A question for Annasmom

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merry christmas from Germany!

Hello I´ve read this thread and I do find some similarity with my sons case, I´m Heidi Stein mom of still missing Dirk Schiller. I do think my son was abducted.

I´ve a few questions for you, sorry if asked before!
did you regularly have visitors at your farm? I read at least 3 people have been that day in your house(sorry if I´m wrong)
and one of the visitors said he saw your daughter at the front door and a white van with an old and a young man inside, so what did he see first? your daughter or that white van? and did the police make an identikit of the 2 men?
I do really wish you find your daughter!
Heidi Stein
merry christmas from Germany!

Hello I´ve read this thread and I do find some similarity with my sons case, I´m Heidi Stein mom of still missing Dirk Schiller. I do think my son was abducted.

I´ve a few questions for you, sorry if asked before!
did you regularly have visitors at your farm? I read at least 3 people have been that day in your house(sorry if I´m wrong)
and one of the visitors said he saw your daughter at the front door and a white van with an old and a young man inside, so what did he see first? your daughter or that white van? and did the police make an identikit of the 2 men?
I do really wish you find your daughter!
Heidi Stein

Merry Christmas to you too, Heidi, and hopes that you will find some resolution to your son Dirk's disappearance in the new year to come. In answer to your questions, yes, we had frequent visitors. The man in question said he saw two men in a van before he saw Anna at the front door, but he was unable to give a description, though he was questioned extensively.
Merry Christmas to you too, Heidi, and hopes that you will find some resolution to your son Dirk's disappearance in the new year to come. In answer to your questions, yes, we had frequent visitors. The man in question said he saw two men in a van before he saw Anna at the front door, but he was unable to give a description, though he was questioned extensively.

has not been used hypnose with your visitor and Annas brother? you can use it after 30 years to get more details

why would both georges come for Anna 5 years later to get her, why waiting for so long?

and what did GW think/say about GBs odd theories about Anna beeing the reincarnation of GBs girlfriend?
No question, Just wanted you to know I am keeping you ALL in my thoughts and prayers today more so than ever. Hope you all can find peace in what ever comes your way. I have learned so much from coming here and posting with everyone and trying to find answers. I have learned that I don't know as much as I think I know, and that God's Grace is all I have in the end, and lastly, to except the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and learn to know which is which. It is hard sometimes when you read here, to do that. We as humans always want answers; we want to fill in the blanks, and sometimes, it is hard to except that we can't.

Love, Hugs, and Prayers

I have a few questions. Anna had 2 brothers, correct? Upthread it is mentioned that they were her stepbrothers, so they were Joe's sons? I'm just trying to understand if GW was involved why Anna was the only one taken.

How long had you and Joe been married when Anna was taken? Was there anyone on either side of the family that disapproved of your marriage?

Also, I read upthread someone asked if it was possible that GW visited Anna at school without your knowledge. My parents divorced when I was little, and while we did have regular visits with our dad, he would sometimes come to our school and have lunch with us and visit us at recess. I don't know that my mom knew. I'm just wondering if the teachers were ever questioned about visitors to the school.
I can answer part of your question iamnot'. Anna has two half brothers on her maternal side. Annasmom was married to her brothers dad prior to marrying GW.

I will leave the other questions for Annasmom who can answer better than I could.
I have a few questions. Anna had 2 brothers, correct? Upthread it is mentioned that they were her stepbrothers, so they were Joe's sons? I'm just trying to understand if GW was involved why Anna was the only one taken.

How long had you and Joe been married when Anna was taken? Was there anyone on either side of the family that disapproved of your marriage?

Also, I read upthread someone asked if it was possible that GW visited Anna at school without your knowledge. My parents divorced when I was little, and while we did have regular visits with our dad, he would sometimes come to our school and have lunch with us and visit us at recess. I don't know that my mom knew. I'm just wondering if the teachers were ever questioned about visitors to the school.

