a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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It looked to me like Jodi's mom had tears in her eyes today during the testimony about Jodi kicking her.

She likely has known all along that Jodi was just not right in the head and didn't know what to do but to love her. That is sad. And now she has the realization that her daughter slaughtered TA and maybe their family dog.
Did the jury notice when Jodi said to JW "I never hit my mom" when JM read that to Samuels re: other times she's had angry outbursts?

If someone can tell me how to embed a YouTube video into a post & can post it.

Jodi says she never hit her mom & JW says "yes" & nods her head as if she's correcting her.
hate to tell ya but the VA informed me that she's been told to expect in to MAY. Ugh.

KCL, I thought LV was the last defense witness and then JM could do his rebuttal next week. And the Dt doesn't get to question any witnesses during rebuttal do they? I was hoping this would wrap up by next Thursday and go to the jury. Could you straighten me out on this? TIA.
KCL, I thought LV was the last defense witness and then JM could do his rebuttal next week. And the Dt doesn't get to question any witnesses during rebuttal do they? I was hoping this would wrap up by next Thursday and go to the jury. Could you straighten me out on this? TIA.

if this goes like RS, LV will be on the stand the rest of this week and all of next, at least. then don't forget, there are jury questions and then direct and cross on the questions. it's ENDLESS.

THEN, assuming she's the last DT witness, we have rebuttal and yes, the DT crosses those witnesses.

i can easily see this going until may.
KCL, I thought LV was the last defense witness and then JM could do his rebuttal next week. And the Dt doesn't get to question any witnesses during rebuttal do they? I was hoping this would wrap up by next Thursday and go to the jury. Could you straighten me out on this? TIA.

The Defense can question the State's witnesses during rebuttal. I'm just anxious for the Defense to rest. After that things will move along fast. The Prosecution in the KC trial completed the rebuttal in less than 2 days I think. Of course JM must have lots to cover but I'm hopeful that this will be over sooner than expected!
Thanks , as always, Katie, Pasa and everyone else for sharing your insight and observations, so appreciated!

Katie, thanks very much for the info about La Violette not being able to comment on the lies about Travis being an abuser. It makes a huge difference and now I may be able to watch her without clenched fists and gritted teeth :)

Also , I definitely remember Juan entering the "Say cheese" clip and the jury saw it so must get it back with them in the room? I think Nurmi opened the door when he went on about her "abused" , remorseful demeanor? iirc, like for everything else Juan wants to enter, it came in after side bar...

Anyways, as always, you observers are awesome!

I don't like the sound of Arias giving you guys and /or KDDJ the stink-eye :( Keep publicizing it!!

Just quoting myself to add Smile, Say Cheese clip. It was entered day 22, part 3 (from Croaker Queen yt) as exhibit #477. Starts around 41 min mark.
Lets what continue? :waitasec:
AZLawer, The defense has been making faces/laughing (Nurmi was gesturing and giving signals to Jodi when she was on the stand). Even the mitigation specialist's behavior is very inappropriate at times. Wilmott has been laughing and making faces during Juan's questioning. The mitigation specialist also passed a piece of paper to Jodi's mother however that was during break. It's all so maddening! :banghead:
Originally Posted by NewsHound22
and this kinda of stuff going on just completely amazes me the judge (who today looked frazzled and nervous) lets this continue. Does she even look out into the courtroom? I would like a courtroom watcher answer me if they read this..

thank you
By the way got confirmation on Maria Dela Rosa who is the Capital Mitigation Specialist. She is an independent contractor hired by the defense team. Seeing they are being paid for by the State, us taxpayers are paying her salary (her and her shenanigans I mean).


JW finally has some seriousness in her voice and demeanor.

NO note taking on redirect

"In my professional opinion" = bought and paid for opinion

Even though JW is up there can only see JA from the glasses up...her chair is so low and JW's chair like a frickin bar stool it's so high

She drew a tombstone on some "suicide letters"? Drama Queen


Can you believe that? I read somewhere that she actually drew the shape of the stone she wanted and wrote the words she wanted on it and everything.
To all the court watchers, thank you so much for your comments, descriptions and bringing us all into court to get the flavor like we are there with you! :grouphug: . We get to vicariously live through you and the time that you spend taking notes, going to court, representing us to the family and letting them know we care, organizing and joining in on searches/supporting the family, forwarding gifts, sharing photos of the lovely lovely ladies who represent us, and taking time away from RL for us to join you in Justice for Travis even when you have so much going on that is a burden in YOUR RL!!!!!!!!.........words cannot express my gratitude.

