A question for Annasmom

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Was the Mission Hill Health clinic a free clinic, or catch-all health clinic, or drug clinic, etc? Just curious the typical clientele, and also what they labeled themselves as to the public. Thank you for answering all these questions, I appreciate that this is tiring after so much time. I thought the initials in question were a 'J' but I thought s or t...JR is close, I just seem to always be close to important things, but do not narrow it down to something substantial, so I rarely post that I can see anything at all, it sounds silly sometimes, so I just wait it out to see if it is important.
Were you not aware that the picture had been taken or was it something that you had just forgotten about? Background familiar to you? Was it a picture you had given him? How old do you think
Anna was at that time? Do you recall any occasion when GW might have been around Anna at that age?

To me it is kind of odd that Waters had it. He presented that he had no interest in Anna. Yet he kept a picture of her.
Had you given him other pictures of Anna? Were any of those found?
I don't recall ever seeing this picture before. It looks as if it was cut from a contact sheet, and I know George took some pictures of Anna around that time. She had just turned one year old. On the back of the picture GW had written "1 year 2 days" and "Anna Christian EIFEE". He had not yet left home for good at that time, though I think he was actually living somewhere else and just stopping by the house an hour or two every once in a while. The background could be the back yard at the house. It's hard to tell. Also there is a visible white fingerprint on the print, as though it had been made on the negative.
Was the Mission Hill Health clinic a free clinic, or catch-all health clinic, or drug clinic, etc? Just curious the typical clientele, and also what they labeled themselves as to the public. Thank you for answering all these questions, I appreciate that this is tiring after so much time. I thought the initials in question were a 'J' but I thought s or t...JR is close, I just seem to always be close to important things, but do not narrow it down to something substantial, so I rarely post that I can see anything at all, it sounds silly sometimes, so I just wait it out to see if it is important.
I think patients at the Mission Neighborhood Health Center paid on a sliding scale. Most of the patients were people who lived in the San Francisco Mission District.
BTW, this gentleman (JR)was thus born in 1922
We've been looking at some pictures of a George Brody who was probably born around that time, but that would make him much younger than the GB I met, who had to be at least in his late sixties in 1967, if not older than that.
I don't recall ever seeing this picture before. It looks as if it was cut from a contact sheet, and I know George took some pictures of Anna around that time. She had just turned one year old. On the back of the picture GW had written "1 year 2 days" and "Anna Christian EIFEE". He had not yet left home for good at that time, though I think he was actually living somewhere else and just stopping by the house an hour or two every once in a while. The background could be the back yard at the house. It's hard to tell. Also there is a visible white fingerprint on the print, as though it had been made on the negative.

The picture is very posed and his shoulders appear even. Did he have a timer for the camera or do you think it was taken by a third party?
Did he develop the pictures himself usually? "Cut from a contact sheet" Wouldn't there normally be several pictures on a contact sheet? So he took the time to take the pictures, cut the one away from the others, and kept the picture. From the pict that is shown, the picture doesn't appear to have any wear or discoloration such as would come with being handled or carried in a wallet. Yet he kept the picture.

Sorry, just trying to understand his mindset/motivation here.
We've been looking at some pictures of a George Brody who was probably born around that time, but that would make him much younger than the GB I met, who had to be at least in his late sixties in 1967, if not older than that.

My theory on this was not necessarily that he may be Brody, but that this person may have been involved so as not to incriminate Brody. However, I would 'assume', LOL, that LE checked into this person all those years ago, to see if there was any connection between the men?
My first thought when Annasmom found a medical form with the name of a man listed was that could have been GB's real name and that would be reason for GW to keep this lab order. But the name listed on the receipt is a more spanish or italian name. I feel this is another sample of evidence found in the BFH linking the two George's to her disappearance. :cool:
Excellent take on the lab slip, the more theories we have the more we may find about the truth. I agree wholeheartedly with you that this could link the Georges in some way. I just feel that GB made GW his scapegoat, which really irks me.

I do not go searching folks down or anything like that, but I would like to know the name, even though I know that it may not be made public. Perhaps LE would check it out.

(I am off to my son's graduation for a few days, hooray!) Will keep thinking on this 'pink paper man'!
My theory on this was not necessarily that he may be Brody, but that this person may have been involved so as not to incriminate Brody. However, I would 'assume', LOL, that LE checked into this person all those years ago, to see if there was any connection between the men?
As far as I know, GB was not investigated at all. Though this lab sheet was in the box with GW's papers, it was in Joe Ford's possession and then in mine until LE took the whole box last year. The lab sheet is stapled to a piece of paper Joe dated March 28, 82, with the following notes in his hand:
1973: MNHC (Mission Neighborhood Health Center) receipts indicate no change or irregularity in hours worked when A. disappeared compared to rest of year.
Envelope from IRS marked as Audit 73 (#2) (of 1972 return) [no contents]
Presbyterian Hosp. pay stubs show no work change in hours during year
Mazda purchase & receipts
It is possible that Joe, rather than GW, kept this particular lab slip as an indicator that GW was in fact at work the day Anna disappeared. We do not know the hours he was at work.
...It is possible that Joe, rather than GW, kept this particular lab slip as an indicator that GW was in fact at work the day Anna disappeared. We do not know the hours he was at work.

