a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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"Low self-esteem" BS! Still no notes from the jurors. Juan writes a bit here, too.

SO bored with the general questions. What's the point, JW? Make this relevant to this case!

House wife and Nancy take notes during "hostage syndrome" testimony. So LV will say JA had hostage syndrome, too, huh?

Juan takes notes when LV talks about ability to leave

Jinx gets up and leaves right at "chronic apprehension" testimony. She is stunning in person. Seriously. And that's not easy for me to say, because, you know I don't respect Jinx.

Willie either taking notes or doodling re: chronic apprehension, so is CEO
"Cycle of violence" Housewife, grandpa, Nancy, CEO and Maureen all take notes. Ponytail plays with her bangs. Poquito swivels in his chair. Barb is hard for me to see, but she may be taking notes.

2:25 pm and we still have not connected this testimony to the case. Ugh.

Tri-color writes re: cycle of violence escalating. Jinx comes back as LV talks about the difference between men and women when it comes to fear.

Who are the three (one man and two women) next to JA's mom and Aunt? Anyone know??

Poquito is fully slumped forward in his chair as LV talks about women taking precautions. I seriously thought he wasn't even there for a second.

LV shout out to 48 hours mystery...kinda strange considering the videos from that show of JA, no?
The difference between men and women with anger--notes from Housewife, grandpa, tricolor, and Nancy.

Tricolor and Nancy chat during sidebar, church lady looks at gallery, huge uncovered yawn from wrestler

Empathy and men--tri-color looks back and forth between JW and LV while she twirls her pen, CEO taking notes, Ponytail sunk way down in her chair

Why do we keep talking about people with children? Does not apply at all in this case?

Willmott's little hypothetical about Travis' childhood...wow, that was ridiculous. I don't remember if there has been much testimony about TA's childhood, but the reference was obvious. Implying he was destined to be an abuser...

I look over at the family during this testimony, but no obvious reaction.

When LV talks about people growing up to do what their parents did to them as kids, the lady with the spiky hair in the row with JA's mom nods and looks at lady next to her...who are these chicks?

Ponytail manicuring, tri-color leaning forward and writing during hypothetical about Travis' childhood
"Chronic combat readiness" all jurors listening, only Barb writes. So weird during this testimony how she uses so many of $amuel's terms--PTSD, hypervigilant, fight or flight.

Church lady turns page on note pad as LV says worst kind of violence comes from those who experienced violence.

Afternoon break. JA stays in the court whispering with JW for a long time, then grabs the yellow folder before leaving. She actually left it on the table and turned back to get it. Something's hinky with that folder. JW puts on flip flops and heads for the lady's room. I am behind her leaving courtroom, but she doesn't hold the door. MS comes marching out of the lady's room and into the elevator.

As we go back into court, Florez stops for a long bit to talk to Beth Karas.
Court cancelled? Bummer. Just another day that the family has to wait for Justice for Travis...and more money out of their pockets :furious:

Here are my notes from yesterday:

Forgive me for the narrative, it's just the way I do things (the English major in me). I'll go back for questions...fire away!

So...I got there at 10:15. Got to the fifth floor just as they were taking everyone in for morning session--did NOT think I would be in! They took the first set, then came back for 8 more. I was number nine.

Then, they said they'd try to get me in (since I was the only one left)...and just like that, I'm in. Second row (behind JA's fam) on the end by the wall.

Great view of jury and Juan and DT table. JA comes in unannounced. She's much smaller and more frail looking in person. She has her hair in that dumb side-do and carries her coat over her arm.

Judge comes in and "please stand for the jury..." Here we go!

Thanks so much. We have a new court observer! The more the merrier.
Never mind. I just looked it up on the Maricopa County Superior Court website and it says the State submitted its fifteenth supplemental list of witnesses. I can't wait to find out who he added!!!

Where can you find it on their website?
We're all set to come back from break and then suddenly the sidebar noise is on (it's LOUD!) and all attorneys are at the bench. The bailiff then comes from juror holding area and goes to the bench, noise still on. The officer in charge comes from the juror holding area and goes to the bench...the JSS says 10 minute recess. People are all abuzz about what's going on.

Juan heads over to huddle with the family. Whatever he told them, they do not look upset or concerned. The officer goes over near the door where JA comes in and out and gets on the phone. JM and Florez chat; Nurmi, JW, MS chat, JA still sitting at table. The bailiff appears from door behind witness box and calls council back. She actually says "council, we're ready". JA followed by two officers back there. WTF?

Juan and Florez emerge from chambers, JM chats with Sam. Family still doesn't appear upset. JA, JW, and Nurmi, plus the two officers come back.
JSS peaks out the door. Bailiff nods at her then seconds later she takes the bench. Back at it.
Ponytail takes notes re: women making police reports. That, or she's writing something personal. She writes fast and non-stop, then all the sudden she's done and playing with her bangs again.

WHY is she talking about DV court in CA? This doesn't matter. Jury not into it.

CEO writes down "80% of time women recant in court". Paul Rudd rubs his temples as again we're talking about Lanore Walker ...