Joe and I had only been married four months when Anna disappeared. Joe never had any children. I don't believe anybody disapproved of the marriage, though certainly it is remotely possible that GW did not approve of this influence in Anna's life. I don't believe he even knew what school she went to, so it is almost impossible that he could have visited her at school. At any rate, we have always stayed in touch with Anna's teachers, and they would have mentioned anything like that.
I was wondering if anyone else in the Water's family had schizophrenia? Was Dr. Waters the only one? As it is an inheritant disease Anna may have it especially since she experience such trauma in her young life which she may have completely blocked out and not knowing who she was then, why look for family now? I wonder where on the west coast we could find more info about places she may have gone to for possible? treatment. Something to consider? I don't mean to upset or sound harsh but the reality is there afterall. We need to find Anna, and make calls and ask around if anyone has heard from Anna. A place to start in my opinion would be San Fran/Northern Ca/Mateo County and go from there. If anyone on the west coast on WB's can do some digging?? It would be awesome! Or is there someone here who works in the medical field who could search? :) for Anna.

I've thought about the same possibility Sidekick. However, with HIPAA laws, I think we would run into roadblocks by seeking information from possible medical and/or mental health treatment providers.

I've tried coming up with means to ethically work around HIPAA, but I can't come up with any other than posting fliers near medical facilities. And considering we have no idea if or when Anna may have been treated, could have been more than a decade ago, I don't know how productive it would be with the search.
I've thought about the same possibility Sidekick. However, with HIPAA laws, I think we would run into roadblocks by seeking information from possible medical and/or mental health treatment providers.

I've tried coming up with means to ethically work around HIPAA, but I can't come up with any other than posting fliers near medical facilities. And considering we have no idea if or when Anna may have been treated, could have been more than a decade ago, I don't know how productive it would be with the search.

~~ I understand, I thought because this is a missing person's case perhaps these medical facilities would 'talk' depending of course who approaches them with information/photos of Anna ... whatever it takes. I think if Anna remembered her prior life she would be looking as she had so much fun on the farm and a stable relationship with her family, big brothers and all the experiences. On the otherhand, she may recall 'something' but can't put her finger on it. That too could be possible. Darn!

I've thought about the same possibility Sidekick. However, with HIPAA laws, I think we would run into roadblocks by seeking information from possible medical and/or mental health treatment providers.

I've tried coming up with means to ethically work around HIPAA, but I can't come up with any other than posting fliers near medical facilities. And considering we have no idea if or when Anna may have been treated, could have been more than a decade ago, I don't know how productive it would be with the search.

I would doubt that any health care facility would give any info, but what about approaching some of the schizophrenia associations/support groups, they may be willing to put a story on their web pages. A lot of people with illnesses join support groups these days or at least go to the support web sites. Just a thought.

Does anyone know the stat's on inheriting schizophrenia. Is it a high enough that this should be seriously considered?
While clinics won't be willing to give out any info on their clients, they might be willing to post a flyer with all the particulars.
I would doubt that any health care facility would give any info, but what about approaching some of the schizophrenia associations/support groups, they may be willing to put a story on their web pages. A lot of people with illnesses join support groups these days or at least go to the support web sites. Just a thought.

Does anyone know the stat's on inheriting schizophrenia. Is it a high enough that this should be seriously considered?


From the link above:

Childhood-onset schizophrenia
Last reviewed: February 7, 2010.

Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that makes it difficult to:

•Tell the difference between real and unreal experiences

•Think logically

•Have normal emotional responses,

•Behave normally in social situations

Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Schizophrenia is a complex illness. Mental health experts are not sure what causes it. However, genetic factors appear to play a role.
•Certain environmental events may trigger schizophrenia in people who are genetically at risk for it.

•You are more likely to develop schizophrenia if you have a family member with the disease.Schizophrenia affects both men and women equally. It usually begins in the teen years or young adulthood, but may begin later in life. It tends to begin later in women, and is more mild.

Childhood-onset schizophrenia begins after age 5. Childhood schizophrenia is rare and can be difficult to tell apart from other developmental disorders of childhood, such as autism.

Hopefully this didn't affect Anna at all.... due to trauma during her kidnapping and entering adolecence may have triggered depression of some sort inabling her to recall her past.

I think Ozziemom that to find a forum in California, pop in and see what happens is positive, leave no stone unturned in order....to find Anna.
I sent an email to the top executive of the California Institute for Mental Health today asking about how to find Anna IF she was institutionalized or sought mental health services in the past, how could we find out and could they help with a photo or the name Anna ( if she kept Anna as her first name ). This woman was SO kind in replying immediately and has forwarded my email on to Director of the State Dept for Mental Health. She wishes us the best in locating Anna. Again long shot, but crossing idea's off the list is necessary in order to get closer to Anna. She may not be in CA. She maybe in CA. And due to the experiences Anna has no doubt endured, she may have sought help in some manner, shape or form.
Let's see what happens.