Also, SHOUTOUT!!!! thanks to Nursie and other mods who are there at the ready for us at a moments notice! And.......WE DO NOTICE.

Thanks :blowkiss:
KCL, you heard testimony today that JA kicked her mother. Did you also see the next part of the released interrogation video where JA says she kicked her dog and it ran away? I thought this weaves it's way into her statement that Travis had kicked her. She was really speaking to the fact that she had kicked her dog. She also likely killed that dog because she said she never saw it again. I feel in my heart she has a history of abusing others that goes back to childhood. Very dangerous person. What are your thoughts?

Any funny how its the only picture that ever makes her cry. I am guessing her family knew what happened, and all blamed her. Imagine your dog running away because your sister/daughter kicked it? A loyal black lab en plus!!! She must have received a lot of crap from her family, hence the crying when she sees that pic . I always wondered why it made her emotional, now it makes sense! Beeotch! People who hurt animals.....well we all know how that saying goes! Off to kiss my chocolate lab now and show him some loving before show time..
Was there any reaction in the courtroom when LV stated that she hoped she still had a private practice to go to after this trial (I am paraphrasing)?
One of the jurors have definitely caught her eye. She keeps leaning in to Wilmott and whispering like a teenager about them. Remember, Jodi is a narcissist and has a very distorted view of how people perceive her. She could read into something small as being very big. She seemed to really think the detective liked her at the beginning of her interrogation.

Thanks again for your insights everyone!

Is Det. Flores the big attraction? Who knows with Jodi.
Was there any reaction in the courtroom when LV stated that she hoped she still had a private practice to go to after this trial (I am paraphrasing)?

I wasn't there, but I'm doubting it. Please nobody throw anything at me,.. But this part made me feel a little bad. It looked like she laughed a little and looked toward the jury. I'm guessing she got no reaction because she turned away and lost the smile quick. She looked uncomfortable and maybe a little embarrassed.

Something else that stood out to me was when she said she originally didn't want to work with men who were abusing their partners. She said it was hard for her because of all the things she had seen with the women and children who had been abused. This woman has probably seen things we wouldn't wish on anyone.

With that being said.... I am stumped at why she agreed to testify in this case.

The Defense can question the State's witnesses during rebuttal. I'm just anxious for the Defense to rest. After that things will move along fast. The Prosecution in the KC trial completed the rebuttal in less than 2 days I think. Of course JM must have lots to cover but I'm hopeful that this will be over sooner than expected!

Wish I remember who but someone on HLN nighttime said Juan told judge 5 days for his rebuttal
In my opinion this jury is ready to deliberate. I think they have reached burn-out almost (just a hunch). Do you think that could have a negative outcome on the verdict. I pray that's not the case, but must say ... I'm a little worried.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank all of you who share your observations in this trial. tI really provides us a more "real" awareness of things that are going on inside. I love you guys and really appreciate all you do.

C'mon ... you know who you are .... Luv ya xoxoxoxoxo

P.S. ... a little OT here, but I am obviously the worst Googler in the world because I have been searching like heck to find the very first interview that the murderer did on TV (Dateline or 48 Hours) ... I can't seem to come up with it. The link on this site does not work anymore. Can anybody give me a link? Thanks sooooooo much.
P.S. ... a little OT here said:
Here's the 48 Hours:
Hi Guys,

I'm not gonna be going down to court today. I'm just beat. I'm also working on some other things related to helping Travis' family so can work on that at home. I'll be watching with the rest of you on the feed though!

I'll go back now and see any questions.....yawwwwnnnn...just waking up over here. :seeya:
I thought this moment was so weird, so awkward... I thought maybe they were both trying to avoid each other, but there must have been some strange feeling of commiseration between the two of them -- they have both been on the receiving end of JM's tough questioning, both have had their veracity questioned, they've both been exposed, etc.


Good observations...I kept thinking yesterday HIS testimony was resembling HERS. Weird indeed.
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