JM writing as LV talks about women are protective of the men they're with.

4:00. 30 minutes left and we're talking about couples' counseling. Get to the point, Willmott. Jury looks bored. No notes. Many look down.

LV tells way too many stories that have nothing to do w/ the case. She's going to go on forever!

Saw tweeter Michael Keifer in person. He looks majorly unenthused to be here.

Ponytail rests head against back of chair, CEO, Willie, and Paul Rudd look down, as does Church lady as we talk about cycle of violence again...tuned out. No notes.

So...she's going to say Travis was psychologically abusing Jodi? JW really going after that point. Only housewife takes notes.

MS turns and gives a big smile to JA's family during late afternoon sidebar...like a giddy, giggling smile. SHe is so inappropriate IMO, and much less attractive in person.

Most jurors look down or out during sidebar. CEO looks at right side of gallery.

Children growing up in abusive homes--LV says she has no way to say if they then become abusers...good for PT.

Judge adjourns.
After court I head to HH with Katie DDJ and some of her friends, and two ladies I sat next to in court. We talk trial a bit...no one's buying what Jodi's selling.

One woman also attended one day of MCA's trial. She said she was shocked at how unsophisticated that jury (FL) looked...and yeah, well, we all know how that went down.

Katie DDJ and I walk to the InSession trucks and meet Beth. I'm telling you, she is so humble and friendly and personable. Just lovely!! Her hair looks great in person but I don't know if it's coming off as cute on tv. She says the motion for protection from Nurmi stems from her asking if the $800,000 the tax payers have spent so far on the trial includes the attorney's fees. He doesn't want that released, In Her Opinion, because it doesn't, meaning they've spent way more than a million so far defending her murdering <mod snip>. Anyway, she'll be in court for the hearing tomorrow am.

She also says LV can only talk about Jodi, not Travis, but she does expect them to use Travis' words (texts, and possibly even the sex tape) to demonstrate his treatment of her. I think she said LV interviewed JA...so I think Christie Paul is full of it...but Katie DDJ says she doesn't think so. I need to know!! Didn't Juan cross Jodi on that? What did she tell LV about the kiddie pics being on the computer vs. printed out? I swear...

Anyway, that was my day. Sort of surreal, and definitely not what I expected when I woke up this morning. Would LOVE to be going back tomorrow, but Hubby and the boys want Mommy back.
Thanks so much. We have a new court observer! The more the merrier.

You're welcome. I was only there yesterday...and probably won't get to go back. I enjoyed it though, and as I depend on the notes of the WS observers each day, I thought it was only fair to share mine, especially since PASA and KCL didn't get to court yesterday.

No, Samantha isn't a twin. Here is a photo of Travis and his siblings as children.
I think it's hilarious how far away Travis is standing, from his sisters. It is so 'sibling-like'. Made me giggle. :giggle:

The Jodi Arias is Innocent site has been listed on Ripoffreport.com because of complaints. It is run by a person from Pakistan who is only trying to make money off of this by creating a website and asking for money to support the defendant. This person did the same thing during the CA trial:

You're welcome. I was only there yesterday...and probably won't get to go back. I enjoyed it though, and as I depend on the notes of the WS observers each day, I thought it was only fair to share mine, especially since PASA and KCL didn't get to court yesterday.


They were wonderful thank you so much.
Where can you find it on their website?


If you click on "case history" and put in either JA's name or the case # (CR2008-031021), you will see where everything was filed - including the supplemental witness list.

If you click on "minute entries", it will take you to another place, and enter either JA's name or case # to see all the minutes that have been filed for various hearings, etc.
It's possible she just discovered the state has entered evidences or called a witness that caused a melt down. He added witnesses yesterday.

This news made my day! I had been hearing from court watchers that the DV expert seemed to be really connecting with the jurors, and I was starting to feel discouraged... :facepalm: Knowing JM has 15 witnesses ready for rebuttal gives me renewed confidence that Travis will get the justice he and his family deserve.

If Jodi genuinely suffers with migraines, well, I can't think of a better person to suffer with them. If she is faking it then I hope karma sets in and give her a migraine for real.

I do suffer from migraines in real life and they are incapacitating. I will be in utter agony, throwing up and just suffering miserably. I thank God i have a doctor who prescribes toradol injections which Mr Swamp is kind enough to give me.

I think Jodi is finally getting the point that she is NOT going to be walking out of there as an innocent heroine celebrity and media darling. I think she enjoyed the attention at first but I thinks as time goes by, she is finally seeing that she is loathed and repulsive. She won't be getting her "happily ever after" and life will go on for everyone else but her. She will spend her life behind bars or if we are lucky, she will get the death penalty.

The girl who is so vain that she smiled in her mugshot and wanted to put on makeup while being interrogated will be denied beauty products and life's little luxuries.

I'm so tempted to get her address in jail and when I go on vacation, send her a postcard with a little note about this being just one of the thousands of places she will NEVER see.

What an excellent idea.
Still at a long leisurely lunch w Katie DDj and others - home in a bit
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