella Vita.
FCA ~ We know you read here, you snoopy thing. Just so you know ~ lots of folks out here fervently hope you get what you deserve. Nope, it's not Bella Vita.

You know what? I have a creepy feeling now. Is she looking over my shoulder? eew.
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