a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #3

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KCL or PASA ~ Good morning and good luck today ~ thanks for all you do!

I'm wondering how the jury walks to their seats? Do they face the gallery? If so, do you notice any of them glance at Travis' family..? I'm hoping they do. I sure would if I were one of them.


The jury comes in from a side door near the jury box. As they come in the door they are to the right of the gallery (if you are facing the jury room door).
They turn to their left/ (our right) and go to their seats.
I haven't noticed them looking towards the gallery, but I imagine they do glance over that way. When they are in their seats I've seen one or two glance that way. But on the whole they don't look at the gallery.

Greetings to our courtroom observers! I do have one question re: jury reaction. It seemed that JM allows the DT to question witnesses w/ few interruptions, but, when he starts, there are objections and sidebars to "break his flow." How do jurors react to this, if at all? Are there any "eye rolls" or "lets move it along" looks? Just curious.

Thanks again for being our eyes and ears! I look forward to your notes!

The DT was sure trying to "break his flow" today. I saw a few disgusted looks. It's hard to see if there were eyerolls from where I was, but my guess is yes.
Such beautiful ladies!

...and here all this time I imagined GobBluth looked like a guy in a 5,000 dollar suit...maybe on a segway... :blushing:
I have a blue Toblerone in the cabinet. DH knows I love 'em and got me one...I haven't eaten it yet cuz he knows about JA's Toblerone. I'm avoiding any mixed messages :lol:
Goodnight all! Sweet dreams until tomorrow, cannot
it is almost midnight here!
Me too! Mechanicsburg.

Half my family is from Mechanicsburg!! Anybody know Polly Shafer? My dear aunt who practically ran that place...bless her heart--she just passed away suddenly....sorry for ot--but what a coincidence ...
Half my family is from Mechanicsburg!! Anybody know Polly Shafer? My dear aunt who practically ran that place...bless her heart--she just passed away suddenly....sorry for ot--but what a coincidence ...

No sorry :(
Poor Juan--he must have so many groupies! He's just so cool, I can't help but crush on him. He's Hispanic, sharp as a tack, and good looking and he's a master in the courtroom...OK, enough cyber-pscyho-stalking!! :angel:

He dresses very well also. Lots of nice suits. Very polished and professional!
I'm home but on the phone w/ our precious BB so will be posting in a little bit. :seeya:
Juan just takes over that court room and owns it! He is fighting for Travis and doing a fantastic job! That wormy,slimy paid expert is nothing but a lying crook who should be in a cell IMO!
What a day what a day what a DAY youu guys!

I don't know where to begin but this day is just blowing my mind start to finish.

Ok so I walk up to the courthouse...I'm bringing the ties for Det. Flores and Juan Martinez and the gift for the VA with me.

Right on the top of the stairs is Harold and Steven so I stop and talk to them a bit. I give them a card (with $) that Frigga sent me to hand deliver and end up telling them teh WHOLE story of what went down on Sat. elephants and all. Amazing. They were totally in to it and thanking me like ten gazillion times.

They do need financial assistance right now guys...I'm just saying...they do. So even if posters here donated even $10 and all together it would add up...they need it. Don't mean to be harping but you know how people who don't normally express a need, express it, it's a need.

Anyway.............leaving on that note and opening my NEW journal thanks to BB and starting with the court day...WOW
Hi KCL. Pasa and all the court watchers out in the courtroom today - I cannot wait to read about your observations - it's a complete mess today...
Sending Travis' family and all of you strength and patience

I don't have much to add tonight. Lots of sidebars. I could hear laughter or OMG in the background everytime JW said "may we approach".
Her witness didn't do as well as she thought he would.

Jury came back to life during cross. :)
So Julie, Travis' friend and Joilyn (who organized Sat) were there and I sat with them and a new poster to here "BlueLady" who is sitting in court every day and went out w/ us Sat was also there. We all sat together.

I opened my new journal and see these words on the inside cover:

"Inspiration is Everywhere"

Ok then...now on to court.

Oh wait looking at my notes I see I wrote Harold described a portrait of Travis someone sent from OH that was amazing...T holding his hands up like at a podium. He was so moved. They both kept hugging me talking about how wonderful all the love and support coming their way and they feel it. They asked me to thank BB and everyone supporting them so many times.

I'm just gonna transcribe from my notes:

First day in my new journal.

I want to do it justice.

Inspiration is everywhere.

Media section pretty empty today.

Hearing??? Oh guess they worked through it, no hearing.

So we have a little nice break before court now.

Two women I don't recognize sitting next to me. I figure out they are the ladies who created the Support for Juan Martinez FB page (I was just on it this weekend!). They've not been to court before so are asking me lots of questions about the this and that. Good people.

Joilyn and I are also still reeling from Sat...she's not been sleeping well..just so many emotions and so much energy going on.

Ann who is one of the ladies who created that FB page sat on a Juan Martinez jury 22 years ago! She was the only woman on the jury and they convicted a man of assault.

Jury files in...JA is vonTrapping in her weird green/brown sweater combo from the defense table. I saw her all animated with JW then once the jury comes in she goes all flat...chameleon sociopathic performance.

Lots of new hairdos today: tri color (same just spruced up), Nancy, Housewife and even JW herself.

Wrestler is wearing a white wrinkled T shirt , board shorts and flip flops (rough night last night?) ;)

Barb looks out at the gallery for a long time...I feel like she's looking at me.
Right after the afternoon break, while the jurors were coming in, Jodi turned around 3 times and twice smiled. Who was she looking at?

I didn't notice her smiling, it was hard to see her where I was seated. Which direction was she looking? To her left or behind? Donavan was back in the courtroom today, maybe it was him?
Snap, Juan is killing it on cross. Can't wait for notes and JD's insight.
I have a question for the observers, who is the woman sitting in between Jodi's mom and aunt?

I am wondering the same thing. She's there with the family and usually sits on one side or the other. Today is the first time i've seen the twins not sitting together. She may be another sister (aunt to ja)??
So Gus Jr. takes the stand.

Note takers at first are:

Housewife, Paul Rudd, CEO, Barb, Maureen

Housewife just took out a blank page...juror question?

There is a juror ? in the basket..not sure when it got there or from whom..when they first came in.

My 4 pack on the back isn't buying it. At all.

So once again we hear about how Jodi infected herself with PTSD by killing Travis. Ok, whatever.

Tri color leaning over intensely writing...looks to be a juror ?

Ok it was cuz she just placed a question in the basket.

JA more animated today..she keeps looking back but NOT at her mother. Donavan is there.

At one point Donavan has a long talk with the bailiff. I hear she's a tattletale, so wonder who she was tattling on.
Katiecoolady sent me a pic to share with you guys!


LOL! at the Toblerone.

Thanks ANJ for all you do for us.

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