The following is speculation, but I believe it to be logically sound:

It would make sense that Joe Ford would not have been able to access the clinics files or obtain the slip by circumstance (i.e. finding it in a garbage can, etc.). This means that Waters must have retained this one slip for a specific reason - to create an aliabi. The slip may be legit and retained by GW to show that his whereabouts were known on the day that Anna disappeared, or it may be a forgery to cover his tracks. But I think it is a safe assumption that Waters had this slip in his possesion directly related to Anna's disappearance.
Lots of different ideas....

I 'feel' that this paper is extremely important to this whole case, I still do, but what part of the paper I am not sure. However, the reason I brought it up, is because of the name on the paper, and who they are in relation to the case, (if at all)

I have another question that may have been answered prior, if so, I apologize. How does anyone (is it LE, or Annasmom, or whom?) know that in fact GW destroyed papers prior to his death. Is it stated in LE reports that things were burned in the garbage, or shredded, or what exactly? I was wondering where this idea came from, I just do not remember if it was addressed previously.

I also firmly believe that GB must have taken advantage of many other people in his life, GW being the last. I wish someone would see that picture and come forward as a victim....too bad AMW wouldn't feature him as unknown identity...(darn bugger had an identity, just not his own I bet)
Where else can he be featured????

and last but not least...GW sure looked unsure of himself in several of the photos of him with Anna...reminds me of my husbands face, when our son was born, lol
...How does anyone (is it LE, or Annasmom, or whom?) know that in fact GW destroyed papers prior to his death. Is it stated in LE reports that things were burned in the garbage, or shredded, or what exactly? I was wondering where this idea came from, I just do not remember if it was addressed previously...

I do not know where this came from also. I do know that GW was meticulous in keeping records of his personal papers going back several years, yet there is a noticable gap centering around January 1973. While this does not prove that materials from that period were destroyed, it does look very suspicious.
Lots of different ideas....

I 'feel' that this paper is extremely important to this whole case, I still do, but what part of the paper I am not sure. However, the reason I brought it up, is because of the name on the paper, and who they are in relation to the case, (if at all)

I have another question that may have been answered prior, if so, I apologize. How does anyone (is it LE, or Annasmom, or whom?) know that in fact GW destroyed papers prior to his death. Is it stated in LE reports that things were burned in the garbage, or shredded, or what exactly? I was wondering where this idea came from, I just do not remember if it was addressed previously.

I also firmly believe that GB must have taken advantage of many other people in his life, GW being the last. I wish someone would see that picture and come forward as a victim....too bad AMW wouldn't feature him as unknown identity...(darn bugger had an identity, just not his own I bet)
Where else can he be featured????

and last but not least...GW sure looked unsure of himself in several of the photos of him with Anna...reminds me of my husbands face, when our son was born, lol

Do we know that they won't? I don't remember if AMW has ever been contacted. If they have not been then perhaps they should be.
I do not know where this came from also. I do know that GW was meticulous in keeping records of his personal papers going back several years, yet there is a noticable gap centering around January 1973. While this does not prove that materials from that period were destroyed, it does look very suspicious.

Hmm, not only that looks suspicious but if you think about Craig B seeing 2 men (an older man and a younger man) before Anna disappeared and the fact that GW took off work around the time Anna disappeared. Hmm

GB died in December and GW killed himself few weeks after that. Does anyone know what GW did or where GW went before he killed himself?
Hmm, not only that looks suspicious but if you think about Craig B seeing 2 men (an older man and a younger man) before Anna disappeared and the fact that GW took off work around the time Anna disappeared. Hmm

GB died in December and GW killed himself few weeks after that. Does anyone know what GW did or where GW went before he killed himself?

It was about two weeks between the two deaths. We know that GW spent part of it tending to Brody's final arrangements (death certificate, cremation, etc.). How he spent the rest of the time is open for speculation.
Here are several more thoughts...

First off, AMW would be great for our story, since Brody is dead, anyone who may have known him might come forward without fear of retribution.(as long as this is clearly stated on the show) However, my only doubt about them taking the story is that Brody died as "Brody", and we have no proof that he was not Brody, so they may not want to touch it...(I refuse to give up however, I will find out who he was)

Secondly, I remember that previously it was stated the GW was 'gone' for a time at that time, how was that substantiated? And are there any accurate dates? Also, If I can know the exact countries he had passports for at the time it will help me in my work.(this is a critical one for me, I want to research several ideas, if there is accurate passport info)

And lastly, the "two men, older and younger", this equates to my theorizing about the 'patient' on the paper, he seems a POSSIBILITY of a go-between in this to me.

The more info I can have the better, if anyone can answer to my speculations!
what about finding the sister of margret or was she a relative? have we gotten any info on brody from her? i think she holds some answers as well as to who brody might be
I do not know where this came from also. I do know that GW was meticulous in keeping records of his personal papers going back several years, yet there is a noticable gap centering around January 1973. While this does not prove that materials from that period were destroyed, it does look very suspicious.
Joe Ford is the only person who knows this for sure. I think there were lots of empty file folders and envelopes.

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