From the link above:

Childhood-onset schizophrenia
Last reviewed: February 7, 2010.

Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that makes it difficult to:

•Tell the difference between real and unreal experiences

•Think logically

•Have normal emotional responses,

•Behave normally in social situations

Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Schizophrenia is a complex illness. Mental health experts are not sure what causes it. However, genetic factors appear to play a role.
•Certain environmental events may trigger schizophrenia in people who are genetically at risk for it.

•You are more likely to develop schizophrenia if you have a family member with the disease.Schizophrenia affects both men and women equally. It usually begins in the teen years or young adulthood, but may begin later in life. It tends to begin later in women, and is more mild.

Childhood-onset schizophrenia begins after age 5. Childhood schizophrenia is rare and can be difficult to tell apart from other developmental disorders of childhood, such as autism.

Hopefully this didn't affect Anna at all.... due to trauma during her kidnapping and entering adolecence may have triggered depression of some sort inabling her to recall her past.

I think Ozziemom that to find a forum in California, pop in and see what happens is positive, leave no stone unturned in order....to find Anna.

Thanks for the info Sidekick. I have also found info that states that a child that has a parent with schizophrenia has about a 10% chance of also developing it.

I have found a few associations/societies for schizophrenia suffers and I will have a better look at them today.

I think it is worth a try provided Annasmom has no objection.
I do have one fear that we will possibly be flooded with inquiries from people who believe they are Anna, even if there is no reason to believe so. I think we should prepare ourselves for the possibility of that happening if the flyers are put out there. [ My younger brother , a schizophrenic, is highly suggestible.]
I am dismayed to see this subject come up on WebSleuths when just recently I deleted it from the Wikipedia article and requested that the Charlie Project delete it from their article on Anna. There are confidentiality and privacy issues here. We are not psychiatrists. Five psychiatrists could very probably come up with five different diagnoses of a mental problem; it is not like diabetes, where you have physical referents to confirm a diagnosis. Given doctor/patient confidentiality and other issues, I think it is almost impossible that anything could come of this inquiry, which was suggested by someone very early on. I know that we want to leave no stone left unturned, but also we do not wish to waste our time pursuing something for which there is no hard proof and where results would be impossible to come by. Please remember that there are living family members involved in this situation (and, no, there is no instance of mental illness.)
I am dismayed to see this subject come up on WebSleuths when just recently I deleted it from the Wikipedia article and requested that the Charlie Project delete it from their article on Anna. There are confidentiality and privacy issues here. We are not psychiatrists. Five psychiatrists could very probably come up with five different diagnoses of a mental problem; it is not like diabetes, where you have physical referents to confirm a diagnosis. Given doctor/patient confidentiality and other issues, I think it is almost impossible that anything could come of this inquiry, which was suggested by someone very early on. I know that we want to leave no stone left unturned, but also we do not wish to waste our time pursuing something for which there is no hard proof and where results would be impossible to come by. Please remember that there are living family members involved in this situation (and, no, there is no instance of mental illness.)

Annasmon, I sincerely apologize for upsetting you, I didn't realize that this was the subject that you deleted from Wikipedia and the Charlie Project.

If someone can tell me how to delete my posts, I will gladly do so.

Again, my apologies.
Annasmon, I sincerely apologize for upsetting you, I didn't realize that this was the subject that you deleted from Wikipedia and the Charlie Project.

If someone can tell me how to delete my posts, I will gladly do so.

Again, my apologies.

No, no, OzzieMum, I am not upset and there is no need for apologies. I am sincerely grateful for your having Anna in mind and for trying so hard to find her; it is just that I feel this particular pursuit would be futile, and I believe it would be distressing to GW's relatives if they found out about it. Please don't feel bad. There's no need to delete the posts.
No, no, OzzieMum, I am not upset and there is no need for apologies. I am sincerely grateful for your having Anna in mind and for trying so hard to find her; it is just that I feel this particular pursuit would be futile, and I believe it would be distressing to GW's relatives if they found out about it. Please don't feel bad. There's no need to delete the posts.

Thank you Annasmom. Gracious as always.

Love and prayers for you, Anna and your family.

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