a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #3

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I am wondering the same thing. She's there with the family and usually sits on one side or the other. Today is the first time i've seen the twins not sitting together. She may be another sister (aunt to ja)??

That was my first thought, that she was JA's aunt.
Interesting that Jennifer Willmott chose navy blue to wear the day she's on stage, after this past weekend, to examine this witness. ;)

CEO lots of note taking.

Only notes on the back now : Maureen, Barb, occasionally Neil (not much)

Ponytail is basically examining her split ends on her bangs or her fingernails all day (seriously).

Front note takers: CEO, Paul R. , Nancy, tri, Housewife

Waking the Tiger refutes all of this (animal research on trauma)

she said she was "covered with blood" in the car when she began erupted out of her fauxg hmmmmmmmmmmm

she testified only blood on her hands/no blood in the car

JW is not very commanding

Complaint issue coming up wow she's winding down already? he comes across defensive, blaming, excuses, "it wasn't MY fault" BIG BABY
While we wait, I have an observation. Dr Drew really likes KaieDDJ. He always smiles BIG when she's talking..... She is cute as can be... I like her sass!
(Steely Dan you perv.... the word is correct: S A S S)

She's really nice in person too... as is her co-juror who I call guest so as not to use her real name. I call them the Drew Crew. :)
Ask Katiecoolady when she gets here. I hope I typed the name correct - my eyes are kinda a mess right now - all blurry from dilation today.
(watch me wake up in the morning and find these pics look out of focus - OMG ....... if so, I will redo!)
Okay, made that last line tiny - and can't read it. :floorlaugh::seeya:

Take care of yourself chick... sending Healing and Light. xoxo
CEO listening intensely to this complaint issue testimony, lots of note taking, tri also very attentive

he comes across whiny on this

Ponytail picking her nails throughout this whiny BS

CEO hand over mouth during this blah blah blah (right here Joilyn peeks at my notes and takes my pen and writes "who is" pointing to CEO note..I tell her which--this begins the day of this journal flying down the row with people writing their notes on it too..ha!)

He seems so unprofessional on this.J

He comes across so shady.

He's talking as much about this and with more animation than anything else he's testified too..he has alot of energy around this issue. He seems snotty and angry.

Ponytail has lost all interest.

JA just swiveled and gave a sarcastic look at someone...not her Mom.
C next to me grabs my journal and writes "her handwriting didn't change" and later clarifies meaning after she supposedly had that splint on it it never changed referencing the journal entry they showed on the screen.

Now Joilyn grabs it (ha! this is great the journal is now the community journal) and writes "Julie just saw Jodi take a drink w/ her right hand. NORMAL not the awkward left handed drinking she was doing on the stand"


These notes are a little foggy but it's what I wrote:

low self esteem

NOT a sociopath! No Remorse! "almost cried out to me"

this is diagnostic? NO!

only Housewife and tri taking notes on this self esteem BS

"the story that she ultimately changed to"

Emphasis STORY!
(I need to know where you got those pants) Sorry that was a note I sent Joilyn. lol

No note taking during "therapy" testimony.

Joilyn grabs again "this jury is not even listening..they are falling asleep!"

I respond "do they deliver Starbucks in here?" lol

She was VERY animated in those media interviews (response to his calling her affect flat for PTSD)

Only person is Housewife on this psychobabble excuse making BS

"strange as it sounds" yes it does sound strange because it is far fetched BS

Not a mother she could confide in? WTH? Her mother is right here! ( I look over at her, no change in affect)
CEO looks pissed as they talk about the flowers she sent the grandmother..his jaw is clenching.

Know how you close your eyes then looking slowly to one side and open them slowly like "ok whatever" CEO just did that. He's barely containing his frustration imo...he's just been over this since that one THurs imo.

If he tries to lump ALL her bizarre lying etc. behaviors in to this PTSD, he's lost them completely.

Once again she shakes but doesn't shake. Ok.

Another juror question comes in...saw CEO place it but not sure who gave it.

Ponytail still in full manicure mode.
How is your brother doing? I hope he is feeling better and can come home soon.
So it seems to me his primary role here is to explain how she "forgot" the stabbing, deleting, cleaning, laundry, packing, driving, disposing of weapons, etc. Good luck.

Very little note taking now. Maureen still has her navel intelligence, same with housewife.

During a sidebar Julie giving us peppermint oil to keep us awak and we are smelling in with our hands in our faces and putting it on our necks..I notice CEO watching us. lol

zero jurors look over at JA during Sidebar...LONG sidebar.

Ponytail now holding her forehead. Jury looks tired and restless, crunching their necks, stretching, looking around yawning
LOL, why does Jean Casarez act like the jury is SO RIVETED by his testimony? Sorry, I had to throw that in. Carry on!
Is it just me or are the talking heads missing the bigger picture tonight? To me the bombshell isn't that the witness based his PTSD diagnosis on a lie, the big news is he knew his assessment was based on a lie for over 2 years now and still chose to run with it.

ETA: I loved Juan's "Do YOU have a memory problem?" line today. LOL
Tri color wrote a note on blank paper.

He IS like Gus--combative, argumentative

NOtetakers: CEO Nancy Housewife Paul R

Glad JM is suggesting they discussed sexual stuff

JM smacking his hand smack smack smack!!! LOUD

Increased chatter all around me after this exchange

concerned she was suicidal but not familiar with the treatment protocol at the jail but sends her an outdated book?

"you don't have any memory problems do you?" Entire court chuckles SNAP!

CEO very attentive, taking notes.
::::: snicker :::::: I don't mean to laugh or interrupt , but that comment on peppermint oil made me laugh out loud. I put lots of that, with lavender, in my homemade body scrubs so that I can wake my tired *advertiser censored* up in the morning. I'm surprised the gallery and the jury doesn't need smelling salts. Oh wait, that's what JM is....
"you can't even remember the title" re: the test he adminstered

Joilyn whipsers "I love Martinez"

Tri sits up like a meerkat now when JM says "isn't it true she lied on this test?"

He's kicking this dude's A$$

Joilyn grabs journal "I see Al Pacino playing him! Gus's head is getting shiny! SWEAT!"

"you're the person who filled out the answers"

He looks like a buffoon

"No sir I'm asking you some questions"

Tri color non stop note taking
Maureen lots of note taking

C write "unethical"

JA over there writing with her RIGHT hand

Joilyn writes "I just asked Julie B4 the break if she really was left handed"

What evaluator goes to administer a test without the proper answer form and wings it with scratch paper?

Absent minded? Something fishy?

JM desk highly organized as always. Working off his notes from direct on a yellow legal pad.

Ponytail, Maureen, church lady all taking notes

Nonsexual assault/stranger = NINJAS

The entire PTSD eval based on her false story

Talk about getting PTSD! Gus Jr entire head sweating

JM voice is SO strong! GO JUAN

Jodi wrote a note to JW before last sidebar

He doesn't even know hiw own test paper who wrote what. Really?

Again JM flips a witness.

CEO lots of note taking.

"perhaps I should have readministered the test" (line of the day)
So Julie, Travis' friend and Joilyn (who organized Sat) were there and I sat with them and a new poster to here "BlueLady" who is sitting in court every day and went out w/ us Sat was also there. We all sat together.

I opened my new journal and see these words on the inside cover:

Wrestler is wearing a white wrinkled T shirt , board shorts and flip flops (rough night last night?) ;)


LOL!! When I saw him I thought "Rough weekend"? Too funny.

Great post, btw.
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