A not so beautiful life.. either way you slice it

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I have no doubt that she's gotten a lot of mail from "admirers" who would gladly take her in. I'm always amazed at the people (seems to be typically women) who fall in love with convicted murders and even marry them while they are still in prison. With the photos that have been published of ICA partying and looking so (ahem) pretty, I'd be shocked if she hasn't gotten all kinds of "love" letters.

Most of those she probably wrote to herself. :crazy:
ICA thinks she will be rich due to movie and book deals, of this I am sure.

Sadly i agree with you!!! She would be rich, but as she isn't very smart she would blow through whatever she received and would go home to mom and dad. Cindy and George would still take her in after everything!!
If ICA walks...

If I Did It ... Part 2
I don't think CA would take her back, but I suspect GA and CA are on their way to divorce already, sadly.

If she's released, I've got $25 riding on "Contacts Octomom for a new reality show concept."

Heaven forfend.
I don't think CA would take her back, but I suspect GA and CA are on their way to divorce already, sadly.

If she's released, I've got $25 riding on "Contacts Octomom for a new reality show concept."

Heaven forfend.

omg i don't think that'd end well.

"IF" ICA got off I suspect she would marry quickly and have a few kids very fast.

She liked to play house with her Boyfriends who were to young to want to play. She cooked her mothers food for them and cleaned the apartments.

I suspect the media would cover everything she ever did and pictures of her new kids would be sold after Caylee's story was fully exploited.

I also suspect she would lose custody after her divorce.
Actually, I cannot even allow myself to consider the possibility of ICA walking. It is FAR too upsetting to me.
me too i will just sit down and cry if she gets to walk .. what a slap in the face to poor caylee that would be ..
Also, if she does get out she might want to hire a bodyguard. I wouldn't be surprised if some loon who is obsessed with this case would try their own vigilante justice.

Right off the top of my head I can think of one that's really obsessed with this case .... does Baker Act give you a clue to whom I'm talking about??? :crazy::crazy::crazy:
I don't think CA would take her back, but I suspect GA and CA are on their way to divorce already, sadly.

If she's released, I've got $25 riding on "Contacts Octomom for a new reality show concept."

Heaven forfend.

I've got $25 riding on "Contacts Octomom for a new reality show concept

ya think she wants to baby sit the 14 Suleman's?
Right off the top of my head I can think of one that's really obsessed with this case .... does Baker Act give you a clue to whom I'm talking about??? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

K! THAT'S NOT funny! :floorlaugh:
They should be ashamed of themselves! :maddening:

She should be made to pay back all that money wasted on searches and etc. Any money she recieves from her so called admirers should be confisticated to repay all those people.

She's indigent so let her get by like the other indigent prisoners! She doesn't deserve nothing...not even a stick of gum!!! :maddening:
IMO Casey will follow in the footsteps of another notorious Liar...Crystal Mangum, the Duke Lacrosse False Accuser. Mangum walked away with no legal penalty for the monstrous lies she told. She tried to profit off her notoriety with a book.
Five plus years later...Mangum has been on trial for arson...and is now in jail awaiting trial for murder.

Casey is "Big Trouble." She, like Crystal, will have her moments of joy and profit, if and when she walks...but Casey can never run away from the reality of WHAT SHE IS.

She will pay.
:floorlaugh: I knew I would find someone from Montana! You are right... and I knew as soon as I said it that you can't hide in a small town rural area where everyone knows your bizness. Yeah, I agree with the Karla Homlka post as well... some man would want her and feel sorry for her.

Susan Atkins (stabbed pregnant Sharon Tate to death) had a husband who was a lawyer who stood beside her until her death.
I will never understand men who are attracted to these women.
ICA will join some kind of penpal dating service for prisoners hought and have tons of men write her.
If letloose, after what she said about GA, cant go back home. CA will probably let her, GA is too weak to stand his ground.
GA would probably move out...
Just from the angry mob outside of their house while she was out on bail, yes, it does seem like she would need to worry about life on the outside. It sure brought out crazy people.
As far as OJ I think he was safe, he didnt murder a small child. To most people, that is the worst. In fact, his 2 youngest seem to be doing OK, both in college, etc. Dont hear much about them.
Which in fact, just thought of something. IF ICA did get off, went back home can you imagine the angry mob outside of the house? Would the A's be willing to go through that AGAIN?
She would definately have to change her looks nd move to big city where no one knew her I would suppose. I dont see her walking though.
Last night Greta Van Susteren showed the jail where they are holding ICA during the trial. Greta also said people were sending ICA money which she is spending at the store in the jail.
Unless one of her lawyers lets her come live with them, ICA is going nowhere but back home assuming her parents allow her.
Taking off, getting married, working etc would all require motivation on her part and lets face it, this is a woman who didn't even manage to complete that last 1/2 credit to graduate HS. 3 years rotting in jail she could have completed her GED and started on a college program on the taxpayers dime. But no motivation there. Not even when these activities would have impressed a jury and helped her ease back into society.
Zero, nada, nothing. She's a waste of skin.
Thankfully she's not going anywhere except her next 6x6 box.
Karla Holmolka helped kill and rape her sister and she got out and went on to have a baby, and found a man that wanted her. Casey is damaged goods, but at least she wouldn't have to hide what she is since everyone already knows. jmo

interesting factoid: twas her lawyer's brother she married IIRC
She should be made to pay back all that money wasted on searches and etc. Any money she recieves from her so called admirers should be confisticated to repay all those people.

She's indigent so let her get by like the other indigent prisoners! She doesn't deserve nothing...not even a stick of gum!!! :maddening:

I can think of a few she would owe money to, KidFinders Network, Texas EquiSearch, OCSD and the SAO for investigative hours and other costs, and friends who had no choice but to hire an attorney.
Tell that to Karla Homolka's parents.


She killed her sister, their daughter.
Didn't Karla Homolka almost get a pardon from the Canadian government as well? But there was such a huge outcry from the public that it actually didn't happen.

I hope the state of Florida or the US doesn't offer pardons to people like Casey. How did Karla end up in the Caribbean-- did the government have to give her special permission to move there? With a criminal record, how was she able to leave the country. What if Casey ended up there as well with a hubby and baby? Would they hang out together? After all, they have so much in common. Maybe she and Karla could swap child-rearing tips.
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